Jest be yourself bro ;)

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long face isn't the worst thing you could have. Better than having no jawline/cheekbone structure and bad skull shape

>tfw prominent cheekbones but no jawline

Model has been through HMU, lighting, photoshop, squinting, and proper angle. Guy on the left is staring dead eyed into a shitty phone camera

>slim frame
>big penis
not sure how to feel

These insecurity posts are getting old, can't you fuck off to somewhere else?


longface just needs a beard


have sex

I would kill myself if I were ugly or even average looking

this, the guy on the left definitely looks weird but he still has the fundamentals going on

>have handsome face
>still get nothing because i am hollow inside and autismic

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What's the best way to take photos of your abs? They look great in person and in the mirror but they suck in photos

same, appearance is very important and i try not to take it for granted, but it's not everything. ugly guys think they could take over the world with a pretty face but if there's nothing behind it girls notice quickly and it's the same
it's gosling mode

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If you're taller than 5'8 and still can't get laid, you're just the woman of men.

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Reminder that to woman, both these guys are considered so ugly they are undatable. You don't need to be on par with the guy on the left, you need to be way more attractive then him to find ANY girl willing to date you.

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"my mom says im handsome but im so awkward :(((("

My mom called me ugly. "I hate to say it user but you're pretty ugly too"

I'm skinny lanklord, women only like twink mode in their teens

How can people worship a god when humans like that (the one on the right) exist?

Are you implying you're so terrible and toxic a person that it's better for you to pretend to be someone else?

But I do have sex.

>inb4 normie reeeee

Because they worship God and not humanity. The mentality is that Humans don't deserve to go to heaven, they are evil. God was right to flood the earth.

>tfw you’re a character creation model IRL

Can you explain this further?

my mom had me doubting my appearance actually but outside of that neurotic borderline mess people consistently say i'm strikingly handsome, and i work out. i'm just autistic as fuck. it's possible to be hot and too autistic for relationships. i could probably fuck some slag easily enough but you could hire a hooker too so whatever

Didn't the guy on the left receive thousands of contacts from women wanting to date him after the show aired?
He hasn't had a gf because he doesn't approach women, but he is considered attractive enough.

Same. Its why I don’t bother getting intimate with girls anymore. Once they see the real me, they’ll realize I’m a dumb aspie hiding behind a Chad facade.

Why worship a dude who doesn't like you?

I'll have you know that the grandma that lives down the street also called me quite handsome

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>Yea Forums - Television and Film

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Sure thing, /r9k/

yeah, with men lol

Both these guys are so ugly no woman wants them. So they are on the same level when it comes to sexual market value. How do you measure up?

he is just an ugly duckling, thinks nobody will want him cause he has mild tourettes or something, maybe had a hard time in school with it.

Welcome to women.

just a reminder that he got laid and you cant

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Because he loves anyway you and is pretty jacked. You are supposed to fear God.

>tfw mogged by God
>just be urself bro

>I'm a good person teehee!! ^_^;;;