The garden scene was so badly done...

the garden scene was so badly done. thanos getting [decapitated] would have been a lot less psychopathic if there was an actual fight involved.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Imagine thanos sticking his infinity gauntlet up your ass

They beat, mutilated, and executed a defenseless man. Fuck, maybe the accords people were right. These are just vigilantes

Psycopathic? The dude is mega hitler, I can't imagine how sensitive you have to be to be bothered by him being killed.


actually LOL'd at this comment

Calm down, Sparky. That scene literally happens the first 10 minutes into a 3-hour movie.

Literally this

haha dude... really?

Someone being evil doesn't mean you get to be evil as well. It's not like he was going to fly around and keep population levels down like he was before. It was purely for vengeance.

It was done for the islamic market, the love beheadings

It was pretty jarring for them to even consider beheading an unarmed, de powered man. It's not only cowardly but very unheroic for them.
>But but Thanos is evil! He deserved it!
Literally no one unarmed should get ambushed like that.

If you dont want spoilers you shouldn't be on this board at this point.

Superman could have beat Thanos on his own and it only would have taken him one movie.

Thoir wasn't exactly in a sane frame of mind at the time. He blamed himself for the snap, so killing Thanos was a way of attempting to redeeming himself in his own twisted mind.

>We're not heroes... we're Avengers
>beheads Thanos
>spit on his lifeless body
cringe as fuck

it's easier to digest when i think back to when thanos choked loki to death, but he was basically a defenseless, old, sick man in the garden scene.

but darkseid is basically the cuck version of thanos

people get mad when superman and batman kill, but it's okay when thor does it to someone who is handicapped
why is that


>a lot less psychopathic
Uhm, it was SUPPOSED TO BE, as the direct consequence of Thor becoming completely unhinged after his failure to thwart him.

darkseid wanted to control all life
thanos wanted to kill just to please his waifu
who is the cuck

Other way around, cupcake. Darkseid doesn't need fancy city slicker bedazzled jewelry to win fights against capefags. He doesn't go toil the fields of some dildo farm after he wins a fight either.

What the fuck is Captain Marvel's problem? Regardless of what Thanos did, they should've taken him as a prisoner, not ass rape him to the point of beheading him.

Absolutely hated the execution scene. Thanos was defenseless and did not want to fight. I get that it is reasonable and humanly comprehensible, but it's still morally wrong and a hero would never do that.
It does not help that Thanos always fought them with honor. Never attacked fallen people. He spent literal screentime minutes in IW waiting for them to get up. The "heroes" on the other hand did not offer him one single drop of dignity and honor when fighting him. They took the first opportunity they could to cowardly dispatch him and did it.

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Did anyone else laugh at 2014 Thanos's reaction to seeing his future self get beheaded? Shit was hysterical.

Yeah, kinda made you side with him because of how cowardly retarded the Avengers are. The writers should've reconsidered the ambush 2bh. Poor writing.

For the Avengers to ambush and kill Thanos and sulk in their own misery for 5 years is laughable. It was their own fault.

in the cam rip i saw he looked like he didn't even give a shit
that was the only time thanos was even in character

I think it was supposed to feel like that. It drives home how much the heroes have failed and how desperate they are.

was it a projection of the average american's psyche?
it's not enough that your opponent is powerless, you still have to curb stomp them and put two bullets in their head

Nah, Darkside is much more badass.
At least the animated&comics versions.

Even Comic Thanos and the whole "woo Death" storyline was always purest of cringe.

It would've made way more sense if they didn't behead Thanos, or let alone go see him. It would've made their misery much more poignant. They struck last, they made the decision to murder someone in cold blood like Thanos had done, so why should I give a shit about murderers crying for 5 years? Seriously

It appeals to the animalist side of man, simple wrathful revenge. Like if a muslim raped and killed your daughter and wife, you would go and kill that motherfucker, no matter how cruel or unhinged or unfair it would be.

But i guess this is what separates DC from Mavel heroes, your average Superman would never do such a thing (despite what modern edgy writers try to do ebil subaman). DC heroes are godly heroes, above the weaknesses of men while marvel heroes are human, petty and hypocrites.

That was actually pretty fucking based of Thor.

Tired of the hero talking to the villain and not killing him then and there cliche.

>He doesn't go toil the fields of some dildo farm after he wins a fight either.
that's because he never wins. What has he ever done of note that is even close to comparable to thanos? He lost to batman for fucks sake. He's just not anywhere close to being as intimidating as Thanos.
that's not MCU thanos

Yet they have no integrity, no moral code to behave and act like heroes and not some hell bent vigilante seeking revenge? What they hell were they thinking? Think of Batman, particularly Nolan. The dude gets hammered by his enemies, but not once did Bruce ever consider murdering them out of sheer revenge. He learned to beat them within his code and to not stoop down to their level.

The Avengers pulled a Joker move. Fucking cowards.

It's called honor you fucking literal nigger.
Not attacking a fallen opponent, or striking them behind their back. Giving fair fighting circumstances. Even the mafia and gangsters have that code of honor. Because you don't want to be killed while you sleep by your enemies, so you offer them the same grace.
Thanos himself never struck fallen heroes in IW. He fought with honor.

It's part of the reason why Thor was so fucked up and yeah they were pissed and went to get revenge

He destroyed the stones so of course he is weakened

>Thor quips while decapitating an unarmed, sad, hermit Thanos
>entire audience starts cheering and clapping

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>>doing dark better than DC
We are used to this.

If you kill him, you're just like him

Hitler wasn't evil you retard. Jews and fags are parasites


They are the Avengers. They avenge. How is that so fucking hard to understand?

you mean getting away with the same stupid shit

You would have a point if it was the other way around and it was a situation where talking only bought time for the other side to win. But there was nothing to win. Thanos was done and killing him achieved nothing except revenge.

My crowd was based, they only cheered when Cap wielded the hammer. Other than that it was mostly silence, especially dead silence in the girl power scene.

