Alita: Battle Angel General
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that was close
Damn, that was a near miss...
so what am I missing out on in these threads?
haven't been in one since pretty much a week after release
Gospeed LA Alitans
Have you figured out if the May 23rd IMAX is legit?
Memes and OC's... lots of them.
Hello new bread, please be healed by Arita in this sketch.
man i really liked her design and the action but the story was unfulfilling.
why is that upper city discussed so much when we never get to actually see it in the flick
Because that's not the point. It's not about what's actually up there, it's what the idea of getting there does to some people.
In the manga they don't go to Zalem for like 10 years
Holy shit that's a good OC
>why is Heaven discussed so much when we never get to actually see it
chucks feed and seed
Lego Underworld fight:
>The movie almost looked as good as this reenactment, also impeccable music choose...
This is... awful. Apologize.
The animation is not bad, but what's with the off music choice?
Probably trying to avoid copyright strike. I just muted it and put on Grewishka's Drums.wav instead.
A copyright strike from Fox is unlikely, but with the really shit content ID matching and bad copyright agencies filing false strikes, I think that might be what the consideration is.
"Why was sauron talked about so much in lord of the rings if we never really see him
user come on...
This is cute.
lots and lots of OC and healing
excellent work.
Is this your work, user?
in addition, the people obsessed with getting into Zalem eventually realize that getting there isn't going to solve the issues at their core.
this is very nice c:
This is amazing. Thank you blessed user
Beautiful, Alita-blessed digits
Good evening Alitans
Thread OST
>that hair
I love it! But which version of her face is that?
Not just the OC images. Also some pretty entertaining discussions about the movie. Fans requesting and getting special 3D and Imax screenings in countries like China, Malaysia and Norway. Some of the highlights has ben
>Anti-transhumanist debate
>Vector foundation/Leeta/Cyborg Justice Warriors
>Vampire alita
I would mention K-posting, but that was probably happening already back then.
Just concept art james made
I dont know which one
Nah, I wish...
There has also been several meet-ups of anons to attend the AlitaExperience (now closed) and see the movie. LA ones are going to just hang out at a gun range and arcade today. We were shocked to see that they looked more /fit/ and /fa/ than a /fa/ meetup.
Got the slo-mo working
Stand by for regular speed as a comparison
>artposting- anons posting alita art
>VA posting
>sleepy posting
>jerome posting
>healing posting
Reading the art book brings a lot of nice clarity, or confirmation, to some aspects of the film and production.
>In 2000, Lightstorm acquired the feature film rights to Alita. Cameron wrote a screenplay, Laeta Kalogridis worked on several drafts.
So yeah, Disney doesn't own shit.
>John Landau relates, "We felt Alita had everything Lightstorm embodies. We want to make movies that have themes that are bigger than their genre. This is a young woman's journey of self-discovery, where she comes in to this world viewing herself as someone who's insignificant, but who comes to realize she has the ability to change the world."
Also, choosing to shoot Avatar and Alita was literally a coin toss, because the technology was being developed for both films, which explains why the budget and break point is low, because cost is kind of intertwined at times.
Cameron saw the OVA before the manga, Del Toro showed it to him, so that's why Chiren was heavily used in the film.
Cameron handed off the rights to Rodriguez in a split second because he had believed he had the energy, creativity, and mature talent to handle the project. They had been friends for 25 years before that.
Cameron's original script was 190 pages and Rodriguez trimmed it down by a third. Cameron has said nothing he loved was cut.
Also, the book brings in to perspective how Rodriguez works and what his whole career is like. He knows how to imitate others well. From Dusk Till Dawn was a Tarantino script, so he worked with him to get the look right. Sin City is very much a Frank Miller film, and Alita a lot like Cameron.
Will write more in a minute.
Regular speed
Converting these was a bitch as usual
I'm going to finally see this in theaters tonight. 3D dollar movie theater at 11:55pm
what do i expect?
To be healed
I love the art book I'm so glad I bought it
oh shit. im going alone. im nervous user, hold me.
