Now that the dust has settled, is this the worst MCU movie?

Now that the dust has settled, is this the worst MCU movie?

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That is not Thor 2.

Ant-Man is Kino.

Thor the Dark World is still the worst

One of the best.

What's wrong with Ant-Man?
It has The Cure in it, so it's pretty good by default.

I liked that one. Worst is Nigger Panther

Sequel was worse.

CM was the worst, but Ant-Man 2 was worse than the first one.

Thor 2: Thor Wars was by far the worst, damn that movie was so goddamn dumb.

Iron Man 2.

No, it was comfy
Captain Marvel and Ant man 2 are worse

Thor 2
Ant Man rules. Ant Man 2 kinda sucked because the wasp didn't do anything and it was mostly about her family instead of ant man

Ant-Man is one of the only ones I actually liked enough to watch more than once.

Thor 2 was so goddamn painful to watch.
Only good bit was Thor and Loki teaming up.

they are all almost exactly the same

The Incredible Hulk, Age of Ultron, every Thor, Captain Marvel, and Civil War, were all worse than Ant-man 1 & 2.

>has 2nd best MCU girl
Imagine being this much of a pleb.

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hype for the antman wasp and daughter team up

>he doesnt appreciate a light hearted heist flick
delete this thread, op

Since she didn't get snapped, she aged five years. So she was replaced with another older actress.
MCU officially ruined.

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No, that would be Black Pander

Captain Marvel.
Thor 2.
Iron Man 2.
Black Panther.
Avengers: Age of Ultron
These movies were all worse than Ant-Man.

Infinity War > Winter Soldier >Iron Man > Avengers > Endgame > Civil War > Thor > First Avenger > Black Panther > Dr Strange > Homecoming > Hulk > Ant-Man > Iron Man 2 > Iron Man 3 > Thor 3 > Thor 2 > Captain Marvel > Age of Ultron > Ant Man 2

not by a longshot

Black Panther, Antman 2 or Captain Marvel are the worst.

The first Antman movie is a fun heist movie.

How can you say this is the worst when even Ant-Man 2 is so much worse?

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Its sequel is worse despite top cutie waifu villain.

Are all those people saying that Black Panther was the worst genuine nanobrains or just an infestation from /pol/?

Ant-man is great. Sequel was alright, but forgetable af.

In no specific order Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Captain America 1, Ant Man 2, and Captain Marvel are all worse.

Its because the final fight was so bad and looked like some PS2 era effects.

Killmonger was good but overall it's just so meh. I watched it at the cinema, tried watching it a second time at home and ended up turning it off 15 minutes into it.

the sequel is fun

No, that would be Thor 2.

Black Panther is far and away the worst

Ant Man
Captain America 1 and 3
Black Panther
Iron Man 2 and 3
Doctor Strange

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No there are worse Marvel movies
>Captain Marvel
>Black Panther
>Thor 2
>Iron Man 2+3
>Avengers 1+2
>Ant-Man and the Wasp
Half these MCU movies are uninspired irredeemable trash. God I miss the craftsmanship of Iron Man 1.

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Most mediocre is Black Panther.
Almost the worst is Captain Marvel.
Absolute worst is Thor 2.

CM is the worst.

Homecoming would be the worst without Michael Keaton.

i didn't watch all of them, but i literally fell asleep watching thor 2

there's barely more than five good MCU movies
what's the point in asking which one is the worst?

Top 3:
1. Guardians of the Galaxy
2. Infinity War
3. Winter Soldier

Bottom 3:
3. Thor: Dark World
2. Ant-Man
1. Guardians of the Galaxy 2

BP is pretty good but the CG is atrocious at times

I wouldn't put GotG2 in the bottom 3. It was just more of the same, which is exactly what everybody who liked the first ever really wanted. It was fanservice at its finest

No, that's either Thor 2 or Black Panther

Where's The Incredible Hulk?

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The sequel and Thor 2 are worse
Haven't seen Captain Marvel but I hear that one sucks too

It´s EASILY in the Marvel top 3, alongside Guardians1, and Dr. Strange.

