*Steals Your Movie*

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I'm okay with that. I like Nebula and Hawkeye.

*Steals Your Virginity*

as long as they're not captain marvel ok

No, they didn't. No one stole the movie this time around unlike in IW where Thor and Strange stole it.

Nebula was a sucky character

I wonder if Nebula has some sort of big USB port type hole on her head i can stick my penis into
Imagine fucking her head while she just glitches out and orgasms haha

I want to make Nebula smile

Captain America stole it for me. Ant Man was cool too.

Why didn't you clap?


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You’re not wrong. Clint is the only character I really feel for on any deep level in these movies. Nebula had a great arc though. Didn’t care for her on an emotional level.

oh god that's annoying as shit

I expected him to have a lot more screen time. Also, why are they treating him like he’s dumb when it’s established in the first movie that he’s a very capable electrical engineer? Although he did have that great scene before Thanos ship btfo of the Avengers base

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You're missing Antman for the Endgame Triumvirate, but you're absolutely right. I'd love to see a screentime breakdown for Endgame to see which Avengers actually got the most (fun fact, Gamora got the most in Infinity War by a pretty wide margin and was 2nd overall only behind Thanos).

Blah blah

>very capable electrical engineer

Compared to Hank Pym, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark that is pretty much retarded. Scott Lang is regular smart, chances are we all know a few people in our lives like him. Most of the other "smart" characters in the MCU are pretty much the smartest people alive.

He is just a thief that Pym uses as a test subject

At some point the Dr Who chick is gonna get tired of shaving all of her hair off every two years or so

She sure as fuck loves those big paycheques. Besides Jumanji what else has she done that gives the big dollars?


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Holy fuck that makes me SEETHE

thank god I don't live in america

I think she only shaved her head for the first Guardians movie. Every other time was short hair under a bald cap.

Even Widow was good, and Hemsworth was amazing.

Where does this even happen? I've lived in 5 countries across 3 continents and never saw this once, not one time.

Can confirm
this hap;ned in my mostly black theater but tbhspiderman had the same reaction

This is why we aren't to mars

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>howard the duck at 0:56

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He called out Tony so hard that he didn't have a proper comeback

>lol we should spend trillions of dollars so 20 people can live in a tin can that requires billions of dollars of support from Earth per year to sustain

Fuck Mars, fix Earth.

Some people clapped in my theater but people really lost their shit when Captain America started using Mjolnir

Hawkeye more like Hotguy amirite?

>fix Earth
With marvel?

I don't understand, they somehow create the antithisis of good storytelling in Captain Marvel and call you sexist for not liking her, while also creating a great, flawed, relatable and actually relevant to the story female character you want to see more of in Nebula, and ignore you liking her at the exact same time

I think it was more about his sheer earnestness and kindness than brainpower.

hype af

She killed her past self

I'd like her to sucky on my character

i wanted Nebula to be the one snapping thanos so bad. Then she would have melted, that would have been a great ending.

I would add AntMan to that too, the heart and soul of the MCU now

i don't believe you fags when you say this every time a video of clapping comes up. There's tons of videos of crowd reactions from all kinds of countries for Infinity War, and they all do the same shit.

Or Wanda. I've seen people cheer on her soloing Thanos yet it didn't feel as shitty as Ms. Marvel doing it. It's not that she's female, she's just a bad character.

I'm from Brazil, and even though there are tons of monkey in here, the session was full and there was just some kid who cheered in that scene, but not even close to those loud screaming from the video.

Smarter than hawkeye, black widow, Captain marvel, war machine and nebula

War Machine is a mechanical engineer and went to an elite college iirc

I already forgot,when?

>the strongest avenger got the biggest pop

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i'm not defending the screaming from the video at all, I think it's ridiculous too. But i'm from the US and I've never been to one with reactions like that either. You'd hear some cheers for certain characters, but this scene is really the only time my theater was noisy for the whole movie.

I do too,a ton of people clapped when Cap used Mjolnir and Iron Snap

When Tony fucked up the time heist in New York and the only thing he could say is "you are repeating yourself"

Tony didn't fuck up as much as just had really bad luck when hulk busted out through the door at exactly the worst moment

Eh Jeremy Retner is pretty ugly.

Wait a second. That's not Hulk, Antman, or Thor.

