
>Kill off/send away half the white cast
>New Captain America is a black dude
>New ruler of Asgard is a black woman
>Thor, an actual God and rightful heir and ruler to Asgard, reduced to a fat comedic relief
>Captain "I hate men" Marvel is the new leader of the MCU

Sent a jolt to the ol'noggin desu

Attached: p.jpg (2500x1250, 105K)

>Watches capeshit
>Wtf why is it shit

Prime timeline has been damaged by the events of engdame. Needs to be repaired.

Attached: endgame time.png (1324x860, 57K)

What happens to the people who are in the timelines that get erased?

>What happens to the people who are in the timelines that get erased?
Timelines don't get erased. They would have went on with their lives without the power stones. It returned so their timeline is mostly unharmed but still separate especially because of cap and Loki.

No no no you dumb fucking nigger, what happens to people who are living in timelines that get erased?

Who cares

>capeshit thread, hehe it's time for me to say I don't like it xD
cringe namefag

Captain Ireland could be a great villain, also based Sentry. Make the fights more hax and speed based.

Anyone else think that alternate timelines is how they'll bring in the x-men, ff, etc

>time for me to fight for Disney!
I'd hang myself before being a mouseshill.


>New Captain America is a black dude who will go "AAAAAAA BUCKY HELP ME" in their TV show
>black woman gets to be the ruler of a village
>Thor gets to go on fun space adventures with the Guardians
>Captain "I hate white men" Marvel is the new leader of majority black supers
Everyone wins, I don't see the problem

good, capeshitters brought it on themselves supporting this crap instead of boycotting it
now embrace laughable "diversity" and open wide for BBC

hopefully agents of shield doesn't get shit on

Only care about GotG and Spider-Man films, and that's only if they aren't complete shit. Which is a total possibility.

The main character is played by just about the most retarded leftist slut on the planet. Coulson is dead. The only men left alive on the show are black, and with Fitz gone no doubt Simmons is riding some black cock in the meantime and there will be a little "joke" about how much bigger his cock was than Fitz's, either directly to Fitz or between her and Quake as "fun girl bonding time". Screencap this.

>MJ is a bitchy mutt
Lol ok

This. If anything we come out ahead and Cap, Stark, and Thor dodge the cancer

>alternate timelines is how they'll bring in the x-men, ff, etc
Yep. But I don't see why time travel would used as a catalyst when someone like Spider-Man can appear without any of that.
>>Thor gets to go on fun space adventures with the Guardians
>I don't see the problem
It's a complete 180 for Thor's character development. He's supposed to embrace his lineage and be King. Not a big Lebowski wannabe.

Attached: lebowski thor.jpg (500x832, 103K)

>He's supposed to embrace his lineage and be King. Not a big Lebowski wannabe.
I guess you forgot the scene in the movie where Thor's mom straight up told him to be what he is instead of what he is supposed to be

And here you are fucking crying about children's cartoon films on the internet.
You think you're better than black people or women? You absolute fucking loser.

>niece's 10th birthday today
>take her to stores to buy what she wants
>says she loved Endgame
>Says she likes captain marvel
>show her Captain Marvel action figure
>Buys a laser gun tag set

Attached: 1555451976079.jpg (338x527, 35K)

They won’t make Captain Marvel leader. She has no appeal, no charisma, her acting sucks. Spider-Man also can’t really deliver, he’s not likeable enough, unless his character goes through some huge maturing in Far From Home or there’s a timeskip to his university years.

The only one who can carry phase 4 is Memedict Cum’in’crotch with his amazing Dr. Strange, unironically every scene he is in is pure gold.

Personally I think they should spend some years with mostly unconnected movies until they can make a proper F4 film and have Mr. Fantastic be the new leading role

>Action figure
Of course she wouldn't want it

>They won’t make Captain Marvel leader
Then you're in for a rude awakening.

Attached: 1552374600775.jpg (250x177, 32K)

Wish you did the same before becoming an incel.

>Captain Marvel's solo movie will bomb. She has no appeal, no charisma, her acting sucks
And here we are
The real reason why she won't be leader is because she's too fucking overpowered and has to babysit other solar systems. She'll basically fly in once in a while to check on how the Earth Avengers are doing

>Spider-Man can't deliver, he's not likeable enough
Most of the fans seem to like him fine, he needs to get out of high school before the real fun stuff begins

>F4 film

Attached: pol whiny.png (674x563, 114K)

>Thor's mom straight up told him to be what he is instead of what he is supposed to be
I remember. Into the trash then.

Attached: rip.jpg (600x450, 34K)

There is also a timeline where Dark World 2013 Thor has no hammer? Does his mother still die? Do things work out with him and Jane. Is the 9th Doctor Who still trying to kill them?

To be fair Thor never had the makings of a varsity ruler. Loki and Hela were more suitable in the sense that Odin in his youth was a ruthless conqueror who kept expanding the kingdom

When Cap went back to return the stones/reunite with Peggy he also took the hammer with him, I assumed he put it back in 2013

Valkyrie became the ruler of Asgard because there will be no more Thor movies. we will never see Valkyrie again, there's no story to tell there. however, we will see Thor again, because now he's with the guardians. that's the whole reason why Thor gave up the throne: it's so we can see more Thor in future films.

>it's so we can see more Thor in future films
I just hope he gets back in shape in GOTG3


Well, I will still watch anything that has Strange on it, maybe spidey too.

Jews ruin everything

for months Yea Forums kept saying captain marvel will kill thanos in one hit and say I am no man and then the movie would end, but that never happened, how come?

Phase 4 is gonna suckass, and I just figured out that the MCU only puts out 3 of the same kind of movies (Ironman 1-3, Thor 1-3, Avengers 1-3, ect). Which means the world will have to endure, "We are kangz and shit" 2 more times, not to mention having to listen to some nigger loving bitch, in 2 more Captain Cunt films.
As far as I can tell their will only be 3 more MCU movies worth a damn. Spiderman Homecoming plus whatever Spiderman they make after that, and the next Antman movie.
Fucking Disney, always fucking shit up.

I forgot all about the Dr Strange movies

The only reason people watched captain marvel was due to it being attached to Endgame. If it was standalone entirely then it would have gotten half the sales at most.

I’m pretty sure that the Sony-Marvel deal ends after Spider-Man Far From Home, unless Marvel manage to straight up buy the license which I doubt after the success of Into the Spiderverse. So there will only be 2 MCU Spidey movies for now

They should just do this next Spiderman and then Guardians 3. Then release them all on one super box set and call it quits.

Yeah you're probably right about that, but Disney still has the rights to the character. So they'll be bound to fuck it up eventually

>Kill off/send away half the white cast
>aside from cap,tony and black widow all the other white characters are fine

Alternate timelines is how they will make infinite sequels.

>Cheese Fungus expressed interest in directing future MCU flicks
OOOF. Hope you enjoy that, disneyshitters.

"Team" movies are just fucking pathetic

lmao so accurate

>call it quits
they'll keep pumping out this shit for years to come until they hit the point of diminishing returns and they're not profitable anymore, then it'll just be unceremoniously killed, that's how things end user, not with a bang but with a whimper

Yea MCU dies with Endgame. I'll wait for X-men now and ignore everything