Ant-Man is the worst because it's just such a bland movie. Like Paul Rudd is a great actor but he really shines when he's a supporting character, he doesn't really have the presence to carry a film on his own. Couple that with the villain being the most two dimensional character Marvel has ever written, and the comic relief is a relentlessly overplayed Mexican. Michael Douglas, who is fucking phenomenal, is basically given no emotional vocabulary to speak with since his character is basically a grumpy, bland version of Howard Stark. Also anytime the daughter is on screen I want to shove thumbtacks in my eyes. Kids make capeshit worse, this is a fact.

Ant-Man truly sucks because it's so flat. At least Thor 2 has Loki/Thor banter, but jesus Ant-Man has the personality of a blanched carrot.

If you retain your mass when you shrink, how are they able to carry cars and tanks and buildings while miniaturized? How is "Giant Man" even a thing?

Ugandan Panther
Captain White Female

I was not a fan of Thor III as it was essentially Immigrant Song music video featuring Thor clear video game mobs before taking on final boss.

Civil War should have been the Avengers 2, 3, 4 arc instead of Lord of the Deux Ex Machina stones.

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Ant-Man is one of the best with Iron Man, Winter Soldier and Infinity War.

>Civil War below Iron man
>Thor that high
>Hulk that high
>Iron Man 2 above Iron Man 3
>"Thor 3" as well as it being so low
>Age of Ultron that low
>Anything being lower then Captain Marvel
>Ant-Man 2 the most inoffensive middling movie ever being the worst movie

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That's not Iron Man 2

Thor 2, Ultron, Iron Man 2, and Captain Marvel are all worse.

BP was easily the most racist movie since Goebels stopped making Nazi flics.
ONLY reason you faggets haven't allowed yourself to notice is because of your magical negro fetish.

It wasn't more of the same, it was an exaggeration of the same.

I loved GotG because of the characters, and I hated the sequel for the same reason. Drax shouts "HAHAHA MY TURDS ARE FAMOUSLY LARGE", Rocket is just an annoying cunt, and the villain twist with Ego is so on the nose. He's a bad guy because he's bad guy and wants to eat planets, great writing James Gunn.

It's like the equivalent of when you see a stand uo show and it's just a guy swearing because he thinks its funny

if you dont like taika waititi youre incredibly boring and unworthy of breeding. i hope you fail all of your goals.

The only bad part of Ant-Man is the shitty Falcon scene where the movie kind of stops to remind you it's part of the MCU. Otherwise it's a fun heist movie with superhero paint. One of the best MCU films. The sequel is shit though because it's just another superhero movie.

I enjoyed The Incredible Hulk. It's one of the few movies that's not an ironic quipfest.

My problem with GOTG 2 is that it's just that one episode of Futurama with some Troma paint slapped over it. It just doesn't have that same space adventure feel the first one has.

I agree, but I'm saddened by it because I always wonder what might have been if Edgar Wright had stayed on as director

Ironman 2 is still the worst by a huge margin.

It's the only MCU movie I'd say is actually bad, the other weaker films are just "okay"

Am I the only person who had no problem with Captain America? I don't see why everyone hates the shit out of that movie.

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You forgot Guardians of the Galaxy

Iron Man 3 for me.
Such a stupid movie, Ant Man at least is kind of funny.
I cant stand the Mexican guy tho, and I’m a spic. Want to kick his teeth in everytime he’s on screen.

You’re sick

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Ant-Man 2 is the only one I can think of that has absolutely nothing going for it. At least the others have at least one or two cool little action bits (yes, even "duy ess-jay-dubya" one)

Did I user.... Did I?

