
Young Winterfell Edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


Azor Jon

Who's the guy on the far right? Brandon?

where is the leak

Arya is so ugly why Ned would compare her to this Lyanna

rodrik cassel

previous Lord Starch, Neds dad who got burned in the throne room

So you guys reckon Dany will stab Jon or will it be the other way around? Because one of them is stabbing the other.


Why were the early seasons so kino compared to the later ones? Are D&D really that incompetent?

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Brienne is Azor Ahai and Jaime is Nissa Nissa.

Oh yeah, I guess the mutton chops should have given it away.

they legit just got bored
which is why more and more oc came in as the seasons continued

they only ever wanted to get to the Red Wedding. They really never cared about anything else.

Based. Azor Brienne

He's a big guy

based Teen Wolf thread

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it makes even less sense. Pic related, the same mountain that towers over the wierwood tree is right by where they ambushed the WW / Wights to capture one, so the lake is not far from that location.

This makes Gendry's run even more perplexing. If this is the case, they left from EASTWATCH, we know that Bran visited CRASTER'S KEEP before heading even further North. Craster's is a few days march from Castle Black.

So we know the distance of Craster's to Castle Black, from Craster's to Eastwatch is even a longer journey, probably a week or two depending on the terrain (there's no roads north of the wall).

So, if the cave of the 3ER is let's say, a few days march north of Craster's, that would make it several WEEKS journey from there to Eastwatch on the North of the wall. The mountain that is near the 3ER cave has been shown in multiple scenes of the show to be where they fought the wight horde / WW at the lake. So, they travelled a minimum of maybe 3 weeks just to get to the lake, and then somehow gendry ran a marathon that would embarrass world record holders of the Hour record, ON FOOT.

In addition to this, somehow a raven flew faster than light to Dragonstone from Eastwatch, and then Dany flew faster than light back north of the wall to their exact location, which she somehow figured out despite there being a vast wilderness North that she would have zero ability to geolocate them unless they were literally a mile or so north of the wall. Oh, by the way, Eastwatch is probably well over 1,000 miles from Dragonstone, if not more (not sure of the scale on GoT maps).

All of this could have been prevented had the writers not based the location they catch the wight as a location that is literally hundreds of miles from Eastwatch. That's all they had to do... Even then though we have the speed of light ravens and dragons which you can just "turn your brain off" to.

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Check if threads already exist, before making your own.

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The show is fair teemin with goblins

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>says other thread OP who made a redundant thread then spent the whole last edition bumping it so it wouldnt fall off

mad hot girl

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Well making new threads doesn't solve the problem. It only makes things worse.

How much dragonglass will it take to kill one of these? Having giants and mammoths makes castle walls pretty useless yes?

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is litelfingre noface man when died knife, the girl with irron cone give?

it makes them better if they're not lame redundant map threads like yours, OP. You failed to learn that once so you'll be spanked again. The key to making good /got/ threads is variety.

they should've cast her as Arya instead.

based strokeposter

How could a Northern girl look so Jewish? Is she related to Meera?


The Three-Eyed-Raven, the White Walkers, the Children of the Forest, the Land of Always Winter were always the most interesting aspects of the show, always the most mysterious, but it got rushed through and made dull and boring.

In the books, Bloodraven is essentially the Odin of the whole story. He has a connection to Euron. He's the most supernatural character in the story and will be important to the endgame.

In the show he's just some old generic mentor character that's in two or three episodes before he gets killed and we don't know anything about him

I'm not the OP of the map thread.
No one truly cares about the edition of the thread.
Starting the thread with your specific brand of autism, doesn't determine if a /got/ thread is good or not. People just want a place to shitpost.

why did the bogs have to make the call?

