Redbull me on how he manages to get work.
Redbull me on how he manages to get work
He does good work and is well-respected amongst film connoisseurs.
by making hit movies also by being jewish
Sacrifices his daughter to Moloch
His wife's a producer at WB. Plus 300 was a mega hit years ago on a small budget, as a result the studio kept giving him comic books trying to get the lightning to strike twice. Finally with Man of Steel they were trying to compete with Marvel but decided to do it in a completely different way - more akin to the Nolan Batman films that they'd just had so much success with. Sadly that really didn't pan out as far as being a good base to start your extended universe from.
Work as an in-house director for a studio run by a team of geriatrics in the cigar lounge that couldn't steer their ship in time if their lives depended on it.
I actually liked Man of Steel regardless of its flaws. It was the shitty sequel where they tried kicking off an entire EU that I hated
I really liked his work in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Night at the Museum was pretty fun too.
Agreed but then he used the next two films as a springboard for rough drafts for his stupid morality play instead of adapting the only shit that kept any of the DC universe relevant in a time where it's proven to work over a dozen times.
He's like a director in a time machine, where gritting up capeshit was still a thing.
He makes absolute kino
Justice League Snydercut will blow everyone away by how good it is
Man of Steel is a weird one because the script has so many issues and that's where most of the problems come from. But the film-making around the script is pretty good and sometimes fantastic. It seems less Snyder's fault with that one and more Goyer's. The problem with MoS is that it's supposed to start a cinematic universe and an entire city gets destroyed at the end. Like, there's almost nowhere to go from there. It's 9/11 times a thousand for about half an hour. How is Lex Luthor scary after that? Never mind Eisenberg's performance in the sequel, how is some guy supposed to be any threat to Superman after a goddamn alien invasion that nukes an entire city.
Also it seems like the writer's didn't quite know how much destruction was going to be on screen so the writing doesn't quite match the visuals. You'd think there'd be more gravity to the dialogue and the character's actions considering by the 10 minute mark the entire cities covered in rubble. The character's act and say thing's that would make you think that only a few buildings and maybe a city block or two at most were destroyed not the entire fucking city. It's a shame because just purely visually and action wise it's well done.
One of the disadvantages of having different people for writing/directing.
But I'll always hold the theory that MOS was meant to be a standalone and the massive destruction at the end wasn't supposed to evoke that reaction from people. Snyder just thought big explosions is what people like and he just upped the ante.
I mean how else can you explain Lois/Superman kiss scene and the dialogue and even worse the happy epilogue scene in the daily bugle?
He's good at coordinating visuals.
Fuck off MCU niggers.
Well liked in the capeshit directors community and loved by actors, has a loyal fanbase and is married to a producer.
Boomers loved 300.
He's not Jewish
Man of Steel is the best capeshit movie. It has the most coherent beginning, middle and end plot.
The cinematography is way better than most capeshit and the action sequences are kino.
>young Superman gets bullied while reading Plato
Meet Craig Kimbrel, former closer for the Boston Red Sox, among others, currently a free agent looking for a $30-50 million (or so) three-year deal. Closers are your hotshot pitchers, who come in to pitch the 9th inning of a game where the team's leading by three runs or fewer. The high-intensity, pressure situations.
Kimbrel spent most of the 2018 season being shit on the mound and giving everyone heart attacks. Sure, he would generally get out of it with a save, but, you know, a lot of pitchers can manage to not give up three runs in one inning. Nearly every game, Kimbrel would come in, pack the whole game in the toilet, jiggle the handle, and then at the last minute, not flush it down. So he'd give up two runs, let a bunch of guys get on base, but he managed to not completely blow the lead, so. . . yay? Give that man a save. So elite.
Zack Snyder is basically the Craig Kimbrel of film directors. For all of his questionable results, he takes himself really fucking seriously with that weird arm position, and that ridiculous beard. He's so obviously and overtly intense about pitching, which makes people take him seriously. If he were casual, or even normal-intense, no one would buy the elite pitcher thing for a second. But he puts so much into crafting this image that it's easy to just go with it. Likewise, Snyder's movies are almost pathologically Directed (with a capital D), making it almost painfully obvious that this is a real movie with real things to say, and it's easy for people to recognize that and give it props. If you take yourself really fucking seriously, other people will think you're a serious person. It's just easier that way.