Worst to Best
Thor 2: Shit Flick < Captain SJW < Hulks (both of them if they count are here) < Iron Man 3 < Ant Man 2 < GotG 2 < Iron Man 2 < Ultron < Black Power < Thor OG < Captain USA OG < Ant Man/Guardians 1 tie < Spider Man Homeslice < Civil War < Winter Soldier < Endgame/Avengers 1 tie < Infinity War < Iron Man OG

Did not see: Thor Ragnacock & Dr. Strangepussy

I really liked that in phase 2 each movie was a different genre and I feel like people forget that. Iron Man was a moody character film about PTSD, Dark World was a fantasy adventure film, Winter Solder was a thriller, GOTG was a sci-fi film, AOU was a comedy, and Ant-Man was a heist movie. After Civil War it felt like everything was just trying to ape Guardians. Even if some of phase 2 wasn't great at least it all felt unique.

Captain America is a great movie ruined by a wonky back half since they pretty much had to show the popcorn shovelers that he got frozen. You could have easily ended that movie with him unfrozen, post-credit scene of Fury finding him in an iceberg, then start Avengers off with a flashback to his final battle where he got frozen in ice. It really harms the movie in the long run.

Personally I find Civil War to be the worst. 2+ hours of literally nothing happening on screen. A completely undigestable movie.

My problem with Civil War is that it felt like there was always a divide between most of these characters. They just had a falling out with one another in Age of Ultron, they spent most of Avengers fighting with one another. Cap and Tony barely felt like they were friends. On top of all that hero vs hero was really played out in the MCU by this point but the movie is trying to paint it all like they've never fought before and there's just no real emotional impact.

ant man 1 was great but 2 seemed under written like it was hastly thrown together. never did finish nigger panther myself

It's actually one of the best. It almost felt like an early 2000s cape film.

Second one was meh, but the first antman was fun. The worst MCU movie is the hulk.

This, plus a few others.

Kek is that cumonprintedpics? I haven't browsed that site in a while

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Hulk was enjoyable.

>Rocket is just an annoying cunt

In addition to talking racoon the blue men group got on my nerves especially the lingering camera on Gunn's brother

I actually preferred the sequel over the original because of Kurt Russel and the Living Planet. The series ironic 1970s soft rock gimmick has been driven into the ground.

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Best MCU side character IMO.

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could it be that NONE of the MCU movies were good OR bad enough for it to matter which is worst? They are all on the same level of bland formulaic anti-tainment.

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GotG 2 > GotG

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Thor 2 by far.

Antman 1 I really enjoyed. Antman 2 not so much.

Thor 2 probably.
I was pleasantly surprised they had the balls to make it an important part of the second act, and made it work.

No, they are all formulaic but some are just really really bad.

>Bottom 3
Thor 2
Captain Marvel
Black Panther

There fixed it for you.

Ant-man was great

No you fucking dipshit. Antman's objectively one of the best ones. It's comfy as hell.

Captain Marvel, Nigger Panther, and Endgame are the dogshit ones.

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>Antman and Guardians 2 bottom 3
Kil yourself nigger

when im not cgi, im a male w problems

black ninjas

>not including captain marvel

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>that sad white b-cup touching tyronhe's arm

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no, no you silly cunt....Captain Marvel is. duh.

I'll be totally honest, I hate capeshit and missed half of the MCU movies. I liked Ant-man because hes like the most non super hero of the bunch. He's just some random joe crook who is thrust into the world of being a super hero. Plus I mostly like that the On Cinema world is tied in.

Black Panther was fine. Only shitty thing it had was portraying Killmonger like a thug with the dumbest haircut ever. Were they honestly expecting us to believe he was this battle-hardened super assassin when he looked and acted like a fucking Fortnite streamer?
But I guess that if he really looked the part and didn't bullshit around, no one would root for T'challa. Killmonger literally had all in his favour but the script just had to portray him as retarded and predictable

Iron Man 3 is worst. Ant Man is fun as fuck.

That's not iron man 3

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No, that would be either Thor 2 or Iron Man

First Avenger is fucking garbage

go fuck yourself with your facebook post to your cancerous page FAG

Endgame was basically Edward Wrights vision. Majority of the movie is a heist.

>winter soldier first
Tryhard (((spy thriller))) with some retard still dressed up like toy.

TWS is third you retard can you not count?

Not canon

oh. stupid generic posters.

Yes it's the posters fault you can't read or count.

