Why are there so many manchildren watching capeshit nowadays?? Is it something in the water?
Why are there so many manchildren watching capeshit nowadays?? Is it something in the water?
Other urls found in this thread:
>uses multiple question marks like a teenage girl
>pretends to be an adult but has a Yea Forums folder
>pretends to be masculine but anonymously projects his insecurities about masculinity on a anime forum
Did I miss anything?
80% Reddit quips and exposition followed by 20% cheap garbage CGI fights and fanservice for onions rats, latinos, nugs and Indians to scream at like subhumans and forget that 80% of the movie was boring as fuck.
Every character gets snarky one liners so manbabies can guffaw and spray food particles all over the theater then clap and high five.
A succesful capeshit has to be:
>Some action with quipping
>Hero thinks that everything is lost
>Quipping showing that not everything is lost
>A final battle full of quippings, cgi and fanservice who will take 20% of the screentime and will be used to sell the movie
>replying to himself
It just keeps piling up.
Back to your "action toys", manbaby
>can't figure out how to format posts properly
>can't figure out how to end sentences reliably
The difference being that all my observations are based on things you've done in this thread. Your assertion that I play with action toys is something you had to manufacture as a defense mechanism against the reality that you're pathetic and a hypocrite. I'm fairly sure your grandfather would be disappointed with your behavior and the way your life has turned out in general.
Also, you're from the third world because you don't speak English natively. They're called "action figures" in the first world, Pajeet.
>Pajeet goes silent, faced with the fact that he's completely transparent to anyone with an IQ over 110
Grow up
Imagine being such a queer you stick up for another man (a fucking brown one at that). Off yourself, phonetard.
Why are you defending movies about grown men in tights so much? Seriously grow the fuck up also the fact that you replied so fast after a late bump makes me hope your a shill because if your defending capeshit this hard i honestly feel sorry for you
>Why are you defending movies about grown men in tights so much?
I'm not, illiterate. I'm making fun of a hypocrite. You're so fucking stupid that I'm laughing IRL right now, brown eyes.
>also the fact that you replied so fast after a late bump
Adults browse the site on computers and not phones. We can see from our tabs when some moronic shitbaby has made a new post for us to make fun of. :^)
Women’s fault.
you should be sealed in a mason jar and kept for posterity. Future generations will be able to look back at you as the perfect example of a snarky reddit faggot
>y-you're reddit because you said something in a way I didn't like (rationally)
Nice pavement ape scrawl, toddler under 25.
hes right you're embarrassing yourself just from the way you type I didn't even know that was possible you should stop posting
i'll bite. i don't watch capeshit but why is the movie fanservice for onion rats, latinos, niggers and pajeets
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I like Marvel movies. l think it’s fair to say that most people like Marvel movies too. I don’t think it’s healthy to sulk on image boards, pretending that going to a theater twice a year to watch the newest capekino with a group of friends is leading to the downfall of western civilization. I think that you are bitter, because you have lost contact with society and cannot accept the idea that people like to watch fun movies, just like they also like to watch horror movies and fantasy movies and even serious movies.
I would go so far as to call you a marvelcuck, because you and many like you on this board just spend all day seething at Disney and people who enjoy their movies. You define yourself on what you hate and not what you enjoy, and therefore your life revolves around marvel and Star Wars and everything else that this board complains about. Enjoy the rest of your night
>hes right
You realize that I know you're samefagging, right? I don't know which would be worse - you being a pathetic samefag or you being a queer whiteknighting for another man and playing pile-on because your dad wasn't around to teach you that's gay and being gay is wrong.
>dedicating this much to a shitpost
Didnt read lol
How do I get more testostorone bros?
Obviously the key is making anonymous posts on Yea Forums telling other people that they're low t while having no proof of any of your own masculine accomplishments to share.
why you hate fun bro? just shut your brain off dude lmao
Stop making capeshit threads. Out of sigt and out of mind.
Endocrine disruptors e.g. bisphenol-A (BPA) are a legitimate possibility
don't know why you guys can't just enjoy movies for what they are, I won't say Five Guys is a shit burger because I expected haute french cuisine.
There are alot of good films Yea Forums can watch so I don't get why they obsess over capeshit.
watching bitch anime and arthouse movies doesnt elevate yout t levels either bitchboy
watch anime and play nintendo games like what all the soi chugging japs do
I like your style fren, keep up the cringey work. it’s good stuff.
Destroyed him mate.
fuck off shill. capeshit is awful and you should feel bad if you actually enjoy watching it and aren’t just paid to have this opinion.
It made enough money to become normie shit
Go cry more, autist. I just know you can't be invested in any movie anymore so you go out and actively shit on people that can. Capeshit being the weakest and relived one is an easy target since nobody will condemn your shitty attitude. Pussy.
pure redditry
They are their target audience.
This is exactly what Disney is aiming for.
I like a lot of movies. I enjoy movies more often than not. I honestly do and I don’t shit talk in these threads very often but here’s my take.
I think Marvel and DC movies (read: capeshit) are bad. they appeal to the “oooh muh splosion!! did you guys see how big it was?? hoo hoo hoo this is how I laugh, it’s my way of letting everyone in the theater know I thought that quip was soooo super funny. w-what? a car chase??? what will they think up next?? I want an ice cold Pepsi cola all of a sudden!” crowd and I think only children would be into it unironically.
I don’t even hate comic books or superheros tbqhwy, I specifically dislike capeshit. it’s corny and predictable.