Childhood is thinking TCM reboot is best
Reddithood is realizing the Original was the better film
Basedhood is finally coming to terms with that Texas chainsaw massacre 2 is the superior Texaskino
Childhood is thinking TCM reboot is best
not so fast there buddy, the original is probably the best horror movie ever made
who the fuck ever said the remake is better?
The original was unique at the time, cutting edge, deserves all the accolades, etc. But I've watched it twice over the years, and both time it's plodding and the chair was annoying as hell (in a not entertaining way).
TCM 2 is superior in every way.
I always preferred 2, had it on vhs
2 is silly. Silly and horror don’t mix. I genuinely don’t get people who think it’s “underrated”
>silly and horror don't mix
Leatherface looks like Bobby Baccala is wearing that mask.
evil dead 1 is bettter than evil dead 2
if you don't find tcm 2 terrifying then you're soulless
Almost everyone who prefers generic gory slashers. The remake actually had nice atmosphere and was pretty scary at times. If only they put more effort into the script.
The original isn't really that gory
Especially that car chase scene. That was fantastic.
I know someone else who doesn't like mixing comedy with horror. I think some people just can't reconcile the genre mashup.
Great atmosphere.
>Silly and horror don’t mix.
Best slasher fs
Exactly my point
You're probably right. But, I think pic related and Halloween are close.
Shit, forgot pic.
I like TCM The Next Generation
Literally no one from Earth thinks the reboot is better than the original, although 2 > 1.
TCM original is by far the best
TCM2 is campy fun
all the rest are garbage
>Childhood is thinking TCM reboot is best
fucking zoomers
based and truthpilled
Literally just a quick search. A LOT of people think the remake is better.
The remake is a much more exciting movie. I get the love for the original and I can appreciate it for what it is and what it did. But modern movie tastes are better served by the remake. It was just old and low budget enough to fall outside of contemporary preferences.
Is the Jessica Biel remake worth watching at all? They added it to Netflix recently and I've been looking for more slashers to watching.
It's not bad, but it feels like much more of a conventional slasher.
Tone was solid though.
Is that the one with Viggo?
It's good. It's kind of like the F13 remake except it doesn't make the setting present day. It hits the right beats, has the right atmosphere, is acted well enough, has a handful of solid scenes. TCM remake is definitely in the group of solid horror remakes we got in the 00s.
I'll check it out.
I tried watching the F13 remake cause they added that to Netflix recently too. It didn't seem that bad but I got bored of it pretty quickly but I'm not really a fan an overall fan of the franchise though, the only ones I like are Part 5, Part 7, Part 8, and Jason Goes to Hell.
Yeah if 5, 7, 8, and Hell are your favorite F13s, I can see why you wouldn't like the remake.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is the greatest horror film ever made, it's a pure vision.
TCM2 has some things going for it- Great atmosphere, lighting and set design, tongue-in-cheek humor, the dancing scene...
But it has way too many problems. Severe pacing issues. Dennis Hopper's character feels shoehorned into the plot. The humor really isn't that funny. It's not particularly well-shot. It follows the shitty sequel schtick of simply rehashing all the best bits of the original (seriously TCM2 might be the worst offender of the sequel rehash). There's also not enough of a kill count. The amusement park is underutilized. The character that replaces Nubbin is super lame and throws off the family dynamic...
Give it up, you tryhard hipster.
>Basedhood is finally coming to terms with that Texas chainsaw massacre 2 is the superior Texaskino
My man. TCH2 is so fucking underrated, it's a fucking masterpiece.
>The character that replaces Nubbin is super lame and throws off the family dynamic
all horror is silly
What am I in for? I really liked the first one.
the last good hellraiser movie.
Every other word of that post is a buzzword. Can you even speak like a normal human being any more?
It's very fun but I wouldn't call it a masterpiece.
Cringe and bluepilled
>horror comedy
cringey retard faggot
Ascendedhood is realizing that TCM is an awful movie despite its cultural impact.
Preach. To me it's the same as people who think the prequels aren't total shit except not as bad because at least TCM was good at the time.
What are some of your favorite horror movies, user?
not based
Atmosphere alone disqualifies it from being an
"awful" movie you fucking plebians