Family, stability... The guy who wanted all that went in the ice 75 years ago. I think someone else came out

>Family, stability... The guy who wanted all that went in the ice 75 years ago. I think someone else came out.
>I'm with you to the end of the line.
>making out with blonde girl
>leaves everything for 40's puss
is he the biggest asshole in the movie?

Attached: captainscumbag.png (620x413, 351K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Captain could have prevented 9/11 but didn't.

What happened to Sharon? She gets one kiss from him in Civil War and then is never seen nor mentioned again

the biggest ass

They decided to remove her so that Captain Abandonment could go be with Peggy

>saves the universe
>protects the universe by returning the stones
>can live through America's golden age while smashing pic related for a couple decades

Are you retarded?

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They fucked like rabbits between scenes, she's now pregnant with his child and the space time continuum is destroyed.

I choose not to judge him, we all would've done the same

Not the most heroic move, but he was a goody-two-shoes from day one, he didn't get to have a life chilling out and banging whores like Tony did before becoming a hero, he deserved a break

no he stood by his word and gave her that dance

The guy deserved it after all the shit he's been through. I'm happy for him.

Peggy's husband was never revealed...all made sense to me.

The thing was, Cap already made a sacrifice. When he took the final mission, he already had feelings. The comment about going into the ice was referencing his decision at the time to put the greater good above his desire for love and a future that included a family. He was the soldier making the sacrifice play, not knowing if he was going to make it back home. He ended up not making it.

The decision Stark faced to put the greater good above his own desire for love and a family was one Cap already had made 50 years ago. So in a sense, it wasn't Cap not making that choice, because it was already made. It was him being able to move on from being that soldier and instead of making that move in the modern day, he had the opportunity to retire from the soldier role in his own era.

this. him going back to the 70s and remembering the size of her milkers cemented in his mind that he would go back and suck on those things for decades

Gamespot did a lengthy article on this, worth a read though I wouldn't go as far as to say that it "ruins the movie"

Was bothered more by the face CGI and how he looks like Joe Biden than by the time travel logic and character motivation

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Imagine being a conservative 30s Christian and be forced to do counsel sessions for homosexuals in the current year. Of fucking course he returned back. Being an avenger is the only reason he hasn't killed himself in the modern world.

That is America's ass

What about Bucky? Pretty much in the same boat as Cap except he doesn't get to smash 40's pussy

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Endgame ends in 2023 right? So how fucking old is Steve by the time he gets back around to them, 100+? I suppose the super soldier serum keeps him going a bit longer than most but shit, he's been without Peggy for some 20-30 years at least by that point, and he didn't even bring his kids with him. Has he just been kicking around as a widower all that time?

He'll just find current pussy, don't worry about him.

God just imagine coming home to this

Changing the past doesn't change the future weren't you paying attention?

I thought he looked like Reagan

> Magically jumped back

He had the particles and the gear to jump back you fucking morons.

>Has he just been kicking around as a widower all that time?
Still better than not getting any in the first place.
He got to share the majority of his adult life with his oneitis. That's what was lacking in his life and he made up for it.

he did the right thing. those tits needs love

>Changing the past doesn't change the future weren't you paying attention?
But he fucking did. Just because the moments changed seems irrelevant to you it doesn't mean any moment were changed.

Also what time does the final scene take place? Given the music its back to the 40's but cap isn't 20 anymore he's closer to 40 since he's been in modern times for 21 years so he'd probably travel to the 60's to match her age but peggy's married by then and cap isn't above cucking another wife's husband so how did that happen? Let's say it is the 40's then doesn't that mean peggy's grandaughter is never born, or better yet she's actually cap's grandaughter which means cap fucked his own grandaughter and is into incest

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good fucking lord when will she get nude in a movie

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He fuggs prime ebony wakandian pussy now.

Siri was 15 when they know each other.
Now she is 20 and 5 years of masturbating at night alone thinking of the white wolf.

He is fine.

>he's been without Peggy for some 20-30 years at least by that point
She died in 2016. Though she was pretty Alzheimer ridden by that time.

>blonde girl
Wasn't that Peggy's daughter?

Siri was dusted, so she didn't age.

even better

He gets to smash Falcon.

>been in modern times for 21 years

Where the fuck did you get this? It's closer to 10.

So close and yet so far

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>tfw you wish the last stan lee cameo is that he is the old man on the bench and giving the shield to whoever the fuck.

What did she mean by this?

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God I wish that was me

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>just become an avenger bro!

