Childhood is agreeing with mr plinkett's prequel reviews because they're funny

childhood is agreeing with mr plinkett's prequel reviews because they're funny
adulthood is when you realize hes overly critical and that he looks back at the OT with rose framed lenses

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Disprove a single criticism he made.

Adulthood is realizing Star Wars is an overrated children's fantasy series that should've ended with Return of the Jedi.

>the characters aren't interesting
Obi-wan is interesting.

Nah, the PT is shit, fuck off zoomers


OT has simple story telling goals that it achieves quite well.
PT have lofty story telling goals that it fails utterly at realizing.
This is the difference between the two.

>WOW HOW CAN ANYONE WATCH THE PREQUELS, look at the friggin CGI and Jar Jar (he's too goofy!)
>shitty annoying puppet yoda in 90% of Empire is okay though since I saw it as a kid

hahahaah, this one's easy lil buddy, don't think your little plinkett trilogy is perfect


>instead of nitpicking focuses on the flaws in storytelling, relation to past movies and characters
N-no fair. He can't do that. Shoot him or something.

saying that the prequels are missing a blank slate protagonist for everything to be explained to for the audience
its fuckin star wars, what do we need explained?

>quite well
OT has bad acting, horrible effects, and overall tells a generic story

Let's be honest. Anakin building C-3PO and Boba Fett being the genetic template for the Clone Army are JJ-tier fan pandering.

>implying Yoda is as annoying as Jar Jar
Fuck off, zoomer. Yoda acts retarded for about 5 minutes; for the rest of the film, he's chill. Jar Jar is insufferably stupid.

>george lucas needs to die for making a bad movie!!! Lmao xD
Stop projecting, Prequel haters loved wishing death on George Lucas, we're just criticizing a shitty review


Yoda is a shitty looking hand puppet that acts retarded. Sorry old man, take off the nostalgia goggles for a minute.

I repeat, he acts retarded for 5 minutes. You're either baiting or retarded.

Nothing of that kind shows up in the review. Irrelevant. Same butthurt that we could see on a decade ago. These reviews must be really influential if after all these years they're still treated (by prequel apologists) as this evil dragon to slay.

Yes the story wasn't planned out ahead and evolved over the course of the series.
The result is that there are some scenes that are awkward in hindsight.
Does this ruin the whole trilogy for you?

He was correct that the prequels were not very good but his embarrassing shilling for the nuWars movies shows how much of a sellout/shit taste he is.

Or did they

The Plinkett reviews aren't just overly critical, they contain outright lies and a whole lot of really stupid opinions. The worst part about them is how influential they went on to be. JJ Abrams is on the record saying he was a big fan of the Plinkett Reviews, and it is very clear that the entire ST was based around appeasing all the bitching and moaning contained within them. Just look at the complaints made about the Mustafar duel, and realize those shitty opinions went on to make the awful Lightsaber duels we got in the ST movies.

The prequels were bad. Some of us joke about them being redeemed because nuwars is so terrible by comparison, but the truth is that they're both pretty bad in their own way. Plinkett was right.

>shilling for the nuWars movies
but he shits on them too

>Random dipshits from Wisconsin shape the course of several multi-billion dollar franchises
Sure dude

Not an argument

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No he has not. His reviews of the Force awakens and the Last Jedi were at best wishy washy.

Plinkett was right. The prequels are fun and I'm glad they exist because we got the reviews, things to hate about star wars prequels (old website), rifftrax and so on. The integrity of Star Wars canon doesn't matter it's soiled beyond repair anyway, Disney didn't help and George messing with the original movies ruined something too. So none of that matters. Prequel memes are fun but I get the feeling that fans who post them aren't aware that many people enjoy them while also making fun of the prequels. Disney SW aren't as memetic.

Random dipshits from Wisconsin who managed to get tens of millions of views long before Youtube took off as a super mainstream thing. Plus they've got a disproportionately strong following within the film industry.

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>PT have lofty story telling goals that it fails utterly at realizing.
Based George put the symbolism way over this plebeian

adulthood is understanding they're all children's' movies

Star wars was always overrated, its the pony fandom of the pre-milenniun. Anyone who gets seriously upset over its criticism or praise for nuwars should take a long hard look at themselves.

