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>here's your captain america bro
I'm gonna say it
>Cap screams "13/50!" as he zooms by.
*taps glass*
Honestly... ?
Does captain amerianigga have the super serum as well?
I've only seen him fly around and shoot things
he's unironically fine. be glad it's not don "protect trans kids" sneedle
this quality looks really good, is there a better camrip now or is it footage from a trailer?
straight from china many died for it
dayum, link?
based black man who shits on man of steel.
>Captain America zooms in on his bone structure and forehead
what did they mean by this?
Thor is fat, hilk dabs, Tony dies, natasha dies, cap goes old
Falcon may be a nigger, but he was a fucking war hero. And he didn’t even have a super serum to help him out.
He's always been progressive. He had a nip and a nigger with him in the howling commandos.
He's not good enough as a fighter to handle the shield
Physically it's bucky, skill-wise it's clint
And when that dude talks about being gay at the veteran meeting in Endgame, Cap doesn’t even react.
>Tony dies, natasha dies
so all the jews die? based
Bucky was also a Soviet assassin for 60 years (who doesn’t even want the mantle of Captain America), and Clint’s too busy eating hot dogs.
you realize this is from winter soldier or am i being jokered
I like Mackie and Falcon but I think it's stupid to make him Cap instead of Bucky. Bucky is a super soldier. Falcon won't be able to throw it, so what, he just flies around holding the shield and that's it?
Yea that happens to be pretty fucking common in the US, nothing out of place there
He's been in WWII europe amid the sausage fests and the rapes. Only thing that might shock him sexually would be furries and erp
Falcon’s whole deal is being shot at, so the shield would be pretty useful.
Sam has a lot of catching up to do. Maybe T'challa can help a brother out and give him some of that nigger flower power juice
I doubt the American people would want their American themed hero to be someone that was once a sleeper agent.
Just google it learn the ways of the internet!
>being a soldier that has seen war makes you a progressive
That's not how it works.
>Remender/Spencer/Aaron isn't writing him
Good by default.
No i meant the horrible sex that he's seen in the war makes gay stuff seem normal
He's probably had a few cocks himself
Several of you ITT are obsessive fags who are completely unable to think about anything other than race. Pathetic....
Find a fucking hobby.
ive only watched the avengers movies, no jokes.
Have sex
I could understand not stopping 9/11, but the fact that Cap did nothing to stop the mistreatments and brutality of blacks by Wypipo is totally fucked up Man!
>"Sweating already? We're not even in the fields yet."
>"A-apologies Masta Rogers"
I question Marvel's choice of allowing Raimi to produce Winter Solider
is that why he went back in time?
Imagine being American and not only supporting welfare queens IRL but rooting for them in movies because Israel controls your media as well
I have (within the last week), how about you?
Cmon you cant handle the bantz?No Wonder minorities have to invent some shitty stereotyoe Just to keep It up
its a Yea Forums meme, I doubt anyone on Yea Forums is legitimately racist.
>problem, white boi?
I am...but well i live in Brazil soo is justified
Brazilians are all scum anyway
It isn't bantz, it is butthurt that you douchebags express in every single fucking thread across Yea Forums whether it is relevant or not to that particular board.
Please. Most here are vacationing on Yea Forums, but forget to leave their "work" at home. You fags just can't stop obsessing over the same fucking thing, minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day.
I don't care that Cap chose him but without the serum how can he be as effective?
With gadgets and submachineguns, like a downgrade Iron Man.
Would Cap be a Trump supporter?
>Hulk instructs Cap to go back in time to bring back the stones and Mjolnir
>Bucky: how long will it take?
>Hulk: 10 seconds
>Cap looks at Sam
>Cap: i will not comeback, i don't belong here
>he then vanishes
what the fuck was that?
I don't think he'd fully endorse any of the R or D candidates of the 2016 election.
Clint is good as weebs. But, i don't see he qualified as america. Anyway, nigger is big symbol in america and one of the culture america have.
True. I'd also be racist against Brazilians if I lived around Brazilians.
The elevator scene from Endgame was intentionally supposed to be like the scene from Winter Soldier
I am.
That's what happens when you live in a multiracial society run by Jews.
He had that talk with Bucky, which is why they share that gay hug and Bucky says “I’m gonna miss you.”
Sam wasn’t a welfare queen, he was a war hero who continued to serve his country after he retired by helping rehabilitate soldiers at the VA. Then to top all of that off, he saved Captain America’s life multiple times THEN became an Avenger. There’s plenty of niggers out there, but Sam isn’t one of them.
That’s still not how it works mate
No, that honestly is not the case. At least not in my reality, but go ahead and feel sorry for yourself that you are such a marginalized person.
Do you want a pacifier you man-child?
is that virgil or nero behind dante?
The scene in Endgame was meant to reference the elevator scene in Winter Soldier.
Made it tense as people would wonder if they're gonna recreate the fight, but then they subvert it with some quick thinking and give us all a good chuckle.
no u
Fuck niggers
You mean don't say Candlejack?
Would you go see Captain America 4 if Cap was a black guy?
He doesn't exist dude. It's make-believe.
He can fly, Cap couldn't. He'll fight in his own way, stabbing niggas up with his razor wings
>Captain America 4
>Start with that scientist from the Fantastic 4 creating a new super serum
>Inyect it on Sam
there, problem solved and MCU expanded
Stark figured out Extremis whilst hungover and having just banged that weird biologist chick. He figured out time travel in one afternoon.