EEs are the retards of engineering desu

At my theater: loud applause for black panther and spidey. Dead silence for capt Marvel

In way yeah, but he was feud up with the fact Tony at first didn't want to be part of the heist, then in part screws up and acts a bit condescending. I liked that, it showed that Scott was taking things really seriously.

I can understand kids doing this during a kids movie.

But I simply, truly cannot comprehend how grown men can act this way. I have nothing against people enjoying stuff. I have nothing against the Marvel fandom from a general fandom standpoint.

But screeching and hollering in a movie theater like a bunch of 13 year old girls at a Justin Bieber concert over fucking fictional superhero character is so wildly immature and cringey that I fail to understand how these people function in modern society outside of being social pariahs that leech and live off their parents.

I’m still upset they didn’t manage to get a Thanus joke in there

That's not Ant Man.

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holy shit

My favorite part was when Thanos was making soup and yelled at the avengers to get out of his swamp

Ant-Man's there, you just can't see him

Damn, Nebula looks like that?

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t. environmental engineer

>I'd love to see a screentime breakdown for Endgame

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She doesnt have too shave her head anymore, she has a skull cap wich makes her head look too big so they have to fix it with CGI.
Wish I had the video of her saying it but im to lazy to find it.

Thanos stole infinity war

Nebula needs a starring role.

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>Nebula's in the movie more than the fucking Hulk
>Captain Marvel barely gets fifteen minutes

I can dig it

Quads confirm that user will dig this

>Captain marvel, war machine

Being a pilot requires A LOT of brainpower, bro.

Giant Antman was hype

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asians and black people got fucked

make her blue

What? He was the person that brought up the idea of time travel when Cap and Natasha had no idea. Even Banner didn't think it would work.

I'm not American and there were cheers in mine too.

What if Thor and Nebula :3

I couldn't get through 30 fucking seconds of this

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The A Team was so forced and it was so slow too. It might have worked if all them had helmets and they keep moving instead of posing.

>hawkeye had less screentime than hulk and barely more than war machine

Sure as hell didn't feel like that

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At least EE has hard math, civils are the true brainlets

t. petroleum engineer

>based Scott takes out that giant flying thing with more ease than Hulk did in the first movie

What did they mean by this?

>punches giant flying meme monster
absolutely based

>What did they mean by this?
Power creep.

t. agricultural engineer

generic white actress/10

Silence, negro. You got your movie.

cap. marvel did easier in her movie, they're like those beat 'n up bosses who end up being regular enemies in the final stages

Scott is underrated, a footstep of him killed this guy.

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Because watching normieshit like this is nothing more than a social event and it's just millennials getting excited together over something hype. It's annoying and shouldn't be allowed but it's not hard to understand.

>It's annoying and shouldn't be allowed
Rarely have I seen a more "Stop liking what I don't like" post. You actually want to make laws against people having fun. Fuck you.

Don't we seem him again after the stomp?

why is Thanos using an Insect Glaive

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I didn't say laws faggot, it should be common fucking sense to not talk or make noise during a fucking movie, no matter what it is. Kill yourself normalfag scum.

Yeah after the shit Wanda went through last movie it felt deserved seeing her beat Thanos to shit

No, he was dead for real.

You sound boring. Is this why you have no gf?

hey man you are basically playing god with a plant sciences.

"It shouldn't be allowed", you said. Therefore you want to ban it. Fuck you.

It's perfectly balanced.

During the battle and it was all the females teaming up against Thanos a guy in the audience shouted "girl power" in a very condescending voice and he got some laughs.

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"dude like, lets just go back in time lel and fix things"

"no problemo tinkerbell ill just figure out time travel in 5 minutes by flipping some quantum shit"

Fuck you nigger and fuck people like you for enjoying this garbage

It's not that's she a bad character (don't get me wrong, she is), it's because she doesn't deserve to be in the MCU.
Her first appearance was in a mediocre origin story one month before Endgame, no one cares about her, no is emotionally invested in her, and she has no connection or character development with the rest of the Avengers. She doesn't feel like a part of the team.

nah it was a twinblade from DS2

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unironic incel

because that is his gimmick, everyone around him looks at him as if hes an idiot.
nigga was the one who solve the problem of going sub-atomic that hank never managed to solve

I still don't know how I feel about Strange in IW. He took up so much screentime, but did practically nothing.

he really makes me think of gordon ramsay

Are the latest camrips watchable?