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>that's because he never wins
That's because he has to fight DC Chad's instead of marvel cucks. If he only had to fight spidertwinks he'd win every time.

They didn't avenge anything. They sought revenge because they got their asses handed to them. They got assblasted and sought revenge like a cowardly bunch.

nah. in dc there's acutally an immediate context for it. thanos' death just seemed tasteless because you had multiple people holding him down.

>it's easier to digest when i think back to when thanos choked loki to death
How wasn't that fair though? Loki tried to underhandedly kill him, he deserved no mercy.

>simple wrathful revenge. Like if a muslim raped and killed your daughter and wife, you would go and kill that motherfucker

What is wrong in YOUR head?
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrathful there, that is the proper reaction.

Erasing that MuslimĀ“s shithole CLAN would be
the "animalistic wrathful revenge" equivalent.

This. I feel bad for people that have to go to movies with an autistic audience. There were a few claps during that scene and a few laughs but that is it.

I wonder if it is a regional thing. Fairly smaller Midwest city here and people largely just shut the fuck up.

>You either die a hero or live enough to become the villain

Was really necessary to throw the le went from the head eckisde joke? I know the MCU is full of quips but that was dark humor tier, felt like a parody.

I'm Grand Rapids and I've never heard anyone clap or cheer or boo a movie. Must be a coastal thing.

It's honestly amazing for how well constructed a film that Infinity War was, that Endgame came out so terrible and flat in comparison.

The heroes never defeat the main villain of Infinity War. They simply pull a weaker, more naive, and less developed version to defeat, simply through stronger violence. The film wastes so much time on circle jerking the past 10 years of films, wastes so much time where shit doesn't HAPPEN, compared to Infinity War, where shit never stopped happening.

The pacing is terrible, the climax lacks pathos, and ultimately ends as one large circle jerk. It felts like what would have happened if you went from a film like the Two Towers, to a film like A Battle of Five Armies. The difference in narrative strength is like a miasma.

So many choices were made not to provoke any deep message or emotion, but to establish the new status quo for these films. What kind of series with 10 years of success ends it's final battle in a blank digital wasteland just throwing cgi bodies at one another till it's time for the good guys to win?

Even the fucking trash bugmen shows for Japanese kids I watch to kill time had more passion in it's sets and filming.

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i mean it was easier to see where thor's mind was, having seen thanos kill his brother right in front of him and later beheading him without question
but the immediate context of the scene just make them look like edgelords

DC is better at doing heroes with a code of honor
And I get that one of Marvel's gimmicks is having "human" heroes, but a few select of them should be required to have actual honor, such as Captain America and Thor who are, I must remind you, heroic enough to be deemed "worthy" to wield the meme hammer

it would have been kino if it turned out thanos had regenerative abilities and grew another head as they were flying off to sulk
>it does put a smile on my face
>winks at camera

I spent the entire movie waiting for Thanos to make a comeback.
The entire fucking movie
I thought "this is the moment when the tables will turn!"
Even after he turned to dust I kept thinking "maybe now is the climax!"

It's why The Dark Knight is a great movie thematically. When the Joker murdered Rachel, Bruce didn't throw a fucking bench into a lake or behead the Joker. He manned the fuck up and defeated the guy using his noggin and the Joker's stupidity against him. Only later did he sulk in his own misery for 8 years, but I digress. He achieved a victory within his own heroic code even though he created a lie because the Joker had an ace in the hole to get around his defeat, Harvey.

What was so familiar about this?

Every frame of that showdown, where the guys have the brief grim discussion then go to approach Thanos sitting there so calm and idle reminds me of some famous movie but I can't place what it was.

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This. Op is as fucking retarded as Batman.

>Call someone Hitler
>Implying this is a bad thing

the Jew influence works

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>Murderers who kill people in cold blood = worthy.

>that red m&m commercial about turning your cell off
>sad funeral scene for iron man
>somebodies fucking phone goes off in the most important scene
This is why we don't make movies

Batman V superman

it wasn't even the Avengers who killed Thanos it was just Thor and he was guilty af afterwards. Everyone else was like "woah what"

Thor taking his head off was great. All these quip fests have pulled thor away from what he started as, a brutal warrior prince. Thor has decapitated tons of aliens and monsters, in just regular battle; and this one he had legitimate hate for. Once the stones were confirmed to be gone theres no reason to hear Thanos out or keep him around. What the fuck were they going to do, lock him up?

I'm in a fairly small City in the south and they were clapping at every scene you would expect them to except for when Captain Marvel showed up. They even clapped for Black Panther.

implying anyone cares about iron man dying

I feel sorry for you. I made the mistake of coming on this board before I saw this movie too.

Who are you talking about?

See How the hell can that be worthy? What are they suggesting? If you get your ass handed to you, act cowardly and behead that one guy? Talk about being a sore loser desu...

Killing your villain is fine. But before you kill him you must defeat his ideology for a true proper heroic resolution. The Avengers did not defeat Thanos's methods. They won through superior violence, just like he thought the only way to persevere the universe was through an act of violence so massive it'd shock the universe to it's core.

For a true victory they needed to refute this ideology, but instead, they simply warped Thanos' ideology an even more extreme version.

If a guy says he'll kill everyone, there's no real argument you need to make. If a guy says he's killing half of everyone to make a better world, you need to disprove that killing half of everyone makes a better world. Tony's refusal to undo that action of violence is proof that his action brought good.

>watches Japanese kids shows

killing him isn't the problem
it's that there no comfortable lead up to it
it's literally a gang flying down and butchering someone

>Thor has decapitated tons of aliens and monsters, in just regular battle
Yes, exactly, he decapitates them in battle, where they can fight and defend themselves.
Even literal animals such as rats will refrain from attacking a defenseless opponent. Thor couldn't be better than a fucking rat.

>if you kill your enemies, they win
>implying hitler was bad
Fucking normiefag

Thanos' idealogy was that killing half the universe would solve everything. You don't need to refute something obviously mad.

