My issues with Endgame [spoilers]

I thought it was pretty good, but it felt out of character when Thanos said he made a mistake by only killing half of life indiscriminately, and that this time he would "make the universe great again" by only killing blacks and Jews, and make Russia the ruler of earth. Then captain America said "not on my watch, Danoth!" #notMyTitan. and then it got even worse, when captain marvel and all the female characters castrated thanos, and then clapbacked at him saying "YASS KWEEN"

All in all though, pretty good movie

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i sincerely believe they had this as a legitimate story until top brass told them maybe later.

They're holding that off until the next stage in the mcu

What did Sam Raimi mean by this?

Did anyone find it strange that Thanos sought out Uncle Ben for some reason? Like, the guy has limited Pym Particles but just needs to talk to some old guy?

Actual spoilers ahead.

Why can't they just use the infinity stones to bring Black Widow and Iron Man back to life?

If raimi directed it, then when captain america went back in time, he would have made sure Hitler won and completed the final solution, and then re-enslave all the blacks in the USA

Because the writers say they can't

that poscredits scene where cap goes to return the soul stone and talks with red skull
>you were right...about EVERYTHING

Hawkeye said it's impossible to bring black widow back with the stones, probably same with time travel. I dont know why Tony didn't fly away with the stones instead of snapping though, was pretty stupid


black widow dies? But aren’t they making a spinoff movie for her?

[spoilers]I know but if you think about the power of the stones then it doesn't make sense right? I mean they have the power to destroy and remake the universe as well as return half the population of the fucking universe back to existence but for some reason bringing back 2 dead ppl is impossible? Doesn't make sense [/spoiler]

she dead

cause he knew that it was the only way, cause remember when dr strangelove looked at him and said it conveyed it was the only way to win with his eyes.

pretty sure it's gonna be a prequel.

the women's march feels like it was mandated by Disney because YASS QUEEN SLAY. Wasp was helping Scott fix the van then suddenly she was there, Valkyrie was riding a pegasus as air support then she just joins the march for no reason, same as Pepper

It was a cool moment imo. but made no sense

Widow was the Tribute for the Soul Stone, an Eternal exchange according to Skull. She’s out of the Soul Stone reach.

Then why is Gamora back?

Different Gamora
She came from the same alternate timeline as Thanos and Evil Nebula

So why couldn't they grab a Natasha from an "alternate timeline" before she's sacrificed

A prequel about the most uninteresting character in the MCU, who's also already dead. This is going to go well.


Who are you again?

Infinity War should've been the end
The expectation subversion should have been that the other MCU movies already announced weren't actually going to happen.

he didn't have to use all the stones at once

this movie is fucking gay, yeah I'm fucking mad

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I'm your father user

Who wants to bet that Loki from that alternate timeline will find a way to use the space stone to enter the quantum realm and appear in the main timeline?

Also, where did she get a pegasus?
Asgard is gone, and we dont have them on earth

>humanity is in so far up their ass they don't even know just how foamingly retarded all this drivel sounds

Because scarlet Johansen didn’t renew her contract

horribly unfunny

because shit writing
when you have relics that could give you limitless power, and make you do anything, you could do, anything

Shes a nigger, she stole it.

God damnit, I enjoyed the movie for the most part except for the scenes where Captain Marvel appears.

But now that i'm thinking deeper about it the plot holes just they keep getting wider and i'm finding more and more things to nitpick.

>except for the scenes where Captain Marvel appears.
You didnt watch Captain Marvel did you incel?

Fuck no

Now, supposedly Hulk really did try to bring Widow back when he did the reversal snap.Didn't work because it was the Soul Stone and that shit about sacrifice or whatever, same reason we didn't get 2018 Gamora back

2014 Gamora got snapped too bruh bruh

you mean things like, Hulk going from raging monster and fightclub scared bitch...then to dabbing scientist, who does essentially nothing in the THE fight of the universe?

Sure but they could have used it to save Stark.

Thanks for pointing out another flaw. See? Theres just more and more things surfacing that are chipping away at my opinion of the movie.

They also knew that using all the stones would fuck up whoever used them. But didnt bother to work on any countermeasures to the blowback

>all of Clint's family die (1/16 odds) so he can become edgeman

>all of Peter's multiethnic peer group got snapped so they don't age for far from home

>Jon Favreau wants to architect Tony's daughter with grilled cheese whoppers

>some gook with Clint's family at the funeral

>soul stone doesn't require sacrificing someone you love but letting a platonic friend just fall off a cliff

>"Mr. Stark, you know the end of that really old movie Blade Runner? You don't look so good."

Didn't Thanos use it to wish away half the population of the universe without blowback? He only experienced it after destroying the stones right?

Imagine watching comic book movies when you don't even like comic books.

there was blowback in Infinty War...the glove was fucked up. It just wasnt nearly as severe as when he destroyed the stones

Welcome to capeshit movies in 2019. Comics are for manchildren anyways.

my issue was why tf was thanos so much stronger like really if he was this strong couldnt he have just caught stormbreaker in infinity war?

cause they're stupid niggers

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>Strange only saw one possibility out of 14 million in which the Avengers win even though something as busted as time travel should logically make a lot more than that

he was distracted by Scarlet Witches thighs in infinity war

idk this sounds pretty radical to me

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But she's getting her own movie?

Hulk already said he couldn't bring back Widow because the Soul Stone has different rules.

I don't know why they couldn't just use the time stone on Tony though.

time travel, yet again, makes absolutely no fucking sense. Paradoxes should be splitting up all over the place. And if parallel timelines is the answer then its a stupid answer that makes everything they do seem cosmically insignificant

Yeah it was probably the worse I've seen it handled in movies. It was funny when they shat on back to the future when marvels time travel rules are just plain nonsensical

>Ancient One: Time travel is bad and will result in bad things...dont do it.
They do it anyway.
Shit gets fucked up

really hope the next movies deal with the consequences. maybe Oblivion makes an appearance to delete the paradox doubles of Gamora and Nebulon

Russo brothers hated it, which is why it's just sort of forced in there. Also why captain marvel only has 5 lines

Indeed, strange could have just rolled back tonys body like he did with the city in his movie. Also, instead of snapping away Thanos/army they could have sent them to Dormamus dimension which probably wouldnt have had as severe blowback

Why did Thanos pop the power stone out of the gauntlet... That's the whole damn point of the gauntlet.

wish there was a captain marvel daughter with mommy issues

Presumably, becuase in the gauntlet its power was being used in combination with others and couldnt be used directly. Popping it out, allowed him to access its power directly, or at least with far less concentration involved.