>hes too short for me
>my ex was taller
What is her fucking problem?
i hope cersei crucifies danys burnt corpse
Imagine if a character made a joke about how his last partner had bigger boobs than the current one.
You're ignoring the historical context of two very, very different gender groups.
good reddit impersonation
>very, very different gender groups.
huh sweety, men and women are equals, try having sex.
You're right one has had privilege and the other is women, so yes they're not equal right now but they SHOULD be.
She's insecure about being 1/8th street shitter
Have sex incel.
Women prefer tall men, get used to it
She got real alpha man dick so she dont care about some random tinder manlet
>my brother sold me
>my husband raped me
>I wanted to be burned with him anyway
>I only know how to conquer
>if I have to rule one day everything goes to shit
>I lost a dragon to the night king due to my stupidity
>which enabled him to get across the wall
>otherwise he would be stuck north of the wall without a way south
>someone taller
>quick cut to her teary face and suicidal thoughts as drogo rapes her once again
>cut back to sansa laughing too
>jon and sam talking
>"and who was she?"
>"someone younger"
>both chuckle
Queue an endless stream of articles made by journalists who are angry, calling for the show's death for my soggy knee
incels on suicide watch
is this shopped?
I never got this argument. So, because men were assholes, that means we should be assholes and lower ourselves to their level to "even the score"? Sounds childish and counter-productive.
Other women make me cringe when I see them do shit like this. Carry yourselves like a fucking adult for once and get off twitter.
manlets are STILL angry about this lmao
The call that saved Westeros
>I saw your wedding night, your grace
>It was beautiful
>The rape, Daenerys
>hes short
>still fucks him
if anything it just proves manlets are superior
fuck i want a webm edit of this
Can I get a rundown?
>Your burnt titties
>Oh yeah also the dragons
Holy shit imagine typing this comment on the 4chins. You should be ashamed.
>she's too flat for me
>my ex had bigger tits and a rounder ass
>bigger boobs
Tighter/innie vagina*
>someone with better footbussy
Jon's in his prime and she's hit the wall
Women don't find this offensive because most get surgeries to correct these things. Including hip surgeries to get the hourglass shape.
Manlet? There's nothing that you can do to change it.
Nice cope, tranny
>Manlet? There's nothing that you can do to change it.
They try.
>BOG Khaleesi
Would she answer the call?
>being a pick-me on fucking Yea Forums of all places
post tits
>Women don't find this offensive
then why do they complain so much about it in vidya, comics, etc.?
wow she looks almost attractive here
Why try delivering this point to Yea Forums? They'll never give sympathy to manlets.
can i get a quick rundown on her?
Manlets still can't get over this scene imao
>All that development just to kill her off
Martin is truely the greatest of hacks.
>Have sex incel.
>just have sex
>involuntary celibate
i laff
JESUS is that real? Doesn't that make you cripple?
yes and yes
Nah. It gets filled in. You do lose some athletic ability though.
I'm so lucky to be 6'3". Oh wait, actually it doesn't matter as I'm still kissless virgin.
>surgeries to correct these things
Which look even worse than being flat. Implants are absolutely disgusting.
if you're 6'3 and a kissless virgin it's entirely your fault
I'm 5'6" and I fucked a solid 7 (read: ugly ass bitch) in college
dry since though
maybe she liked getting raped by aquaman
though that manlet joke was as dry as her cooch
I'm a Jon snow sized manlet and ive gotten tons of pussy. I guess I have a chad face though.
>larping tranny
seek help
I have ugly face. It's the only thing that women really care about. If you have handsome face nothing else matters, if you don't nothing will help you. I always find it funny that short guys think that all their problems would suddenly disappear if only they would be taller. Spoiler: no.
Must hurt like a bitch. It looks like some medieval torture device. Why are manlets so desperate? Few extra centimeters won't change anything for them.
This basically, I am 1.70, 5 7 for you burgers, but have a handsome face and never had an issue with women, Married now at 31 and waiting my first daughter, Seriously don't listen to Yea Forums when talking about these things, just look at the real world.
quick rundown?
>gets post-wall woman with 3 kids
pick 1
Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
>3 kids
You tried.
Nicely done
THIS. Lanklet here with my son coming in July. Not going to have another kid and risk it being a daughter and have to find nudes of her at 13 on her phone like my coworkers at work and then eventually be a grandfather to a half black baby.
>Girls talk about their height and penis size preferences
>Guys shrug and laugh, life's tough, what can ya do?
>Guys talk about their breast, butt and weight preferences
>Women scream in rage
Cripple? no, not technically.
It makes you look weird as fuck since your legs are no longer proportional to the rest of your body
A what? Use your words properly, incel.
Keep those (You)'s coming, boys.
>have to find nudes of her at 13 on her phone like my coworkers
that sounds embarassing haha
imagine being so insecure to do this to yourself
>>Guys shrug and laugh, life's tough, what can ya do?
*looks at thread*
>have to find nudes of her at 13 on her phone like my coworkers
Did he share them?
just dont live in a black school district. I'd also say put them in private school but those breed whores
Give up the pussy you stupid whore.
I mean, Jon's like 5'5 even tho he lied about it onlines saying hes 5'8.
It would be very painful
>you’re a tall guy
There is simply no male equivalent of the body-confidence horseshit that women are trying to impose upon the media. Literally bitching about good looking female video game and movie characters because they hate being upstaged.
The reason why they can joke about this kind of thing in the show is because they know there won't be serious business damaging consequences. If a character were to literally say that "women are not fit to rule because they have the minds of children" and then point to all the generally bad shit the women of Westeros have done, the feminists would go berserk.
Honestly that one's kind of stretching it, that's not really that far fetched or "problematic" yet.
>uses her rape as an argument point to establish the pains she had to go trough to become who she is
>actually enjoyed it
fuck women
Make me. Oh wait, you can't. Stupid dumb incel scum.
>If a character were to literally say that "women are not fit to rule because they have the minds of children" and then point to all the generally bad shit the women of Westeros have done, the feminists would go berserk.
They should do that. First it's redpilled and makes sense and the bookfags nerds will like it. 2: it's interesting and daring in more than one level. 3: will generate controversy and attract even more viewers.
I can't believe they would miss such a chance for tha womenz rule bullshit they've been doing since S3.
I just got out of prison after 102 months, can anyone give me a quick rundown?
Alpha widowed by the chadliest of chads.
Aaand raped. Thanks babe it was tight.
If Danirys becomes a White Wlaker can she be killed with fire?
it shows how women can never be content with what they have.
>shes too fat for him
>his ex was thinner
Based desu
>Bessie and her tits