I'm sure he could have replicate the super soldier serum if he wanted to.
sure, Sam was a bro, i think Bucky was a better choice physically speaking but in personality Sam should do a good job
Fucking kek
I'm sorry you had to find out like this. If it's any consolation, black people stealing brilliant inventions and passing them off as their own is not exclusive to the Marvel universe.
Bucky was quite happy being retired in Wakanda with one arm until shit hit the fan. I doubt be could be bothered being Captain America anymore.
>I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This reality, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by it.
It goes both ways, shithead.
If you have no meaningful counter-argument, just say it. Reaction images are blatantly lazy. Keep em going, since you seem to have nothing else to muster up.
Yes, user... merely pretending
have sex
He doesn’t need it. Black genetics are all it takes to be superhuman
Introduce Isaiah Bradley, Sam gets an emergency transfusion from the Original original.
Cap grew up in the New Deal and fought Nazis
He would be supporting Burney Sanders
He has Black Manta eyes.
Steve time travels to the past, gives up being captain America and becomes human torch and joins KKK and burns falcon in the city centre
Niggers only became symbols of America post-1980. Prior literally no one gave a shit about them.
so what does this actually mean?
I heard he and bucky are getting a disney+ show
does that mean not captain falcon solo movie?
This guy's a captain? His real name's Clarence!
He's a Ron Pauler
Did a nigger rape your girlfriend (that is, your left hand that he used to jack his BBC off)?
Martin Luther King is also make-believe to you probably. Or Muhammad Ali. Or Barack Obama.
So when people gave a shit about Joe Louis or Louie Armstrong or Sammy Davis Jr., that was all in their imagination, right?
didn't know about this guy thanks
>implying based cap would support a degenerate zionist shithead like trump
Yeah, but he's dead.
Don’t you mean African American manta eyes? You’re not a racist incel right?
Point is if Stark could figure it out then Black Panther's sister could figure it out quicker and easier
People generally don't give a fuck about entertainers at all. They might mourn for a few hours if they die prematurely, but nobody is really sad in the same way as a dear friend or relative passing would make them.
The MCU is going to get really messy now with all the streaming shows. They're only going to make theatrical films that they know will be box office hits, they can't get away with releasing anything anymore now that the main arc is complete and the hype is done. I would expect most of the "diverse" heroes to be relegated to Disney+ except for the proven entities.
>rapidly approaching huffing
God bless your room temperature IQ user.
So which post-1980 niggers are you referring to if not entertainers? We had Obama but that wasn't until 2008 and he was as white as a nigger can get.
Ha. Ha. Ha.
I'm mimicking laughter because you are a fucking tool without the ability to articulate anything beyond childish insults.
You are the joke, until you reasonably argue otherwise you lazy shit.
>Hates globalism
>Hates Commies
>Hates Fascists
>Hates Deep State
>Hates authoritarianism
>Massive 2nd Amendment boner
Chris Evans is a fucking bitch, but Captain America would be a Trump supporter. Hell, he'd probably run against the deep state himself and pull it off.
294 kelvin? Thanks for the compliment
Your fag rage is delicious.
Jim Crow was in the Southern States, not New York. Cap would have grown up the era of the Great Migration where 1.6 million African Americans left the South for urban areas like NYC, Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia.
He would have seen shitloads of black people.
>He would have seen shitloads of black people.
Would've made him pretty fucking redpilled then
I am sorry for your tiny wiener bros.
No wonder he went back to the 40s
Not even that poster but your first post had something to do with man children and pacifiers. You're just owning yourself at this point on an anonymous image board and it's hilarious.
And your inability to make the littlest bit of a meaningful counter-argument just reaffirms that I'm dealing with retards on a retard board.
Honestly think I'm enjoying this more than you.
cap is "worthy"
it's half as common at least
bucky is a goddamn commie fuck off he will never be it
>Would Cap be a Trump supporter?
I'm not racist but it's impossible to deny the fact that the media is a jewish conspiracy if you don't believe this it's because jews excel due to genetic differences. yes, there are genetic differences between races
There's no point in arguing with with a disease. I'm just feeding you (You)'s to see how long you can suck ape penis. Want us to call Ripley or Guinness?
Does the time travel in this film make any sense? They made it sound like by travelling in time you were transporting to a different timeline, but somehow cap was able to stay back in time and ended up chatting to people in the original timeline?
If they’re not travelling to a different timeline, then how is it possible that the butterfly effect doesn’t exist? Like surely he has altered the course of time by giving Sam the shield? That could cause or prevent future disasters surely!
I am a brainlet
Based China bug. Cant wait for them to kill off all the niggers in africa
Taking something from the past into the present creates a tangent timeline, putting it back erases it.
Otherwise you can't change the past. When cap went back it meant there was always another Cap out there, presumably balls deep in Peggy Carter whenever possible. MCU time travel is a predestined closed loop, it's the same as Harry Potter and Misfits.
literally shelved hero
he's still falcon in the upcoming disney+ series
Makes sense. Thanks for spoonfeeding user
>no one cares about the achievements of famous americans
those racist boomers you admire so much and larp as would have begged to suck mohammad ali's cock
Mohammad Ali on race mixing.
and look how that turned out for him
im so glad someone saved my oc
It's not Captain Israel, is it?
We are a /pol/ colony. Have sex not racist incel
The DC Marvel crossover looks pretty good
In the comics he had a german defector too, but i guess he wasn't important enough for the diversity quotas
Sure thing cletus
Does this mean capeshit is finally going to start dying?
I'm pretty sure they implied it took him 5 years to figure out, his AI sai something like "simulation number 3000-5000", he probably did a lot of them each day for 5 years, just as he was working on suit upgrades and Pepper's suit.