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lol she doesnt look jewish at all unless you think every girl with brown hair and brown eyes is "jewish"

dayum she's hot

Leaks say Ser Rayman Royce is the Old Man of the River, and Littlebringer is Lightfinger is the Night King is the Crab King reborn. Giant Enemy Crab King on the back of ICE dragon which is actually an ICE spiders in shape of a dragon march on KL while WW and W. march on Winterhold. Jon dies flying on Dany's back while Drogon finds a secret tunnel that links up with Karstark Rock. Tyrion is put on trial for pushing Lisa out the moon door, while Graymane cradles a dying Nissan Day during the battle.
Sersay ends up aborting Jaime, and Jaime aborts his baby into Brienne.
San-san takes off her face.

she's the smartest person i know

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Anglo-Saxons are one of the Lost Tribes of Israel

they ran out of book material

>why did the bogs have to make the call?
Who do we have to talk to in order to pitch the movie idea of the bogs vs. the architect? An epic struggle for the future of female beauty

What would happen if you brought them to a warm weather area? Would they die or just be incredibly uncomfortable?

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>The Three-Eyed-Raven, the White Walkers, the Children of the Forest, the Land of Always Winter were always the most interesting aspects of the show,

no they weren't nobody gave a shit about those. literally supernatural background characters

Is it known whether or not the show ending is book canon?

Did hardhome battle happen in the books?

if the NK dies and this becomes a more depressing Heroes with Cersei as Sylar...

he needs to moisturize

How does one become slagpilled? Is it inherent or taught?

It would be extremely painful.

"Is Littlefinger still alive?"

Ull see in episode 3 sweetie

I just finished watching the 6th season for the first time. Is season 7 just as good?

What the fuck is NK doing in the top right shot? Inspecting the troops?

In the books Jon is still dead.

They can extinguish fire just by being near it, so I doubt being in the south would trouble them too much.

They've got some big guys

the warm weather area would become a cold weather area

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This version looked somewhat like a Jew girl, but the younger version Bran saw didn't really at all.

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>dragonglass can now kill wights
Fuck this show

So is there a leak?

Hardhome happens before he is killed in the show. Is it supposed to happen after he is killed in the books?

You're a cold guy.

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>Preston: I've read Dream Song and you had another thing about the path less taken?
>GURM: I don't know, it's dressing, I was thinking of putting it on the salad.
>Then George began having a conversation about salad dressings with someone else at the table.

that's just a saltstorm from a pre-screening of next weeks episode when Danny dies

Are you suggesting they put Arya in an Iron Cone to obscure her face? This is a good idea but impractical due to the weight of the Iron Cone

It's when he lays a trap to "mark" bran back in season 6. Bran enters the weirwoodnet by himself and sees the army of wights right outside the cave of the 3ER, waiting for him, he grabs Bran and you know what happens after.

Ya ep 3 is up on various streaming sites which i cannot say on hear

that look, her smile, YOU JUST KNOW!

its the most bittersweet pill to swallow

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Me in the back.

Maybe all old people look alike to me but the waif disguise looks like Dirlewanger

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I call bullshit.

>turning into Boy George

Manpilled more like

Is the "mark" a euphemism for rape? When the Night King finds Bran in the Godswood will Chris Hansen step out of the shadows with a dragonglass microphone?

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Who wanted this old woman dead?

not jew vs. jew

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Know that she will become instawhore in the future?

Thats ok sweaty

Don't sweetie me your retard.

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What did he mean by this?

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has episode 3 leaked yet you fags?
They're not incompetent, they could have made it good if they'd wanted to. They just didn't give a fuck.

I dont think there's ever been a girl more obsessed with her own ass

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So what the fuck does this faggot actually do? I assume the vast majority of the show's running is actually done by Benioff.

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Is this real? I remember a few years ago something about Preston meeting gurm, did he really? Did he say something about it?

what is it with handsome westerosi princes fucking their shit up for ugly hoes lmao

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That's because DABID hogs all the crayons in the playpen

Me in the middle

he supplies the crayons

She misses bobby

Jon’s stabbed Dany plenty already

I just saw a picture of Danny with white eyes next to the Night King, what does this mean?

His job is to look like an idiot to deflect from David Benioff actually being an idiot, which is what Jews think of handsome, masculine looking Jews.

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Rose Art or Crayola?

>Rhaegar picked the double chin girl
Do you want to wake the dragon, brother?

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literally conditioned, kys

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photoshop edit

isn't lyanna supposed to be hot? why is she so ugly?