A very densely packed plot. Avoid spoilers, come back to report how it was.
Expect awesomeness and healing
>mfw waiting for meet-up details
I'm excited to hear about it too
Very nice, also that nerf gun is fucking sweet.
I have to go to work, but I'll talk to you later tonight or tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a red letter day for Alita OC.
Foco 2 out.
You'll fall in love with her the same way I have.
>tfw excited but also sad I couldn't fly down but also happy that the LA anons are going to have 3rd wholesome and good time.
Good luck at work see you tomorrow
>Cameron saw the OVA before the manga, Del Toro showed it to him, so that's why Chiren was heavily used in the film.
>chiren is not blonde
sauce/artist for the art on the third panel?
Healing's user
But we got Jennifer Connolly instead, so it's fine.
Jennifer Connelly would look weird as a blonde
Not really, she was wooden and emotionless.
>Didn't quite catch that user...
>no motorboating scene
Trips of horrible taste user.
is it official they're making it into a trilogy? atleast a sequel though, r-right guys?
We could have had this as anime accurate chiren
Well, thing is what a lot of people are underestimating, is the plan was to shoot both sequels back to back, that was always the plan. So if a sequel gets announced, basically the trilogy is happening.
Actually Korea and Taiwan, sorry.
More exited to hear from movie-watching user to be honest. I didn't even know dollar theaters were still a thing - and 3D? At 11:55 pm? Isn't that very late for a screening, except for some kind of special event?
I'd be shocked if it didn't get a trilogy
Boatman is making 4 Avatars at once, I think another Alita is highly likely
how can anyone be this cute
> i got 99
> the alita gods agree with me
Because Rosa
>seeing Alita for the first time
>still has a theater playing it
you don't understand how jealous I think most of us are now despite many of us having seen it in the double digits now. Enjoy user.
Dubs on trips it's basically canon now
I didn't think she was that great either
Absolute MOMMY
Robert Rodriguez robbed us of this
>the average Yea Forums Alita-hater
when will they give up?
I retract my previous statement
Just in case VA is on
why is there no HD version of this movie out yet?
Why must I wait til June to have her in my home!?
I bet one will come sooner than June
Vector still fucked a drunk hugo. Im sure of it.
Thats why hugo was so sore the next morning. Vector sodomized him.
>me on the right in her womb
>just in case
>i saved all these homo pics
>just in case VA is on
she's shooting boolets right now; doubtful.
We like VA and I've saved thousands of pics as it is
I do enough Rosa-posting to fill a thread or two
Yeah I realized that right as I posted it
Officially, Rodriguez cited The Terminator as one of the biggest influences over the film, particularly the shot choices, like the low angle of the Terminator being used for Zapan's chase for Hugo, very similar.
Woof woof
Robert doesn't get enough credit, he really did make a James Cameron movie
First I'm hearing of it. Deets?
it's actually really impressive for one distinctive director to pay homage to another like this. The only other example I can think of is Spielberg for AI where he styled it as close as he could to a Kubrick movie.
Wasn't that a glitch?
Rodriguez has been able to successfully copy multiple directors, Tarantino, Frank Miller, and now Cameron. Even though there's a flavor of Rodriguez to each film, Sin City and Alita obviously look and feel quite different.
Desperado is one of the greatest movies of all time and it us all him
I thought Sin City was a cooperative thing? Isn't that why RR insisted Miller be credited as co-director?
New article:
> A reason that “Alita” works is that the filmmakers did understand the source material and, definitely in Cameron’s case, had affection for it as well, who put a great deal of dedication into this movie.
He thinks Iron City looks too comfy though. I kind of disagree with that, because I often find dystopias to bee comically unrealistic - not in this case.
There was a glitch where Aladdin screenings were listed on the Alitatickets site, but some people have actually been able to buy tickets for Alita in Imax on May 23rd, because when they clicked through to the cinema, it was indeed listed as Alita.
Miller did direct some parts of it himself I believe
It was, but Rodriguez said really what he did was shoot the comic book. There weren't even really storyboards, they had the comic book on set. Also, Tarantino was a guest director on the film.
