39 Avenger threads

39 FUCKING ADS mods!

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oops 40

And by 40 I don't include this one

>have 32 threads filtered
>every other thread is still capeshit

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43 threads since I mentioned this

43 threads

I take that back 45 Avengers threads

Not counting DC or capes

WTF? there's lot of threads for the most anticipated movie of all time a couple days after it release...no way!

>the most anticipated movie of all time
speak for yourself, sub-human shill

I wasn't speaking for myself or yourself but about the fact that is is literally the most anticipated movie of all time, pre-sale showed this.

sniff pusy!!

It’s the sad state of society but it absolutely is

Alita General doesn´t look so bad anymore now, does it?

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The same kind of pathetic people but at least they are contained in one place.

It's 45 threads and it's been a week

this is one of the worst times to browse this hellhole

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>released april 25
>today april 27
>one week

I need to make more off-topic dmc threads

Did you count Larson's ones?

>last week was two days ago

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You were obviously not here the weeks before Captain Marvel release

>Tomorrow the board will be comprised entirely of GoT and capeshit

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but open a waifu thread and...


What would like to talk about? Create threads about it

hahahahaaaa.. fuck

meh it's gonna be forgotten in like 2 weeks. maybe a month at max, like every other marlel shit

Ah so it was ok to have 40 Aquaman threads or 40 Shazam ones but not ok for Endgame. Got it.

>implying they won't just get buried by the endless bumps of capeshit or tits and dragons

>the most anticipated movie of all time

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Ah so you're an annoying passive aggressive fag. Got it.

after phantom menace and attack of the clone? nope.

is that Harvye's had

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now just get one with "The Saga Is Complete" and post it every single Mouse shill thread

There were usually no more than five of those. Admittedly it's still stupid to have multiple threads discussing the same movie, but it's a lot more reasonable than 30+ threads.