What went wrong?
i put this picture of her into photoshop and then fucked up her hairline
she was abused by (((hollywood))) and turned into a lesbo
to many black pills, no real meaningful love interest, only sex and drugs
she used to be so damn cute; I can't get over it
She was too sweet and cute in her TPB debut that the kikes had to corrupt and molest her until she hated all men and western civilization and just wants to use her sliver of media power to make us all die.
I like how we all independently arrived at the same conclusion at the same time.
Now let's get the torches and pitchforks.
that's right, your loli crush is aging just like you, and she's a dyke, which fucking everyone already sensed, and is probably half the reason you found her unique and alluring in the first place
She was always a lesbian, you just didn't know it
Like KirKKKKKKKAka Kristen Stewart
Jodi Foster and K-Stew both have similar facial features like they could be related and were both child actresses who both came out gay. Is this a coincidence do you think?
it's not fair
>and she's a dyke, which fucking everyone already sensed, and is probably half the reason you found her unique and alluring in the first place
more true than you probably could know while writing it; I do have something for lesbo-ish and boyish girls
idk man. I gave up on all those theories
It brought nothing but misery. It's probably just a coincidence
she didn't transition early enough
0 meat 0 dairy
I know a girl that looked great 10 years ago, doesn't smoke, drink or do drugs, went vegan and looks 40 at age 29
The truth shall set you free.
why couldn't I have been born a jewish producer
When she went dyke she played female and didnt wear makeup. Plus wimmins are hitting the wall earlier and earlier due to lifestyle choices
my face: :^)
my soul: reeeeeee
Feminism and dykery.
She was always a dyke. She just aged out of the teen roles that were her bread and butter and despite being visibly older and having wrinkles, she still has the demeanor of a teenager and can't play a convincing adult so basically she's fucked.
Coming out was a mistake. She should've just said she was bisexual so she wouldn't alienate her male audience. But it's too late now. She probably doesn't care though.
she used to be so damn pretty.
she's gotta be the worst victim of the wall; depressing
Child actors carry too much baggage because of the pedos molesting them during their formative years.
She never had a chance.
wtf why are her legs purple
she must've got tossed like a ragdoll
being fucked by old sweaty men, time and time again
she had to eat their shit, cum and probably drink this piss
must have done a toll on her
she was defiled until they got all the worth "out of her"
she's a dried up hag now. It's over for her, they raped her good
now she's done
Imagine how she felt when Bolsonaro won.
Imagine *personally* losing that hard.
Also, Millie Bobbie Brown and the Ginger from nu IT will end up as something even worse from their abuse and cultural trajectory, screen cap this.
we must stop the wall
The wall is the only thing that keeps thots in check. Imagine them riding the cc for even longer... they turn into walking bio agents full of hatred and still looking for mr. right at 80 years age.
we need to go back, kate
She was only ever good in TPB
This. So much this.
I think that last x-men flick was the last film she was cute in
She's the juggernaut bitch.
>good career, successful actress
>officially comes out as a dyke
>goes on political idiot spree and all movies turn out as shit
At least her lesbian movie with Mara is coming out soon
Don't you want to give her a kiss, Yea Forums?
If you look at her Instagram now, she looks like a generic retired male x-game athlete from the early 2000s, but one that's only vaguely remembered for inline skating or something.
She is transforming into Captain Howdy.
but all of media is on her side politically; if anything, you'd expect that to help her
He had a sex change and became Kit Harrington.
I think there's "managable sjw" like Brie Larson which they want, and then there's "batshit crazy sjw" that they don't want. I'd say she belongs more to the latter group
How can you hate this beautiful, strong, independent women, Yea Forums?
can you just not even post this?
people doing no nut
Surprisingly nice, perky little tits
This real? How does her skull look so different
jesus christ is she on heroin?
I think it's just the receding hairline desu
>hairy arms
I love her hairy arms too. Which other celebs with hairy arms do you like?
Her masturbation and sex scene in “Super” (2010) with Rainn Wilson was unbelievably hot.
It's all gushy