What does Yea Forums think about Gravity, the 2014 winner of the BAFTA for Best British Film?

What does Yea Forums think about Gravity, the 2014 winner of the BAFTA for Best British Film?

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Only good in theaters.

Conveys the uneasy feeling and danger of being alone in space very well. The great score helps tremendously.

>Conveys the uneasy feeling and danger of being alone in space very well
How would you know?

>women surviving alone in space
>earth is a sphere
gimme a break

I went to the cinema to see this with my friends and when it suddenly got really quiet at the start, my two friends that I was with started laughing really hard. The entire theater was silent, except for our corner of room and people were turning around and staring at us. They continued cackling with laughter as Sandra Bullock was spinning out of control and people started loudly shushing them and shouting out stuff like "Keep it down!". They didn't let up the entire runtime, they kept belly laughing and giggling, even during serious scenes and the end. An old couple left halfway through and someone else walked out ~15 minutes before the end. When the film ended the father sitting next to me with his son turned to me and muttered "fucking kikes".I don't know why he thought were we Jewish and I'm still unsure what they found so funny.

This is your average Yea Forums user.
And to think they use redditor as a pejorative...

What do you mean?

Hey look, this movie gets shit but there are a few scenes that are outright amazing.

-Dude getting hit in the face with space debris

-The tether scene

-Her getting up on the beach after landing and making earth look like an alien planet

You can shit on this movie all you want, but these scenes were masterful.

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The ISS destruction scene is orgasmic.

It got me into science, probably the best depiction of physics in a space movie ever

Please watch more movies.

>that scene where Sandra hangs onto a rope attached to space station
>doesn't pull it towards her

this is an example of a movie that can only be enjoyed in the theater

Great argument against the scenes btw.

Audio was good, visual was good, acting was good, cinematography was good, lighting was excellent, the play of color was also amazing. Now fuck off back to red-dit and watching A Clockwork Orange for the 1000th time.

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for a supposedly great director cuaron sure makes some dull movies

>not converting your entire 1st floor into a holographic dome 3d film projection chamber

If you know even the slightest bit of orbital mechanics, this movie is just an insult to your intellect.

It's bad. I hate his ridiculous pseudo-"long takes".

it's the most boring sci-fi movie in recent years.

Clooney's weight was pulling them. She had to let him go.


great effects, garbage story
the effects team deserve an oscar, looked insane in the theater

Probably the only high budget space movie that I truly, genuinely fucking hate. A few good scenes isn't anywhere near enough to salvage this garbage.

Sandra Bullcock and her substandard acting was just the fucking cherry on top.

Parts were really unrealistic but I overall I liked it more than interstellar

My favorite movie of the last 10 years

excellent effects, roughly 50% accurate depiction of spess and spess accessories, great soundtrack, shit everything else, from story to bollocks/clooney

worth a one watch, nothing special