That's literally the fucking point you austists Thor was unhinged and that sent him into a depression. It was supposed to be uncomfortable

When a Japanese kid show tries harder to be artistic than a western film, you know shits fucked.

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There were legitimately people shouting and cheering when each dead Avenger appeared onscreen near the end. It was like an entire theater full of "reaction" Youtubers.

My thoughts on the movie were pretty mixed anyway, but it was legitimately disgusting having to bear witness to that level of pure, undiluted autism.

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It wasn't only Thor, though. If he were by himself and unhinged, absolutely it would work and make sense since he lost his way, but Captain America and company joined in

1:15 showing?
excluding laughs, mines was the exact same. One retard tried to start a clap at the end and another kind of followed, but nothing came of it.

Don't rats eat their own young sometimes though? I know hamsters and gerbils do

Why is it only white people that have empathy?

I thought the whole point was to show that thor was unhinged at that point and wanted really badly to fix his mistake

and kids are supposed to look up to these movies too, kek

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what fight? thanos was barely even able to walk let alone fight

This happened at the theater I went to as well. I have never been in a movie with this much fucking clapping.

They do that when the pup has birth problems. It's like a mercy kill for them and serves to protect their kind.

Odin made that hammer so the criteria for worthy would be based on his morals. Odin banished his own daughter because she was a bitch and a threat. I'm sure he would have seen no problem killing a super tyrant. Also. A person that strong is never really unarmed or non threatening.

>You don't need to refute something obviously mad
Except it's not mad, as you can clearly tell a large portion of folks understood and sympathized with Thanos' even if they disagreed with the action.

Humanity is engaging in self destructive behavior that will likely destroy us, because there are too many people to make us all commit to fixing how we behave. Imagine if 1/2 or 3/4ths of the human population suddenly died tomorrow. Imagine the amount of resources freed. Imagine the sheer volume of people who would be more willing to change how we do things simply because the overbearing human population no longer demands we do said things because the other choice is culling ourselves to make those changes possible.

Oh sure, it was badly paced and pretty anti climactic; but they had to do something with the character. Honestly, it might have made more sense if he just died after the snap in the first movie.

But see I can see Marvel joining in since she acted retarded too and had no sense of moral code or heroic trait. For Cap to join in and "go get the son of a bitch" is just... Odd and out of character. Literally wtf for him to support a cowardly act

it's because empathy is a human virtue
but as pointed even rats are capable of not attacking defenseless preys, niggers are just that bad

Economy would start booming and we'd be back to 8 billion in like 100 years

It's not mad. His planet died out because they couldn't do that. Thanos is literally right. But morally speaking he has no right to murder people.

>avengers all grab thanos
>thanos still has some fight left in him
>is close to killing one of them
>thor comes in cuts his head off

see, that wasn't that hard, was it


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He died as he lived.
Sitting down.

Yes, the economy would BOOM but the population would have access to information and technology they didn't have 10, 20, even 30 years ago.

Choices would be made and we'd be doing better upon reaching that point again.

Thanos didn't fight them to defeat them, he fought for his life after they chopped off his arm.

Huge difference

Astute observation, unless you're black and a white guy calls you nigger. Then stomping his head to a pink pulp is totally acceptable.

What sucks is that we haven't seen a single cosmic entity because of this.

50% of all life in the universe gone, and what do the watchers do? galactus? eternity? come on man

That's not coherent with Thanos's character though. He wouldn't try to kill them after fulfilling his wish, and he was extremely weak anyway, dude could barely walk when collecting veggies or cooking.
I think user was just suggesting what Marvel could have done. Thanos was evidently not trying to harm them.

Even Captain Burger admits that the world is better off since the snap.

no, that was fine because cap and the rest of them still assumed thanos had the stones and they could reverse the snap
not that the russos actually put that level of thought into it

get over it, batman is a murderer now
heroes kill people it's what our legends today have to do to resonate with the archetypes

war is coming

>If you kill your enemies, they win

But once they saw they didn't, who are they to attack and kill a crippled defenseless man? Yeah no thought ehatsoever. Surely these characters could've acted more mature in their 22nd flick

>mfw I realize that Deadpool, Marvel's anti-hero, acts more heroically than the actual heroes such as Thor

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Cap with hammer? Gay or cool?

Reminder that this mindset is humanity subconsciously preparing itself for the only solution it's going to have when our population hits that peak of no return.

The glorification of superior violence. He who kills and lives is good. He who kills and dies is evil. I hope ya'll are ready for it when it comes and I hope you're ready to kill your neighbor when you have to. Cause if you aren't, you're gonna be dead

Holy shit, have sex.

Begging you.

I agree with you. We could've had some kinda Thanos paradox and queue Adam Warlock if they left him alive but changed the past & past Thanos had come back thinking his future self was dead or something.

It would've been a great way to make Thanos stand trial before the Tribunal but the heroes as well, since they used the infinity stones which is obviously a big no-no.

Thanos didn't want to fight them at all. His work was done.

Thor has literally never had a no kill rule

I'm having sex with your mom right now

Looks like it's time to make the chimichangas

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>it is mad to say that eliminating all Muslims would improve the earth

mfw people are okay with killing a defenseless dude but not someone who is about to blow innocent people away

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Are you guys retarded? Thor lost everything and because he fucked up in IW even more people were lost. His last living family member got brutally choked to death by Thanos and when they got to Thanos he just says lol I destroyed the stones gg. If I was Thor I would have exploded with anger right there.

That's because he's an anti-HERO, it just mean that he's an asshole while doing the hero'ing, and the kiddy gloves are constantly off in regards to mooks.
Thor literally sperged out and lashed out when he realized that there's no way to undo the snap and it's all his fault because he aimed for the center-mass.
Then he proceeds to become a neet shitposter.

>Eliminate all the Russian, Chinese, Indian, Middle East and American populations
>Rest of Humanity can now rebuild

at least Supes had a genuine reaction to this and he struggled deeply against the neck pop

VIRGINia has a rapidly growing nigger population so seeing a movie in theaters is pretty terrible most times

Like it was said hundreds of times in this thread:
It is human to kill defenseless Thanos right then and there because Thanos is a genocider who killed Thor's entire family.
But it is not *heroic* to do so. You'd expect better from Mr. Worthy. Even other heroes were baffled by what he did.

