Marine Roger Harris (Vietnam 1967) recalls calling his mother to tell her not to believe what she reads in the...

>Marine Roger Harris (Vietnam 1967) recalls calling his mother to tell her not to believe what she reads in the newspaper or sees on TV. “We’re losing the war… everybody in my unit’s dying. I probably won’t be coming back.”
>“You’re coming back,” Harris says his mother responded. “I talk to God every day and you’re special.”
>“And I said, ‘Ma, everybody’s mother thinks their son is special. I’m putting pieces of special people in bags.”


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I want to write an epic 1200 page masterpiece novel that is the best piece of media ever produced abt the vietnam war

Way to make your mom feel like shit, what a dick.

Sometimes I wonder why my dad is an asshole and then I remember he was combat infantry in Nam. Crazy shit.

My dad was in the Balkan war and he still gets night terrors. He said there is nothing scarier in the world than being shelled with artillery

what about a ghost or skeleton

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I just called him to ask and he just confirmed skeletons are much scarier

Based user shutting down other user’s pussy dad

grandfather was infantry in nam. Said he saw some guys grab some zipperhead after a battle held him down and slam his head on a horse shoe spike they had for fun. Everyone was pissed that those guys impaled the zipperhead and no one wanted to clean the spike so they can play horse shoes again.

Good point


it aint sneed


I hated them.

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it ain't feed

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kek i was looking for him

user, skeletons aren't real


>Not interrogating the bugman first

Demote behind peers.

Fake documentary with actors

All the people they interviewed are too young to have served during that war.

why do people act like the same shit didn't happen in ww2

i think your dad's just an asshole who happened to be in Nam. no offence

look i'm just looking for satisfying emotional manipulation with my media. never let the truth get in the way of feels

Vietnam soldiers actually experienced way more time in combat and in combat zones (something like 5x more than WW2 soldiers if memory serves). This was due to the development of the helicopter allowing for constant supply and man runs, your unit would always be in a combat zone, which is why they developed awful PTSD.

Eddie Bravo pls go
Vietnam was more brutal in terms of collateral damage and other unnecessary callous acts performed at the infantry level

>only a single line about Australia, New Zealand and South Korea during the entire series


And yet when people threw a fit at “Cuck Burns The War” not having enough brown people in it he ran back to add more footage to it like a good little goyim

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i saw once that the average days in combat for a u.s soldier in ww2 was 8 days for every year.

the average days in combat for a u.s soldier in vietnam was 200+ days a year. of course you have to acount that the u.s was praticly alone in vietnam (major aly was s.vietnam).

Lol my nigga knows how to write an ncoer. EDD K9 Iraq 07-08 here, don't miss it.


didn't we kill 50% of their population? honestly fuck nixon.

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wanted to reply to

kill count does not mean winning the war, you guys won the war in the field and lost at home.

Unconventional warfare is literally hell on earth. Everyone is your enemy and nowhere is safe. In a traditional battle, you can be pointed in a direction and you are sure of your enemy. In a guerilla war, the battle is never ending and surrounding you. It's brutal, and these guys are in constant combat. No, the same shit did not happen in ww2

>tfw you will never be an helicopter gunner shooting women and children with your M60

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>you guys won the war in the field
lol no they didn't

this has to vary from unit to unit, some units in ww2 were constantly deployed, some suffered enormous casualties, some units never saw combat at all

US had many times more killed in ww2 in a shorter time span than vietnam, but also had more soldiers deployed

Okinawa was hell on earth, i understand each war is different but i'm skeptical of the portrayal of vietnam as uniformly more horrible than every other war

>Not until 1995 did Vietnam release its official estimate of war dead: as many as 2 million civilians on both sides and some 1.1 million North Vietnamese and Viet Cong fighters.

What were they going to exhaust their entire population?

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communists don't give a shit about casualties, that's how they won

The commies had been fighting for decades up the that point they absolutely would have fought to the last man if need be. The Vietnamese have a autistic spiritual connection to their land they would've never given up.

they had china and laos to draw fighters from

Vietnam is an absolute shithole now.