I need to rewatch Sin City, it's been a little while
I kind of am tired of the 'movie Iron City is too nice' meme. I think it was deliberate. We first see it with naive wonder as Alita is seeing it. By the end of the movie she, and the viewer have absolutely no illusions about its darker nature.
>MK Alita
as cool as it would be to see ourgirl kick ass (as she easily could) I don't want to see the horrible fatalities in store for her. Yes, she gets dismembered but MK isn't exactly dignified with its kills.
ah that sounds right yeah. Didn't Tarantino only direct one plotline? It's been a while since I saw it.
agreed fren. If only for that prime Alba booty.
I ain't watching Alita get killed in grotesque ways user
Well shes all robot so there would be no blood or bones to crack.
So they couldnt use the organs being cut off or skull and bones cracked.
It would be more like the movie already did it.
Robot gore
>woman gets murdered in the first 10 minutes, Alita beats the killers to death with her bare hands
>thieves paralyze people and cut off their limbs
yeah Iron City is just a bag of sunshine
She's got blue blood and red blood, user. Synthetic blood and organic blood. The red blood is going to her precious brain.
It makes you wonder why critics are calling a third world city like this as positive
Maybe they are too used to modern france and germany...
Also she's got metal bones beneath the synthetic muscle fibers. Those could be broken.
I'm not watching that shit.
What i meant is there would be no intestines coming out or lungs crushed or stuff
buT user itS BrIGht ANd suNNY; dystopias aren't like that!! They're all grey and monochrome! JC/RR couldn't possibly have wanted to buck that trend! Hollywood renegades like them would never dare! Constant misery is realistic! People never eke out a life with culture and warmth under oppression ever!
this thread needs more comfy
They could go for the route where Ido is trying to make her a real girl, so she gets more and more biological parts as she progresses. That is cut short by receiving the Berserker, but if they put off that until later in the game, it might work.
it's pretty comfy honestly. We're discussing the movie and it's parallels to others and dissecting the whole 'Iron City is too nice' bullshit. but here is some comfy for you anyway
Iron city looks too much like modern france anons.
This movie is officially racist
idk what joke you're trying to make fren.
>Rosa is new here,
>shes still learning about things
>christoph waltz caught on film stealing props
Just a papa wolf proteccing his pup.
I found a better version of this pic
Now her head won't be cropped if you want to cut her out
>oh hey user you're home early from school
>oh right it's Wednesday
>I just made you some pizza rolls, they're on the counter
>so have you met any cute girls yet?
>you have to tell me if you do
>that's my good boy
>you grew up to be so handsome user, I'm so proud
>AI is completely outlawed in Iron City.
I guessed that the Centurions were controlled via AI, but they do come off as pretty stupid/simple in the movie.
This reminds me of that one film with the kid, and the chick brings him chocolate cake and a gameboy.
Centurions are controlled by Deckmen.
How long until Altia goes down in the books and on lists as being one of the greatest modern (action) films? It's crazy that a 400 million dollar grossing film is an underdog in these days.
Have only watched the movie so far, so never knew that!
In the manga they are - we don't really know how it works in the movie world, but it could be deckmen there too.
in 5 years we'll have all of these bullshit critics praising it like they were fans the whole time. But we'll know.
It'll be The Orville effect. They didn't want to support it at first, but when the sequel comes along (second season), they'll lavish praise on to it and call the first one a masterpiece.
that's clearly /fa/
the tucked in button up dude is unironically /fa/ but it's working against him being so many retards. he looks like Nova's nephew or something.
Some of france's tourist destinations are all dirty and have a lot if pitpockets around. People leaving trash and stuff.
There are dozens of videos on youtube
Im very fat but i wanna be cool like them
How can i achieve a cool look with a beer gut frens?
bruh crime and grime are guaranteed in any big city. Come to any major American city and be prepared to be shot at.
>430 threads for a movie that flopped
omg give it up losers. the movie isn't even in theatres anymore. lmao
>lose gut
>dress in well made but understated clothes with no print designs unless subtle.