>tfw the only red sox fan in the office
>tfw some retard comes up to me almost daily asking when they're going to re-sign Kimbrel
Ha, yeah. It was surreal how the bullpen suddenly started getting the job done in the postseason after being questionable (at best) all year. Spent the whole season watching guys like Joe Kelly just blow games and be scary, walking people, then be classic in the postseason.
I mean, I guess it's good, but anybody who only watched these pitchers in the postseason did not see the full picture.
But yeah, the really retarded thing about that, is if there's one problem that the 2019 Red Sox do not have, it's closing pitching. If they sign Kimbrel, I'm not going to stop watching, but I'm going to complain a lot.
Is that House?!
>Sadly that really didn't pan out as far as being a good base to start your extended universe from.
Explain fucking how? There is no fucking reason a superhero universe can't be serious and grounded from the get go.
>because the script has so many issues
No it really fucking doesn't.
>I mean how else can you explain Lois/Superman kiss scene
They are in shock after nearly getting torn apart atom by atom in the Phantom Zone tear just seconds before and needed emotional comfort. They never looked around, they embraced as soon as Clark landed with her.
They were both shaking as they kissed.
>and even worse the happy epilogue scene in the daily bugle?
This is fine, the problem is the jarring jump from slaying Zod to the drone scene. The film needed a montage of Superman rescuing people from the rubble to bridge the 2 tones.
>Redbull me
I lost
>They are in shock after nearly getting torn apart atom by atom in the Phantom Zone tear just seconds before and needed emotional comfort. They never looked around, they embraced as soon as Clark landed with her.
>They were both shaking as they kissed.
Superman just went through worse shit only a few minutes before and didn't need emotional comfort. The entire romance was rushed and tacked on and Lois wasn't going to be torn apart she is literally falling away from the blackhole while Superman gets sucked.
It doesn't excuse the garbage dialogue as well
>They say it's all downhill after the first kiss.
While people are probably dying crushed.
>No it really fucking doesn't
Imagine defending Goyers script of all things. Every single one of his well received screenplays involved another writer filtering his crap.
>Explain fucking how?
I already have... uh... here: Nuking the city in the final act is such a big thing that none of the other movies that followed have been able to top. You can't. As far being a standalone its fine as an ending but this film was supposed to be the start of an extended universe. You have to build that shit up a bit slowly. Destroying the city in the first movie kinda destroys any villain's plot that comes after. It makes every bad guy and every action scene afterwards seem pitiful by comparison.
>The script really fucking doesn't have any issues
lol. Come on. That script's a dog and I kinda like Man of Steel.
>>They say it's all downhill after the first kiss.
God some of the dialogue in this movie was just dogshit.
The non linear storytelling was pretty terrible as well. Leave that shit to Nolan.
>and Lois wasn't going to be torn apart she is literally falling away from the blackhole while Superman gets sucked.
At that point she was beneath the black zero which was blocking the main suck of the portal.
At the point that Clark was flying away from it with her in hand they were getting the full pull and you could see the atoms peeling off Clark's face.
>>They say it's all downhill after the first kiss.
I agree this line sucked bad.
>Nuking the city in the final act is such a big thing that none of the other movies that followed have been able to top. You can't. As far being a standalone its fine as an ending but this film was supposed to be the start of an extended universe. You have to build that shit up a bit slowly. Destroying the city in the first movie kinda destroys any villain's plot that comes after. It makes every bad guy and every action scene afterwards seem pitiful by comparison.
This is a problem with the scale then not the serious Nolan-ish tone.
Not all sequels need to be bigger.
Civil War is smaller scale then both the 1st 2 Avengers it was a better film and was more emotionally effective.
The first Iron Man isnt similar to the later versions- At All. The movie was also financially successful- it only failed critically (which could've been swept under the rug had WB started to treat critics the same way Disney does).
DC failed because of the internal power struggle within WB regarding who would headline the franchise. They realised they were sitting on top of a goldmine and everyone wanted to be the curator. That greedy bastard Geoff Johns is the main culprit behind DC's demise
no more, hollywood killed his daughter for a reason
He directed 2 capeshit films that were not shit mainly because they copied the whole story frame by frame (with the exception of the ending of Watchmen).
What I wonder is if the people who wrote BvS and JL still find work. After all, the director can't do much when it comes to the outline of the story.