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i met some vietnamese when i lived in california, they were definitely happy to be in the US

how do you figure?

seriously what a depressive self pitying faggot. ww2 guys weren't sending letters back saying things like that. baby boomers were such a trash generation

user its literally india 1.5

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U.S. Forces won almost every engagement they had with enemy forces, they bombed the north and the neighbor countries, the war could go on forever for the U.S. Military, problem was, public opinion lost the stomach for 5/10 more years of war.

>US had many times more killed in ww2 in a shorter time span than vietnam, but also had more soldiers deployed

Yes, my point was to show that the american soldier in Vietnam had more time in combat than the one in ww2, of course ww2 was a bigger show, but your platoon moves when the front line moves, in Vietnam you just hop in a helicopter and go whenever the enemy is.

don't worry, once china starts getting ballsy they'll try to annex it. They literally call it some part of china in their translations.

From what I heard conditions are steadily improving. I know it's pretty bad compared to first world nations but relative to places in Africa or hell even other places in Asia it's not that bad

also meant to reply to

China is an even bigger shithole outside of their 2 financially sustained cities.

casualties is not the only measure of weather you are successful in the field. the issue the Americans had was the guerrilla warfare and grab them by the belt tactics of the NVA. The Americans could never strike a decisive blow to the North Vietnamese because of their hit and run style of guerrilla warfare. They perhaps could've been defeated if America invaded the North but that would've provoked the Chinese to send in troops and the clusterfuck from that would've made Vietnam look like nothing.

Would Vietnam have ended like Korea?
>push the opposing side to the absolute edge
>China gets involved

according to Lindybeige they also changed training doctrine after ww2 to condition guys to shoot at human beings. this was in response to studies that had shown (supposedly) only a quarter of soldiers even aimed somewhat at the enemy and a mere 2% shot to kill. training guys to aim and shoot without thinking made them much more effective soldiers but when you turn a non-killer into a killer through trickery it wreaks psychological havoc. so goes the theory anyway, i haven't looked into it since watching that video but it makes sense to me

That was the fear, which is why the US didn't push into the North.
Unfortunately, this gutless strategy was why we failed, we couldn't keep the enemy from resupplying and reinforcing, which made every tactical victory meaningless.

it wasn't gutless it was just being intelligent. Do you think the U.S would've risked another full scale land war with the communists right after WW2?

should have occupied the whole peninsula desu. the biggest problem was that retard s. viet president we decided to prop up i think. no shortage of bad decisions by us though

For one, WW2 was mostly volunteer forces. Dudes were literally lying to get into the army because the effort was so widely supported. It really was good vs evil.

Vietnam was a political nightmare fought mostly by 19 yr olds who couldn’t get into college and were literally rushed through training and sent to some strange jungle to die.

WW2 was fought by American chads. Nam was fought by the dropouts and bad boys.

Then of course there were the guerrilla
tactics, lack of any clear enemy, fucking tunnel rats and all that crazy shit.

And when they returned everyone hated them. They didn’t want to be there in the first place and then they get back and privileged liberal fucks are literally spitting on them at the airport. It was almost the polar opposite of the WW2 experience.

Even the memorials stand in stark contrast; WW2 being a gleaming white plaza, Vietnam being a literal black scar in the ground.

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let's face it, it was America that lost the war. the other countries just got bought along for the ride.

>It really was good vs evil.
stopped reading here, dumb krauts got what was coming but you sound like a retard

>“And I said, ‘Ma, everybody’s mother thinks their son is special. I’m putting pieces of special people in bags.”
>"I meant what I said." Harris' mother replied. "God told me you're special because you're one of the only ones coming back."
>Harris eventually survived the war and came back.

I’m saying in the eyes of the American public.

based mom

>casualties is not the only measure of weather you are successful in the field.
yes i know and i agree, my point is that the American forces were successful in the battles they faced, in the long run the guerrilla tactics were effective, but it was not this tactics that won the war to N.Vietnam it was the public opinion in the u.s that made them lose, the best way win is like you said, invade the north it would turn the war in a more conventional war.