Europe hasn't created anything in the past 100 years fuck off lol

in south TX I sat next to a dumb black girl who kept asking "ho dis??" half the time and kept talking to herself reacting to what was happening. bitch couldn't shut the fuck up and kept clapping, crying and shouting

like come the fuck on it's a movie, not your dad's funeral

It's just the stupidity and lack of care in the writing department. Instead of having differing standpoints, as Civil War had done, they all decided to attack Thanos like a pack of losers.

Large if truth

god i hope there is a farmer thanos episode in the what if? series but not sure if disney jews want to pay for the cg

imagine hyping up your one good villain over 15 years only to kill him and hope people will somehow give a shit about anyone else now

it's really sad because Thanos is actually an interesting character in the comics

>That's because he's an anti-HERO, it just mean that he's an asshole while doing the hero'ing
No, anti-heroes are supposed to not behave like heroes. They are supposed to kill their opponents in brutal and cowardly manners because they want to achieve results without caring about the means. It has nothing to do with being an asshole about it.
Deadpool is absolutely great and his movies are much more fun than anything the MCU could shit off, but he has not been the best example of an anti-hero. Though he is certainly still one, see how he shoots the defenseless pedos in the head in Deadpool 2 without warning.
But regarding killing Thanos, I don't think Deadpool would have done it. There's just something different between killing these random pedos and killing defenseless Thanos. It's probably the fact that the justice system would not be able to reach these pedos, meanwhile Thanos is very vulnerable and could easily be brought to justice so there was no point in killing him there.

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fucking moralfags I swear

Seeking revenge isn't heroic at all. What are the Avengers then? What do they stand for? If MCU made a big deal about collateral damage, then premeditating murder and committing 1st (Thor) or 2nd degree murder should matter as well.

But no matter you still reach the point again. It is a worthless delay of the inevitable, not a solution.

you have a point but thanos wasn't even a thing until whedon made him one for the first avengers

have to get the zoomers primed for when we send them into war in 20 years

The Avengers were never about getting revenge, that's just a dumb name. They were always about protecting Earth.

they thought thanos still have a functional gauntlet. You can't go easy on someone still wielding the infinity gems.

beheading thanos is purely on thor, though. Rest of the avenger is clearly shaken by it

And they failed. I think the movie would've highly benefitted from removing the Thanos beheading scene and skip ahead to their misery and Ant-Man being rescued by that mouse. Or keep the beheading scene, but let Thor go alone

Same here. Who the fuck was shocked that they returned after we had literally just seen the world restored? Fuckers even cheered when cap gave Sam the shield

>Let's kill that big grapefruit just because we disagree with him!

The avengers were more evil than Thanos

They went along. They're just as guilty as Thor even if they didn't kill.

Back to your containment board

>mfw someone sneezed the instant Tony's reactor turned off

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I agree. In fact, keeping two Thanoses around would be a great plot device. After Tony snapped the other Thanos could show up and fuck them up. Because in my opinion the climax had no tension, Thanos never had a chance to win.

this could have been avoided if Thanks simply had sex

>they thought thanos still have a functional gauntlet. You can't go easy on someone still wielding the infinity gems.
Yes, then they took the gauntlet off his arm and Thanos explained that the stones were gone. And it was established that he wasn't lying. What was the excuse for beheading them after that?
What they did up to cutting his arm off was justified. I agree that he is a dangerous enough opponent that this sort of measure is done. But after that it was established that he was harmless.

Man, this thread is making rethink IW and Endgame. The Avengers are a clueless bunch. Thanos had his own reasons to collect the stones and the Avengers kept standing in his way until they killed him because they couldn't handle defeat. Kek

>They went along
What? They were clearly shocked by it.

Thor decided to kill Thanos on his own. Afterward no one is going to mourn for someone who killed half the universe.

very gay

Carol was the first to tell the Avengers to go kill Thanos
she didn't even know Thanos but she wanted him dead for some reason

All the talk about captain Americas ass, gay or cool?

>Leftists portray their heroes doing what they would do by killing a defenseless Drumpf
Imagine my shock

That was made to show you state of Thor mind. Even past 5 years he cant hold his anger and trashtalked fortnite kid. People who clapped during this are fucking idiots.

>No, anti-heroes are supposed to not behave like heroes. They are supposed to kill their opponents in brutal and cowardly manners because they want to achieve results without caring about the means.
Thats what i meant fag.
A hero in pop-culture is the dude that saves teh day, an anti-hero does that in a way that's not considered "traditionally" heroic - taking no shit, busting caps and talking smack.

To be fair she probably had no idea he was defenseless, and that killing him would be like strangling an old paralyzed man to death.



>killing bad guys is bad!
>if you kill him you're just like him!
Watched too much anime weebcuck? The only reason your faggy fairyboy "heroes" don't kill is because Japan is a weak cucked nation that ate nuke 74 yeas ago. Real Americans aren't afraid to punish people who deserve it, even in capeshit. Optimus Prime kills Sentinel while he's unarmed and begging for life. Batman shoots people and blows them up. Superman snaps necks. Deal with it or grow the fuck up loser.

You made it sound like anti-heroes are still being heroic, that's why I made that post.
Being a hero is about doing the right thing, and they will often not achieve the right result because of that.
Anti-heroes are about achieving the right result, so they will often not do the right thing because of that.
As of recently most writers have been unable to portray that though, see Endgame.

Thanos was trying to save the universe, while the Avengers were trying to destroy it

It's pretty black and white, Thanos is the hero

Are you forgetting the part where Thanos spent his life killing innocent women and children even before infinity war even happened? The mother fucker deserved worse than beheading. That was a painless execution.