I was a bit sad that they just suddenly brought all the snapped characters back in one scene. Felt like it lost some of the emotional weight

Thanos can't steal Infinity War because it was HIS movie. He was the central character and star. He progressed the plot more than the superheroes did. If there was ever a movie told through the "bad guy's" perspective it would be IW, even if they accidentally did it

So Scott's the best Avenger, right?

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except iron man 2. that's totally through the various antagonists ideas while tony stark is along for the ride

how tf did Thanos move mjornir and wield stormbreaker? Is he technically worthy since he truely believes hes doing the right thing?

2? There was only Iron Man 1. 2 and 3 are just bad dreams that society collectively had together

Stormbreaker doesnt have the restrictions of mjolnir.

why are underage twitter niggers afraid of writing fuck

Cap and Tony had the most screentime

tf is very commonly used in place of fuck especially when attempting to not refer to something with hostility
yeah but he moved mjonir away from him is he just like hela where hes such S+ class tier in terms of strength?

...and nobody dies there.

Gotta say this was had some truly kino moments.

>caps ending
>that moment T’challa walks through the portal
>Stark meeting his dad
>That shot of Thor walking out of the hut after killing Thanos

then don't use it at all
fucks sake, you're saying it "but i'm not saying it" is such a womanly point of view
learn words, there's a world of words out there you're avoiding because you know "fuck"

was captain marvel even in the movie?

With all his optimism, competence and charisma I'd say he would make a good replacement as the Team's heart like Captain America, he basically takes a lot after him.

For about five minutes. It was actually cool how she came in the second time.

She had a grand total of fifteen minutes screentime

Luckily not too often. Her delivery is noticeably strange too, like she’s trying to be bitchy on purpose. Was she like this during her own movie?

u might have autism to be so tilted about such a little thing

her first scene was good when they ice'd ininfity war thanos
her snarky comments were annoying
her final fight vs thanos was also pretty decent basically whenever she wasnt talking

Me and my friend yelled SLAYY GURRL while snapping our fingers and some people behind us chuckled

Thats how you know this movie sucked dick. These two are the most memorable characters.

It was shoehorned in but I just sorta rolled my eyes ay my friend, like it wasnt that bad

Nebula is fucking based. I was afraid there would be more black panther nigger dick sucking

For a bit she felt tolerable, yeah. Then came the forced scenes of girl power and how they made her be the one to prevent the second snap. They just couldn't help it.

It's annoying because it was obviously Thor's redemption arc and they just put Captain Marvel in his place at the last minute which only makes her place in the movies seem even more undeserved. But we got NEET Thor though so that was fun.

It was bad because widow's sacrifice and Wanda 1v1ing thanos were good female empowerment scenes that didn't feel like a meme

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That's because Wanda/Widow/Nebula are all actual characters who have character development.

Can someone post a pic of Jeremy Renner's fingernails?

>tfw it's going to be Captain Marvel instead of based Ant Man

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>people are sad the widow whore died
People actually liked this non-character?

antman got to squish cull though and that made me die laughing

Scarlett's acting was pretty good in endgame

>This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Disney.

Nebula is hot

Thanos’ power level seems strange, Thor nearly kills him when he has all infinity stones in IW but Thanos seems to be stronger than Thor in Endgame with zero stones what the fuck is up with that? And how is Cap wielding the hammer?

You can fuck off if you don't think Thanos's ship redirecting fire and Friday telling Tony "something just entered the upper atmosphere" was cool.

>copyright stike

in ininifty war he defeated everyone with ease but stormbreaker seemed immune to the infinity stones power but thanos was so reliant on them he didnt think to dodge or catch stormbreaker(or wear his fucking armour) so basically endgame thanos is him in his combat prime wearing the best armour fighting against fat thor, old stark, and cap

We’re not on mars because he have literally no reason to be and we never will

Thanos was distracted by Scarlet Witches thighs when he took that axe to the chest

Thanos thought he was doing the right thing for the good of everyone. I feel bad for him.

The fuck was that end credit scene audio? Hammers? Explain mahvel nerds

Just because he has the stones and the gauntlet doesn't mean he's using them at all times

Cap wielding the hammer was teased in Ultron and Thor is a fucking out of shape slob that literally did nothing but eat pizza, drink beer and play video games for 5 years straight.

sounded like iron man 1 audio

It was Tony forging the first Iron Man suit

Thor is drunk, fat and depressed in Endgame because they shoved Captain Marvel in his place. Thors power levels are still godlike but his mind is weak and blurry, that's how I thought about it. That's why he can't 1 vs 1 Thanos so easily the second time.

