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Bubbles, blossom or buttercup?

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Buttercup, she must be nasty as fuck

bubbles obviously

Buttercup > Blossom > Bubbles

I like father/daughter kino toos

Why is bubbles the only one who still has elliptical feet?

blossom, best looks for me. bonus that i don't really want a tomboy or an airhead.

Because she's fat

Only one that retained her baby fat


If you've matured, Blossom is the best.

Bubbles is literally me

do i have to?

I'm a bubbles man myself mister, but I've grown to appreciate buttercup too

Buttercup>>>Bubbles>Literal shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Blossom

Buttercup always has been, is now, and always will be, the best girl

>I'm a bubbles man myself mister, but I've grown to appreciate buttercup too


bubbles is bipolar so it must means she must be a fuck beast

Didn’t think Yea Forums was capable of this good taste

Attached: AF41ADA1-EC99-4A46-97EF-20C2D89BA24C.png (219x281, 113K) so fine bros
imagine rawdogging her and knocking her up


Me? I'm a Bubbles man

god i wish that were me
i haven't watched ppg since 2001 what's wrong with blossom

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>the tasteful thickness, that subtle offwhite coloring

gingers peak at 16

not wanting bubbles to receive the seed

Buttercup was always best girl and only plebs disagree

>dark hair
She NEEDS my cock

no she needs MINE

What a Chad

>preferring the feminist

shes just feisty

What the fuck is wrong with Blossom?

she's ridiculously thick and objectively the best powerpuff girl to fuck

always bubbles
never liked blossom
but this is the only page i have

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There's only one real choice.

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Bubbles, because she's the most submissive and the least likely to tell people if I beat her.

they all start that way, then they start going on about patriarchal scientists creating little girls in his lab

>good father figure that she obeys


>t. ugly kid in school

>Bubbles, because she's the most submissive
confirmed for not being a true PPGfag

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hello seething 12yo who thinks the cute girl flirting with him is a bossy feminist

blossom is the feminist

>not wanting this inner freak to be unleashed on your cock

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>take a bath buttercup
>not a feminist

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all women are bossy feminists. there's literally no advantage for them not to be.

>the cute girl flirting with him

the quiet one in the back of uni class?

she most definitely not the feminist, it is blossom, blossom is a nagging boring bitch who is always talking about equality and shit
buttercup is just stubborn as a mule

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Jews, not even once

imagine the smell

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>this episode
unironically have slugphobia because of it

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thats just being a stubborn kid you dumbass

Bubbles is legit crazy and will stab you in your sleep

no Buttercup is the autistic tomboy who always punches you when she sees you

haha imagine being Buttercup's toilet and eating her poop l-lmao wouldn't that be weird?

Feminists act like stubborn children, I agree.

She's just braty.

>tfw no girl ever wanted to bulli me

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>She's just braty.
>a stubborn kid
>buttercup is just stubborn
>autistic tomboy

sounds like a feminist to me

you say it like it's a bad thing

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Yeah but I want to fuck her

and now we know why the feminist problem is so bad, cucks like you

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Why is Blossom so pale? Does she not eat? Is she bulemic?

Father/daughter are the best?
Agree or disagree?

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Obviously buttercup, those damn thighs.

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Show me a feminist that's as hot as Buttercup

gingers are pale

.>find a 3d thats as hot as a 2d

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daughters are made for their dad



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fuck off paco

This and sons are made for their mothers.

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Whichever one the green one is.

>daughter is only for you

For me it's Mange

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based and daddy'sslutpilled

Based Mommy poster



>not curing feminists in one dicking

The mayor's secretary.