>not in the budget
>D&D too lazy
take your pick

which ep is this from?

yes, look at Tyrion
>used to be smart,funny witty, had some of the best dialogue
and now hes just comedy relief

Does anyone else wonder if the show would have been better if Dany had stayed married to Drogo and cast out Viserys? The narrative could then abandon Dany to her life of marital bliss while it focuses on Viserys truly hitting rock bottom and having to reassess his personality and work his way back up from nothing with no dragons and retake Westeros on his own? He could have met up with the Golden Company, realized they were all also descendants of banished nobility and led an army of exiles to retake the kingdoms making him the second Aegon the conqueror. As a bonus, we'd still have Harry Lloyd instead of Clarke.

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>muh double chin
Don't you dare mistake a mere baby-faced girl for my work, pleb. That's just a bit of facial chub, which some say is a good thing for women as they age (but i know better)

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those lads both could have done so much better

This looks like fan cosplay

based and slagpilled

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they made Rhaegar look like a fucking oblivion character


literally all Viserys had to do is not get himself killed by not literally antagonizing multiple men who would love to kill him. That's it. Just avoid making someone murder you.

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Ohh sweetie.....dont get all baby booty bothered because i wont tell you where to find the leek. Try putting on your big boy pants, little pumpkin pie. But make sure not to go poopie woopie in themthis time, mommy doesnt want to clean up after you again, sweaty.

tomorrows leaked episode

yikes. try harder

I think it is just mentioned, not actually "shown"

in the books it is stated that Viserys went to the golden company to ask them to fight for him and they all laughed and told him to fuck off. The Golden Company was created by Brandon Rivers and the Blackfires who lost a civil war against the Targeryans. Blackfires are bastards of the Targeryan line. Golden company hates Targeryans...... in the book eventually they join with the other targeryan that is left alive but they woudl never follow that retard Viserys

my headcanon is that his drinking habit has destroyed his brain cells and he's really just a drunk brainlet now. it would explain his S7 military "strategy"

weiss only wrote one fucking book about video games and nothing else. it is benioff who wrote several books and hollywood scripts for the fucking kikes. my theory is weiss has pictures of benioff sucking his fat jewish dick and has been blackmailing him ever since.

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So are all the giants dead now? Since the wildling army only had the one left after getting south of the wall and he dead ?

And he would have gotten what? Dany admitted that Drogo was never going to give him an army. The best he could have hoped for would have been a substantial bride price from Drogo to hire mercs with.

I'm impressed they managed to get Jeremy Corbyn to cameo as the priest at Robb's wedding.

Drogo was doomed anyway. That's the point.

Presumably. Wun wun was stated to be the last at some point I think.

any story that kept Harry Lloyds acting in the show would have made it 10x better than having Emilia Clarke

so many pretty girls why do they cast her? lyanna is supposed to be the hottest lady in the kingdoms

the worst thing about D&D is that they're fucking panderers. They bend after any backlash or unpopularity for any of their ideas, and try and get back their popularity through bribing the audience with fanservice
>Audience hated the Dorne arc
>D&D decide to butcher all the Dornish characters in brutal deaths to appease the audience
>Audience hated Sansa being raped
>D&D let Sansa kill Ramsay by feeding him to dogs
>Audience hated Olly
>D&D have Jon fucking hang a child
>Audience hated Ed Sheeran
>D&D have whores mention that he was burned alive by dragonfire

i'd have more respect for these cowards if they doubled down on their unpopular ideas. at least they'd have some principles

Honestly I just wish he'd killed Dany and discretely taken her place. Just put the bitch in a bin. Everything would be exactly the same, but it would be Harry Lloyd in drag and nobody would notice, not the servant girls, not Jorah, not even fucking Drogo or Jon.

I thought it was Aegor who made it?

Last Wun Wun

the worst post i have seen in this whole thread

Looks like it. There are zombie giants though

nah, the entire point of his character is that a) he's absolutely fucked from the get go b) doesn't have what it takes anyway. he was a narcissistic loser
literally all he had to do was be a completely different person

>Viserys in the rest of the series as trap Dany

It's happening as Jon gets killed. It's not a battle it's a slaughter.

Probably D&D making up for not showing the battle of the fist of the first men in season 2.

where can i watch it?