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all of it is wrong so none of it has to be disproved

>childhood is agreeing with an e-celeb that reviewed a movie that was long forgotten about before YouTube came into existence.
>manchildhood is unironically caring about the oppinion of an e-celeb that reviewed a movie that was long forgotten about before YouTube came into existence.

imagine being this much of a deluded fucking fanboy

>childhood is-
We're done here....

why did you make this shit thread again?

>lol why didnt they make miniature sets or pour fake lava down a mountain

I like when PT-tards bitch about Plinkett but can not bring up a SINGLE convincing counter-argument

because I wanted more people to respond, are you gonna do something about it, weenie?

no star wars is good
there are just a couple scenes nerds latched onto way too hard and memed them for 40 years straight
it's even more obnoxious than monty python fans because at least monty python has a lot of content to reference and quote

lonely saturday night eh

smart. now he doesn't look gay going down on a fruit

fuck you and fuck your stupid quints!!!!

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>adulthood is when you realize hes overly critical and that he looks back at the OT with rose framed lenses
You grew up wrong and are dumber than you were as a child. Sad, really.

>literally dissing yourself

>Let's ask some """"""""""people""""""""" about the prequels

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describe qui gon jin without mentioning his powers or his outfit


>Look my friends that grew up with the OT have more to say about the characters than the prequel characters, THIS MEANS THE PREQUELS ARE OBJECTIVELY BAD

And I never threatened Mike for shitting on the prequels, faggot. Look at the post I replied to.
>Shoot him or something
OTfags were the ones threatening children over being in the prequels, OTfags have to pretend Prequel fans are as deranged as they are to make their points not seem retarded.

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You're still not describing any of the new characters.

I like how Mike got exactly what he wanted in the sequels and was forced to realize he was completely and utterly clueless about what actually makes movies good

Childhood is watching the prequels in the theater and still not being impressed despite being its target audience.
Adulthood is watching Plinkett agree with everything you've been mulling over for years.

You couldn't do this for any sequel characters either

I don't need to, I'm just pointing out his shitty test doesn't hold up in any way.


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yes it does
because you can't do it

it's stylistically designed to be that way (and that's a good thing)

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Paternal, tall, stoic, reckless, narrow-minded, Evian, direct, purposeful, green lightsaber.

I think most of his criticisms are fair but his reviews have lead to this retarded hyperbolic view of the prequels, that they're somehow totally worthless and devoid of literally any good things at all. I guess that's what happens when millions of retards take "IT'S THE WORST THING EVER" as more than a joke.

this is some intricate bait

He has a generally serene demeanour that comes from his many years of experience. Although he's not given to strong emotional display, there is a kindness and warmth to him. He is guaranteed to do (what he perceives to be) the right thing rather than follow the letter of the law, or to find loopholes that let him do what he must. However, he does have a manipulative streak, and has no qualms about messing with people in order to achieve his goals. He is also a risk-taker, willing to put everything on the line and trusting in his instincts to guide him.

What he says is true, a lot of people don't understand that the film is made like a western.

Plinkett's reviews aren't bad because he found plot holes, they're bad because those plot holes were only found after a campaign of intense over-analysis, and generally do not occur to a casual or even moderately critical viewer. The fact that people didn't start pointing them out until after his videos were posted proves this.

Quentin please tell me it's you and you're back.
I've missed you.



>he hasn't started down the rabbit hole

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Pretty much

Any criticism of the Prequels is moot unless made with an understanding of two obvious dynamics which apparently everyone still missed:

1) The Prequels are told from Obi-Wan's perspective, and he is an unreliable narrator
2) Lucas was aping Shakespeare

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>Disprove a single criticism he made.

not an argument

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The people who meme about "I don't like sand" are peak brainlet who I guess don't remember Tatooine.

>Just look at the complaints made about the Mustafar duel
The complaints about the choreography of duels is the worst of all. It's like Mike actively ignored that the force allows users to see the future because of his precious head canon.


The OT was pretty bad after the first movie.

Bad things about ESB:
>Yoda (wise asian man parody)
Lukes training had already been done.

>Leia/Han romance
No romantic tension in the first, now they're a couple only because Luke will turn out to be Leias sister.

