any spn fans around tonight? i still want to chat about that crazy finale. that was meta squared in a lot of ways.
kino soundtrack to kino ending
Also, a few months (or was it years? I don't remember) ago I created a thread screaming CHUCK IS A MASSIVE ASSHOLE and I was right.
And, as always, #FreeAdam
Hey guys, everyone still loves me right? I mean it'd be a shame if I had to END THE FUCKING WORLD
>implying this isn't all part of god's plan
You the user that's been bitching about Chuck the last few weeks, are you happy now?
Waiting for season to drop on netflix
not that user but I am happy
No, I haven't posted anything about Chuck for months (or years) but I am very happy with the season ending.
me too I thought it was great, but everyone seems to be having a melt down
if you haven't seen s14 yet its probably best to move the fuck along
i wasn't expecting it but it stiiil secured my threory of entropy momenmt
Yea I always saw him as a bit of an asshole, but I was not expecting that
That ship sailed two or three seasons ago. I'm in it til the bitter end.
yea but if you haven't seen s14 this thread Will spoil shit for you
Do Sam and Dean finally kiss?
The boys still have the plot gun. What would happen if they killed the cosmic entity ruling the Empty?
Why did God telekinesis Dean?
the hammurabi is a pretty good plot gun, its got unlimited shots, but really its a one use only weapon
because he doesn't like when people yell at him, he did the same thing to metatron
They have kissed since the pilot you dumbfuck
Anyone else ticked off how early in the show they tried to save people getting possessed by demons by exorcising the demon out, but now a days they just stab them with the magical dagger?
Demons kill the meatsuit as last ditch attempt for leverage anyway
they usual kill the vessel anyway, although ep I just watched Sam does a reverse exorcism to force the demon back into the body then kills it, that was pretty cold