>Anti-heroes are about achieving the right result, so they will often not do the right thing because of that.
That's exactly what i meant bythe "kiddie gloves stay off" part.
Sorry for calling you a fag, user-kun - you're decent

Did you miss the part where he does that to save planets?
I'm not saying it's morally justifiable, far from it, but there is a big difference between executing a defenseless man for revenge and killing 50% of a planet's population to save then from a starvation that would otherwise lead to everyone's death.

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if captain marvel can move faster than the speed of light why does she not just punch thanos faster than the speed of light? that'd be enough to blow up the entire universe, of course, so maybe she can slow down a little, just enough to beat him

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So did he prune 50% out of his garden or was he just a larping edgelord?

Build is ten times the kino Endgame will ever be

If he values his garden then he would definitely prune 50% of it, because for Thanos pruning 50% is beneficial.

He was a great character with compelling reasons that were justified.
I don't mind him being killed, but that scene should've been the ending, like they're all so sick and tired of traveling through time, fighting may Thanos's and his Armies, so when they get to him they just murder him in cold blood.

This would've made a powerful impact on his quick death

There are many movies that will never be surpassed by anime, such as Pulp Fiction, but Endgame is not one of them, I can think of several titles better than Endgame.

>Thanos kills literally half of all life in existence with them being powerless to stop him
>Thor kills one guy who killed half of all life in existence while he is restrained
>people somehow believe Thor's petty revenge kill is not justified just because Thanos didn't have a fair chance to stop himself from being killed
What did you all mean by this? I get that Thor angrily murdering a defenseless man might seem harsh, but Thanos killed countless people, many of which were people Thor cared about. Thanos even taunted Thor about not "going for the head" before erasing half the universe. It doesn't matter if it wouldn't accomplish anything, it was never meant to. Fuck him, he had it coming.

I fucking hate leftists, because of hero movies like this one all zoomers will have a corrupted sense of morality like the one you're (for some reason proudly) showing.

probably, since IW didn't do a very gppd job of convincing anyone Thanos was a bloodthirsty killer

Dude STFU, she was the one who tracked him in the farm and told the avengers Thanos was unarmed and alone.

You retard, she said he was alone and had no weapons or army, but that does not include the fucking gauntlet and the infinity stones which make him the universe's strongest warrior. The moment they stormed in, they immediately secured the gauntlet and kept wondering where the infinity stones were. Because that was the plan Captain Marvel herself traced.
Imagine being an adult and failing at keeping up with a movie made for children.

Could you honestly explain to me what would be moral about not avenging the deaths of his brother, his people, and the countless innocents Thanos deleted so that he could be allowed to live out his days peacefully instead? I understand that the reasons for what Thanos did are sympathetic on paper, but the act of mass murder he committed is more than enough to justify his death. It's a quick death by beheading, it's not like Thor tortured him or something.

what you say is true but i can't relate to that because all the bad things Thanos does in IW seems inconsequential
the dusting is essentially a mercy kill with no violent death involved
point i'm trying to make is that you never actually see Thanos doing some insanely, edgy violent shit that would make me watch Thor behead him and cheer

Did you forget all the shit he did to Nebula?

>Black Widow
>Killed for a living
>Regrets, wants to clear her name
>Decides to commit 2nd degree murder alongside her cowardly friends
>Sulks in her own misery for the next 5 years after the fact because life was lost from the snap, even though she helped murdered Thanos
What the fuck? Did the writers proofread their shit?

There are species in the marvel universe some of which probably dont even need food to survive in the same way thanos species does that were wiped out by the snap because they are considered life. How is that saving them?

all i remember is that part where she's suspended and he's torturing her for a bit

But no one was avenged in that scene.
Could you honestly explain to me if you really felt like 50% of the universe was avenged after Thor miserably and cowardly killed defenseless Thanos? That scene was made to show that Thor was fucked up inside, yet zoomers applauded it euphorically while thinking "Oh yeah baby justice got served!". I can imagine Marvel's writers regretting putting that scene in right now, or at least wishing they had done it in a different way. Even the other heroes asked him what the fuck he had done, to which he replied he went for the head, how can anyone think he did the right thing there, or that he avenged anyone?
That's like, say, some nigger rapes your sister, so you hunt him around for revenge. Then you find him in the hospital, on a bed, dying from cancer, unable to move, breathing through machines, doctors say he only has one week of life ahead. So you go ahead and turn the machines off, but the nigger starts somehow gasping for air despite his difficulty to breath, so you begin strangling him to death. After that you go around saying that you avenged your daughter. That's how retarded it is. That was no revenge, it was just psychopathy, you lost your chance to revenge her after the nigger became unable to put up a fight.

>Thanos is actually an interesting character in the comics
>"dude I wanna fuck death"

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man child faggots. Its a fucking kids movie.

I highly doubt there are species in the MCU that don't suffer the consequences of overpopulation user. They definitely weren't shown.

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almost as gay as the Russo cameo as a literal faggot

>That's like, say, some nigger rapes your sister, so you hunt him around for revenge. Then you find him in the hospital, on a bed, dying from cancer, unable to move, breathing through machines, doctors say he only has one week of life ahead. So you go ahead and turn the machines off, but the nigger starts somehow gasping for air despite his difficulty to breath, so you begin strangling him to death. After that you go around saying that you avenged your daughter.
If I knew someone who did exactly what you just described, I would not begrudge him one bit. Fuck that guy, I hope he burns in hell. The same is true for Thanos. Thor's murder of Thanos is just him angrily lashing out for what was lost, of course it doesn't solve/prove anything. That doesn't mean it's unjustified.

And after taking the gauntlet off don't you think at least one of them would have moved even a finger to try to stop Thor from butchering his head being the heros they apparently aren't. Fuck you retard, stop defending capeshit and get a life

Thanos murdered people for the infinity stones. I understand his insane motivation was to save the universe but he killed countless numbers of innocent people to do it. He didnt go around selecting evil people to kill, which he could have easily done and brought the population down significantly seeing as how there seems to be a disproportionate amount of villains to heros in the marvel universe.