>not Ashara

Love is going to bring all the dead back to life, isn't it
I hope the show has a bad ending

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rate and share yours

i'll post template

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>the best post i have seen in this whole thread

>Viserys let Jon fuck him

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>doesn't have what it takes anyway. he was a narcissistic loser
That's the point though. Dany started off as a weak pushover and grew as a character. Viserys could have done the same if he had a proper character arc.

>tfw Theon is Azor Ahai
>not just the Prince of Winterfell but the Prince who was Promised
>during aCoK red star flies over when Theon goes to Pyke
>born amidst salt (his Iron Islands baptism; reborn) and smoke (burning of Winterfell; reborn as Reek)
>Melly, when searching for visions of Azor Ahai "sees only Snow" because she's seeing Ramsay Snow (not Jon), assuming Ramsay is Azor rather than the feeble looking Reek by his side
>Melly "sees snow" (uncapitalized) after Theon and Jeyne have escaped Winterfell and are escaping in the blizzard
>Vic's hand foreshadowed Greyjoys being healed by R'hllor- Theon's wounds will be healed/regrown by melly's fire magic to restore him as a Prince and a warrior of light
>he will regain his fingers, but they will burn like molten rock, and he will be given a volcanic cock of r'hllor to spread the lord's seed, paralleling moqorro's magic with Vic
>theon in a way has been dead a long time but he is a physical incarnation of what is dead may never die
>the dragon has three heads- Theon's three births.
>in having three lives, theon will also be lightbringer- he died the first time (Theon), he died the second time (Reek), but the third time, the weapon glowed with light (Azor)
>theon's name theme will be ongoing ("You have to know your name") he needs to learn his true name, Azor Ahai
>"theon" in Greek means "godly"
>grrm hates the cliche "true hero" idea, jon is too obvious, theon does horrible things and is weak making it surprising
>if anything, theon's opposite, the other outcast of winterfell, jon snow, will be geared towards being a heroic character but end up going dark after his resurrection, with a wolf's hot fury and a desire for revenge
>the final battle will be fought between the two sons of winterfell, the two brothers of Robb, neither a stark. but a bastard and a turncloak ward
>it FITS


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Where the fuck is he

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yes you are correct golden company was made by aegor rivers aka bittersteel after they lost the civil war against the targeryans.

banging his daughter, those neck people are weird

you know what, has anyone really noticed how besides teh stark/bolton army all the the infantry/knight armor in game of thrones looks super lame (lannister, kings landing soldiers, kingsguard)
the miniature game of thrones have amazing armor designs!

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Its ok sweatie, you can watch it later with all the other dumdum babies who cant use computers, dont poopoo your panties ok?

>that Rhaegar actor

>big battle between Lannister, Stark, Night King, Dothraki, Undindued, and Dragons
>everyone dead except for a few
>climactic moment finally approaches
>Night King kills Dany
>Jon "kills" Night King
>Sansa being beaten and raeped by Euron
>Bran watching with all three eyes
>from out of no whereâ„¢, Cersei appears, gets jealous, stabs Euron
>Euron laughs, kills Cersei, continues raeping Sansa
>Jon to the rescue, kills Euron
>Sansa and Jon last ones alive
>they are happy it's over
>they enjoy a passionate kiss
>they tear off their clothes and fug
>Night King appears, kills Jon
>Night King begins raeping Sansa
>Bran watching with all three eyes
>from out of no whereâ„¢, Lady Stoneheart kills Night King
>Lady Stoneheart finally rests in peace
>Sansa sits on the iron throne, queen of all seven kingdoms
>Sansa peels off her face
>it's actually Arya
>the end

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preston is a fucking autistic faggot who literally supports racemixing and circumcision and will have a hapa child with his chink wife

preston will hang...along with those faggots elio and linda

stop shilling and fuck off

Is it true that Jon is Azor Ahai, but Jaime kills the Night King and Dany leaves in the middle of the battle or was that a fake leak?

