Asgard welcome your new queen

Asgard welcome your new queen

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how do i get a black gf?

She cute

Be white

dont be a nigger

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>remember that time Marvel made a slave trader the queen of Asgard?
>but its ok because she's black, so it's woke af

>this bitch is in mib now too
literally why

imagine the stink

meme nigress actor of the month
remember when taraji p henson was everywhere
give it a few months and people will forget about her too

Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.

Tessa Thompson is like Fetch. People have spent years trying to get her to work, but she just doesn't.

>asgard in 5 years
excellent reason for thor to rise up and take his city away from the evil black sheboon

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can't believe she's 35. thought she was in mid-late 20s or early 30s
she's the opposite of Emilia Clarke

Give her time! a queen needs twice the time of a king

100%. She also looks like an even uglier version of Laguerta from Dexter, if that's even possible.

She's cool, subtle and can present a strong front. I like her.

dip your dick in crack

>lets repopulate asgard whiteboi

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>Tessa Thompson is like Fetch. People have spent years trying to get her to work, but she just doesn't.
Lol this


She is undeniably hot. But too cute. Zoe Kravitz strikes the balance well.

>Yes Valkyrie, I’m giving you power over this shitty fishing village because I feel you’re the more qualified leader
>Now excuse me while on go on adventures in space fucking alien women and killing big monsters
There are capeshitters who think Thor got cucked here

it looked like only a few hundred people lived in New Asgard so she probably has less political than most Mayors


How are the sides of her face so long?

this, New Asgard is basically the ghetto full of immigration, probably sitting their asses there doing nothing but eating up gibs
very fitting

>Thor 1
>"I'm a quippy hero but I must learn to be a King"
>Thor 2
>"I'm a king but what I really am is a quippy hero"
>Thor: Ragnarok
>"I may be a quippy hero, but I must fulfull my duty as King to people of Asgard"
>Avengers Endgame
>"Actually, King is what I am supposed to be, but what I really am is a quippy hero, time to just b myself"
Riveting writing, Marvel

She wasn't half bad looking in Creed, wtf happened?

>that hairline

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no tits and can't act, pass.

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>no white men or straight people allowed
truly the sjw fascist regime

Epic joke my man

I'd CONQUER her if you catch my drift.

More like Ass-Guard

>he thinks a slowly dying race with recessive genes can racemix out a far larger one with more dominant genes
This image is very cruel, delete it before some fool falls for it

And yet, here you are. With no (You)s. Except mine.

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Good luck

Will incels ever STOP getting btfo?


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watch her put a transwoman in charge of the bifrost and before you know it Nigasgard will be turned into a 1970s new york full of fucking aliens from around the universe shitting in the streets

A story of self acceptance, something incels will NEVER understand because they are universally reviled, even by themselves


her Dear White People cheap netflix replacement is about 10x hotter than this bitch

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How do you go from this...

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Dude it's a fucking township in Maine Thor just said to his friend to look after the docks while he's gone there is no kingdom calm down.

she looks 35 dip shit

>dominant genes

That must be why half the of the 'blacks' in america have lighter skin than the average dago.


This cunt is in everything. Disgusting face, disgusting hair, and just ghetto.

>Remember that time marvel made an irresponsible drunk a hero
>But it's okay cos he's a white male


She was utterly insufferable in the already insufferable ragnarok movie. Everything she said was a sassy quip with her head swaying side to side.

She's so fucking ugly

She looks like she fucks white guys

Comics version of valkyrie

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>Sprite blackberry
Is this as nice as it sounds?


not the same character, that valkyrie died to save the nigger

> far larger one with more dominant genes
African Americans are only 13% of the US population, and they're already like 20% white due to past slave rape. If everyone in the US mixed, they'd be like 75% white, they'd have a slight tan at most.

Also genes don't disappear, you wouldn't get many blue eyes and blond hair in the first generation, but the next generation there would be.

>this thing no look like other thing

Brilliant observation sweetie. Let the adults talk now.