>have self-awareness of what works on you
Difference is that france was beautiful
This will take a while. How can i look cool while being fat.
I still can't get over how great this fan art is
unrelated but
North American geography >>>>>> French geopgraphy.
All cities are trash. I don't give a shit about your cities or ours.
If you want /fa/ cred while being fat, don't hide it with baggy clothing, but show it with like lederhosen and stuff like that. ( is what you should be doing IRL, I'm describing how to be "e-cool" which is not the same thing.)
For serious, though, reducing food intake is the main thing, secondly getting /fit/.
wear earth-tones. If you're chubby maybe go for the professor look. Wool/tweed might be good.
I haven't been able to think about Alita as much, because honest to God, I'm wondering what Endgame's performance says about the future of films, not just Alita. Cameron can do what he wants, but what if Alita was not a Cameron movie and did not have the clout of his name backing it? And it wasn't owned by him, it was a studio film? Those two things alone are saving the potential franchise. But if this was owned by Fox and made by someone without that power, a sequel would probably be fucked.
Films that aren't tied in to a pre-existing franchise are basically fucked with how Disney has singlehandedly shifted the market over the past decade. Audiences want the safe and familiar and with Endgame proving that, that's what they're going to produce. Smart, original films are okay anymore. It's just something to think about. Movies are changing, and I think for the worse.
Correction: smart original films are not okay anymore.That's not what sells and that's not what audiences turn up to see anymore. There's more than enough evidence over the past 5 years to prove this. Look at the amount of great films that fail to make money.
it was good enough Rosa shared it on insta!
Find pictures of a celebrity with your features and then go from there
Welp, just seen what VA is buying when she gets back from the meet.
This is why I feel a bit of sadness as well as smug satisfaction when people point out /ourgirl/ made only 400 million while CM and Endgame will make over 1 billion.
At what cost? What kinds of movies will no longer be made as the result of this ecosystem? What kinds of movies will only be made as the result of this ecosystem?
We should all chip in and get it for her.
If we all chip in 2 bucks we can buy it
I don't think movies are changing for the worst, we got Fury Road and John Wick and BR2049 and Alita in just the last few years so people are still producing great movies, it's just unfortunate that they don't always make as much money as they could.
I know what they are but why recommend them to anyone
Looks like Keean did some skeet shooting too ifyouknowwhatimean
All about that $$$$ and capeshit sell unfortunately... I dread to see what cinema is like in 20+ years
But those films didn't make money.
Franchises are the thing now. Just look at the top grossing films per year by decade in comparison, the 80's and 2010's.
None of them lost money, they just didn't make Marvel money
There's also this one, got no clue how to raise the money anonymously and VA is definitely not giving out her address....
But now she know it exists.
Fuck her, i want that
Fury Road reportedly lost the studio 40 million, but was saved by blu-ray sales. BR2049 definitely lost money. John Wick and Alita are the ones that at least made some money, more so the former. the issue ties in to the money, but now it's with what studios are comfortable with making, and with Disney owning so much stuff now, they have the power to influence studios. It is the money these make and what it says for future productions.
I hear many people are are jumping off the MCU train after Endgame. GoT is also ending now, and Star Wars is going exclusively streaming after IX. But I don't think it's franchise films which are the real problem. I think the problem is that how most people consume movies now is through streaming services which do the buying and deciding what to fund - rather than audiences choosing what to see and buying tickets to the theater or buying/renting DVDs.
What you end up with is a sort of quasi-socialized editorial process, where the execs in the studios and streaming services can take your money and spend it on making unoriginal and formulaic content. And even if you spend your money on streaming services to watch good movies, they will take that money and use it to fund the bad movies that they want to make, and get their friends in the media to write "Fresh" reviews for them.
The next level, which we've already seen hinted at with Captain Marvel and in the video game industry, is an effort to suppress audience reviews, and remove ratings completely from the distribution platforms. Then you end up with a silo'd media existence, where wrongthing is banned, and you will be ostracized for noticing that what you're being served isn't the genuine article.
