The Last Samurai - Kino or Kitsch?

Bought the blu-ray version of one of my favorite all time movies (fan of samurai) and just finished watching it again.

Loved it when it first came out and I was still a young teenager, the magic has endured. I just checked how well it was received and it did pretty well at the box office, though it also got a pretty average rating (6.5-ish) and a lot of criticism for being a 'white saviour' trope.

What do you think, Yea Forums? Kino or kitsch?

Also; if anybody has similair movies to recommend, please do

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Horrible cultural appropriation, Netflix's Yasuke the Black Samurai however is a kino correction of history.

I am quite sure you're sarcastic

As has been said before, the love story was unnecessary and ruined what would be a perfect expression of masculinity in film.

>and a lot of criticism for being a 'white saviour' trope.
this is the most idiotic thing because the movie is based on history about some european guy

How did it ruin the perfect expression of masculanity and what does that entail according to you?

Very true, lots of examples of Europeans 'going native' and joining the ranks of the samurai, the example you provided was the inspiration for the character, I believe.

I agree with you that its nonsensical criticism due to the role of Algren being very non-crucial and 'serving', not leading in any sort of way

No way friend, PoC have always been the ruling class in secret. Are you of african descent? Because if you are I'll let you bang my girlfriend if you want. it's only fair because of slavery.

pretty good movie. check out 'Ran' (1985) for something similair

the machine guns should've shot more of the horses but otherwise it's good

“white saviour” is a trope because it actually happened all the time in history. in films it just let’s the english speaking world relate to the characters interacting with other cultures

If he didn't fuck the Jap chick, it'd been much better
I didn't mind the eye fucking and all but you can't tell me that a widow would fuck a foreigner in those times, she'd get kicked out of the village
Ken was based though


In terms of pacing, I thought that a lot of the action sequences were unnecessary (namely the random ninja village attack, Tom Cruise getting jumped) and added in solely because the filmmakers felt like it'd been too long without some action.

>the movie is based on history
Loosely. The conflict itself is badly misrepresented from how it actually went down historically.

>a lot of criticism for being a 'white saviour' trope
Well, that's disappointing. A better criticism would be how it portrayed the samurai as purely noble and honorable, and the war between them and the modern army as a matter of keeping tradition and identity.
Because in actual history, the samurai were pretty brutal towards commoners and could get away with some vicious acts. And during the war the rebelling samurai used guns too, and only stopped when they ran out of ammo since they didn't get outside supplies.

And really, Tom is a poor saviour when everybody dies in the end.

Still, putting inaccuracies aside, I like the movie. Nice story, great music, good sword-action.

It got slammed by the pop critics encouraged by tiny penis asian boys crying t was about a white guy saving the none whit people again. When really he did not save anything he was just the viewpoint pc to introduce the audience to the culture and sex up the women with an adult sized penis

(Your country has to be pretty sad when tom cruise is the biggest cock in your country"

The Samurai army used fire arms in that war, they just did not have the newest and ran out of gun powder

If you ignore all history and take it as a pure fantasy alternative universe...sure its good.

Now, the fact that samurai had been using guns for over 300 years...and the actual samurai general himself had a firearm school under his name...kinda ruins any suspended disbelief

the battle scenes are also shit.

I enjoyed it until the forced romance sub plot.

The battle scenes are great, I think. Atleast the final 'proper' battle scene.. made me very emotional

In terms of history it is kitsch.
In terms of storytelling it is kino.

asian girls just like the white man, simple as

This scene was so good, the whole atmosphere, the music, the fog.. great

The battle scene where tom cruise is captured but before they get him he goes ape shit with the flag. Pretty cool.

You mean this scene I normally hate Tom Cruise (atleast as a person) but he did all his own stunts and fighting, looked great doing it

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Probably my favorite movie as well.
Soundtrack is pure perfection.

>Horrible cultural appropriation

and that's a good thing.

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This. Based Zimmer



I always listen to the soundtrack of The Last Samurai when I make love to my japanese gf.

Didn't know the soundtrack was so short


>love story
what the heck
he came back for the kids



Absolute kino. We also seem to be about the same age.

>I didn't mind the eye fucking and all but you can't tell me that a widow would fuck a foreigner in those times, she'd get kicked out of the village
he doesn't fucking know
stay pure user

Why didnt it get a higher rating?

... I'm thinking kino

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>muh another dances with wolves clone
>muh white guy in Japan
>muh Tom Cruise hating

I dunno. I dont go off ratings. Most of my favorite movies aren't rated very highly.
In fact TDK and LOTR are some of the only highly rated movies I agree with.

Making up your own mind and what you subjectively think is good and not letting others opinions bother you is one of the most positively impacting things you can work towards.