I liked that though. I don't have to call them faggots, they did it themselves. Did you also imagine the faggot he was talking about being on the date with was his brother?

It is human to do that and I would sympathize with the person that killed the nigger, but I can't sympathize with Thor because he is supposed to be a superhero, a role model, the chosen one, the worthy guy.

I seriously think it'd have been way better to have him imprisoned just so we could have had past Thanos freed him and a double Thanos battle at the end of the movie.

They did not expect it. One of them, I don't remember which, even confronted Thor about it and asked what he had done. The others were visibly shocked and staring at Thor.
Once again, imagine being an adult and being unable to keep up with a movie made for children. Sucks to be you.

Wrong. It is a family movie.

It literally took him less than a second lmao, how would they have stopped it?

rocket is the one that says "what have you done"

That was the point. Are you all just pretending to be retarded?

Freakin' glorious

Thanos literally had gamora and nebula fight every time nebula lost thanos removed part of her body and replaced it with some cybernetic part. They explain this in gaurdiams of the galaxy 1 and 2. That should give you a little insight into how insane and evil thanos was. He deserved to be killed worse than a quick beheading.

I swear to god the people in this thread are retarded.

Thor felt he failed to be the superhero you're saying he is. He just watched Thanos taunt him and wipe out half of all life as he was unable to stop it. No matter what he's "supposed" to be, his reaction is the appropriate one.

What the fuck was Rocket doing there anyway? How can he help against Thanos?

Being a superhero is not about achieving results, so Thor never failed. He only failed at being the superhero he was supposed to be when he beheaded Thanos.
Fucker shouldn't have been able to lift the Mjƶlnir after doing that.

>Avengers are literally the revengers, anti-heroic cowardly bunch without a moral code to rise above tyranny and evil
Bravo Disney

It was to show you the avengers are the bad guys.

If they locked him up, he would just escape in the Thanos Copter.

>Thanos is like Trump
>I'm upset that a purple genociding mad titan was killed, it's like what liberals would do to my daddy Trump!
What in the literal fuck is going on in your head? You people never rest, you see politics everywhere. It's so tiresome.

He literally showed remorse for doing that and apologized to her moments before being beheaded

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maybe it just caught me off guard seeing a fucking guy's head flying off in a children's movie filled with quips
seems like a dissonance there

Yeah. Thanos wasn't a villain 2bh. The Avengers were.

Okay the real question is DID THANOS FUCK NEBULA?

The same way he helped fight against Ego the living planet?

>mega hitler
wtf I love Thanos now?

Avengers, more like aveNGERS

The avengers are power tripping and they show if you upset them they will murder you in your home without remorse. They are a tyranical organization and don't know how to handle the power they have, so they use theirs super powers to oppress.

By quipping

I wouldn't go as far as saying that, but Thanos definitely has more virtues than many of the Avengers.

So you can get away with anything just by feeling sorry? "Sorry I mutilated you and turned you into a machine while abusing you for years?" There was absolutely no reason for that, it had nothing to do with his autistic stone plan.

>It's bad to kill a guy who just wiped out billions of lives and destabilized thousands of planets.

Oh my bad... he said he was sorry about all that mutilation and stuff. You dont just fucking say sorry for that kind of thing you lunatic and expect to be let off the hook.

god I hope so

>avengers murder a peaceful farmer in his hut
>somehow they are the good guys

What if that's the lesson we're supposed to learn from all of this and all the normalfags just don't get it because they just want to pretend Thanos is 'Drumpf.'

Looking back at IW and now endgame, the Avengers were pretty damn aggressive toward Thanos without considering his actions or philosophical standpoint. Death was on their mind whereas life was in Thanos's

Definition of avenge
transitive verb
1 : to take vengeance for or on behalf of vowed to avenge their murdered father
2 : to exact satisfaction for (a wrong) by punishing the wrongdoer was determined to avenge the assault

imagine being on a super"hero" team like this

I'm fucking mad they didn't show agent Carters tits.

Kek. What were they thinking?

His remorse shows that he is not the pure evil you're trying to paint. And I'm not saying he is in the clear, but Nebula and Gamora are the ones who should judge him for that, not fucking Thor.

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>literally murders billions
>not evil and worthy of a death sentence
Did you miss that part?

>Avengers murder a guy in cold blood
>Now let's mourn for the next 5 years for loss of life

Thor doesn't even know about that, I think. He was taking revenge for his brother and the Asgardian refugees that Thanos slaughtered, nevermind the countless people he wiped out with the snap, all without remorse. He has more than enough justification for the beheading.

Nebula DID judge him... she tried to kill him herself multiple times. They explain thats how thanos had her in his torture basement in Infinity war you stupid cunt.

A death sentence requires a fair trial and due process. What Thor did is not death sentence, it's what the Law all around the world calls "taking justice in your own hands".

Nobody in my crowd clapped for a damned thing, but I live in Utah so they're a bunch of tight-ass mormons.

I kept thinking that was Hawk eye till the third camera angle.

if you gave a shit you wouldā€™ve seen the movie already and not be browsing a movie board

Are you implying a jury would be needed to ascertain if Thanos murdered billions of people? They were at fucking war, faggot. Thanos was a military target.

Due process still exists during wartime, you autist

>being this gay
Killing killers is a necessity, if you don't kill them you allow them to murder more. The idea of executing criminals being a bad thing is absurd

Maybe the red m&m should have been more assertive

>all these fags missing the entire point of the scene

Its SUPPOSED to be sadistic and bad. Thor acted on his own and get REVENGE. He literally told Thanos he would die for killing his people.

Thor even felt bad about it. Tye Avengers were shocked he just fucking kill the man who was defenseless, cooperating, and even a bit remorseful.

Imagine being so fucking dumb you cant even comprehand capeshit. Why are you even on this board? Literally fucking leave, go back to middle school reading and understand hownplot and characters work. Holy fuck.