Bad things about RotJ:

>ANOTHER fucking death star



It's a mish-mash of serials, westerns, war movies, samurai pics, and a bunch of other quirky shit which tickles Lucas' sense of whimsy. That's what makes it so esoterically unique and hard to copy. In 40 years I've never seen any one single Star Wars product manage to copy the formula that Lucas stuck to with eps 1-6. There's always some element which gives its ignorance away.

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shhhh this is a meme thread

>Childhood is being excited for the prequels
>adolescence is the prequels coming out and being fucking terrible
>adulthood is never thinking about them again
1987 masterrace

Agreed, but PT zoomers will never admit that George also pandered to nostalgic imagery.

I'd say structurally it is very similar to a western

That's just the tip of the iceberg. People give Anakin shit for his awkward relationship with Padme, yet Han and Leia is weird as shit creep-zone stuff. The Prequels have their issues, but I think the older Star Wars fanbase has massive nostalgia goggles that blind them to the rampant use of telling instead of showing, the forced character arcs, the clunky romantic dialogue, and so on.

Something that strikes me about the prequels is how they're very similar to Japanese cinema. The way the characters talk. The gestures. The portrayal of forbidden love. When you watch Revenge of the Sith dubbed into Japanese, you understand what Lucas was going for.

>>lol why didnt they make miniature sets
The prequels rampantly use miniature sets. The problems tend to lie in how the models are composited via greenscreen, and the digital cameras Lucas was using didn't help.

>Han and Leia is weird as shit creep-zone stuff.
Confirmed zoomer. Make your generation better and kill yourself.

>The people who meme about "I don't like sand" are peak brainlet who I guess don't remember Tatooine.
They've also never heard a shy young man attempt to explain his feelings before.

>Confirmed zoomer. Make your generation better and kill yourself.
What does that even mean? Han Solo behaves like a giant grub towards Leia, but we're supposed to interpret him as "smooth" and "charming". Harrison Ford has never been smooth or charming. He always gave off a "kiddie fucker" vibe, ala Indiana Jones early story drafts.

That is basically just how courtship worked in the past. Men trying to play smooth long enough that the women just cave.

>He always gave off a "kiddie fucker" vibe
Underage AND autistic.

When Lucas and Spielberg were writing Indiana Jones, the original concept was that Indy fucked Marion when she was 12. This got fudged around a bit to make her a few years older because Spielberg pointed out that fucking a 12 year old wouldn't fly, but that's the real meaning behind the line:

Marion: "I was a child! I was in love! It was wrong and you knew it!"
Jones: "You knew what you were doing."

Commit suicide

Have you never watched a Bond flick?

What does this have to do with Star Wars?
I won't take changing the subject, young man.

He looks like shit and his schtick is retarded
>criticize bad puppet

You do realise George "fucking kids makes it more interesting" Lucas was the creator of Star Wars, right?

George Lucas confirmed redpilled:

G — Fifteen is right on the edge. I know it's an outrageous idea, but it is interesting. Once she's sixteen or seventeen it's not interesting anymore. But if she was fifteen and he was twenty-five and they actually had an affair the last time they met. And she was madly in love with him and he...

>Have you never watched a Bond flick?
James Bond is an unapologetic asshole. GoldenEye was all about deconstructing him. The novel of Thunderball is all about Bond going on a healthy diet and feeling good for the first time in his life, but then the job calls and he starts drinking and eating shitty food again because he needs to wallow in misery and dysfunction and women who tend to die in his arms to function. Bond hates his life. Uses everyone around him. To be fair, though, film audiences have frequently mistook him for charming. Audiences tend to do that.

Lucas wanted Marion to be 11, because of course he did. He also wanted Leia to be 14.

Sure, but nothing suggests Leia was ever a child, so your fallacy is pointless.

>childhood is....
>adulthood is....

and manhood is never having watch a youtuber's review of a children's film and coming up with your own opinions.

New Hope and Empire are the only rewatchable Star Wars films.

All the other ones are mediocre to bad and that's a fact

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That shit was commonplace in the 30s

the million hours of fucking trade federation shit


90% correct
1000% correcter

>Harrison Ford has never been smooth or charming
This is the dumbest opinion I've seen all week.