Homage to Tony making the IM1 suit in the desert cave i'm pretty sure.

Iron man 1 scene where RDJ is making the first suit. I think it was just a call back to the movie that started the whole cinematic universe

Captain marvel is going to be the new thor. She practically is a female version of him pre-ragnarok

so when captain america went back, was there two of them? One that got put on ice and another that just lived a normal life with his bitch?


Thors arc was him becoming a fat neckbeard who wants to live his own destiny
Captain Marvels arc better be getting knocked up and having a dozen kids

Holy FUCK this is gay.
People actually watch this shit and think it's cool? Not even being contrarian, this is just fucking STUPID.
Why is there a unicorn?
Why is it just a sea of grey?
Why is everyone just running at each other like every other capeshit """"""""""'epic"""""""""" battle?
And most importantly: WHEN ARE CAPESHIT PRODUCERS GONNA REALIZE THAT HUGE BATTLES DON'T WORK IN CAPESHIT AND THAT CAPESHIT IS AT ITS BEST WHEN IT'S DEALING WITH SMALLER CONFRONTATIONS? (spiderman vs 3 thugs in alleyway; batman vs 5 mob guys; even the fucking thanos fight from IW on his home planet cause it was smaller and more personal).
This shit just doesn't work and is corny as fuck. But whatever, braindead capeshitters will still clap at the large amounts of grey CGI.

My theatre erupting when T’Challa silently walked through that portal will be something I’ll remember forever. Most kino moment in the entire saga.

Claps and cheers were at a minimum during my screening. But, fuck, if people weren't tempted. This shit was FIRE

He just might be.

Based Nebula basically getting the same importance as Stark, Cap, and Hawkeye. I love how Gillen portrays her (the body language, the harsh voice) and Gunn did a great job of writing her in GotG Vol. 2. The whole "angry, rejected loner" thing is so well done.

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>Why is it just a sea of grey?
You expected a ruin to be colored like a rainbow?
>Why is everyone just running at each other like every other capeshit """"""""""'epic"""""""""" battle?
Because thats were Thanos dropped his army and its also were the Avengers dropped theirs
Seems to be working fine to me

>"Hail Hydra"
>Cap with the hammer
>Spopsmam reappearing
>Black Panther reappearing
All got roaring applause especially Panther

>LITERALLY EVERY Cpt Marvel appearance
>The Marvel Women lineup at the thanos battle
>ZERO (0) Applause

I am honestly surprised that no one even clapped for the woman lineup, not even women in the theater
I've personally never seen captain marvel or know shit about her

>people STILL don't know Stormbreaker isn't sealed like Mjolnir is
Holy FUCK you people are retarded.

One might be in love.

Did anyone else feel like past Thanos didn't feel like the future Thanos? I thought Thor had a great respect for mighty warriors and I feel like the past one was just a typical stereo type villian?

Yikes have sex incel

he moved mjonir at one point aswell unless hes just super strong like Hela

i would suck her character if you know what i mean

inf war thanos was tired hes spent 9 years killing and in conflict he just wanted it to be over so he could rest

endgame thanos was more passionate he still had all his fire

5 years and 1 daughter sacrificed can really change a man, user. That and past thanos was massively overconfident because he knew he had already won in the future.

I think that's just an illusion from him not having knowledge of anything after 2014. Take that away and it was the same character from Infinity War.

I'm in love.

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I agree user, he felt a bit more generic, and I wonder if that was intentional at all or not. That being said, he was the main character in Infinity War so that's probably a large reason why he felt so much deeper there.

Yes and he was hiding behind the trees to sit on that bench after the other him got back in time

So this is what having a waifu looks like

What are some kinos about falling in love?

Yeah pretty much

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So is this Yea Forums's waifu of the week?

Suck a dick, she's been my waifu since 2014

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...don't really remember her body being like that, but perfect nonetheless.

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>pregnant Bri Larson
My dick demands it

You’re the one who needs to have sex.