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That was in the past. Endgame Nebula did not appear to hate Thanos. She was caressing his decapitated head in shock and would be crying if she had the ability to. Gamora herself cried when she thought she had killed him. They would definitely have spared defenseless Thanos, this is not even a question. All other heroes were sparing him, Thor was the only autist there who wanted to kill him out of spite.

Thor was the king of Asgard and Thanos has committed capital crimes against his people. Thor was within his rights to execute him.

Seriously though, it was murder but nobody cared because everything was fucked.

Executing them in an honorable fashion is okay.

>Are you implying a jury would be needed to ascertain if Thanos murdered billions of people?
No, I am saying a jury would be needed to sentence him to death
You don't just skip due process because "duh it's obvious this person did it", especially because due process is not supposed to only establish if something happened or not, but also to rationalize the penalty.
The act of killing a defenseless man in death sentence is only morally tolerable because it is fruit of due process

>everyone! We have to stop what we're doing, stop fighting. I know he killed trillions of people but like, let's just give him a trial you know?
He was actively a target, you don't kill people and then get to hide and claim parley like a fucking idiot.

>we're debating the morality of a space alien from a different literal dimension, killing a purple alien man who just killed trillions of people.

He wasn't a target. He was a crippled, defenseless man who exiled himself after the fact. The Avengers fought him out and murdered him in cold blood.

The crowds in most cinemas clapped at that scene, that's why most people think the scene was supposed to convey a heroic execution

>its le wacky so you can't criticize it

You don't go into enemy territory, find a wounded soldier that already surrendered and kill him off because "he is a target", retard, that'd be a war crime

Nobody knew he was crippled you fucking absolute mongoloid. You can't just assume he's "all tuckered out XD" after a blatant attack like that, what they did was a rightful military response to a real and present threat. Thor, as was said by other anons here, was well within his legal rights as King of Asgard officially, to execute Thanos.

There's nothing heroic about murdering someone out of revenge. They could've at least gave Thanos a chance to arm himself but they held on and chopped off his arm and head. Cowards.

The lengths you are going is retarded. It would be like you getting arrested for charging Hitler's bunker and killing him during the end of the war.

>No one knew he was crippled
As soon as they went to him, it was all on display.

user, for all they knew, he was using the Reality Stone. Are you this fucking stupid? Thanos has the power to trick every last one of them, and you want them to risk another genocide because "woah boy, he sure looks tired!"

>Nobody knew he was crippled
Yes, that justifies destroying his humble hut and cutting his arm off. You don't mess with someone who has the infinity gauntlet.
But after it is established that he is crippled and harmless, they had no right, as heroes, to hurt him.

No one did and that's the point. You can attack enemy territory, like the Soviets, if the enemy is ENGAGED but not disengaged and in exile

Yeah my crowd also laughed when Thor said "he went for the head".

It wasn't even a joke and they laughed. Like what the fuck. It was obviously a call back and Thor trying to make up for past mistakes, but they took it differently.

just rewatched the scene again
thor cuts his head off before they can even really confirm 100% the stones are gone
fucking kek

Again, Thanos has the Reality Stone. It could have been a ruse. You're stupid or baiting me.

Exactly, it very clearly fucks up Thor and haunts him for five years. Even mentioning "Thanos" makes him get emotional and guilty.

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How does Spider-man 2 work? It's set after all this right? It just happens that all of Peter's friends and classmates disappeared too so they didn't age five years either? Or did I misunderstand how the bringing people back part worked?

>people like this now watch Super Hero movies
>some people don't even flinch when a hero kills someone
Killing is the selfish option serving only to give a brief moment of revenge, keeping the individual alive and making him live in a world where his actions are undone is significantly better punishment and gives that person a chance to truly repent before the end.

Its the hard the thing to do but it the heroic thing to do.

The Germans were fighting street to street with the Russians with Hitler ready to order the entire city to be gassed. Jesus absolute Christ, Hitler's bunker was a military target the Soviets were actively looking for to take the city.

You can surrender in a war and this applies to nazis too, they would often either surrender (and be kept alive as prisoners) or fight to their last drop of strength to death. Killing an enemy that surrendered is a war crime even if it's a nazi or Hitler himself. Charging HItler's bunker is not a war crime because Hitler hadn't surrendered.

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Because they were raised by the lunatic since they were adolescent children. They were both traumatized by the experience and seeing their only father figure dead was probably sad but they both knew thanos was an evil son of a bitch who deserved death.

Hitler didn't have reality bending powers. This is the most autistic conversation I've ever had.

They didn't have the chance to prove it. Their aggressive peewee sized brains lacked the capsity to even consider questioning him.

Also chopping his head off proved Thano sdidn't have the stones. Man the Avengers are a dumb bunch.

He killed billions of defenseless people, kill yourself

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>"the universe required correction...after that...the stones served no purpose...except temptation..."
am i supposed to believe thanos was the bad guy

Maybe Thanos really isnt dead. Maybe it was a ruse and he is still alive.

They were engaged. Thanos wasn't. It's indeed a war crime and aggressive to attack an enemy whose disengaged. Captain America of all people should realize that.

Thor did not kill him while thinking "m-maybe this is a reality stone trick". No one thought about that. It was out of spite, he was very aware of what he was doing. Everyone was mad at him for having done it, Thor himself regrets it later on, why are you defending something that not even Thor himself defends?

>Literally no one unarmed should get ambushed like that.
Most of the people who got dusted were defenseless

You're literally fucking retarded. Thanos was a hostile and wild threat after the snap, they didn't know where he was. Once he used the stones again, you have to assume he's still an active threat, why wouldn't you? Again, for the third time, he HAS the Reality Stone.