>according to Lindybeige
i personaly think this guy is a hack (see bren vs spandau), but it makes sense that you would be turning a soldier into a killer.

nah he made good points. it was definitely seen that way by the american public, big difference from vietnam

My dad was in Vietnam in 1971 when he was still a teen. the second month he was there they were escorting American dentists and doctors into a village to work on gooks for the hearts & minds campaign thing. When they got to the village they took a few scattered mortar fire rounds. He ran to a little embankment or berm to hide behind and he stepped in a hole booby trap with sharp sticks in it. His foot slid between all the sharp sticks, they all missed. However he dislocated & broke his knee. He got sent home to America. He remembers Vietnam as a cool place where he bought some cool things and he always felt like he let everyone down because he went home early.

>you guys won the war in the field
>fly helicopter to some pointless hill
>get ambused
>stay there for a few days until you get ambushed again
>fly away
>can't close enemy supply trail to the south
>can't invade the north because China & Russia will schwack the invasion
>airpower does nothing of value strategically, keep getting expensive nuclear bombers shot down
>navy sits on it's ass shooting fishing boats killing innocent civilians
>entire villages under US protection wiped out by VC
>tell everyone you're about to win the war, only for VC/NVA to launch massive attack on major cities
>eventually realise your allies are too corrupt and stupid to hold the line because you keep supporting meglomaniac leaders with no clue
>humiliating evacuation, leave men behind, don't get all the POW's back
>won the war
>ignore lesson, do it again in Iraq.

>being intelligent
>by continuously failing to deny the enemy troops, supplies, or territory
how many years in do you think it would take an intelligent strategist to realize that "kill the enemy until they stop coming" wasn't working? or that bombs cannot hold ground?

yeah I know what you're saying, nobody thought Germany was comic book evil until after the war.

I'd imagine an intelligent strategist would realize pretty quickly that risking the provocation of China was not worth it. Turning a small scale peninsula war into a land war at the Chinese doorstep was always the fear and never the intention

if that was me in those planes I would have done something

It's not his opinion, retard. It's literally how the American public viewed the war at the time. Vietnam on the other hand was viewed as an unjustified illegal war that the US had no business in.

>implying Iraq was in any way a repeat of Vietnam

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>i personaly think this guy is a hack
he definitely likes to jerk off feverishly about anything the british ever did but as long as you keep that in mind i think he's got a lot of valuable information and insight. i've only started watching his stuff recently though.

We get it, you jerked off to Jane Fonda, weirdo.

In the soldiers perspective i would assume, not objectively speaking.

>nobody thought Germany was comic book evil until after the war.
Yea cuz it was only after the war that the attrocities of the Eastern Front and scale of genocide were realized. There were reports that came out of Europe about the Nazis treatment of civilian populations before the war ended but not enough to convince people of their comic book villain tier practices.

I would agree, but if this intelligent strategist realized he was placed in an unwinnable war, wouldn't he simply aim to reduce causalities as much as possible?
It seems to me that continuing to waste human resources for a strategy that isn't working is an unintelligent decision.

My uncle 'fought' in Vietnam. He used to take his little grease gun and tap tight Vietnamese pussy every night.

>bunch of poor gook farmers beating """(((world's superpower)))"""

Not to mention it was in a literal shithole. Elephant grass that cut like a razor, monsoon season, hot and humid and constant wetness. Jungle rot tearing your feet apart. Those dudes were fucking miserable.

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The intention was always to contain the north and to that end they were successful. The war wasn't unwinnable as far as what the Americans were trying to accomplish by any means.

It's literally not how the American public viewed the war at the time. There's space in between "we shouldn't be fighting this unjust war" and "we're fighting against actual evil". Go be stupid somewhere else.

The public certainly thought it was a justified war but it wasn't this whole "we have to fight against the physical incarnation of evil" bullshit you get post-war.

>according to Lindybeige
Stopped reading there. Lindybeige is a British nationalist amateur-level "historian" with autism who also denies climate change.

Lindy can be cringe (Napoleon is literally Hitler nonsense) but he's entertaining enough to listen to.

Hitler was painted as a cartoon villain in the early 1940s by American cartoonists in propaganda pieces. Back to /pol/ with you.

Contain the North for how long exactly? After America pulled out, it took only two years (after nearly 20 years of fighting there) for the communists to take the South.
It was a failure, regardless of how you try to spin it as a success.
The war was unwinnable because of the constants placed on strategy. How can you defeat an enemy when you won't allow yourself to step into their territory? When you can't deny their flow of weapons and men?

