Alita: Battle Angel
General Discussion #431
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i wanna hold hands with alita
Shit, I remember making that OP. If anyone wants to go nuts with the original template or do something better, here you go.
What thread # is this?
>tfw no Chiren mommy to tuck me in tonight and kiss my forehead
Yeah, I don't know. I wish OP had put it in the subject.
I assume you're joking
She really clings to sci-fi, huh? If she's in it, you know it's going to be good.
I swear Connolly is somehow only getting hotter. It's insane.
She's great in the Rocketeer too
Nah she peaked a few decades ago, but not bad overall.
One of my favourite things about this thread is that we're always happy to chat to people asking if the film is good. I love the positivity of this place.
nicest general on Yea Forums. Wouldn't change a thing.
In these dark times, we need some happiness for once. Alita was a good wake up call for me.
The way the sun shines on her left eyebrow at 0:09ish makes it look like it's wiggling or glued on and about to fly off
Stop I'm too tired to get aroused right now
Alright goodnight bros I've given up on ever having a comfy Alita dream so I'll hope for a good mommy Chiren dream.
She got some plastic surgery and a breast reduction after winning the Oscar
We deserved a blonde chiren....
Fucking rodriguez fucked us
Any link to the full picture on the third panel?
Some people didn't want Chiren in the movie at all
Jesus Christ VA is a fucking beast in DDR.
this is a level of autism I didn't know existed
stop posting here and beat her score then
honestly her being blonde or not doesn't really bother me.
The first trickle of meet-up details!
You don't want to see it, bro. You really don't.
you will get no such picture. Delete it from your memory.
something something crawling on her bare hands
And now for something entirely different, I'll be singing "Shiver" by Lucy Rose
>honestly her being blonde or not doesn't really bother me.
is a nit pick but it would have been areally amazing if she was...
She's still pretty hot though. She could put on a little weight to get back to how she was in that pic. She seemed so frail in the movie. I always thought she was sexy af in the Ang Lee Hulk
Jenn can still get it either way from me
She’s actually kicking our asses.
I'm 100% coming down to LA if you guys do a fourth. I will not stand by in the presence of a good time.
>*sits cross-legged on the floor in front of her with rapt attention*
Oh fuck user that takes me way back. Don't do me like this.
>You get to meet Alita for real.
>Decide to ask her out on a date.
Tell me user
What are your odds of getting rejected?
What are your odds of getting friendzoned?
Are your gonna mess up this once an lifetime opportunity user?
>What are your odds of getting rejected?
>What are your odds of getting friendzoned?
0%. I wouldn't even rate that high.
I wouldn't want to date Alita. I would be 100% happy being a friend and finding romantic love elsewhere. I love Alita platonically.
You miss all the shots you don't take user.
again, amazed nobody steals this image from you, Thread Man aka Todd.
I remember an user was feeling blue when they first posted that spinny Alita. Hope they're doing better.
>I would be 100% happy being a friend and finding romantic love elsewhere. I love Alita platonically.
Or is it because you are worried that she don't have a cybernetic vagina?
I wouldn't want to date Alita I'd just want to be her friend
Maybe snuggle sometimes but she has her own journey to go on
that's sad user...
that didn't factor into it at all, user. Volcel anons don't worry about such things. Don't lewd Alita.
I don't really have anything going for me, so the odds ain't good. My only hope lies with these dubs.
cool saving it for later, thanks
don't sell yourself short user. We all have the potential to become better. Changing yourself is daunting but it becomes easier before you know it.
sorry fren, the images just got me good
I will still NEVER understand why the fuck the author chose Ido and Gerhad's PoV to discuss Alita's sexuality or not. Like honestly if you're going down that path maybe don't pick her adoptive father figure. Not that anyone would lewd Alita haha think about it though.
The harder I try the faster I fall apart. I've gotten as far as I'm going to get without help.
We'll pick up the pieces with you every time.
Novelization is a pile of garbage to rival the one in Iron City
>happy that you're using the haha think about it tho
do you guys reckon she would've made a good Alita in the 90's?