>ywn come home to this making apple pie with a bun in the oven

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he should have gone back to smash bucky instead

>he got to spend his entire life sucking on those mammaries

the ending Cap deserved

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He's gonna go back to Wakanda to get BLACKED

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How many times do you think she got pregnant haha

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the only white boy in all wakanda, let falcon be captain America, he is gonna fuck african pussy 24/7

what if it's a closed time loop, and old man steve was kicking around the whole time in this timeline

This made me peepee HARD

Cap appears to age incredibly slowly considering he's 183 years old at the end of the movie and only looks 60.

Does 9/11 happen in the Marvel Universe?

Fucking based

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Since they were able to alter ant-man's age in the mid part of the movie, why didn't they just make captain america young again????

Based Cap
Wanted to escape the degeneracy and faggotry of the world

That's exactly what the previously mentioned "past can't the future" meant. Steve was always Peggy's husband.

Why didn't Cap warn America about a black president?

There were always two Cap Primes in the main timeline. Apparently it's possible.

>Pretty much in the same boat as Cap

Except Bucky's pre-Winter Soldier personality is almost entirely gone, he's like an empty husk of his former self, emotionless and barely speaks

You can understand how Cap wants to go and live a fulfilling life, but with Bucky you have no idea, he just stands there and stares at things

>can retire to the 1950s golden age of america with all your loved ones as a renowned famous war hero who personally saved the lives of most of his friends.
>stay in 2019 with inter-sectional feminists and nonbinary genderqueers

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>>captain choose Carter over bucky

that's actually the hardest thing I have over this. Should have took bucky with him to retirement.

lol jesus I was born in 1983 and if I could id fucking teleport back to to 40s life was better

stop with this stupid ass excuse.

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you forgot
>confuses the fuck out of Hydra.
Honestly, think about it. That faggot will have to report to the higher ups that he didn't know Cap was an Hydra agent.
Then, the superiores will call their superiores and ask wtf is going on, and by the end of it Hydra will have to purge itself because there has to be someone on the inside leaking shit
>out-fucking-skills Thor with his own hammer
Cap was pulling combos left and right, even pulled a lightning attack on the first try
>Only character to outskill Thanos 1v1
If Cap had superstrength ( at the levels of Thor or Hulk) he would have beaten Thanos right there

Someone make a shit meme of Captain Chadmerica vs whomever virgins cuz Cap is the one true OP character in the MCU

He went on the ice on the 40's right? Didn't it felt weird for him knowing he has another version of himself in that timeline where he is fucking peggy's brains out?

>out-fucking-skills Thor with his own hammer
That's only cause thor skipped his salad and is not as fierce anymore otherwise the movie would've ended quick.

bucky barely remembers his old past due to the hydra brainwash.

you forgot
>>get to be the last one standing as your entire army marches in to aid you

fucking retards

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>saving earth multiple times and then saving trillions while also making sure the universe doesn’t fragment
>decides to retire and live a happy life with the woman he loves
>teeves thinks this is a shitty move

he is single handily going to BLEACH wakanda

Literally every sane person would. And hopefully they would take the steps necessary to prevent the situation we have in 2019

>the stones leave their time period and go to the future, they are then returned to their time peroid immediately after leaving
>cap leaves his 40s time period (not by time travel but it must feel like it) to the future. he later returns to his original time peroid of the 40s not long after he gets frozen

niece or great niece

too busy warning about the orange one

>Cap found out why they call her "Peggy"

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>unironically wearing blackface
>even painted his lips red
Yeah he is

Thing is Bucky also was brainwashed for most of his entire life. Bucky has been "active" all throughout history. Bucky also doesn't have a functioning arm. Bucky is better suited for the modern life.
You can tell Cap never got used to living in modern times.

so for the original avenger we got
>iron man dead
>cap old and retired
>widow dead but still getting a prequel movie
>thor a part of the guardians
>hawkeye presumably retired but is getting a disney + show
>hulk is still kicking but is wounded

You can't stop entropy user. The awful state of America is just the natural decline of empires. Europe could probably be salvaged though.

Yeah because Freedom Tower was being constructed during Avengers 1

Dude i legit thought wow they got Joe to cameo in this and how he wasn't a bad actor

I knew it wasn't Joe because he was merely talking to Sam rather than molesting him


He only molests young girls. Who gives a shit about males?

America should've stayed in 1950s culture. What went wrong after this?

Jews finally won their war with the WASP establishment of the country and implemented their philosophy throughout the 1960s

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It's a very poorly thought out ending for him. How could he live a normal carefree life while knowing the future? How could he cuck himself?

I think one of them is the rise of "hippie"culture.