Ragnarok was fine but it burned two far more interesting stories to make it work

Its a shame she's done as cassie, but I hope she grows up alright and has actual caring parents, none of those shitty hollywood parents

>le quirky wacky funny pineapple shirt man
slit your wrists nigger

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That's a kike

Infinity War > Avengers > Iron Man > Winter Soldier > Civil War > Thor 3 >Thor > Homecoming > Endgame > Black Panther > Age of Ultron > Captain Marvel > Dr. Strange > Thor 2 > Ant Man > Ant Man 2

Easily in the top 10, i'd even say top 5
I wish to have a daughteru like his

How is Ant Man 2 not rock bottom. I turned that shit off like an hour in. It's lame, obnoxious, and cheesy but in none of the right ways. I was actually embarrassed to have seen it. Paul Rudd firing off quips can only do so much for that dumpster heap of a movie.

I always read the reviews in my countrys biggest TV-guide, written by an actual reviewer that gets paid.

He gave Ant-Man 4/5, the highest score he's given to a Marvel movie.
Infinty war only got 2/5, the other movies between 2 and 3. This reviewer is PC as hell, still only gave Black Panther 3/5.

Let's face it, real reviewers who get paid to write in printed media are not very fond of Marvel movies.


why did everyone had to shit on Antman during Endgame?

Dr Strange is underrated imo

I don’t get the hate people have for iron man 3, I think it’s a great representation of having crippling anxiety and how people deal with it. People are only mad because they mixed extremis with the mandarin and it weakened the characterisation of the villain, but most marvel villains are shit anyway.

idk my dude, he puts the whole plot into motion


age of ultron
captain marvel
avengers 1
civil war
iron 3
infinity war
dr strange
end game
cap america
cap winter sol

The second one was worse.

That's the rat


I forgot gotg2 and black ape but they go in the middle along with like antman and shit

Iron Man
Infinity War

Avengers 1
Civil War
Spider-Man: Home-Alone
Ant-Man and the Wasp

Thor 1
Winter Soldier
Dr Strange
Black Panther
Ironman 3

Avengers 2
Ironman 2
Incredible Hulk
Thor 2

havent seent endgame

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and CM goes in third best probably. they're interchangeable in their tiers

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>best anything

infinity bore is not BEST, low second best

Whats wrong with Captain Marvel?
I never watched it or really payed attention to it

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gotg1 is good but the last half is shit

It's bland but because the marketing made it into a political statement you either have to love it or hate it so that everyone knows what team you're on.

big and true

>the marketing
*subversive marketing against it
the actual marketing was pretty generic.

lost me there, literally onions the movie

Thor 2: *exists*

nothing she is, strong, beautiful strong jaw, not a mary sue,

Dark world age of ultron and civil war are all worse

Forgot black panther

im watching black lives matter rn and its not that bad its pretty entertaining desu

Ant man is still better

You would probably put endgame as bottom 2nd best or top 3rd best, I'd think.

yea prob, im only 20mins into we wuz mary sues rn

It only gets Shittier but I hope you enjoy yourself

That's true I stand corrected.

well im a little confused how a tribe of niggers in the middle of Africa look whiter than obama but other than that

>Iron man 2008
>Captain America 2010
Bretty Good
>Ironman 2
>The Incredible Hulk
>Infinity war
>Captain America: Civil war
>Captain America: Winter soldier
>Guardians of the galaxy
>Age of Ultron
>Ironman 3
>Thor 2
>Doctor Strange
>Guardians 2
>Antman 2
Didn't even watch
>Black panther
>Captain Marvel

your list is shit, also watch spiderman its pretty good... just imagine the nigger he likes is not an ugly nigger

>your list is shit
>watch the movie with racemixing

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the bleach meme pays off well desu just trust me on this one

I didn't even watch the Garfield spoodermans. It's overdone

iron man 2 is worse than 3 desu, thor 2 is the worst by far though.

That's not the Thor trilogy.