It's okay to ask for help user
I take meds and I see a therapist once every couple weeks
take help where you can. It's okay to feel overwhelmed. It's okay to feel like things go nowhere. But they do. When you try, others notice. That strength is infectious and others will notice. Things CAN be better user.
Someone shop the face of Alita in this image.
When Nova starts working on Chiren's brain, he will discover that the "brain" is a fake masking chip in it.
>It's midnight, user...I'm getting thirsty...
here's an attempt
Nova probably knows it's a fake but Vector might not
>Ido blushing like a teenager
>Alita wearing underwear to cover her womanly cyborg parts, won't somebody think of the children?
Yuck, the novel looks crappy
that looks damn good user
Okay, but promise you'll look after me when I pass out
Fucking finally, got a new camrip, looks better than the old one and doesn't have any of the stupid fucking text or 1XBET shit all over it.
Upload to Mega, I need to watch Alita again to wash the sour Endgame taste out of my mouth
There's a catch though, the audio is all fucked up. Video is a step up, but the audio a major downgrade.
Oh dang, that sucks. Hopefully a proper webrip shows up soon
ah well hopefully we get some good images out of it
Too bad, cause it's easily the best quality rip out there right now, by far.
How's the LA meetup going?
Actually, I think this rip has been out there, but I hadn't found it without all the text all over the screen. This one is the clean version.
it's so hard to be patient for bluray, my dudes
VA is serving the alitabros their asses at DDR apparently.
What was he thinking at this moment?
It’s going great! We are heading to in n out now.
that quality actually does look really good
>finally, some good fucking cyborg
So, uh, about the video release's never going to happen, is it.
>it'll be 3 am my time at the earliest when the meet-up alitans start to report back
Fucking time zones
That's the wrong listing. Notice the PAL markings on the blu-ray box. On, it still says June 25th.
Yeah, quality is pretty dang nice. Will make some new .webms.
>Damn VA is good at DDR
It's just weird there was never an "official" announcement with the specs and features for the blu-ray. Nothing on the usual movie sites or even the official movie pages.
>mfw i had to cancel last minute
have fun you guys
how is she so cute
"she's gonna rip my pee pee off"
I don't think that site was ever updated, because all of the "official" places you'd go to to buy the movie, lists it as "unavailable" when I know for a fact it used to say "May".
Eh, the release is still two months ahead of time. They probably haven't finalized everything yet.
I'm sure there will be more meetups in the near future
By being /ourmutt/
I'm sorry bro, it's based on thread-context. I prefer the bait and switch with Alita and full lewd with Rosa.
sorry fren.
idk why but only now did I realize this panel works if you read it left to right or right to left.
what is she reacting to?
I think they're trying to get her to stand in the right place to take photos or something
I just realized that the telepresence chips in Grewishka and Vector are probably based on the thing from Ashen Victor that lets you experience motorball in first person
I saw Endgame its really good, you can tell they actually cared and put some heart and soul into it
that being said I'm still in love with /ourgirl/ she cant be topped in cuteness, femininity and just all around bad assery
I much rather fuck her meatbag sexy friend....
Alita doesnt even have private parts
>doesn't even respond
RIP user....
I'm sure the crew involved cared about it. Maybe enjoyed it. But there was no love in it from the top. Just cold numbers. It will never compare to a true passion project.
>that face
You got to be kidding.
Why is she so autistic
definitely Alitas whole world seems real and complete, AE is just a CGI sensory overload
It's that + Unanimous
Koyomi is a cutie
one of us
one of usss
Hugo was a great character.
He really was but it took me a little while to like him
>rosa cried when photography for alita wrapped because she's had a hard life on her own and each movie production has been like a little family to her
unironically shoot yourself if you care about this shit
I must admit i love her more than Rosa
>im sorry rosa our queen
I like this little moment when he looks away from Alita and up at the stars and says, "God, I'm sorry," like he's asking for forgiveness for what he's done. Then Alita redirects his attention and kisses him.
