Mfw people were clapping in the theater anytime anything mildly interesting happened
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>MFW Frogposters
People didn’t do that at mine. They did lose their shit when Cap held Thor’s hammer though. That was peak cape kino
I audibly broke down when they told Tonys daughter she coild have all the cheeseburgers she wanted. Avengers: Endgame is the most emotional movie I have ever seen. I have never, ever, seen an audience react so strongly. If you dont react to this then you are an autistic retard who cannot experience emotion
Mine did for everything except Captain Marvel. Every time she was on screen it was dead silence in the audience. That alone made the clapping bearable.
Or i've seen actually good emotional movies
I saw it at 6 am on a normal screen on a Friday morning. No one clapped. I heard snoring 2 hours in.
Same here. There’s no way her movie made 1 billion legit after what I experienced today. Everyone just seemed confused when she was on screen. On a side note some nigger got mad during the film and ran to the side of the theater wall and punched it and yelled “FUCK!” as loud as he could. I’m assuming he was chimping out about some crime or something
Name me one scene in any movie more emotional than the funeral scene in Endgame
I need a webm of cap using the hammer
Titanic ending where Jack dies for wine filled roastie
years ago there was an american guy by himself at a showing of harry potter, can't remember which one becuase it was my gf who enjoyed them
everyone was in couples and its the uk, he was friendly but was trying to talk to everyone while people tried giving him the hint to go away, he locked onto one couple and followed them in
during the movie he would cheer and at the end stood up and started clapping and cheering and slowly stopped as he looked around and it was only him doing it while people were quickly gathering their things and giggling
feel bad because he was embarrassed and must have realised he was the only one clapping and cheering like a retard
green mile electrocution
>not enjoying the theater-going experience
Stay home and watch camrips on your tablet from now on, NEET.
The scene from come and see where they hold the kid at gun point and take a picture and imma be honest i've never gotten real feels from any movies
I enjoy it, but i'm also not a ape tier brainlet who claps at an inanimate object
A ton of kids in my cinema started shouting "Wakanda Forever" when the Black Panther showed up during Endgame.
I just dont see it. I have never seen so many people emotional not even at a real funeral. I felt like I lost my grandfather all over again
>watching capeshit ever
It's a lot healthier than what you're doing, desu.
Like2/3 of the planet? Shove your elitist attitude up your pretentious ass
F in chat for his grandpa
>im just like everyone else! im normal!
normal fags make me cringe
> tee hee im so quirky and special Dont bully me silly boys
Commit sudoku, weirdo
>tee hee im so quirky i love the mcu and dc im such a nerd XD
once a beta always a beta
I just watched this and I spent the entire movie repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.
I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my seat for the last 30 minutes it was so painful.
>Ayy fun superhero movie lmao
If you liked it you're in the wrong place
this wasn't a thing before mainstream capeshit
I wasn't even saying that. I was saying seeing enjoying something that's objectively shit is better than spending all of your time on a message board to criticize people for enjoying something that's objectively shit.
You are the loser in this scenario and you always will be.
Actually liking the entire planet loves isnt quirky at all. Read a book, nigger
>the absolute state of baitposting
truly we live in a society
Its not bait. Talk to anyone who saw the mpvie and they will tell you people were bawling. Its very deeply emotional
see how the redditor immediately begins to seethe at the mere mention of the word "beta", don't you have some funko toys to go collect loser?
Just finished reading animal farm, what would you recommend I read next oh wise phone poster?
>Just finished reading animal farm, what would you recommend I read next oh wise phone poster?
Sounds like Go Dog Go is about right for you.
>trying this hard.
Based, keep triggering the normie LARPers.
>hmph no little books for me, the biggest you have please, im a big boy now!
>getting this mad
> Animal farm
Literally a parable about communism for.children. why didnt you just read a history of the Soviet union? Oh, because you wanted something light and interesting , sorta like superhero movies.
You are a dumb fuck
I never read the book before and wanted to see what all the buzz was about, did you forget to take your anger management pills today user?
Come on guys, this is like day one Yea Forums stuff. Stop responding to him. He's already red in the face with anger and will just keep doing this as long as you play along.
>s-stop talking to him! if we ignore him he'll go away!
stay seething caepshitter
This. You guys have successfully let a rookie shitposter derail a thread. It's sad.
Like clockwork. Case and point.
The whole point of clapping is showing appreciation for someone to receive it. Clapping for actors on a stage show is showing appreciation to them for their work. When you clap in the movie theater, you are just circlejerking among the audience that you liked that part even if some of the audience may disagree or want to hear something you end up clapping over since it's not like the film is going to pause for claps like live actors would.
The screen is an inanimate object that can't appreciate you, and your clapping is disrespectul to the other people around you who just want to watch the show.
You are the uncivil nigger in this scenario and you always will be.
>no ones allowed to hate the things that I like!
imagine being this much of a pathetic man child, you people are embarrassing.
This thread is truly the domain of redditors