Has a director ever replied to one of your shitposts before?
Has a director ever replied to one of your shitposts before?
I'm almost positive James Franco and Rian Johnson have replied to my posts on Yea Forums, anonymously of course.
Not shitposts but back in the day kevin smith used to run his own view askew forum and responded to my posts a few times. Pretty cool when youre 14
Yes. My favorite student film director, yourmoviesucksdotorg, responded to my PM's on youtube back in 2010 when he made his first breakthrough.
no director but Moot replied to me when I tried reporting his posts
you can't report the admin for some reason fuck him
Yes, The Big Q himself. He told me it was an honest complaint that I made and promised to ramp up the feetposting in future movies.
lol dream on nerd, james is way too rich and succesful for this shit, hes working on several projects and has a fullfulling life, hes probably laughing at you,
No, I have not.
I cybered with Taylor Swift once in a late night Yea Forums thread.
seething james. go eat a tendie stinky
He hangs around smoking weed and browsing the internet. That's how he got in trouble for trying to pick up that 17 year old.
Mel Gibson once called me a nigger on here.
Yeah Minnie Schedeen responded to me when I asked her if she created a thread on Yea Forums about her movie.
I know nothing about her.
wtf no, u guys need to stop believin all that shit,
yeah james is a cool dude with or without weed hah theres no need to be an asshole to him
see ya later fags
An Islamic outreach institution on youtube disabled comments on one of their videos because I pointed out that they were blatantly lying about European history and BTFO of the intern who tried to back up their propaganda in the comments.
Does that count?
james gunn replied to me on twitter. it was about cgi or some shit
Pretty based
Reported for announcing reports btw
is this 90s online slang?
What were they lying about?
Zoomer faggot
Underagedb& please go
OOOOOOOOOh you said "I" instead of "them" Busted!
fuck off kike
I had an email correspondence with Mike from RLM.
I was the one who told him to do audio commentary for movies with Jay and Rich
They ran a video showing ~1920s era working class scottish women wrapping themselves in shawls against the cold and tried to suggest that this was evidence that women in the UK and Europe used to wear hijabs for modesty.
they tried to say the holohoax was real
i screeched at dan harmon to make more rick and he quoted it or something and i got like 900 replies raging 'you're the kind of fan that makes the us look bad' i've never seen the show lol
technically that's sort of right though. Until the 1900s it was common for Christian women to cover their head at all times in public for modesty, and that lasted until the 1960s for catholic women
Used to shoot the shit with Affleck back in the day on his website chat before Armeggedon blew him up into a big fat movie star. He was alright.
Why did you have to humiliate Tommy Wiseau? not cool man
>Until the 1900s it was common for Christian women to cover their head at all times in public for modesty, and that lasted until the 1960s for catholic women
For starters, that isn't even remotely true and 5 seconds with google would have told you as much. UK Christian women stopped covering their hair in public around about the 16th century, so you're just a tinsy bit off with your dates there Mohamed.
Secondly, they were specifically claiming that the shawls were Hijabs, as in the the headcovering required by the Hadith, not Catholic veils.
not Yea Forums but I talked to earl sweatshirt once on Yea Forums a long time ago
>t. black user
I don't think i've ever did anything worth of note
i didnt, he was way out of line
James Danko