Her parents broke up and her mom gave her up to foster care, she was homeless for a while and then her dad died of cancer.
She's tough as fuck
oh hi /pol/ nice to know you're still lurking
>"let's hear it for the Battle Angel herself, Rosa Salazar!"
makes me want to cry but I'm also so proud of ougirl.
Have you seen any of her interviews? I like her a lot, it's too bad Koyomi's hair was so bad
/pol/ inbred tourist probably. If it wasnt for /pol/ bullshit this place could have had rosa visiting.
Dont forget the prostitution rumors
Some user started that rumor there wasn't anything backing it up as far as I'm aware
She was basically working the whole time and crashing on peoples couches
I'd believe it. People will have to do stuff when they're desperate.
People also seem to forget for awhile James Cameron was homeless, living in his car. His mom would send him coupons for Big Macs, he'd save one for that day, and then keep the other Big Mac for the next day. He sold the Terminator script for 1 penny if he could direct it.
No, i just recently bought x nen apocalypse because of her. Thank god she got hired here
nah we've known since /abag/ that Yea Forums is online stigmata. The Alita crew can never know about us, ever. We have to support them other ways. Maybe they're aware of us but I doubt it. We have to use normie channels to support the fanbase. It's a life of pain but it's the life we chose here.
The rumor was that the producer of her first tv show bedded her.
I can see it happening
>those milkers
wonder what her foot game is like
That's part of the reason I made a twitter, so I could share some OC's I did, just not obvious Yea Forums related ones. It's too bad, because a lot of the more elaborate and better OC's come from here, and people have shared them. Since the fanbase online is a little small, the most amount of fan stuff comes from here, if we're being honest.
>We are her secret guardians. Her secret protectors. The heroes she deserve but not the heroes she need right now
> always in the shadows, loving her from afar. Fighting the good fight annonymously.
We easily make the most OC and do the most discussion
Reddit has some fan art and stuff that gets posted but basically nothing compares to these threads
Ill look it up fren
>foot game
It's probably pretty strong but Rosa wins until we get some evidence in Lana's favor
it's why I made a secondary twitter. I try to support any /comfy/ posters even though it's mostly Peaches. Link yours and I'll follow though. You're right, the best OC comes from here and while I haven't seen ANY OF MINE a lot show up, I don't mind it. r/alitabattleangel is good for some stuff but their OC is pretty lacking but I blame that on reddit's format. We're instant here and it's why Yea Forums > reddit.
it's the path we chose, fren. We will never be remembered but our victory will be known when FA and the 3rd movie comes.
Kek, you already follow me.
what OC have you made user
I try to share stuff people post
i like feets but her gam game is good too
They already know about us
Rosa gots legs for sure
No, they don't mention Yea Forums. They're referring to the people on twitter like James Woods who support the film, but lean right.
excellent webm name
I follow you with both of mine. Not gonna apologize for the lefty-twitter I'm into though. Then again, none of it disproves what I said about ACTUAL leftists hating Alita. If anything, lately they've been more supportive of Snyder and dismissive of Marvel shit.
I'm so amazed that the garish orange works so well for Rosa
Whats this?
You can see her undies!
the /ALITA/ threads used to go by /ABAG/ for Alita Battle Angel General
Rosa's not super shy
Man, if only you could've been around for /ABAG/ 99. Over 100 anons, hit bump limit in 1 hour.
really unremarkable shit. I'm working with pixlr editor for everything.
>what is /abag/
somehow this makes me smile. I'm not making fun of you user but it feels somehow good to have been around here that long.
old guard checking in
>I saw you hanging out with that girl again
>She must have tricked you
>I know you’d never choose to spend time away from me
>You trust people too easily
>So I made an example out of her
>Humans have so much blood in them!