Your only option for this will be to cancel your whole subscription. If you have your internet connection from a monopoly provider which bundles that streaming service, good luck with that. Congratulations, you have less choice than the "socialist" countries Europe who have state broadcasters - those actually have public oversight; Disney/Comcast/Netflix/etc does not.
She could set up a po box or have it delievered at work or something
In case anyone missed this when I last posted:
Have a great day everyone!
>You friends of Alita are weird
Could you imagine if Rosa did this? Shit would sell so fast
Alright guys what's your excuse for being here on a Friday night, come one don't be shy.
Where is it Friday?
I would instantly drop a decent amount of money on that...
Maybe I can just carry around pic related on me at all times, until I bump into her one day, haha would be funny right? think about it tho
Alita hasn't made back any money yet, but it should with home video, streaming and merch sales.
I uhh..this was a test!
I meant Saturday ha! Got you! forgive me
anyways... Couldn't fly down to the LA meetup so I'm drinking and working on models and listening to various metal bands right now. Still comfy though.
I'd carry the sword around just in case.
Have a relevant pic. This doesn't apply to any of us though because we're with our frens.
That's not something Alita would say to a fren...
Now I'm thinking about having the steel Damascus sword signed by all the cast.... knowing it will most likely never happen...
I was writing a paper for 8 hours today so my mind is tired.
I'm sure someone gets off to this
HAHAHAA it's ok fren we all make mistakes
You actually convinced me it's Friday and I started to panic
got endgame off my checklist
had its moments, but I have no desire to re-watch it
now back to Alita
k bye guys
It's already late so have a sukku instead
>tfw The Dirt has beaten Alita as the “highest rated film by audiences” in Rotten Tomatoes with 95% over Alita’s 94
don't do it user you'll miss the sequel
>tfw i'd let vamplita sukku me but i'm highly sensitive to blood loss and pass out easily and she'd have to take care of me while i'm out
I probably am. There were some hype moments i wanna rewatch.
Trips confirm it's time to
>present your neck
The hell is The Dirt?
I would if I had a remote to skip ahead
it did felt like a 3 hour movie
You say this like it's a bad thing
Also bless
Felt kinda normal to me. I just wanna see Thor again.
First time I saw Alita I seriously debated seeing it again in the next possible showing
Anyone know if the LA anons are back yet?
well it's beating endgame I'll take it
they'll be out until midnight at least, user. Get comfy until then.
I would pay good money to make a porno with Rosa. God she is so fucking hot. Those looks she makes for camera's, you just know she's a whore in bed.
>mfw an user convinced some alitans there was a shooting taking place where the meet-up was last time
Pretty good mischief
hey guys. I'm from an exclusive IRC based streaming community and we're considering watching an Alita cam tonight
Could you fill us in on the following:
> What is it that has sustained your interest in Alita since it was released?
> what is the best cam release currently?
Thank you for your help
jerome's second best work.
>split second
It was a 4 hour conversation but yes.
For a city that feeds off misery and is that close to being the embodiment of evil, it sure has an artistic underside, compliments to the architects
> What is it that has sustained your interest in Alita since it was released?
Rare non-MCU sci-fi, rare cyperpunk, good passion-driven adaptation of the manga, good direct and indirect storytelling, great emotional OST, lots of little details and nods to the manga, great casting and actors, good action, good CGI, top-notch qt cyborg waifu
> what is the best cam release currently?
Sadly, still the cam-rip with piss-filter and Chinese letters all over it
I saw the movie like three or four times before I ever came here but these threads have helped sustain it.
Best camrip is sadly the weird Chinese one
usually evil looks cool so...
Post the link to the streaming party faggot.
