>Coca-Cola was a beverage found at Black Spire Outpost on Batuu. It came in spherical "orb" bottles, with its brand name and the phrase "Original Taste" printed on the side in stylized Aurebesh.
>Galaxy's Edge is not only a theme park, but it's also Star Wars canon now.
IRL corporate products are now officially part of Star Wars now. Star Wars is fucking dead. This is the retardest timeline.

Attached: cocacola=starwars.png (1024x744, 458K)

Other urls found in this thread:

We clown wars now


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>Luke have I ever told you about Coca-cola? Coca-Cola was a beverage found at Black Spire Outpost on Batuu. It came in spherical "orb" bottles, with its brand name and the phrase "Original Taste" printed on the side in stylized Aurebesh. Unfortunately the taste suffered when they stopped putting cocaine in it. It was a good soft drink.

Attached: Old-Ben-obi-wan-kenobi-20375221-1600-1200.jpg (1600x1200, 196K)

based honk poster

thats just there so they have an excuse to show it on big screen right?

>"Uhhh y-yes Lord Vader?"
>"Get me a cold refreshing bottle of Coca Cola™ Exotic Mango."
>"Sir? W-we only have Pepsi!"
>"Do not try my patience admiral."

Attached: databank_forcechoke_01_169_93e4b0cf.jpg (960x540, 97K)

based. star trek pedos can have pepsi.


Came here to post something like this. You're a good friend, user.

Ahh young Skywalker. Have you ever tried the refreshing original taste of Coca Cola?

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>So then that geriatric asshole had the nerve to choke me with his mind because we didn't have the soda he liked, even though I technically outrank him. I'm so filing a report on his ass about this.


God, this is just like all the blatant shameless product placement that Square Enix put into FFXV. Disney's fucking desperate.

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Droids eaten my credits!

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I'm fine with them serving coke at the theme park, but just call it something else

>This was your father’s Coca-Cola© Freestyle™ Machine

could've at least spelt it KokaKola


And to think we said product placement in Man of Steel was bad

>at an amusement park

Good friends

*reaches for bottle*
*takes swig*
*looks directly into camera*
Episode 9 everyone

Disney will own us all one day

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>"I find your lack of refreshment disturbing."
>"Now this is cola!"
>"Why you half-witted, scruffy looking, Pepsi drinker!"
>"Coke or Coke Zero. There is no Pepsi."
>"No. I am your soda."
Fuck Disney and Fuck kikes.

Why are you complaining about product placement in a franchise intended for children, OP?
The diametric benefit of customer-to-company symbiosis is what makes the world go round and is great for the growth of society and culture as we know it. If product placement capitalism didn't exist, civilization would collapse in a domino effect, so you should be glad that something like Coca-Cola in Star Wars is a thing, you fucking idiot.

Not seeing the problem

probably should have just retconned Aurabesh

>no obvious ride markers
Maybe the 3 hour line will be a hint

>nu/tv/ claims this is canon but the new movies aren't
go back to /rlm/eddit

I go "No Master, I'm not on the dark side, I'm okay, I'm just thinking, you know. Why don't you get me a pepsi?" He goes "NO, YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE". I go "Master, I'm okay, I'm just thinking". He goes "IT WAS SAID THAT YOU WOULD DESTROY THE SITH, NOT JOIN THEM, BRING BALANCE TO THE FORCE, NOT LEAVE IT IN DARKNESS". I go "Master, just give me a pepsi, please, all I want is a pepsi," and he wouldn't give it to me. ALL I WANTED WAS A PEPSI, JUST ONE PEPSI AND HE WOULDN'T GIVE IT TO ME. JUST A PEPSI.

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No, Disney claims this as canon, after wiping the EU clean.

>tfw you remember this franchise was doomed the moment they sold it to Disney
>tfw you gave away all of your memorabilia for sick dosh after that and warned everyone
>tfw everyone is languishing in misery while Im enjoying the downhill spiral

Attached: 1546963344006.jpg (1242x1393, 191K)

>a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away
>coca-cola existed

Attached: 112b7e6ee5f53adcbd50bad0ba3b532bc0ec4608177df9caa40d76e7489c6c28.jpg (420x560, 30K)

It's over, Anakin. I have the Hi-C.

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This poster is retarded

based and breastpilled