Based sweetieposter

>Bran watching with all three eyes
>Sansa peels off her face
>it's actually Arya
I'm dying user. Stop

zombie theon
lord royce

>user thinks the princes are handsome and the women are ugly hoes

I have news for you user. Nigga, you gay.

lannister armor is based

based altshiftx just dropped youtube.com/watch?v=OKqcsIYBFxY

no he isn't. show robb is better looking than both show lyanna and talisa

any spoilers that don't have "uncle benjen saves jon again but tells him there's no time" and "iron bank is conspiring with night king" are basically fake.



Jaime isn't Azor Ahai, but he is the Last Hero that will kill the Night King and save the world. Which is fitting for the best character in the series. Jaime deserves the Iron Throne.

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No one cares how good men look fag/hole.

Do redditors really believe this?

Jewish women are unattractive and Jewish men are guilt-tripped for being attractive to the "shiksa". They intentionally cast unattractive women to purge their Jew guilt. Also, casting Jew women has special significance in Jewish folklore and biblical stories. Their women seduce powerful gentiles and ruin them, hence Talisa the "foreign whore" instead of the Westerling girl and Kinvara who couldn't be more Semitic.

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Did anyone else think it was weird that Gendry and Arya wanted to fuck in the first place? I didn't pick up any romantic vibes between the 2 of them until this season when suddenly its "clearly they wanted to all along". Just seems like fan service.

Based and redpilled

>literally all he had to do was be a completely different person
You're missing the point. He was the person he was because the plot needed him to be that person. alt-Viserys would arguably be more realistic because he has no plot-required deathwish.

he was always /ourguy/, fuck off, freefuck

kys this is a herschlag board

the only reason why this scene exists is because gendry will die and arya will end up being a single mother with gendry's child, bobby b grandchild.

unironically based


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>implying you wouldn't fuck kinvara if given the chance
don't worry user, you'll never get the chance anyway...

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>Barely Lethal starring Sophie Turner, Jessica Alba, Sam Jackson
>24% RT
>$214,826 at the Box Office

she must never be queen

le redditor meme

Jaime is the best character. But probably won't defeat the Night King.

Stop lying you dumb faggot , this is from the season 7 pilot


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theyr'e ticking boxes given to them by grrm

I think it’s because Arya was clearly way too young to show a budding romance in Seasons 2/3, but they should have had them mention each other in the mean time instead of just seeing each other for the first time in years and immediately fucking.

>we need rachel weisz but we're out of budget
>I know just the girl sir.

It is inherent to every bong

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it's resident evil folks

rate mine

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>Just seems like fan service.
Have you been watching the show for the past few seasons?

well aren't they supposed to be of a similar age, though? How old is Gendry's actor, and how old is the character supposed to be? They can't have 2 young actors flirt with eachother? They could do romance without just WE FUCK NOW HAHA XD

>Reverse image search
>It's not Resident Evil

You sure are retarded

you probably saw this joke on reddit but it was first posted here

good try, freefuck


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>tfw Brienne is going to die because Jaime knighted her and the Hound is going to live because he has to do battle with the Mountain

nah they're saving that for their star wars show with luke drinking space milkies.

Shes ugly for show standards. Average irl. Face is kind of fucked up.

Literally a confirmed leak but you are too much of an ignorant welfare nigger to see it

>Oona Chaplin is a jew
>hurr, look at the nose

Oona is mostly Spanish with some White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant mixed in, raised Roman-Catholic.

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How the FUCK did you get a copy of the script

Ok jew

>15 fucking shitty capeshit threads
>our /got/ stands alone

We are the only refuge on this cesspit right now

Its leaked on neftlix

isn't she indian or something

fuck off roastie

>you would fuck kinvara if given the chance
Yes, we all would. But you know what i'm talking about. You know there's something off about her that is more than just "this is dangerous crazypussy". It's not problem hair or cat lady glasses. It's something sinister. Beware the Jewess.

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sure thing you retared

you leave trebuchets out of this

emilia clarke has poo blood in her. nasty skank.

Its full of redditors

he's Mark Wahlberg in a wig

Lad, let's be honest. We're part of the cesspit too. GoT is as normie shit as normie shit goes. I wish I hadn't gotten into this damned series all those years ago but I'm stuck here now until it ends

>Ania Bukstein

I would absolutely murder her pussy, and no joke.

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Would you genocide it?

it'll all be over soon, user... it'll all be over soon.

