I felt a single tear run down my cheek when this happened. Should I consider suicide?
I felt a single tear run down my cheek when this happened. Should I consider suicide?
Other urls found in this thread:
I did when Spiderman cried over stark
>Should I consider suicide?
>go to see it with family
>only manchild is one black dude
>all the woman cry
>mom is bawling at his death
u should tho
>You should feel utterly emotionalless despite two decades of investment in the franchise
So is Yea Forums just edgy 12 year olds?
>two decades
I felt intense joy and the urge to clap, but I resisted my primal American urges and didn't. I totally loved that they teased the idea that he could lift it in Avengers 2, but just didn't want to embaress Thor. Now instead of head cannon, it is gloriously cannon.
it was cool, and anyone that says otherwise is a no-fun-allowed contrarian. It's a fucking popcorn movie, it's ok to enjoy it.
I cried when Scott and his daughter reunited.
You're a little faggot. No one but little kids and little faggots gives a FUCK about this shit.
My whole cinema (including me) clapped and i'm not even in fucking America
>So is Yea Forums just edgy 12 year olds?
Some people here actually have decent taste in films, not jewish brainwashing shit made by Disney you dumb cuck.
when I went to see this people literally clapped only at this scene
>Deus meme
>using your own selfie
Excuse me, that is not a tripfag.
But you are a newfag.
i teared up when:
tony hugged peter.
cap lifting mjolnir.
scott reunited with his daughter
peter crying at tony's passing.
tony's funeral.
cap gets his last dance.
tony hugging his dad.
clint seeing his family/wife calling him
old cap giving his shield away.
happy hogan promising morgan all the cheeseburgers.
I started watching this entire universe when i was 12. I have every right to tear up and cry at all the parts of basically the finale. Memes aside it was a great send off.
can someone invested in the capeshit culture explain to me why this was such a big scene?
>Peter crying over Tony
>his wife doesn’t even care
Pepper already accepted that he would sacrifice himself for the greater good earlier in the film
Nobody besides "worthy" people can pick up hammer, currently nobody besides the original owner (Thor) can pick it up
captain america picks up hammer
everyone claps
Thor's hammer is enchanted to where only those who are "worthy" can lift it. In Avengers 2, every one tries to lift Thor's hammer during a party and they can't except it is implied Cap could lift it and he just did not want to embarrass Thor.
She was probably happy she can finally jump on some dicks like the good ol' days again.
Anyone have the webm of this scene?
the Americans sure loved it
I thought I was gonna tear up during a lot of scenes but I didnt. I forced one out when the nobody gave the cheeseburgers to the loli because I didn't wanna feel dead inside.
>First one has chink subtitles
>calling her a loli
LMAO for real throw the loli a cheeseboigah dude!
Someone added the camrip to the audio
Suuuure, seems legit
Gwyneth’s last words to RDJ made me slightly emotional. Self-harm is my only option at this point
what a load of shit hahaha
>Avengers Endgame 2019 720p HDCAM-xBay
download it and see for yourself fucking dumbass
I teared up at some of these scenes as well.
>Scott reunited with his daughter
>Clint seeing his family/wife calling him
>Happy Hogan promising Morgan all the cheeseburgers
and, additionally:
>Thor talking with his mother
>The single shot during Stark's funeral of his young daughter's face
>Clint in the aftermath of Natasha throwing herself off the cliff
Also, the entire thing done with Nebula to the point that she had to shoot herself was fucking kino.
the absolute state of hollywood cg
>judging the CGI by a screenshot of a camrip.
Hulk actually looked good.
The only part that I did not think the Hulk looked good in was during the diner scene.
Vision picked it up too
That's the first time I've ever heard a non-American audience cheer for something in a movie theater.
Nervously watching this to make sure no one in me theater recorded me sperging out
well i've never seen cg that doesn't stick out and look like shit when composited with live action, this garbage is no different
It was comic book fanservice.
There will never, ever again be a scene this hype in Marvel capeshit. Even as someone who's been sick of these movies I couldn't help but crack a smile, it felt so natural and perfectly executed. There simply will not be a scene like this again with the diversity hire Avengers, and because of that the MCU will die.
physically gagging
I got really emotional when Cap danced with Peggy at the end.
What's your problem?
>"This ending is fucking terrible boo hoo"
Thor seeing his mum
I didn’t get emotional at this dumb shit. It was the stuff with Clint and his family and Scott and his daughter that got me. Maybe it’s just that I only sympathize with father figures. But I didn’t give one single fuck about Tony’s death. Neither did anyone in the movie either. His daughter was just sitting there talking about cheeseburgers like nothing happened. Really pathetic sendoff just because RDJ costs too much to keep in these movies.
