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ill probably steal this from the warehouse like i did with the first suit


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Kino call back

I literally cried like a baby in the theater

Tony's death was sad, but I feel like it overshadowed the other major characters we lost, especially Black Widow's.

i don't get it
why does an arc reactor prove he has a heart


>Autist who probably doesn’t understand basic human interaction, symbology or subtlety

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>I am..inevitable
>I..am...Iron Man
One of those moments when everyone in the theater simultaneously went "OHHHH!"

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By this point of the movie I was completely exhausted. Idk how they had to drag the third act for a fucking hour.



I maintain the best ending for the character would be retiring from being a super hero and living with his family in peace having suffered for 15 years and finally saved the universe.

But, this was a good ending for Tony anyway.

I don't usually get emotional during movies - but this hit me hard. It's not often when a film character gets like 9 movies of development out of 22 movies of continuity and reaches the end of their arc. I don't expect another character to match it for a long time.

why didn't they just let hulk use the stones to bring tony back to life?

Attached: why.jpg (456x337, 120K)

The same reason why he can't bring back Natasha. Plot convenience and it was a mistake to introduce an all powerful macguffin in a universe that has barely anything to counterbalance it

No, Natasha and Gamorra couldn't be brought back by the stones because they were sacrificed to obtain the Soul Stone. This was explained in the movie. Tony's death is just like any other normal death. The infinity stones wiped out Trillions of life forms and brought them back to life. Tony should be no different.

I think Tony wanted to keep it that way. He knew and planned it in case if that happened.

no, Tony explicitly, throughout the movie, reminds everyone that he wants to remain alive at all costs so he can live with his family. He refuses to help them because it might makes things worse or cost him his life, and he reminds them of that when he comes back with the solution.

In my Mexican cinema everyone was quite like they were appreciating the scene.

Reminder the best scene from the Ironman series was more John Slattery than RDJ

Probably would have killed him

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what who gave a fuck about black widow

playing the same character for 10 years makes you wanna die


You literally should have not drank that soi latte 3 years ago

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