>>Bran watching with all three eyes
Im in Tears

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>he slid into her mind after she had fallen asleep
>He could sense her, there, in that dark place of dreams where he could not follow
>He had explored her body many times, felt her face flush, her loins burn, as her slender fingers wandered
>The pounding blood, the lightheadedness always left him tired and satisfied
>But his nightly journeys of smooth skin and wet moans were becoming trite, the craving of those first blissful moments of ecstasy driving him towards madness
>As he slid into her mind, he eyed the slumbering, massive silhouette of Hodor at the far end of the cave

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I worked out distances for a GoT rpg quest based off of the official maps. From Eastwatch - Dragonstone directly is 1470 miles, about 59 days march. Crasters is 30-40 miles north of castle black. I gave up on trying to make sense of the shows teleporting long ago, but it still annoys me.

guy looks pretty good, its just that the makeup and costume designers absolutely fucked up
Like, what the fuck is he wearing? What is that wig?

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circumcision? Source?

>Oona is "mostly Spanish"
Still Jewish. The two are not mutually exclusive. The word you're looking for is Sephardic. Many are often crypto-Jews going back to the Spanish Inquisition.

>yfw young Griff is the true heir to the throne
>t. book reading master race

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They shouldve gotten an actual aryan to play him instead of some jew

I swear that Lyanna actress is played a porn actress named Cathy Heaven or something

it's viserys wig from the first season, they dusted it off and reused it

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You forgot the part where Ramsay is resurrected and joins in too

Dany had her pussy at the start, so she could trade up. Viserys had nothing.
>Viserys could have done the same if he had a proper character arc
no, his problems weren't going to get fixed by muh personal growth
it's realistic though. he was a worthless guy who acted like he was hot shit and disrespected a bunch of murderous horse nomads

>Still Jewish.

Oona Chaplin is not a jew. She is a Roman Catholic Spaniard born to grandparents that are a combination of Spanish, Perivian, Argentinian, and English.

How accurate am I?

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blackfyre fucking shit...good thing he's not in the show. and varys, another fucking blackfyre fucking shit will get EXECUTED by the order of KING JON also known as AEGON TARGARYEN

no more blackfyre fucking shits polluting the known world.


why do normies get so angry when you criticize anything about the show?

What is it with all these promo headshots being "smug-posting" meme bait lately? The Captain Pike they casted on STD got the same "please shoop a hand touching my chin" promo photo.

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why would they kill that old fuck? they still need him helping sweet robin and shit.

Yes, but at least our love is because it was actually kino as fuck at one point. Season 1 - 4 is amazing television, as is a couple of episodes in later seasons (ie Hardhome). The books are good too

Capeshit has always been repetitive unoriginal normie garbage and always will be.

Any photo of her is like that. having a el goblina face helps

>I still don't know what crypto-jew means
look it up

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they said the same thing about grrm...until recently they found grrm got fucking cucked, as in, his grandpa got cucked by BIG JEWISH COCK and grrm is confirmed fucking kike. they like a parasite....

Sansa becomes regent and controls the vale is the theory if he dies.

who is smarter? Tyrion or Sansa?

Who’s the cute shota?

>remove brienne, grey worm and gendry
>cross pod, missandei and sansa
>wild card is night king

Everyonesays Sansa. She the smartest person they know.


every person that fucked or wanted to fuck sansa died....tyrion is definetaly smarter because he knows not to fuck around this crazy pussy.

they had the framework of the books to build off of. theyve been winging it for awhile now

I hear that a lot. You have a link?

Next thread, you guys are going to pretend that /pol/itics never interferes with good threads.

Why would you remove the 3 characters who raised the biggest deathflags last episode?

>she's the smartest person I know

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Everyoneshaysh Shansha. She the shmartesht pershon they know.

