Remember that time at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy when one infinity stone almost killed Quill...

remember that time at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy when one infinity stone almost killed Quill, but everyone holding hands and using it together saved them from all dying?
Why the fuck didn't the avengers do that?
Just have Tony, Cap, Thor and some others all put their hands together to wipe out thanos and no one has to die.
Rocket was there too, so he should've remembered this and told everyone

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That was a single stone, and Quill was half space god.

Because Quill is a fucking celestial being and im pretty sure he took most of the impact by himself.
but most importantly because killing Tony off to end his story had to happen somehow, so they chose the most thematic and dramatic way to do it.

The only reason the Guardians survived that is because Quill wasn't entirely human. The very next scene revealed that and the sequel was about that.

This movie really exposed you capeshitters for the brainlets you are.
There's a question for every little detail in the movie, because you people can't keep up with a childrens film, kek.

thanos literally grabbed the power stone with minimal effort to punch marvel

Even if Quill isn't fully human there's still a weird inconsistency with how strong one has to be to wield the stones.
Quill, Hulk and Thanos are all somewhat powered-beings, however Quill who is a half-celestial being struggled and almost died holding onto just one stone without assistance.
Thanos and Hulk held all of the stones and got by with what look like 3rd degree arm burns.
Surely if all of the Avengers, or at least a good amount of them got together to use the gauntlet they would live.

Hulk was wearing the gauntlet. Holding the gauntlet is different from holding the stones, and holding the stones is different from using the gauntlet.

Peter lost his Celestial powers when Ego died in GOTG 2.

>Tony, Cap
you sound like such a fucking 14 year old when you call them that.

>Because Quill is a fucking celestial being
Isn't Thor too though? He survived that super neutron star radiation or whatever in IW too right? (and possibly Captain Marvel -- idk her story, I assume she's human but then the alien people gave her some super alien DNA or if she got her powers another way, but regardless she shoots lasers from her hands and flies around in space (and Kevin Feige or someone important from Marvel said she was the strongest of any of them) so she could probably help too)

If it took a team holding hands to barely handle a single stone, it would probably be a bad idea do that with six of them.


The power stone is different than the other ones, like how Hawkeye could hold the soul stone in his hand no prob. Also the collector said it causes a catastrophic explosion when it touches organic matter hence why it could vaporize planets

You can hold the power stone through the container
There's not inconsistency

based Hawkeye held the soul stone raw

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This always got me

Why does It have to be a human gauntlet to wield to stones?
If you're a Alien with different hands you can never be the strongest as long as someone else can wear a human guantlet
So what are the conditions to create a conduit for all 6 power stones?
Becuase if all they need to be is connected by a material and in close proximity then that means Captin America is a god being able to hold all six at once in a metal box

the only reason hulk used the gauntlet the first time was so that it would be Thanos sized

I know capeshit plots are hard for you to follow op but in guardians of the galaxy they get go out of their way just to explain that quill is half celestial and therefore be able to ednure the power of the stone

The glove protected him

It's only the power stone that they can't touch i'm pretty sure.

It is literally never implied that all 6 stones can’t be held. The power stone is the only one that can’t be touched.

Stop making up your own plot points and rewatch the movies fags

Send file name yo.

Pretty sure the "you'll die from holding it" is mainly for the power stone, since the point of it is to be a singularity of pure energy.

Well even then they're probably all die
1 stone = 5 people had to hold hands
6 stones = at minimum 30
>implying all 30 want to hold hands and sing koombiya while the enemy is attacking
There should've been another attempt I agree but I don't think it was likely

>Why does It have to be a human gauntlet to wield to stones?
It doesn't. In GotG the space chimp slaps the stone onto his hammer thing in order to wield it.

im pretty sure that the only stone that is dangerous to held is the power stone, since thats the point, its the physical embodiment of extreme raw power

Thor should have been able to wield the gauntlet without problem

Very powerful beings can survive momentary contact with the Power Stone at least. Ronan did it too.

not in his state

it wasn't just Thanos that had to be killed though, his army was fucking wack and was going to decimate the earth for people like Tony's daughter. Tony wasn't having any of that shit.

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His state doesn't matter
his physiology is that of a God and had not been damaged by the gems power at all

Thats the power stone which in every films its been in has damaged its holder

Because Thor was too unstable and nobody trusted him with the stones.

Why didn't you faggots clap?

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HULK also has regeneration abilities and he's arm still looked fucked

how does thanos not die from using the power stones. i haven't seen any of these movies

>marvel missed an opportunity to make thor snap his fingers to get revenge on noobslayer69 in FORTNITE™

hes a titan

thank you user, have this picture

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not just a titan, but a mutant titan. he's like the captain america of titans

The Power Stone can't be held by normal mortal beings.

Only celestials, immortals, or extraordinarily powerful mortals can touch it without being overclocked like a flesh motor. Thanos is one of those beings.

It was one stone and Quill is an actual Demi-God (unlike Thor).

banner and ancient one held the time stone in their hands and nothing happened. the mind stone is exposed to vision and wanda touched the stone many times and barely jack shit happens.

hes more than just capt america of titans
hes literally the broly of titans

at my theater literally only antman got the claps

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600 million in one day, dude. Over a decade of content. Just get on board and have sex.

