ITT we predict how the battle of winterfell will be

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It'll be fuckin dope as hell. Fuckin right boys!

would digging a huge ditch around winterfell and then filling it with wildfire be a viable plan? the dragons can then focus on killing the night king and his undead dragon.

they will spend an entire episode preparing for the battle and then the whole thing will last like five minutes and it will be typical hollwood shit where everyone breaks their lines and runs across screaming and break into 1v1 fights

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>implying she won't be bitchy to the wh*te walkers and make them all leave

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or the undead dragon can roast them all alive
they said this is gonna be bigger than helm's deep

>cavalry charge with super light Cavalry

I'm gunna come and fuck jamie in the ass dubs confirm

The night king will say
>fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man
And then march south to a much less prepared south with much larger populations.

the NW bring cold and dark with them. dany should send the dragons up very high in the sky, allow the WW to get in close using bran and bait so the NK exposes himself, light wildfire to stop the army and, somehow, instruct her dragons to ambush the NK and his dragon. letting the fight go on only gives the NK advantage as he can add to his army and if he kills a second dragon it's GGs.

White walkers attack Danny. I die of a heart attack

They send in light calv and the get insta ribbed so then the unsullied have to hold the lines against undead dothraki(which they do)

So their plan is just hope the NK comes out to play? They don’t even know if drsgonfire works.what if he just sits there and let’s their men all die before he wakes up from his nap?

presumably bran will do *something* to provoke

where is she gonna find this?

get ironborn to bring some on their lightspeed ships

watch Bran will warg into the undead dragon to fuck up the night king making him drop next to Jon
After a lot of sword fighting and cuts to other characters some of them dying Jon finally Azor Ahais the Night King and all the dead just fall to the ground and poof
Cut to Daenerys who smiles like she has the biggest hardron


>Night King finds Bran at the weirwood
>Theon confronts him with Iron Islanders
>Night King kicks Theon in the crotch
>Theon smirks and kicks back Night King in his crotch
>Night King utters first line in series, "OOF, right in the snowballs!"
>*sliding trombone noise as he and all undead fall to the ground clutching their privates*
>Ghost covers his eyes with his paws

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It may be "bigger" than Helm's Deep, but I guarantee it won't be close to as well directed

it will make us seethe worse than the BotB did.
It will be riddled with dumb bullshit done for the sake of spectacle.
but it will be "epic" so normies will lap it up without criticism.


>implying she won't be wh*te walker's bitch

dragon orbits above, everone is cooked.

the end.

why does Yea Forums hate girls? is Yea Forums gay?

god I'm glad I dropped out before this shit appeared

>Not bombarding those frozen fucks with thousands of dragon glass arrows from the safety of winterfell walls

Women and soiboy writers can't into strategy and tactics

I'd bend the knee for her if you know what I mean.

>Lannisters to the South
>Pro-Winterfell Greyjoys sail to support both the main land forces and provide ships for escape.
>Euron’s forces burns Yara’s sailing fleet.
>Night King does the biggest resurrection yet of all the Winterfell, Lannister, and Greyjoy forces.
>Either some sort of Deus ex to have the living win or the White Walkers kill all and end the series in horror.

Anything other then something along these lines would be out of fucking no where... Unless the Iron bank comes in and trumps everyone.

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my man!

Predict? The spoilers said they lose the battle, but the important characters all escape and live.

These people die:

1. Jorah
2. Gendry
3. Beric
4. Pod
5. Ed (The Night's Watch Guy)
6. And Sansa's assistant dude.

Arya ends up killing Gendry out of mercy because he gets injured.

Everyone dies except Bran, the reddit dwarf, and all the yaaaas women

Yeah you'd suck her dick

I'm ok with the character, but she's such a terrible actress that I just cannot take her seriously, I have no idea how she got the role, besides being Brittish of course.

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the dragons actually get there

One of Jaime or Brienne, too is my guess. Jaime either really needs to see Cersei one last time or his story is done defending the Stark home.

I don’t know why they included that shot of the bridge “”trap”” over the ditch in episode 2. They trigger it to break and it falls literally 2 feet. How will that stop anything?

Fucking kek user

>Bran wargs Jon's dragon
>they keep the knight king busy
>danny strafes zombies
>zombies decimated
>knight king flees to kings landing

Team heads to kings landing to fight knight king, cersrei who is a knights queen, and zombie golden company + clegan bowl. These are legitimate spoilers.

>6. And Sansa's assistant dude.

Man, this show really did my man Bronze Yohn wrong.

so bad it could be true

>tfw the night king owes money to the iron bank and is invading the south to get cash

You forgot the part where Jorah says “That’s gonna leave a mark.”

>it's a "characters make the most retarded strategy ever and everything happens exactly as they said episode"
I'm tired of this show

By doing a bayonet charge.

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>Either some sort of Deus ex to have the living win
This was already set up, they just need to kill the leader and the army instantly crumbles, it's such a lame cop out.


Brienne dies, podrick grabs her Valyrian steel sword and kills an other. Brienne is mourned and podrick is then knighted by Jamie.


Podricks suffers a fatal wound saving brienne and she knights him as he lay dying.

Or brienne dies and Jamie holds her because they love each other and then podrick gets knighted for saving Jamie. That’s those 3

Theon dies defending bran, who may die.

The crypts will be overrun while arya will probably kill an other and then die.

Bronn will have teleported to winterfell and he will save Tyrion by shooting a wight that is about to kill him. Jon snow will be a total badass but we may lose our favorite boy Samwell Tarly.

Beric dies, Tormund dies. Dany will die eventually, maybe not this episode

Cut to Varrys turning to Grey Worm
“It would seem we are the lucky ones”

Where did they get all those lil stones?
>Tormund and The Hound kill count competition
>someone tosses Tyrion

>cuts to George R. R. Martin who looks into the camera and says "nuff said"

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Yeah, if they shatter on impact the arrow continues flying, shooting at eye level in a straight line can kill dozens with a single shot

Executive producer Adam Sandler

Ned returns

EP 3 Spoilers

Edd dies ;_;

Lord Royce dies, so that Sansa has absolute control over Vale as in the books.

Pod dies, Brienne cries.

Beric dies. Hound sad.

Wounded Gendry is killed by Arya, because Martin Wrote her as Azor Ahai. Faceless men knew this. As does Bran.

Humans defeat zombies

Jon dany burn bodies

Cersei troops arrive, shoot dragon, they were lurking and have joined the chat now

Jon dany retreat

Golden company fully surrounds winterfell, our heroes are fucked

It looks hopeless

Bran smiles


Night king rapes entire cersei army it was beautiful sansa

Bran tells them we need to leave

Everyone runs away

Dumb cunt Lyanna and House Mormont hold the gate

Gates fall

Jorah makes a last stand, HERE WE STAND, Lyanna cries and runs off like the bitch she is

NK Has taken Winterfell.