>Some people here actually have decent taste in films, not meme word buzzword insult made by buzzword you insult meme word
Fuck that, I'll just wait till it's at Redbox.
ywn experience the hype a pajeet feels when watching capeshit
yeah but most people just see crazy Gwyneth Paltrow which is a fucking emotionless robot in real life so people associate more the crazy bitch emotionless behaviour than the character actually accepting the sacrifice when they are talking about it at home before the time travel starts.
I, too, pretend to be fanatical about whatever's being advertised aggressively at the time.
He's just a miserable creature
2 billion men are back, some actually men sized(>5"11), she doesn't have to be with a manlet anymore
You're fine user. I teared up a lot during that last fight. One big one was when the portals opened and all the Avengers came through to help
If anyone has better quality pls post
muh trash flicks
>namefag telling others to kill themselves
You're going to kill yourself eventually, tranny.
>investment in the franchise
Nigga you gay.
>happy hogan promising morgan all the cheeseburgers.
Thor talking to his mother was the only scene that got me
hurt my heart too
I thought the daughter ruined it. Should have let her say something else.
>"Your daddy loved cheeseburgers."
Thor has ptsd from decapitating thanos, he's gone to shit the past 5 years but "beer that might be good" convinces him to go back?
"time travel is literally impossible" 1 night of creating 3d models of moebius strip later "omg i did it lol"
"hey guys, this is like the only chance we get to go back in time, we might die or ruin the universe if we fuck it up, let's try and tget hings right."
>literally ten seconds after arriving at Morag, "duude I just remember thanos and half the world will be here searching for the stone at this time"
>"also I forgot to tell the other guys that the soul stone requires a sacrifice to obtain, oopsie daisy, i guess one of them will die"
meanwhile in 2012
>"guys i have a plan, we'll have antman become small and literally kick the suitcase from within a crowd of people so that it slides to us, nobody will notice"
meanwhile in whenever the fuck mr beer and furrydude were
>"our plan consists of convincing a girl that this 120kg hobo-looking sack of shit is thor and then we can steal one of the most precious items in the universe from her when she turns around"
if antman can just turn giant, what's the fucking point of hulk? Why didn't he just step on thanos?
how did hawkeye not die when a huge concrete building collapsed on him?
why the fuck would you act surprised when your BROTHER asks for mayo on his hotdog? jesus christ, was this the first time they had hotdogs as a family?
It was the delivery, I think. She says it like she doesn't give a shit about anything happening around her. It should've been shaky and choked with emotions, but I guess you can't expect much from child actors.
>I started watching this entire universe when i was 12
Why is ScarJo wearing pajama bottoms in public?
i honestly wish i gave a shit about what is essentially modern star wars
I can tell you live alone, and always will.
What? I got emotional because it was good.
My nips got so hard when cap swung it
So because I choose to use my mediocre brain at least a bit, you think I don't have people around me? You must be surrounded by literal shitheads if you think you have to play dumb to have a girlfriend or friends.
Overdramatic nerd hyperbole is the best
No, I literally got a boner when this happened
>I started watching this entire universe when i was 12
>tfw I was 25 when IM1 dropped
You're 36 and have frog pictures saved on your computer
It's symbolism for sharing a women you love with a close bro
>36 years old
>still on Yea Forums
What went wrong in your life user
I have hundreds of them saved, browse /pol/, and have a wife and kids
Only tasteless faggots get emotionally invested in corporate factory made over screen tested, no soul movies
Thors I knew it fucking ruined it, they just cant help themselves with the quips
this is a reddit thread
mods please end it
>why the fuck would you act surprised when your BROTHER asks for mayo on his hotdog? jesus christ, was this the first time they had hotdogs as a family?
god damn my sides
fuckin roast
That poor woman
y-your just jealous tranny h-heheh
lol stay mad incels
how? it was obvious as fuck it was going to happen as soon as Thor got Mjolnir back. how else was Cap going to meaningfully contribute to a fight vs Thanos?
it's okay, user, we believe you ;)
My girlfriend is sleeping next to me and I lost all my frog pictures when my old hard drive took a dump
You're telling me you watched over 20 hours of mediocre films, and I should feel bad for shitting on the series. I don't buy the capshit meme, but having an entire cinematic universe doesn't mean it's actually any good. You know what else lasted almost 20 years? The Vietnam War, but you don't see people calling that shit kino. But HAVE SEX 14 year old amirite
Bunch of slack-jawed faggots in this thread.
Holy shit, the amount of soi from you crying faggots
Jesus dude like damn time flies.