>at my theater
it upsets me how comfortable you feel talking about how you've already paid to see this in theaters. i guess it's my fault for going in this thread.

wtf, based theater

Because the gauntlet doesnt work like that. Also because just turn your brain off.


>it upsets me how comfortable you feel talking about how you've already paid to see this in theaters.
what? did you come into a thread about a newly released movie and expect everyone to have seen a camrip or something?

>quill, a half celestial was able to handle one stone with the help of four others and even then one died
Ok, so just have over 30 people stand in a circle with a glove. Bravo, you are dumber than capeshit
That goes double for you

Pretty much. I didn't even do that, I read the Wiki page.

I saw a camrip and it soured my experience of Infinity War, Endgame is a 6.5/10 at best.

I wouldn't mind the manchildren if the studios, especially Marvel, didn't put out capeshit so fucking often that there's no rest from them shitting up the board.

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I preferred when it was less of a cultural phenomenon. I don't like the normie masses, basically.

Remember the space stone also had some kind of requirement to hold, it BTFO Red Skull all the way to Vormir.

Its a one hand Gauntlet. Not a daisy chain.

Remember when the Time Stone was used to save Vision's life with no ill effects but no one thought to do the same with Tony

>I saw a camrip
Opinion discarded

>Paying money to the mouse.
Opinion revoked.

The Mouse is inevitable. You might as well bend the knee now.

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>human gauntlet
You don't need that. The dwarves made the glove for Thanos. And obviously Tony made the glove for humans.

Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.

Never, as it swallows more and more IP's, I will recede from those IP's, if it gets them all I will simply stop consuming media. (Or at least pirate it all so Disney doesn't get a penny from me)

they invented a radiaton explotion from doing a snap for endgame or some shit, that's what killed tony, his insides were basically fried

I know you're a manchild and you people get too immersed into this things, but Robert Downey Jr wanted to leave capeshit behind.

He was gonna die yes or yes.

Bullshit. RDJ was making mad bank from his original lucrative points deal and Disney wanted to unload him so they could pocket the shekels themselves.

yeah but hulk is a brainlet. Thanos had the sheer will to wield them combined with force. Hulk is a little beta stuck in an alphas body.

Comic book movies


Agree but 1000 years old boomer is less poweful than Thor.

Why did Captain America want to die in the end? He only lived about 100 years, Thor lived for like 1000. Suck it up, pussy.

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>cosmic gods put a stone in your hand
>the stone kills you if you hold it
why would the rules be like this? you can't hold the power stone because it has infinite power.

what the fuck is this cat a ghost?


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Fuck you nigger cuck

Top left is hot as fuck

He's been a virgin for almost a century, user. I've been a virgin for less than 25 years and I wake up wanting to end it all.


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You're a fucking retard

so brave

What exactly has Disney done besides making good movies?

I tried making a thread but it got deleted, how do I use the spoiler tag?

You do realize abstinence from their properties doesn't change anything because they're already a juggernaut. You can have your cake and eat it too by enjoying the properties AND encouraging trust busting to fuck their empire up. You get to enjoy the fruits of their labor while encouraging their undoing.


> in the end the universe is saved by millions of people all around the world holding hands
pls no

Zoe is hot as fuck

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how did hawkeye hold a stone in his bare hand

it just has to be a weapon. "a weapon capable of harnessing the power of the stones" or whatever peter dinklage said

your trying to apply strict logic to a childrens movie. also all 6 stones together are exponentially more powerful

The real question everyone should ask is why they retconned the stones to fry everyone regardless of what they are doing.
Thanos got rekt by destroying them, which can make sense, but both him and the Hulk are in pain as soon as they wear the gauntlet.

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He earned it through ritualistic sacrifice.

>On Yea Forums
>Can't even watch movies anymore
Go see a therapist, you have depression

starlord is half god

nice cade

Because Junior was done with Iron man

Hawkboi just held the soul stone in his bare hand. Are the rules different for the soul stone?

Memes aside, decent movie and end to it all.

Based Rudd is the highlight of the MCU

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Only the power stone is volatile to touch. All the others are fine.

Guardians and Antman are the only ones worth caring about.

Only two stones are dangerous to hold. Power (purple) and Reality (red).

Spoderman and Cpt. Maahvel straight shota when?

Remember that time they introduced the Bifrost as a quasi-magical/technological device that could only be accessed from Asgard and to which Heimdall was appointed guardian? Remember how it had to be locked and unlocked under his guard using his sword?

Remember how they shat all over that and just made it pure magic, something Heimdall can do from anywhere, anytime, and instead of using it to space Thanos when he has the chance, he sends the Hulk back to earth to warn everyone of the threat Heimdall just chose not to prevent?

Space as well, considering what happened to Red Skull

Because it's faster than typing Iron Man and Captain America you fucking idiot

>Watching a movie will get you laid

Anyway i loved the big lebowski reference

half planet creature you mean