what species is this?
Altered Carbon
The future of humanity and it's beautiful.
looks more like a mutt, some part some mix of asian and some part some mix of "white".
blue skies
Hu-Man or in this case Hu-Wo-Man
She's a Hapa. Half white/half Polynesian or Austronesian. Don't remember.
She's hot. I'd fuck her.
>be this bitch
>be main girl's mom
she looks like an ugly alien. wtf are you talking about?
She's Gurkha.
Dad is German. Mom is Tibetan. Dichen Lachman
this is some good alien CGI
My mum's Chinese
My dad's Japanese
And look at the state of me
Tibetan Fox
don't remind me
he should have ditched and fucked with his sister and you all know it
Post her disgusting sexless nude body. I’ve never been so revulsed by a therorerically decent female body but by god she makes my cock retract into my body.
>ditched and fucked
letting her get away with all she did (alive) is in no way what he should have done. he should have killed her and her backup.
too ugly.
Positive canthal tilt
Her nose is too long and flat. Her eyes are too far apart. Her forehead is too small. Her cheek bone and jaw is too small.
Everything about her is fucking weird.
unironically cease existing
You'd fuck anything because you're an undisciplined cunt of a human.
These people pride themselves on making abominations. They simply have no discipline or tastes.
The tilt isn't significant, but the asian eyes and lower nose give it away. This bitch was produced by careless people.
I just love weird looking, skinny, Asian mixes.
hollow earth dweller
it didn't make sense because the writers mixed the mafia character and his sister.
he would never kill his sister it was stupid.
so is season 2 now just a group of black people and poe? cast on imdb is laughable
now post the mexican for comparison
Cute little sister
Genuinely disgusting.
This faggot thinks I should "cease existing" for looking at the above and thinking she looks like a fucking alien.
vulpine hapa
that dinosaur nose though
Brie larson looks worse than this
My bad, he was responding to my initial ironic post. You're right, if I genuinely thought that then I should cease existing.
She looks better thicc
i meant with her tits out
bullshit. get off the bandwagon already.
dunno user. i wouldn't hesitate a second if she demanded it
Simply wrong.
Vespula vulgaris
Wish we got to see more of mexican girl naked. 10/10 tits.
>what if wolverine was a woman
why did they pick the ugliest woman alive?
Post her tits.
fuck, I knew she looked familiar
My mouth would be attached to her pink nipples forever.
Slowly turning into a quality thread.
Thanks lad
t. braindead.
It amazes me that there are people who don't like her. I know tastes exist and all, but she is one of those cases where I just assume everyone finds her attractive.
Also, her voice.
her accent/voice is annoying to me, and yes she would be ultra hot if it weren't for her weird nose and far apart eyebrows.
What's wrong with her nose?
You guys and your distorted standards.... y'all should get out and see what women actually look like instead of just watching porn and tv and movies that don't match reality. She's a perfectly fine beautiful woman.
I think she looks cute. She also has a great body and great tits.
A Tibetan fox.
>it's another dodgy american take on a british novel
I lost interest after episode 5 despite quite liking the cast.
she has the nose bridge of a fucking dinosaur. are you blind, or just very thirsty? it's obvious she has had work done to mask something worse but parts of the it are still there.
Broken Angels and Woken Furies for season 2 and 3 when?
if you don't see it, you really are fucking blind.
>yes, just cast the ugliest woman you can find, that'll do.
i think wide set eyes are very very attractive. i don't think her eyes are even that far apart, they're an eye's width apart.
you can't be a chad or a model with wide set eyes but you can't with near set eyes.
close set eyes are weird, i don't like them. makes them look like a rat.
It seriously does not look that weird. So what if her nose bridge looks slightly big? Is that really that big of a deal?
Are you telling me right now that, given the opportunity you wouldn't plow her just because of weird nose proportions?
get your head out of your ass and hatred out of your dick
>The Hendrix is a character in the novel, an AI hotel taking the form of Jimi Hendrix, but Hendrix's estate declined to license his image for the television series because of its violence. Instead lead developer Kalogridis chose the likeness of Edgar Allan Poe and a Victorian era hotel for the replacement Poe character, and said it would juxtapose well with the futuristic Bay City
It worked and the actor who played Poe was good.
Fucking faggot
Was it necessary for you to reply to everyone
I don't remember this nigger. Is this season 2¿ Please tell me it isn't
I want to remove every hair from her body, paint her green and fuck her while pretending she's an alien.
Tibetan fox and German shepherd
top kek
This was an awful series. Don't understand the hype. The same goes with Peaky Blinders.
Explain why.
I like the characters besides the Envoy nigger.
The setting is cool and so are some of the ideas.
Then again I have a thing for sci fi