I'm British and my theatre clapped at this scene and so did I, this movie was an event so it felt right

there was one person in my theater who kept trying to get an applause going during the lineup but nobody joined in

Both of you shut up and have kids

Let me in your uterus

Nebula was so fucking hot in this movie

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Hawkeye is based family mam on the mission. Anyone not liking him is a toddler.

>Then came the forced scenes of girl power and how they made her be the one to prevent the second snap

honestly though, why wont they give it a rest

Did nebula just not fucking tell the team that she was evil/with thanos in 2014?

ALSO it's been years since I saw the first avengers but they only got two stones in 2012?

disney already copyrighted this, damn

So how are they going to explain what happens after everyone comes back in the universe? From the look of things entire cities were trashed after the first snap. Is everything back to normal or are they going to explain what happens when everyone came back in the new Spiderman movie?

They didn't know the Time Stone was there the first time.

Holy fuck my dick

Hawkeye's "arc" was absolutely fucking dreadful

>I literally go around the Earth murdering people in cold blood because people I love died (as if that makes me any different from literally everyone else) but then I realize I'm wrong and I shoot some arrows at bad guys therefore I'M REDEEMED

Never mind apparently loki's scepter had a stone also.
Since it also has a blue glow I thought it was powered by the tessarect

>tfw Black Widow's life is used as a stepping stone for a mediocre male character to realize killing people is wrong and he should help save people instead

bravo Russos

Thor was probably drunk as fuck

She was a fucking murderer.

Srly, to where is Peter aiming his webs to swing across the battelfield?

I agree but there was shit flying around everywhere so maybe that?

Scott is a big guy

And the seven movies she was in pre-death all played a part in her redemption story. She makes literal references to wiping the red from her ledger multiple times by risking her life to save others. Clint goes on a murdering spree AFTER having been with the Avengers for six years, and all he gets is a "Oh well, we forgive you, don't judge people by their worst mistakes : )"

She seems in prime fertile age, did Thanos leave her womb intact?

>"We fought in the airport, I was the big guy with the mask"
He sure was

not going to happen unless you snap NYC, LA, San Fran, most of china, all of africa, and most of india

Thats 100% typical spiderman, they NEVER show where the web lands. He always just shoots and flys off

Hawkeye did nothing wrong.

Thor is out of shape.

Also he just saw himself get killed like a bitch so he's not messing around.

Hawkeye seemed be murdering criminals...drug lords, yakuza etc
He seemed to be taking out criminal elements while they are weakened by the effects of the snap(fewer in number, and everyone is messed up in the head etc)...and doing this gives him an outlet and release for the grief he deals with from how the snap affected him.

This doenst mean he because a reckless and thoughtless murderer

Steve Rogers was the real MC

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Surprising that Antman and Nebula had more screen time than Widow and Hawkeye who were part of the original 6

what do you watch then thats so 'cool' you power-faggot

>Steve Rogers was the real MC
Crazy how he never really has any serious conversation with Stark outside of standing there and getting shat on by him in the early parts.

Where the fuck is Wasp during the charge?

This unironically. Captain Marvel just isn't believable/likable in her delivery. Who the hell wants to watch a bitchy female Superman? Especially compared to actual strong females like Nebula/Black Widow/Pepper.

Captain Marvel doesn't belong in the Marvel universe.

They'll have a few lines in the next Spiderman movie probably that explains it a little.

this she should've gone giant and stomping on everyone with her barefeet

Both Antman and Nebula were a great addition to the movie.

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The corner describes another instance in which the shadow of the temple regarding the facial structure eats away at them simply. Therefore, it should be noted that despite all this, the realm of reality and fiction in which they exist cannot simply be explained with simple precautions but must be known.

Behind that, behind your vat of blood, there lies it. The God of it all demands the dragon of the golden crown to eat away at the vat of blood and feces. The God of the machinations dislikes the scripts and upon the screen of death, hates that with the passion of death. The abyss and the void of death clings onto the void of the screen. The abyss and files within the abyss cling to the vat and the refraction of the light continues to press forward onto the screen and mirror of disrepair. In order to properly contain it, the addendum of time must be added onto the dilation of the screen and exit out onto the God of machinations and the fiction must be coincided with them. The screaming and the void.
>Regarding the void

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easily, he adds a dose of adult swim silliness to a franchise that really needs it

Why does Strange hold his finger up to Stark

Indicating that this is the moment he couldn't tell him about which was stark sacrificing himself.

There was only 1 outcome in which Thanos was defeated by them.