When you want the story to be the political drama of a republic falling to an empire, you better fucking explain shit

The problem with the prequels is there is no political drama. George had the basic idea of Sheev using a crisis to trick people into giving him more power and that’s all that really happens for 3 movies. A properly done political plot is a bit lofty for Star Wars, but the halfway shit means it doesn’t even work as a pleb movie either.

Of the prequel reviews or of his Star Wars reviews in general?

Don't lie.

Rebellious. Does what he feels is right.

Hey, counterpoint: You know what happens when visuals are also made less important? You get the designs for Episode 8.

adulthood is realizing the entire medium of film is shit

But it's a great puppet

Loved the politics in the prequels. People who complain are absolute idiots.
The politics in the new trilogy is flat out retarded. I honestly have no idea what is happening, they refuse to explain shit except in the vaguest manner possible.

he repeatedly says over and over throughout his reviews that the tiny nitpicks aren't the point and they aren't what makes these movies bad. you're a dumb zoomer.

The OT is a fairy tale about a young boy who goes from being a farmer to an experienced warrior priest. The tale is heavily inspired by Western/Eastern Myths and closely follows the Heroes Journey.
The problems I've always had with the OT are that most of the cast, outside Luke/Vader, feel like one dimensional character archetypes. (Princess, dashing rouge, wise old man, dark wizard). Lucas was also an inexperienced story creator which led to a lot of the dialogue/plot being made up.
The empire are spaze nazis who constantly build gigantic super weapons whose major weakness is that it can't properly defend itself from rebel ships even though they've been at war for them for 2 decades. Stormtroopers are stated to be Elite troops yet fail to hit their targets in nearly every scene and they get killed by teddy bears. Luke's companions are borderline insufferable (especially C3PO) and there characters are turned into a complete joke by ROTJ (Han solo). Leia being Luke's sister was a last minute decision by Lucas and her character comes off as wasted potential. The main characters have huge plot armor and even when they do lose they always come back stronger than ever before making the entire story lack any tension.

The only decent moments in these films are the scenes involving Luke interacting with the remaining Jedi/Sith, since we get to see his character grow and mature. The only time I ever felt any real emotion in these movies was in ep 5 (Luke's training/Vader fight) and ep 6 (Luke with vader/palpatine).

>No videos in more than a week
Is RLM finally done?

You must be new to RLM

I personally love the prequels and never really understood why people hated them. So many of the "criticisms" I've seen shout at Lucas for how characters act or how they speak completely ignore Lucas' intent.
The purpose of the prequels was to show Anakin's fall from grace, the destruction of the Jedi order, and the transformation of the Galatic Republic into an empire.

In ep 1 Anakins a fearful young boy given the chance to leave slavery and become an experienced warrior but at the cost of leaving his mother to suffer by herself on a shitty desert planet. Anakin joins the Jedi only to discover their a bunch of reclusive monks who openly distrust him because they think he's too old to be taught their dogmatic teachings (aka brainwashing).
In ep 2 Anakin is a socially awkward/emotionally unstable young men whose spent the last decade of his life trapped inside a temple with people who still clearly don't trust him. He went through puberty, and developed a crush on Padme, but he has no idea how to properly control his feelings which make come across as creepy, overly dramatic, and overall unstable to everyone around him. Adding on to this he's been having visions of his mother dying and then discovers she's been brutally tortured to death for over a month. His main reason for becoming a Jedi was to become a powerful warrior to keep his loved ones safe and now all of his hard work was for nothing. The Jedi refused to save his mother despite having the resources to do so and forbade him from traveling to his home planet due to him being an inexperienced and untrustworthy Padawan.

>lemme ask these 'people' about qui gon jin's character
>PT ruined the 'lived in aesthetic'
>there's too much going on I can't tell whats happening!
I could go on but these are brainlet arguments especially the lived in aesthetic one. I could hardly call the podracing scene anything but. Also its really good to keep in mind that OT and PT cover different points in time and subject matters. Of course a bunch of rebels fleeing for their lives is going to look more run down than a bunch of political nobles in not italy discussing space politics. Most of the review is just arguments of emotion that make blanket statements about qualities of the movie without going into them. Making most of the review worthless for the most part.

Don't forget he likes to make random statements and surface level complaints and treat them like valid criticism.
>How does Palpatine know where the CIS leaders are located???
>CGI battle doesn't make any sense
>I'll over simplify a character's actions to make it seem like their pointless characters.