What specifically do you believe should have been done differently, while still retaining the "Don't cross the border" and "Just kill them until they are dead" portions of the strategy?

>Contain the North for how long exactly? After America pulled out, it took only two years (after nearly 20 years of fighting there) for the communists to take the South.
I was talking about the Korean war specifically user sorry if there was any confusion. America was successful in Korea but failed in Vietnam

i mean, I wouldn't blame him

lmao history nerds are always those virgins who sit in the back corner of the class and don't talk to anyone haha good thread virgins

>duuuude its not enough to think ww2 was justified you have to lie about history too otherwise your /pol/
not helping your argument here, go back to whatever boomer site your came from

I was talking about Vietnam the entire time.
I would say that America was only partially successful in Korea.

wanna fight?

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I guess, but I'd actually enjoy more of his videos if he was intellectually honest and not such a blabbering UK-centric retard.

>I would say that America was only partially successful in Korea.
how do you figure?

We get it. You're a closet Nazi ;) Now stop replying to me and learn to type you illiterate fuck.

How would Yea Forums react if Moner posed with Taliban AA guns

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>I lost so now ill just call him a nazi lol
wew lad

why are you so quiet bro? Do you seriously not play any sports?

Those posters are pure kino

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Well, Korea was split in two. I think a full success would have kept the country as a single political entity.

while you were out partying I was busy studying the blade

Stop replying to me, /pol/tard.

>being intelligent.

No, being intelligent would have been striking a deal with Ho Chi Minh to avoid a shitty war, the rise of Le Duan, and allow for the US to have an ally in the region, even if that ally happened to be Communist.

reminder that vietkino is back on the menu

It does seem like you’re a little pro-German 2bh

... okay take care buddy.

Invade the north and what? Risk a war with China as a result? Do you really think that was worth it over a backwater like Vietnam?

the mental blade, sharper than any edge

The communists weren't even trying to fuck with the Americans. This is like claiming bombing Hiroshima was necessary because starving women and children would totally invade America, carrying bamboo sticks and faulty explosives.

>ill just keep saying it thatll show him!

g*rmans got what they deserved for trying to unite the mainland just like the frogs did a century earlier. but you don't have to lie about history like this guy is in order to justify that.

Beside the tourist spots that aren't in great shape themselves, the rest of the country is incredibly poor, dying from disease, or starving.


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>The communists weren't even trying to fuck with the Americans
you base that off what? they were already supplying the Vietnamese

These are amazing holy shit

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Stop replying to me.


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Stop replying to me.


I haven't seen this meme in ages. Based shizofren.

>Completely neglects every single person that wasn't an infantry grunt


I thought it covered the high command fuckery with the south Vietnam tinpot dictators. Were you looking for more info about the officers and middle level of the Army?


Daaamn you guys are fuckin tough

There was that wacky helicopter pilot with the mustache, the bomber pilot, and the female nurse.

>good vs evil

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I thought they had quite a bit of footage and dedicated quite a bit of time to that doctor.
I wouldn't call him a grunt.

Go back to pol you larping faggot

This is the equivalent of 'you must be fun at parties' . Way to expose yourself newfag.

>sucking superior officer's cock when they'd never see combat
Based bootlicker.

My dad was in Vietnam and he rarely talks about it. He once told me ‘getting divorced is like killing a man; after the first one it’s easy’.


>what is pyrrhic victory

not about being "tough" it's about controlling yourself enough to spare people you care about unnecessary suffering. that guy was spreading the misery around, dick move. anyway he made it back like most of them did so the drama was all for nothing. i can't even appreciate how bad it was there but i think it's a choice whether you inflict it on others that way

fucking stupid dad absolutely BTFO

i take this back i don't actually believe in choice


Why do burgers act like this war was some special hell on earth? Did they even experience the trenches of ww1?

Lucky bastard. Charlies would smear their own shit on those bamboo spikes

>Did they even experience the trenches of ww1?


>endless COIN
>thousands of servicemen killed by IEDs
>achieved fuck-all geopolitically
>puppet state overrun by hyper-competent and determined insurgents

>he comes back


could you repeat that I didnt hear you
