>go back to pol
Go back to pol
That’s not a discord tranny. Is it?
It’s a man (male)
kinos for this feel?
>yea i browse /pol/ got a problem cuck?
fatfucks > passive sóibois
post a picture of your body
Movies for this feel?
>defends the star wars homo
>asks me for pictures of my body and dick
sorry bro im hetero and happily married
what is that? a scar?
they look like retards or brain damaged
me on the left
Literally imagine the smell
are you the same loser asking for body and jaw pics every day?
hey qt
i never once defended the star wars homo. you just cant handle the bantz
based fag
but fat fucks tend to be liberal
well, only sóicucks, trannies, niggers, kikes and women hate /pol/
if someone makes a thread insulting a sóiboi, the offended sóibois insult /pol/
...like clockwork
Based as fuck
>well, only sóicucks, trannies, niggers, kikes and women hate /pol/
the STATE of 2016 tourists
>cant prove me wrong
looks like i won again sweetie ;)
Who cares what they do, just hide and filter, same as ever.
wtf I hate gymbros now
how can i even compete?
Napoleon Dynamite
sucking my dick is a good start
ask your sister for advice and tips
zoomer "humor"
cute posy feet
Implying this isn't peak physical power
Thanks you absolute fucking mong my mom just saw this and is now calling me to have a talk downstairs
What's it like being hated by everyone except for your insular web forum?
>calling me to have a talk downstairs
she watched you browsing Yea Forums and now she wants to move to another room to discuss it with you?
It's a dream come true for them actually. They can keep telling themselves the ones who hate them are just Jews or brainwashed cucks who will never be special and redpilled like they are.
Serious question: Does anyone think these reactions are genuine and not forced because of a camera and a need for attention