>Also, why are they treating him like he’s dumb
what does he do in the movie that is dumb? He was pretty smart and you know, came up with the entire idea of going back in time in the first place

>Thor's redemption arc
>He spends the entire movie being a drunk, fat, comic relief character

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IW MVPs: Thor, Dr. Strange, Gamora

Nebula, Punished Hawkeye, Ant-Chad, and boomer Thor who gets his shit together and finally faces all the loses he had throug all these movies.

telling him their reality was the one in a hundred million

Anybody have a picture of the scene where where cap is walking towards thanos alone with his army behind him?

Yeah, Captain's Marvel's delivery really annoyed me, especially during the scenes where she basically told everyone to fuck off because "there were more planets than just Earth to protect" in a really pissy and sarcastic tone.

>Bucky, Shuri, Okoye running around in the battlefield like they're invincible
How are they even contributing something in the mob fights of both IW and endgame?
I also find it funny every time Bucky charges with his rifle.

>2 ant man movies and 2 guest appearance
STILL no celery man reference

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>6 mins
bullshit, utter bullshit he has literally one line, is shown for a moment and then is shown making a shield to cover everyone. He does not have 6 minutes of screentime he barely has fucking two

Did Hulk do anything that entire last battle, I'm just thinking about it now and they really didn't show him much at all

No he didnt.

they needed to get the Hulk to immediately hand the gauntlet away and create a reason to run around the battlefield with it instead of having any Avenger snap Thanos and his army at the first opportunity.

I think he meant 6 seconds...

Agree 100%, he felt much more "generic villain" in this

How did they end up at this big gray battle wasteland? Like where is this taking place

The one with gook subs is watchable, the other popular one has a bunch of cam movement, theater laughter and hooting and hollering and bad sound

I cannot be one of the only people who thought this is one of the most middling of their movies.

I think it's meant to be grey because of dust from the aerial bombardment.

one of the dumbest scenes in the film is where Thanos nukes the whole Avengers compound and literally no one is injured: Hulk's plot-convenient arm injury is from the gauntlet.

It sucks that the guy they built up being the big bad for years, and they guy they gave so much actual character, reasoning, and screentime to in IW just ends up getting his head lopped off 10 mins into the movie. 2014 Thanos just wasn't the same, and I get that this was the Avengers movie and time to shine and all he just wasn't nearly as interesting as present time Thanos

They gave the characters good individual moments within the big fight. It works, you're just a retard.

>needing to redeem yourself for killing bad guys
Lel, his worst mistake is not wrapping Widows legs up at Vomir

Do you morons think he was just killing random people? He was killing criminals who were killing others

Wrapping her legs? What?

Doubt you'll answer, but you in GA? Went with a friend who did the same thing.

Honestly getting to this point was kind of shown badly. They attack Avengers HQ, and suddenly Clint is in the ship in a hallway, IM, thor and cap are together and walking off another part of the ship, Hulk rocket and ant man are somewhere else. Then they walk out and it's this big ruined battlefield

Yes, so she can't move and sacrifice herself.

Nope TX

They arent in the ship, they are in parts of Avengers HQ. It is very big and spread out, and the photon torpedoes were concentrated on one building

like with a bola

Based mentally ill /x/ poster

Ah ok, thx for the response.

fugggg Karen is mai new waifu gibs me those thick hips desu

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What ship are you talking about? There is no “ship” that they are walking out of, Hawkeye wasn’t on a “ship”

After getting the stones and bringing everybody back, Thanos carpet bombs the avengers headquarters. What you are seeing is the ruined aftermath of the bombing

Rocket did he wasnt a dumbass compared to the rest

>Thanos carpet bombs the avengers headquarters
>and no one dies
Man Thanos really was a jobber this movie huh

Yes lets grab coffee and talk it over. Idiot

It wasn't the ship it was ruined avengers headquarters. It kind of gets confusing because off all the mess that was created from the bombing, but it makes sense when you realize they are all just in the wreckage brother

Bucky could hold himself against Cap due to the winter soldier program, and he got upgraded with his vibranium arm.

Okoye is the head of the king's guard from a futuristic techno country, so that has to count for something.

No clue about Shuri, she just seems to be a fancy scientist with hand cannons.

They showed her shrinking and shit

Faggot I cant be explained

Ugh like do people not pay attention in movies anymore. It obviously hinted that it was the only chance.