>black panther, civil war and thor being better than iron man 1

>Every Thor
Fuck's wrong with you, Ragnarok was great

but antman is what started making endgame fun after a pretty dry intro with captain marvel and so on
Antman and Wasp was fun too, I don't understand why it did poorly.

Incredible Hulk is the worst of those I've seen.

Iron Man 3 is the worst.


>Ironman 2 is worse than 3
Yeah you remember when pepper gained the human torch powers and was nigh indestructible? Yeah me neither

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The sequel Wasp and Antman was the worst, boring shite I've ever watched.

I'm done w/ the MCU after Endgame tho.

Fake and gay

ant man isnt in the publics zeitgeist, so ppl think its shitty/campy like aquaman

user, those two were some of the only ones that were actually good.

The first hours of doctor strange is kino, after that it's pure garbage

CM is an irredeemable cunt.

>thinking Thor, Cap 1 and Black Panther are shit
>not listing Captain Marvel
if you don't regard the other Marvel movies are shit and have this opinion then you're nothing but a filthy crumb

It is totally cannon. Just an actor change.

that's not Captain Marvel in your picture OP. smug gal, thankfully she has few minute runtime in endgame.

Col Ross is in Cap 3 tho...

No. Captain Marvel is barely the worst. It was a close race with Thor 2, but at least Thor 2 had one scene that I thought was kind of cool.

Can someone remind me why Yea Forums hates Iron Man 2/3? I liked them. Maybe I need a refresher though.

You take that back

Wait why are some people acting like Antman and the Wasp was a flop? Box office is $622 million, that's behind the $854 million with Planet Hulk/Ragnarok before it but that's hardly a fair comparison anyways.

Bait list.
Here's the real one from the top.
>Iron Man
>First Avenger
>Winter Soldier
>Infinity War
>Doctor Strange
>Thor Ragnarok
>Incredible Hulk
>Civil War
>Ant-Man and the Wasp
>Iron Man 3
>Iron Man 2
>Age of Ultron
>Thor 2
>Black Panther
>Captain Stinkfoot

Fuck no, it was good,

Fucking hell, Ant-Man being the new face of the MCU would be way more entertaining than Captain Marvel. He was on point through the whole Endgame.

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missing Captain America 1

Ironman 2 is ok, the last half is shit (not to mention it's the same plot as avengers age of ultron). Ironman 3 is all about tony's PTSD and a whole bunch of grunts would can heat up and are impossible to kill. Really boring desu

I guess you're right, I guess I'm mostly just won over by RDJ's charisma.

Ironman 3 was really just filler. I remember at the time that nerd were sperging out because they thought the hulk buster armor was going to make and appearance but it never did. (I don't think) so a lot of people forgot about it. Plus them dropping pepper being an invulnerable minihulk was probably a good thing.

2 is boring and 3 just memes on you

I liked them too, they were fun because of RDJ alone.
For the record, I also liked Battleship and Venom for similar reasons.

Venom is good


Official memeschlock rankings REVISED

Iron Man
Avengers 1
Captain America

Infinity War
Civil War
Spider-Man: Home-Alone
Ant-Man and the Wasp

Winter Soldier
Captain Marvel
Black Panther
Ironman 3
Thor 1
Dr Strange

Avengers 2
Ironman 2
Incredible Hulk
Thor 2

havent seent endgame

thank you for attending my ted talk

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starting to think the faggots pushing IM3 was good meme worked on the movie. It was fucking horrendous compared to 2.

Black Panther, Captain Marvel, and Thor Ragnarok are the worst.

Thor 2 and Captain Marvel exist.


This is not Captain Marvel. It was fucking horrible, I thought some of you were making shit up. It's even worse than Thor 2 or Ant-man 2

Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.

based and heist pilled

that feel when you realize dc has several capeshits fighting for the title of worst


Iron Man's daughter is cuter

>Imagine lying to yourself this hard


It's rewatchable. I was in a dorm with no internet and I rewatch it alot. It's weak when Hank Pym gets involved but the opening to the heist is peak comfy. Comedy is well done for a marvel film.

I liked it.

Christ winter soldier is overrated. And civil war is the worst