>Much more than cyborgs
>Anyway, you’re safe now
>You’ll always be safe with me
oh boy old Peaches content
I only just saw it in a cheap theater :/
Been posting daily ever since
>Ali you can't keep killing every girl I become friends with, I don't care if the factory is too afraid to go after you
>I think we should just end this mutually, before anyone else gets hurt
i see it posted but combined with the sleeping alita as the dream she is having. i like it
I was here for 99 and most of the other significant numbers
I think I got here around thread 20-30ish
Alita wouldn't kill random people unless they had a bounty
Maybe just punch a hole in the concrete next to them
like I said fren, not shitting on you. We're all glad you're here. It's just been a very long time since a regular didn't know what /abag/ was is all.
>She really hurt you, didn't she
>Making you think you want to leave
>I'll take care of you
>And then I'll deal with the rest
T-thanks, Alita
The sequel needs more floof and poof
Also octopus lips
you retard thinking I'm /pol/?
It's /pol/ whi are literally obsessed over Asian women. Like this guy here
Oh boy yandereposting is back guess I know what time it is.
Fractures was such a fucking grind to write.
>No, I'm serious this time
I made this.
Research results
Tiegel squad.
'obsessed over asian girls' is strong when he said 'meatbag' you dumb dumb.
i made this
I dont have a fetish polanon.
I just think shes wonderful
Oh I love that one user I remember when you first posted it
I think we just go for newer OC lately
of course that exists
Ok not bad not bad
She's much cuter on video than in pics I think
There should be a Rule 34 but for wikis instead of porn
Writefag, this is the Suffering-user
When you think you are gonna write the story about an user getting to meet Alita for real, but end up getting rejected in disgust/ friendzoned?
The point is, /pol/ is against racemix yet want asian women. That's the delicious irony of those lunatics
>I'm sorry, maybe I don't understand
>You want to leave?
>What a silly idea
>I know you're happiest here
looks like rosa is 2nd place now
I was kinda joking when i told you to go back. It wasnt serious.
I think bladerunner and alita is turning /pol/ boys into latina lovers. Even just a few.
As soon as Dora premieres the process will be complete.
>The point is, /pol/ is against racemix yet want asian women. That's the delicious irony of those lunatics
bruh I'm a lefty and commenting on /pol/ being contradictory and retarded is passé. Literally who cares.
You're a weird unit but since you're requesting it I'll do it eventually. I suppose you're invested in a very detailed description of Alita's disdain?
as someone who browses but doesn't post on pol, it's a vocal minority that wants that (the reason being that native asian people in general tend to be more conservative, so asian women are like a forbidden fruit)
it would be like someone who never visits tv thinking the whole board just sneed posts
I kinda miss /leftypol/ sometimes
>I think bladerunner and alita is turning /pol/ boys into latina lovers. Even just a few.
>As soon as Dora premieres the process will be complete.
Lol what?
but user didn't you hear WE personally are shitting up the WHOLE board with this one thread
Can we stop with the /pol/ shit and get back to the being a comfy thread?
>I'd appreciate that
always, fren
Thank you
I stay as up to date as I care to with Chapo and Cum Town. I don't have enough interest beyond that. Will's recent digs at Endgame/that stupid Vader comic have been pretty funny though.
>I suppose you're invested in a very detailed description of Alita's disdain?
Not exactly. I can be rejection or friendzone or something else.
It's more like the idea of finally having the cake, only to get it taken away in the last minute.
Like an user from our world getting to meet Alita for real by some Meta-Magic, like a dream becoming reality, only for him to get rejected/ friendzoned/ etc... You get the idea?
Please don't make it a reader insert, I think that would make it too masochist.
Yes stop the /pol/ shit but I want to see Alita cry. Crying Alita is cutest Alita
Oh yeah I see what you're getting at. I'll ah- do my best? No promises as to quality.
Aw, that's so sweet.
you sick fuck
THOse are very sexual soles is this the chinese girl in the movie?
this is a pretty old school edit but still comfy nonetheless.
She's Vietnamese but yes
Well you are giving a free service, i have no right to complain about.
On a different note, I got an Alita related dream that can make for an interesting scenario.