You know when they had their goddamn conversation 5 minutes before the scene

Yeah, Hulk felt really nerfed in this, I guess because he wasn't getting angry anymore?

There is only one god, and that is Allah (swt)

Everytime a new capeshit comes out I am reminded of just how stupid this board is that half of them can't follow a simple kids movie.

How does this work? The scenes were present Nebula and 2014 Nebula have a 2x screen time bonus?


Its pbuh which in itself is disrespectful because you shouldn't fucking shorten an adulation of God

This and Antman was used to frame the world. They had his character discover what happened in 5 years, so it was a way to show the audience what happened through ant-man. He also shares screen time often with others.

>why are they treating him like he’s dumb
because he's got a hokey, goofy personality and he's the only one who's completely out of his element

expected tho

>/poltv/ tries to indoctrinate me into blindly hating Captain Marvel
>every scene she's in she gets owned by Thanos like 5 seconds later

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based shrek

No you filthy kafir. It's used for Muhammad (pbuh)

gotta somehow justify the posh British's guys wages

They literally sacrificed Star Wars to the “girl power” agenda. The powers that be have a lot of sway these days pushing what they plan to push, be cautious as they are dumping literally billions and ok with tanking the biggest media franchises in hopes of pushing this stuff even when the fans don’t want it.

Wong wasn't even in the movie

Would it have been a better ending if they had never found farmer Thanos and he would have no idea that the snap had been undone?

absolutely redpilled

More like wrapping her legs around him lmao

What others said, but also he saw his own head getting decapitated in cold blood. Sure would make me angry

the large flying machines

Yesterday in Leipzig 16:00 half of the audience clapped at the end. A girl behind me cried at Iron mans Death till the end of the movie

This is completely wrong

Giant Ant man, Thanos's big ship, flying combatants, leftover ruins etc

>did practically nothing
>was the sole reason they succeeded against Thanos

wong was in 6 different scenes for a few seconds. it probably only adds up to about a minute, but i guess they counted being part of any onscreen minute as 1 full minute

That would hugely inflate some characters

Was he, though? Despite his line about only one path to victory, there seem to have been several ways they could've beaten Thanos without letting him win, first. Hell, Strange by all rights should have been able to outsmart and outmaneuver him with the Time Stone alone.

The scene where she fights thanos, on being able to see a higher quality rip, is actually fine. She clearly struggles, and then gets a look of genuine shock/fear on her face when he utilises the power stone.

Honestly if her next film has her initially getting btfo and leads to her adjusting her attitude slightly i think things with her will end up okay.

>adjusting her attitude slightly

I actually enjoyed Captain Marvel and roll my eyes at the incel hate, but the other day someone wrote that Larsen's smile is reminiscent of your soon-to-be ex-wife smiling during divorce proceedings right before you're taken to the cleaners. I had to chuckle because there's some truth to it.

>Captain Feminism ever getting an ass-kicking from her own Semitized writers.

Which is a shame because I think that having an arc for Scott being a reluctant leader, having to learn how to direct heroes that are larger than life while he is an everyman would be pretty cool.

noooo I wanted to see the cringe, who saved it

Was pretty annoyed by it at first, thought they forced some SJW wahmen shit down our throats. But it seems to be an homage to the comic books A-Force, which makes it incredibly forced but with a cause I can agree with. Imhu it would've been way better to let Cpt Marvel fly to the van and see the women fight apart from eachogher vs different kinds of enemies, but to each their own.

She just needs to be fallible. She is pretty cocky but unlike Thor or Iron Man she never gets her shit slapped and humbled because of her arrogance occasionally. That and I don't feel like Captain Marvel had much of a screen presence as written right now.

which release is this?

I fully expected someone like Drax to join the lineup at the last second.

Why didn't Scott just step on Thanos?

I am the true MVP, when I got Ant Man out of the quantum level.

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I'm pissed that we didn't get to see Hulk give Thanos the beating that the Hulk got given in Infinity War.
Would've been pretty cool to see Banner get taken over by the Hulk one last time to give Thanos a beating.

Thor caught him by surprise in IW.

I liked IW, when talking to people they’d ask me what Thanos could do without the gauntlet. Reference to the hulk fight. Thanos is basically invincible, outside of storm breaker shot without armor.

not if you are a diversity hire like danvers was.

Cap with his Mjollnir combos