Brie Larson in Television & Film

what is Brie Larsons best movie??

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What do the wage gap and brie larson’s ads have in common?

is it King Kong?

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I liked The Gambler where she was fucking her way through medschool

IN avengers ENDGAME the movie starts with IRON MAN brought back to earth by CAPTIN MARVEL.
A 5 YEAR time skip is initiated and then ANTMAN is brought back from the QUANTUM ZONE by a rat accidently turning the machine.
ANTMAN tells the remaining AVENGERS of his experience in the QUANTUM ZONE and how he thought it was only 5 HOURS.
BRUCE BANNER NOW COMBINED WITH THE HULK and with IRON MAN (who has a daugther called MORGAN) figure out a way to send the AVENGERS back in TIME to secure the INFINITY STONEs for a new GAUNTLET to SNAP SHIT BACK.

The AVENGERS go back in time to get shit right however NEBULA is caught BY THANOS in the past and is replaced with PAST NEBULA who infiltrates the AVENGERS when they come back to their current TIME.
CAPTAIN AMERICA is sent back to replace the stones and stays WITH THE SPY CHICK and at the END IS AN OLD MAN AND HANDS THE MANTLE DOWN TO FALCON.


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What? I'm curious.

Did you shop this pic? Why is her head so damn big and her hand so little

not The Gambler ?

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scott pilgrim, there is no competiton

shes a female. have sex.

You realize anyone who can have the movie spoiled is not going to be reading threads on Yea Forums where they will almost surely see spoilers right? Everyone who will see your post has either already seen the movie or doesn't care enough that this post will spoil it for them.

This film literally cured my hatred for Brie, even though I still disagree with her views.
Cinema is fucking powerful.

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I havnt seen it. is it really that good?

Post more cute Bries. Her fake tits are nice.

There's plenty of better films that deal with drama but it proved to me that she can act and I couldn't help but sympathize with her character.
Check it out if the premise seems interesting to you.

Only acceptable answer.

Loved her tits in Kong. Didn't realize until much later it was her though.

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God I want to lick her feet

you know what. I will. she is based and so are you. thank you

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God she looks like a cum hungry fuck hound in this picture. I could fap to that selfie all day.

Hope you enjoy it user.

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You first asshole

You'd think she would object to being objectified by dressing that way.

She gets more disgusting by the day.

Scott Pilgrim. Next question.

She is so beautiful, I will never get a gf as good looking as her.

Why are you capitalizing random words like a Diary of a Wimpy Kid book

what are Bries strengths as an actress?

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Not with that attitude you won't. Cheer up fren.

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Brie, I want to apologize. I didn't realize it was so bad. They basically cut you from Endgame, huh? With that bullshit ex machina "I'm gonna be gone a long time!" line. Gone for the entire middle 2 hours of the movie, that sucks honey, I bet you had a bigger part before your movie/character/acting/personality turned out to be trash. Then you get upstaged by Gwyneth Fucking Paltrow, who btw is a cooler superhero than Ms. Marvel will ever be. Brie, if you're reading this, remember that suicide is never the answer. You can change, turn your life around, get more appropriate roles, and lead a happy little life on Twitter. I believe in you.

Her strength is that she tries to be honest, or authentic in an age of mostly dishonest cinema.
Key word being tries. I get what she wants to do but it's a difficult thing to achieve.

based encouraging user

This. Rape some bitches


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This might be the best backhanded compliment I've seen on Yea Forums in a while.

God I want to FUCK her FACE so badly!!!!!!!!!

Her ability to act nonchalant. She's good at being "too cool for you." Hence why she's perfect as Envy Adams and subpar as Captain Marvel.

short term 12

same director as shang chi which basically confirms captain marvel will be the link to bring that character into the mcu

Her only movie I watched that isn't Endgame.

Her main weakness is her difficulty to operate like a normal person, be it social or otherwise, but a lot of people are like that nowadays. Perhaps more so than any other point in history. She is also too vocal about some of her views, which may not resonate with a large number of her audience, effectively severing the ties with some people.
If I were her, I would definitely try to be as apolitical as I can.
She has also been impulsive on occasion, particularly with her attempts at sarcasm/banter.
Otherwise, I think she means well.

Rescue is shit to be honest

sounds like she is /ourgal/

>That blue lich hand

What's her phylactery?

You're invited to S my D bro, Pepper is what a GOOD female superhero should be like and I anxiously await her movie.

Short Term 12.

>shang chi
Never heard of him. I guess massive appeal to the Chinese audience.

Adding further to that, she seems condescending and full of herself at times (the wired interview is one example, the "first me" comment is another) but it comes from a place of self-defense.
I can see that she isn't very secure in herself and tries to make up for that by acting like a "yas queen" stereotype.
I think her best bet is to just stay humble and honest, like she's been in some of her more obscure interviews, ironically.

whats up with the racist Indian movie shes in??

She has ugly feet though

Why is her head so fucking big.

what did she mean by this?

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In a lot of ways, yes. Not so much in the political sense, but in the sense that she is handling all of this more or less the same way a typical autist on Yea Forums would.
Her personality is very similar to someone you may find here. Her interests seem typical of such a person as well.

Did they literally cast her to be an annoying bitch?
I've only seen her in Endgame and fucking hell she just comes off as a huge bitch in every scene she is in.

I can't watch that film. Makes me miss my mother like a motherfucker.