It's an What IF scenario.
>The whole Zapan revenge situation never happened, so Hugo is still fine and good.
>Alita eventually forgave Hugo for being a jacker, on the condition he makes a more honest living.
>The dream is mostly about how Alita and Hugo adjust their live together in the Iron city.
However, I forgot most of the dream's detail I woke up.
Well I'm off to bed frens, stay comfy
I'm excited to see how the LA meetup went
of course, i'm not going to be posting off topic soles here
>wholesome story of Alita and Hugo living their lives in peace
>suffering user
Glad you have appropriate standards
oh now that's super cool
Im the one that found the wikifeet page.
Yes i love her
Well, my brain works in bizarre way.
Here, posting more crying Alita.
I know we've mentioned earlier that Alita in Mortal Kombat would be cool but we don't want to see her brutally hurt in fatalities. But what about Smash Bros? Surely that is cool enough for ourgirl but still mild enough that getting roughed up isn't bad?
>she's doing the pose
that sounds like you but I'm glad you can see Alita living happily c:
You know... I'm surprised by the lack of spammers and shitposters lately. You'd think they'd ramp up with Endgame and all that. But, it's been pretty quiet.
They're busy making endgame threads
no, they're still here. They've been shitting up the threads all week and typically at the beginning or ends of threads. They're losing steam but they're still here. Just yesterday (or early today?) we had the closest thing to manga-purist come back to whine about the movie being different and Alita being a cgi failure. Nothing worth caring about. The Alita-Army is stronger than any shitposter.
goddamn it, posting the thumbnail instead of the gif
Well yeah, I was there, but that's just a guy having a childish disagreement. I mean people spamming about Endgame and shit, surprisingly little of that.
>nobody protected her
>just a doll
>not even a copy
>poor substitute
>dying from horror android escaping from death
>clutching at any straw
>not seeing anything in her life
>where were you?
does anyone have the edited version of this one that i made? the one that says 99 instead of joi? thanks in advance
430 threads pass by and I couldn't bring myself to ask the question but now I am ready; what the hell is this?
The best film in ten years.
I mean, little wonder. No Marvel movie has the love Alita has. Even if they got to a hundred threads based on hate, it would never last to what we have. More amused that there's anons who are trying to push that Brie is 'attractive'. She's unremarkable at best lol.
pure joy over a passion project that is lifted from the 90s.
Seriously, one of the best action films in years, and just movies in general. Such a layered script that makes you care about the characters.
10 pictures until the limit
I love it thank!
It could be much worse. I think people are avoiding Yea Forums because of avengers spoilers and the trolls are too busy fucking with marvel threads to bother about us.
I think they just dont wanna bother with our little group.
torrent when?
Is that the symbol on Gelda's shoulder? It looks like a signal meter here.
still funny when they've posted Endgame spoilers thinking ANYBODY here would give a shit
Hulk dies, and iron man goes back in time to fuck peggy carter
I am a mana purist of the hundredth level.
In the manga there is a gorgeous, sensual scene when Ido wears on herself helpless Alita collecting her body, and in the movie ...
In the film, too.
And she's stronger than the manga scene.
Every day I try to think of what to blame the film, and I can not.
There were no werewolves and dinosaur jokes ...
The story of brother Hugo, which completely loses all meaning after the introduction of the rule "Zalem knocks down even the birds."
I have three more questions and each one is very, very important. Is it out? What's it about? Why are her eyes so big?
i wish hugo's brother was mentioned. that's the only thing that i didnt like about the movie
she's martian cyborg someone post the webm where they are attacking zalem or the moon fight
>Endgame spoilers
The first 100 minutes of the film does not happen ANYTHING.
>alita thread #431
what the kek? anyway how many chapters are in the manga in total?
how is this still a thing? have you heard ENDGAME's out already?
Her eyes are big because, well one, it's anime styled, however there's an in-movie explanation that she comes from a race of people on Mars who all have that look. It's been out in theaters for two months, you'll have to check showtimes. The blu-ray will be out June 25th.
