Are you people retarded...

Are you people retarded? Stop trying to seem smart and intelligent because you found what you think equates to a plothole. Like it or not they firmly ruled out anything else working and leading to them winning due to the whole 14,000,000 to 1 rule. Anything you say as in "why didn't X do this" can literally be shot down with "ultimately, it wouldn't have worked."

What you saw happen was the ONLY thing that could have happened that would have led to them beating Thanos. Deal with it faggots.

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he was cucked the entire movie so his opinion is invalid

>he watches kids movies

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discord tranny spotted

Your entire argument is that there are no plotholes because they said there are no plotholes?

>grape man gets magic rocks so he can wish away half of the universe's population
>instead of just making half the population infertile
>doesn't make more resources because that's apparently not how magic space rocks work
>heroes lose, but then win because of time travel

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>yfw the campy comic storyline with all the cosmic entities yelling at thanos in space and then nebula getting the gauntlet after he merges with the fabric of spacetime was better than endgame

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Just got back from seeing it. It was excellent.

Poor DC fans are just a bunch of sore losers.


>unironically defending and shilling for disney capeshit
Kill yourself zoomer. That shit will be forgotten in two months, just like all your "masterpieces".

>what you think equates to a plothole

>plot holes are unavoidable with time travel unless were talking the butterfly effect movie.

Avengers had to use a contrivance to explain away the plot hole which is much worst. "lol its the only way" when the way they fixed everything was an inferior form of time travel than the one dr. strange already had.

he browses fucking Yea Forums but also thinks he's better than ANYONE else

you also a fucking Yea Forums loser.

>heroes lose, but then win because of time travel
>two years of capefags saying that dr strange cant use time travel to beat thanos



Reminder that the future is female.

Not really, just go back to doctor strange after his first movie. Shaving off milliseconds each time you go back. Then you have roughly 12 doctor stranges

If that couldn’t defeat thanos then it’s simply retarded

you could say its lazy storytelling but the 14 million to 1 rule makes it make sense. LIKE IT OR NOT.

In the Avengers movie Bruce Banner is played by the actor Mark Buffalo. But if you look closely and watch the last Hulk movie you may notice that Bruce Banner is not played by Mark Buffalo. WTF?!???!!! MASSIVE PLOTHOLE

>Grape man wants to half the population of the universe, so they'd have enough resources and destroys the stones after he'd done it
>remaining half keeps breeding until there aren't enough resources again
>no stones to snap them again
Thanos a retard.

>due to the whole 14,000,000 to 1 rule

have you ever considered that Dr.Strange just made that shit up?

>Captain Marvel has the gauntlet in her hands for literally minutes uninterrupted
>Well established 100x over that she is the most powerful being in the MCU
>Doesn't use it
>Tony, the squishy normal human, doesn't somehow immediately explode when all 6 stones are in his Iron Man suit before he even snaps.


The gayest shit is snap itself. The fucking things should just work by thought.

the 14 bamillion to whatever rule is the plot hole equivalent to a cootie shot




how did captain america appear as an old man in the end if he travelled back in time, don't they travel to different dimensions? in his dimension he never would've been there to stop thanos

Why didn't he just trap Thanos in time like he did with Dormamu?

how does he even see 14 million outcomes if the timeline hasn't been fractured and the alternate timelines don't exist yet?

The only reason that worked was because Dormammu had no concept of time.
Kaecillius and his followers broke out of the time stop when he had no stones.

>"You can't actually change the past"
>Dr. Strange changes the past in his solo movie
>Thanos in Infinity War reverses time and stops the mind stone from being destroyed

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Why didn't Ant Man shrink the gauntlet?

>near-infinite possible futures
>Strange sees a measly 14 million
If he has looked into the future for half an hour instead of 15 seconds he would have seen 100+ futures where they win, one of them would have probably been the future where they stop Starlord waking up thanos in infinity war.

>Time travel
Its a Time HEIST get it right brainlet.

I don't think he time traveled, he just lived until that point and made his way to that bench at that specific time

I thought he used the same method that they were using to get the stones

he had to go back to return the infinity stones I believe

I wondered that myself

if spider-man and strange woke up 5 years after being seemingly frozen in time the moment they were dusted, what happened to the pilots in the after credits scene in Infinity War? do they just wake up in mid-air and fall to their deaths?


He traveled back in time, fucked Peg for a lifetime, then traveled back to the present to give the shield to Falco.

So we can just come back whenever he wants? What’s the point of the hul running the controls to bring him back? Also why does hulk look like Adam carolla

>Quill's waifu is still dead
>And is about to be mutiny'd by a fat guy
Is there anyone who is more fucked?

These last couple of movies feel like when I'm DMing a tabletop game. You have all these big ideas for how you're going to bring to story together, but when you finally try to bring everything together in one big session the cracks in the consistency of the world open right up and you feel like you're spinning plates to keep everything for contradicting itself.

Deal with bad writing my heterosexual friend

>drops it
>no one can find it, end up losing to thanos's army who raises the planet till he finds it
Yeah thanks a lot Scott for failed idea 12,345,677. What part of ONLY WAY do you brainlets not get.


>he browses fucking Yea Forums but also thinks he's better than ANYONE else
Better than a redditor like you

who fucking cares. yawn


If there is far beyond than quintillions, literally infinite universes, than Strange only assessed a small amount of versions comparatively.

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> This

Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.

What we got was better than the comic, because the comic was plain fucking retarded.
I hate this place. I'm never coming back everyone here should kill themselves.

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