Wake up, young man.
It's time to wake up.
Wake up, young man
Other urls found in this thread:
>police found Layne Staley face down in his bathroom. He had tract marks running up both legs and his left arm. His right arm had been amputated from the elbow down. He showed signs of Gang green at the surgical stump. His body was emaciated and malnourished. He had been dead for approximately 2 weeks when neighbors complained about the smell
sitting on an angry chair
angry angry everywhere
angry still but i don't care
what do i see cross the way? (heyyyyyy)
angry chair broken and grey.(nooooo)
My man looks like jar jar binks
Did he amputate his arm himself?
biography/biopic when and who?
did he died?
his death was already horrible, you don't need to embellish it for shitposting
>Gang green
>grunge is so much better than glam metal
>you'd never find a band like Alice in Chains wearing makeup and other faggy shit.
>Jerry took over Layne's cat after he died
Wonder if she was there when Layne died. Cats are known for trying to eat their owners once they die.
on his old album cover he was a she thang?
>Heavy Metal is so much better than glam metal
>you'd never find a band like Pantera wearing makeup and other faggy shit
Was it horrible? A self loathing drug additict stuffed needles full of street trash heroin into his veins for years. Destroying his body until he OD and died despite dozens of people trying to help him. Pathetic. Predictable. Inevitable. Not horrible.
who is this guy? member of 27 club?
>tfw watching the unplugged knowing he still lived 6 fucking years after that
>that was before his ex fiancee even died and he really went off the rails
>The most widespread rumour of all suggested that he had contracted gangrene from using dirty needles, and that he'd had, depending on who you talked to, either fingers, a hand, or a whole arm amputated (an allegation vigorously denied by everyone connected to the band).
What is true is that he'd lost almost all his teeth.
I had to check for myself when I saw the amputation thing. Where would he even get one without consulting a real doctor first?
have sexual intercourse with the opposite sex
tfw Jerry and Mike will never jump up and down on your mattress to wake you up for a gig.
>forgot link