>Avengers era Thanos arms Loki for war with a host of alien soldiers and armored space whales to attack a near defenseless New York (a precursor to the rest of the World in which he would carry out his standard 50% cull in his quest for balance)
>Both Guardians and Infinity War Thanos were prepared to decimate Xandar. Infinity War Thanos actually commits to this
>Infinity War Thanos ambushes Asgardian refugee ship with his four horseman style black order children and brutally slaughters half of them, then beats/tortures their King (Thor), murders their Sentry (Heimdall) and murders their Prince (Loki) before blowing the remains of the ship to pieces
>Infinity War Thanos culls 50% of Gamora's planet including her parents while kidnapping her and indoctrinating her to serve his mission for balance
>Guardians 2 Thanos brutally maims and maligns another kidnapped and indoctrinated 'daughter' Nebula to 'perfect' her
>Infinity War Thanos murders his daughter Gamora after imprisoning her and kidnapping her from her family (the guardians)
>Infinity War Thanos goes against his own code of 'balance' and murders 299 dwarfs in Nidaviller and melts metal onto Eitri's hands
>Infinity War Thanos brings back an already dead Vision and breaks his skull to retrieve the stone
>Infinity War Thanos culls 50% of the unknowing population
>Fuck that guy, he deserved it

You're the retard if you think you can waltz into a unarmed, defenseless man's home and murder him in cold blood. Thanos wasn't at war. The Avengers wanted to start a war because they're an aggressive bunch. That's the difference

The thread is just getting repetitive, it's about time it gets archived.
It was already discussed to death here that although Thanos killed trillions of defenseless living beings, it was done to save the other trillions. His genocide might be immoral, but Thor's beheading is immoral in a way that no superhero should ever come close to


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Thano's ideology doesn't even need to be refuted. It doesn't work. He killed half of these people and just left them and only one made it out alive. Dude didn't even bother to check if his shit plan worked. It didn't.

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Because why would you take any chances? Think of the Gauntlet as an atomic bomb, dumb faggot. If there was someone who just bombed an entire city and made off with active nuclear warheads, would you wait to ask him to stop once you found them? Now imagine that the atomic bomb has the ability to trick you, bend time and space and cloak itself. Now you have no time to plan for his peaceful surrender, you HAVE to assume the threat is real and present. You can't take any chances. Not a single tribunal on fucking earth would be mad at the Avengers under those circumstances. Not a single courtroom in the multiverse would try them guilty for a war crime.

You're exceptionally retarded.

>murdering in cold blood

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How do you know what thor was thinking? By the way Thanos told thor to go for the head. If anything he was just doing what thanos asked. At worst it was assisted suicide not murder.

Wait, how? I thought it was established that Gamora's planet was saved after Thanos did his bloodshed there. Even she admitted as much in IW.

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>get dragged to movie
>Thanos just chilling on his planet
>Avengers immediately burst into his house violently and cut off his arm without even talking to him
>then they behead him after he's already shown to not be a threat anymore

That was pretty fucking cringey. I mean they never showed that level of violence toward any other villain they've had. Very out of place for the movie.

Fuck off with your mental gymnastics

He has a line in Infinity War where he talks about how her people are doing incredibly well and living in Paradise now. Small 2-second vfx shot in Guardians is less canon.

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>assisted suicide
>based and reality stone pilled

The guy literally killed half the universe, kidnapped people off their planets and tortured them, and it's a bad thing to kill him?

Regardless dude, you don't do that. They literally stepped down to Thanos's level by cowardly killing him because they couldn't handle a defeat. Immature if you ask me

If you are supposed to be the peace keeping force it doesn't really look very just to curbstomp someone weak and by surprise even if he committed crimes before.

The Joker is proud of the Avengers 2bh

The avengers ARE the bad guys, when something doesn't effect them they demand people forgive, but when something bad happens to them, they become judge, jury and executioner. They are evil to the core, and this just highlights that. So the next few marvel films are going to be about taking on the corrupted avengers.

>does not help that Thanos always fought them with honor. Never attacked fallen people.

he stabbed Heimdal in the chest while he was obviously beaten. That is more than enough justification for Thor to behead him.

We're now celebrating and placing on a heroic pedestal Brad Pitt's character at the end of Seven. Remember when culturally we acknowledged we understood that sort of act, but condemned it highly and it was nothing to be taken lightly? It was actually the villain winning by making you sink to his level? Remember when striking someone down in anger was a path to the Dark Side? Some really sick changes are taking place in the minds of people these days that's being reflected in our entertainment and it's going to have some ugly consequences.

They're keeping the peace by killing the guy who has done more damage to the universe than any other living being. We also see that even without the stones he's a fucking powerhouse who can take on 3+ Avengers at a time. There's literally no reason to let him live other than "but he's unarmed!!"

ebony maw posting itt kek

have sex lmao

None of the people who died because of the snap had a chance to defend themselves, Thanos remains a pussy for not doing it with conventional warfare like on gamora's planet. As such, thor was right, at the very least of being the same brand of coward as thanos, excusable, but despicable.

That would take too long. But also Thor's actions are not excusable.

>There's literally no reason to let him live

How about information? You basically kill one of the only people that knows about what you are trying to undo

That was after a fight where he could defend himself and can be interpreted as a merciful execution but fair enough.

Thanos's whole deal was that he wanted nothing more than to succeed in snapping. He'd 100% rather die than help the Avengers fix things

He tells thanos directly he would die for stabbing and killing the defenseless heimdel

If thanos was actually fair and not a madman
>get the stones
>oh man I wish I could live long enough while being capable of carrying out my dream of fucking over half of everything
Thanos is a pussy, a no honor cunt.

It doesn't matter if he killed billions, killing someone in cold blood out of butt hurt revenge is more sickening considering the heroes committed the crime. No sense if they started group therapy or mourned since, like Thanos, they murdered too.

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The snap was fair because it was random.

By "in paradise" he means heaven.

>I'll fail you if you spoil the kid's movie!!
Should be fired desu


Doesn't make it fair, if anything that's worse.

>mafia and gangsters have a code of honor

Stop watching Hollywood shit and look at the real world; the mob kill everyone who stand as an obstacle, even the fucking children.

>mafia and gangsters have honor

nano machines

Because we can believe the word of a villain

It is established that Thanos never lies. Gamora did not deny it either when he said that, instead she looked downward as if she knew he was right. Captain America himself admits that Earth was better off after the 5 years timeskip.