for all you retards going "b-but either X or Y would have to happen" - NO, just no
whatever time travel rules you have in your head, just forget about them. It's simple: the answer to any question about time travel, self consistency or casuality in endgame is INFINITY STONES MADE IT ALL OKAY.
As for Cap travelling back in time: whatever happened, happened
cap was always going to go back in time and live with peggy *in the timeline that became the only timeline*
nothing he did in that timeline would be "interfering" because whatever he did, he always would have did
the only way you can change a timeline is by adding/taking away an infinity stone

and by the way stop banging on about 9/11. it killed less people than an average day of road accidents. cap was in a war where hitler turned 6m people into soap. he wouldn't even get out of bed for a few hundred overpaid bankers.

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LMAO kys braindead manchild. You eat literal shit with your eyes.

why didn't strange resurrect tony with the time stone?

>the only way you can change a timeline is by adding/taking away an infinity stone

Then why don't they go back and get all the people who died from past timelines and bring them into the present?

>NO, just no
thanks rat

Yes, how DARE we ask questions. We should just blindly accept everything handed to us on a silver platter and eat it up, right?
Your paycheck is waiting for you, Mouse shill.

That kind of looks like a wig. I wouldn't be surprised if they all were wearing them to make things easier for the makeup/wardrobe department or whatever you call them.

It doesn't make sense. Either cap can't appear at the end

Or killing past Thanos also kills IW Thanos

The mistake was referring to it as time travel and not alternate realities parallel universes.

But if Steve lived a normal life with Peggy Carter, then how did any of the events in the MCU involving him take place?

forget your invented rules
infinity stones make it make sense

I like Marvel movies. l think it’s fair to say that most people like Marvel movies too. I don’t think it’s healthy to sulk on image boards, pretending that going to a theater twice a year to watch the newest capekino with a group of friends is leading to the downfall of western civilization. I think that you are bitter, because you have lost contact with society and cannot accept the idea that people like to watch fun movies, just like they also like to watch horror movies and fantasy movies and even serious movies.
I would go so far as to call you a marvelcuck, because you and many like you on this board just spend all day seething at Disney and people who enjoy their movies. You define yourself on what you hate and not what you enjoy, and therefore your life revolves around marvel and Star Wars and everything else that this board complains about. Enjoy the rest of your night

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simple. there were 2 instances of steve side by side during the MCU days. One was adventuring and one was getting old with Peggy. eventually the adventuring Steve undergoes the experiences of IW and Endgame and loops back to become the other instance of steve that lived with Peggy.


From what I got from the movie, their time line is set. You can change stuff in the past, but that won't change your future. It will just make a different future that doesn't effect yours. That's how I saw it, but I'm not sure if that's right.

It had nothing to do with the stones making it okay. They had to return the stones to not make an evil timeline. I think what makes it harder to grasp is that people are use to "if you change the past, you change the future movies".

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So then there were two Steves and that didn't fuck up the timeline if he never went into the ice or are you saying that there's still a Steve in the ice while Endgame Steve is with Peggy? And no one would recognize that Peggy's husband was Captain America? All of the Agent Carter show is now non-canon I'm assuming.

There's still a Steve in the ice when Endgame Steve in with Peggy. No-one recognised him because he wore glasses like Clark Kent. Agent Carter is a canon depiction of the events of an alternate timeline that was overwritten by the new master timeline created by the events of IW.

Because Tony is not a machine like Vision.

>Kidnapping people from their own timelines to another one where they simply don't belong.
Do you realize how horrible that would be?

so am I suppose to believe that when cap went back and put the stone back for Starlord it made Thanos forget about the nebula from the future?

There is no loop, you want it to be like terminator, but it's not.

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I like Marvel movies. l think it’s fair to say that most people like Marvel movies too. I don’t think it’s healthy to sulk on image boards, pretending that going to a theater twice a year to watch the newest capekino with a group of friends is leading to the downfall of western civilization. I think that you are bitter, because you have lost contact with society and cannot accept the idea that people like to watch fun movies, just like they also like to watch horror movies and fantasy movies and even serious movies.
I would go so far as to call you a marvelcuck, because you and many like you on this board just spend all day seething at Disney and people who enjoy their movies. You define yourself on what you hate and not what you enjoy, and therefore your life revolves around marvel and Star Wars and everything else that this board complains about. Enjoy the rest of your night

Based and thanks

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They were going to die anyway. Besides this is probably what happened with Gamora, so why can't they do it for Black Widow and Tony?

that thanos is dead, he died at the end of the movie.

What scene made you do the soiboy face user?


This user gets it.
This movie was convuluted and messy. When the rules aren't explained properly, then things will just feel contrived.

It works like this (ages not accurate, just rough guess)

Original timeline (steve is like 18-20, gets frozen at 1945) -> (steve is unfrozen at like 2010) -> (all the adventures we've seen happen, Steve is like 34-37 by Endgame (9+5)

Endgame events happen, steve is 35 in 2024. Steve travels back into 1945, he's still 35 but he's now in 1945.

Original, 20 year old steve is still frozen in 1945, and won't be found for like 65 years. Which means he has 65 years essentially to live a nice married life with Peggy. After 65 years, once the past version wakes up, he either just hides or leaves a dementia riddled Peggy via time travel and heads back to 2019.

Probably the only time I was more than slightly amused was “hail hydra” and for some reason I liked the Tulsa Swindon scene

>leaves a dementia riddled Peggy via time travel and heads back to 2019.
Well it can’t be this.
Even though it would be less impactful, they probably should have just had Old Cap some out of the timepad to avoid confused people

>Hitler turner 6m people into soap

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