>why did the bogs have to make the call?
30 seconds of chuckles, thanks

because that's who they want you to think will die, I know D&D tricks, they will attempt to subvert your expectations by killing a few obvious choices and then going off the rails with the"oh bet you didn't see that comming" shit

>How accurate am I?
episode 3 ends with night king going to winterfell, only finding out all the people have vanished
except gilly
and then, night king speaks for the first time
and then gilly responds

written by david benioff and db weiss

just watch the Blu-Ray extras. They basically say it repeatedly. They don't say they literally don't care about what comes after, of course, but they don't have to because it's obvious from the dip in quality after they're done with the Red Wedding's aftermath / Tywin's death. Not only did the fat man pull the rug out from under them by not finishing the books, but he left them with something they didn't really care about in the first place.

>Viserys had nothing.
That's the point. Dany fucked her way into status with the Dothraki and acquired three dragons through a mixture of magic and random fucking chance. A story about Viserys changing as a person and rising from the ashes of having no resources to reconquering Westeros would have been kino as fuck.

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Bend the knee.

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They have said in interviews that they're scared of S4-S8 or something to that effect

He's basically what Daenerys is now. Someone who thinks they're entitled to the throne.

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ever wondered what happened to ramsays hounds?

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>What is character development

>Catelyn's actress
>"It's very brief, but there I am. It was lovely working with the girls again." Strange thing she said "you'll see on Monday" when the episodes come out Sunday, but that might have been a simple mistake. Maybe Bran has another one of his visions of the past and Catelyn is needed for some reason.
>According to Forsha and JZHT on a German website, the episode might be titled 'The Realms of Men.'

ASOIAF is a cash cow. If George ever does finish the last two books, I guarantee another adaption will be made. It might take a few decades to be done. No idea whether it'd be Netflix, Amazon, AMC, Disney, Warner Bros, Fox, BBC, or anyone else who'd take it. But I hope it'll be better than the HBO version. I'll be watching it as an old boomer.

The mere existence of discord trannies, is not an excuse for you to post your brand of identity politics.

Gilly the Gutton

if this is true why not bring sean bean back? hacks

Do you think in episode three she'll swing her fupa around to knock away wights in the crypt?

You dont, pass

He wasn't going to change. All Targaryens think the throne is theirs.

best canon

i'd bet on her eating the people in the crypts before the whights get to them, she can get terribly hungry you know


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My name is not pass.

Was actually a pretty kino scene desu

Looks like a looney toon character.


what is it with every woman on the show getting fatter every season?

>kino scene
t. pic related

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Hoping for a series based on the Greyjoy rebellion, I want to see ironboomers get their shit pushed in by the people who "pay the gold price".

Did you ever think that the first time Kit Harrington got naked with his wife it was on camera in front of millions of people, and that their children will see it some day too?

I think that's weird me

Gurm already sold like five spinoffs to HBO


I was making fun of you misusing commas, sweetie.

Hmm, there was that leak about Lady Stoneheart killing Jamie

Don't forget to migrate to this thread at 310

>t. Redditard

just let your shit thread die already


It was a body double/cgi

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Nice self portrait

Just watched ep3. Normalfags are going to love this pandering shit.

New Thread:

>implying Kit and Rose won't teach their children from a very young age the difference between reality and performance art

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>implying they were actually naked

Emilia is maximum turbo qt3.14. QT3.14!

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That wasn't a misuse.

>he thinks zero (0) main character will die

guaranteed deaths: dany arya bran night king jaime(probably after killing cersei. Either way he can't live, he's done evil on the good vs evil show).
not guaranteed but probably dies: beric greyworm missandei (one of these 2 dies for sure, maybe both. No happy ending in nigger island) jorah gendry (would've been probably safe before the sex scene)
not guaranteed but probably safe: lyanna gilly samwell(only way he dies is to save gilly) royce brienne podrick davos sandor tyrion sansa varys tormund edd
guaranteed safe: jon


user..it's already up.

>I almost died
>Let me take a selfie
why do women feel the need to constanly photograph themselves no matter what's going on

autismas are extremely rare and hers is so severe that she literally blew her own mind. She's very attractive on top of it. She might be 1 in a billion. One wonders why Seth let her get away.

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you got 2 (you)s, congratulations

Sure kid

she fuck black guys?

Stannis is a fucking retard

>She's very attractive on top of it. She might be 1 in a billion.

Emilia is a rare combination of pretty, cute, sexy, gorgeous, sweet, genuine, and adorable.

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ur castle is a bridge?

ooga booga