Carol's like that in the comics too. Basically a smug, cocky deus ex machina that shows up every now and then when they need a big hitter.
Marvel just needed more females to add to the roster and they chose her because there wasn't much choice to begin with, and she's been shilled in the comics for quite a while now.

yep, at heart, a weird little misfit

See the issue is that you have to be quite perceptive in order to understand that.
I myself thought she was a cunt at first glance, because the internet was already biased against her when I learned about her.
The reality is that I can't hate someone so similar to me.

Imagine all the babies that will be named Brie. Imagine all the sluts dressing as up as her for Halloween
Imagine all the women with dyke haircuts
It's gonna be a good summer!

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the bottom should be hotter in theory but it seems off to me

in reality I have compassion for her as well. can you imagine ANY one of us being in the public eye like she is

>can you imagine ANY one of us being in the public eye like she is
It would be a nightmare for me, but that's why I'm not in the public eye.
It is difficult for her, no doubt, but you have to soldier through the shit and make the best of what you can in this short lifetime.
I think she has learned to ignore the hate/love at this point, or at least not let it take a hold of her.

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still would

Does the guy from Geeks + Gamers have a fetish for her?

I heard she only has about 15 minutes screentime in Endgame.

I also heard she was paid $15 million bucks for her role as Capt. Marvel.

Bitch was paid a million per minute. I don't wanna hear any equality BS from her mouth ever again.

It was definitely less than 15 minutes, and she received 5 million for CM, but it's still a good spot to be in.
I think the Star Wars people were luckier though. All 3 of them were literal who's and they received a couple of million for each chapter.

She says "I'll be gone for a long time!" and then disappears for the middle 2.5 hours of the movie. We never hear another word about her until she shows up "to save the day".

My opinion? It has to be intentional. She must have had a bigger part in the movie that was cut when nobody liked Captain Marvel as a character. It's the only explanation for why she's so conspicuously and awkwardly not in the movie.

She shot the film before Captain Marvel so it's unlikely. They just didn't know what to do with a character as powerful as her. It's the same thing in the comics.
Look up a character called Sentry.
Endgame was always going to be centered around the original six.

My opinion: they re-wrote Thor's scenes and gave him some stupid fatass storyline in order to make room for Capt Marvel

They shot Endgame immediately after IM, much like Matrix 2 & 3 were shot.
Everything was planned from the very beginning.
I don't think any filmmaker in their right mind would have a character that was just introduced play a huge role in a film. She was meant to help Stark get to Earth and help with the final battle/delay Thanos. Nothing more.

>She shot the film before Captain Marvel so it's unlikely.
This has nothing to do with the final edit of Endgame, and how much Brie Larson it contained. They may have shot a whole storyline for Captain Marvel, and it magically vanished after her movie and character turned out to be poopoo.

Again, I doubt they'd give a side-character that much screen time and plot, considering it's the final Avengers movie, but believe what you want.
Everything is possible, technically.

Ms. Marvel is the new flagship Marvel character, and I'll thank you not to refer to a feminist icon as a "side-character", you incel malescum.

The hidden camera movie that Weinstein made of her that night with Paltrow
Bire squealed like a little cat.

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Her super power is having a rich and smart boyfriend. Honestly kill yourself if you are being serious.

and Batman's super power is having rich parents, and Thor was just born with his nonsense and he doesn't even appreciate it.

what about superman

Superman, through no effort of his own, accidentally landed on a planet with a different type of sun than his home planet. Jesus, at least Pepper Potts made an informed decision to date her "rich boyfriend" and get her Iron Man suit, Kal-El did literally nothing for his superpowers.

she looks like she fucks black male critics

This thread is sexist thank you verrrrrrry much!

Batman is the world's greatest detective

NOW he is, with his billion dollars worth of gadgetry.

He always was, it was his first title in the comics.

wrong this thread is pro-Brie amd therefore based

>on my christian board
fuck outta here femcel, thank you veeeeeery muchhhh

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No, I mean now that he's an adult. He wasn't "the world's greatest detective" the day after his parents died.

Scott Pilgrim.

>tfw your parents weren't shot in front of your eyes as a kid and it's too late to become batman now
It hurts bros.

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>> 1. Short term 12
>> 2. Room
>> 3. the few episodes she did on community
everything else is crap

It's never too late to shoot your parents.


True, but I'm not a kid anymore. It simply ain't the same.
Plus, it has to happen organically, otherwise it defeats the whole purpose.
I have a plan though, involving time travel and a hired gunman.

listen here u lil shit

She literally made the MCU for me. I can't wait until all these old boring movies are dead and buried. Then it'll be Br/ino/ without the dead (fat) weight of the virginal fanbase.

She was only in the screen for like 20 minutes in the gambler despite bejng the main heroine.

The one where she's raped repeatedly and had to deal with it?

I didn't know you were this misogynistic, Yea Forums.

So they're not catering to the Twilight crowd? Because that's certainly one way to get rid of the virginal fanbase.

wearing more makeup and working out has done wonders for her. I fuck to fuck her and go blam in her pusy so bad now.

The best movie she's in is Scott Pilgrim
Can't say what her best performance is

Snow nigger genes

Based and canadian pilled. Thread should have ended here.

Serious answer? Room. Everything else i've seen her in i couldn't stand her

I'm just here to collect Larsons


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I thought she was to most beautiful woman Id ever seen when she came on screen in The Gambler

Emily Haines>>>Brie Larson


Fight me

The one where they had to CGI another woman's ass over hers because she doesn't have one

Brie looks like Kate Middleton here


The scene where she's getting her throat swabbed by my fat throbbing cock