Why do you hate Louis C.K.?
Why do you hate Louis C.K.?
I don't. His new leaked set was great.
Because my girilfriend tells me to hate him
This. He gives zero fucks, he's still funny and he's making lefty pieces of shit cry even more.
Isn't that Stefan Molymeme
he keeps telling me that the free market will fix everything
He's only made me laugh once, during the leaked bit where he says "So...what kind of year did you guys have?"
Because he keeps reminding me that taxation is theft.
I could tell before the #metoo thing he was a creepy piece of shit
That’s not Louis CK in the OP
yes, OP is a faggot. see attached for the real louis ck
>uh...hehe... my wife said I can’t like white comedians no more
>hehe, oh god
Because he traded in respectable libertarian ideals for tribalism and statism
Is Peter Molyneux based and redpilled?
I like his song that goes "PARTY, PARTY, PARTY"
>respectable libertarian ideals
Not an argument
I can't find the article right now but some feminist magazine sent a female writer to one of C.K.'s shows recently and she was insulting people entering and asking them ow they could support such a monster. One guy came up to her and asked her who her favorite comedian was and she said Hannah Gadsby and that Nanette was the best comedy special in the world. He laughed in her face and shook his head and walked through the door
cuckold: the post
there are no more arguments
>it will never be 2015-2016 again when you spend your days flipping between moly race realism videos and alex jones screaming about hillary clinton
that's redpilled
does he hate ck?
no, but he is a cult leader. it's pretty hilarious.
stefan and his psychologist wife lure impressionable, weak minded young people in, many of whom are her patients, convince those people to disassociate from their families and friends through a process called 'defooing', then stefan becomes their new parental figure and spiritual leader.
it's textbook cult stuff. he's a fucking sociopath who preys on dumb young people. his wife almost lost her license to practice over it, but somehow managed to scrape through the investigation.
I don't hate him but he's not funny
Based firestarter poster.
Yeah that's Stefan Molyneux. Wtf?
Then you've lost, faggot.
not an argument
>their new parental figure and spiritual leader
I don't see how this applies to him more than any other political/philosophical Youtuber. I would guess you're just a leftist fanatic trying to smear him
I understand not liking Stefan, but I truly don't know where calling him a cult leader comes from. He does tell people that if their parents treated them badly they should disassociate themselves, but that seems to just be something he strongly believes in. He's not asking them to live in a commune with him.