I paused it, and I don't think that is Rosa. Looks like an Asian looking stuntwoman to me.
>bluray in June
>a girl healing people and learning about herself/growing up
>because it was a risk being true to an anime.
All martian have big eyes.
A really genuinely excellent movie.
>Is it out?
>What's it about?
Life in general is a rotten thing.
>Why are her eyes so big?
Adaptation of Martians to low light.
wish we fucking knew user
Not to be rude but yeah, your English could use some work. Manga "purists" are welcome as long as they're able to discuss the movie differences in a comprehensible way.
A piece of shit for three hours.
even we had an endgame discussion a few threads ago. we just don't care.
I know.
I usually keep quiet.
Manga translated not only in English.
I thought her hair was fine, though. It's not like it was frumpy or ugly or anything.
She is so fucking beautiful and so adorable in the movie that i didnt even notice the hair.
She looked cute with it
is it blankethours already?
Quick user get in!
you're welcome to practice english with us any time friend
Like other user said. Practice english here. We will help u
I think it's just the shitty camrip.
But seriously why'd they give her such droopy large tits for what's supposed to be a teens body. Not that I'm complaining.
Waking up to this was the right choice, I see.
>large tiddies
We hit image limit! Quick let's each say our favorite part of the movie!
Mine is the bar fight!
glad you liked it user and good morning
Thank you, Alita gentlemen.
Based bar-fight user with good taste. It's my favourite too. Although I have a feeling with the BD rewatch I'm going to have a lot of new favourites.
yes in imax 3d the eyebrow seemingly flys in your face, a pretty intense and emotional scene in theaters
are you trying to get booted from the blanket, fren?
who bakin' dat bread?
>tfw no updates from LA anons
>tfw they clearly have another good time
very happy but also so jealous
i can't wait to get my hands on the blu ray...
>"So you must be from up there."
>"...I guess so."
That whole scene is fantastic.
Hugo stepping over the void was an underrated shot imo
I was sure as hell not expecting that depth in 3d the first time. Favorite line line is unoriginal but it's my fav still:
>It's all or nothing with me. This is who I am.
If nothing else sums up this movie, Rosa's delivery or the meaning behind it idk what else does.
Alita vs Grewishka part 1, start to finish. The iconic putting bloody war paint under the eyes. "... And this is where you're going to DIE." The part where she spins through the grind cutters is kinda cheesy but also confidently awesome. It's a fight she has no chance of winning being outclassed with her weak doll body but she's running on pure warrior instinct and it's a joy to watch.
For some reason the way Alita speaks:- her choice of language and tonality really stuck with me. It's why I write so much with her. I can feel a kinship and natural flow to how I think she would react to situations. Even in the slights out of character ones, I can see the path which leads her to where she is.
can i please make the new thread?
What's so great about each scene is they complement the other scenes, or, every scene tells the overall story of the film, on a smaller scale. You can turn on one individual scene, and quickly understand the characters, where they are, what they want, their motivations, the conflict, and how to solve it. Each smaller scene is an extension, and therefore, just as important. The screenplay is top work.
first time ever posting on Yea Forums usually linger in /biz/ but i was bored tonight and clicked over here to see what you guys talk about. was positively delighted to see that Alita, which I saw with my cousin and independent of ever seeing the love it's gotten here, was one of the purest, most enjoyable blockbuster films I'd seen as an adult, has attracted an army of fans here. great minds have similar tastes, or something of that sort.
do it then
new thead
her choice of words are what I would and have used before. It's why that line resonates so much with me. Love isn't something you measure or keep in check. It's all or nothing and to hear it put so plainly in a main character is honestly new for me. It's why I relate to her character more than see her as somebody I want to be with. does that make sense? I'm pretty buzzed right now.
new bread
Yeah for sure I get what you're saying. Though I write them more than I should, Alita is rarely indecisive. She has moments of insecurity and doubt in an emotional context, but when a time arises where she needs to genuinely take an action she never hesitates.