Most people wouldn't guess what it is though, they might just think it's a symbol from LOTR
You won't regret it user.
as long as you can stand the rip atm, it's not even that bad quality just the fact it has a Chinese dictionary all over it..
can you IRC?
hence why it'll be my second, covert nerdy tattoo.
well we're still discussing what we gon watch. It just may be a 204p cam of Blade 2 from 2002
But if you wanna drop by we at #Yea Forumsshows @ rizon
You could watch the Alita anime movie, that's on youtube in pretty good quality
that's a good suggestion as well. thank you
>I do not like this portrait. Its smug aura mocks me
Send nudes
I never get a chance to post this so it's getting posted NOW
user ... trying to watch Alita in IMAX
I love being able to post obscure stuff
so much of my /alita/ folder is now incomprehensible. Pics like that I'm just waiting to post.
I love you guys.
I love you too fren
>what do i expect?
What is this healing that is happening tonight?
I'm a simple man: I see the wholesome post, I post the wholesome smile.
That color scheme and design motifs remind me of this.
Make sure you tell us how you find it!
i would like to thank /alita/ for its input
our viewing is on for tonight using the 1XBet release for maximum ambiance
I think if the IMAX 3D screenings are a confirmed limited return because of fan response, we should send in the letter to the crew we were going to do earlier last month.
You'll be missing out on a lot in the visual department, be sure to remember that the movie looks amazing normally
But how could they be? You really think they'd give up Endgame IMAX tickets sales?
What are the odds that the sequel to this movie gets made?
As rips go I've seen MUCH worse desu.
I really hope so. My only disappointment was the cliffhanger ending.
There are huge ads that fill up like a quarter of the screen some of the time
35% because of Cameron and he owns the rights, 35% because of it made some money and fans love it. It loses 30% because of Disney not wanting to distribute it and then it becoming a big transferring to a different studio problem.
only correct answer.
lmao this is exactly what we want
why is that
I saw the rip I think your using, there is a better version out there.
This one should be better: well I think it's this one at least.
I'm pretty sure that's the 1xbet version
we're on a kick watching cams for maximum shittiness
I get the impression they're looking for a movie to laugh at, not watch seriously
i actually want to see the movie but after watching the 1XBet avengers cam we want more in a similar style
Yeah but this is a movie meant for IMAX not shittiness
Watch a B-movie on youtube if that's what you're after, I watched Hell Comes to Frogtown last night
Someone on the letterboxd crew is really pushing for Alita to get more attention. Have had her on the crew picks movies list for like two months. Right now only 38K people on Letterboxd has hit as watched it, meanwhile Endgame already has 67K views from two days.
I honestly didn't mind it tbb, I just hate watching any cam video, the quality is ways so poop. So I don't mind living with odd fps dip and the Chinese takeaway menu on the screen.
Pic related is an underrated look. It only works if you have a physical job though, officecucks need not apply.
yeah literally only if you're a farmer
This movie had two delays, right? One major one and one minor one? The major one was to redo /ourgirl/'s appearance, so what was the minor one for? Just waiting for a better release date?
why is there an anvil there
oh boy, a new Rosa laughing gif.
pretty much, it was slated for Dec 2018 before Feb 2019.
#Yea Forumsshows @ rizon
Maybe he likes V8?
So, crazy theory, what if I buy this ticket, and other Florida anons too, and go on a road trip as I pick anons up to get there?
Shit, forgot pic related. North Carolina has an Alita IMAX 3D showing in May.
Everybody has been finding those, we're not sure if it's a glitch or a rerelease
So, what's this for?
I believe that's for the stream they mentioned just a little while ago
Doesn't look like it. 30-year-old-boomers-inc?
>YFW 1:20
That's a tool used for tilling the soil, son.
Works for a lot of rural people.
>mfw people appreciate the gifs I find
elysium is very good movie in my opinion
it gets hate that doesnt deserve
and elysium is almost like a prequel to Alita, it almost feel like it could perfectly fit alita as a prequel
There's something so unusually heart tugging about the whole film. It really is a class act at getting everything correct.
There's one an hour from me doing one showing a day May 24-30 so maybe it's not a glitch
It's so frustrating and upsetting knowing how the movie got so screwed by factors outside of its control. /ourgirl/ deserved so much better.
Compliments to their crew too, couldn't have been easy to build either.
>B-but that's the end of my movie user...
>Did you want to leave that bad...
Elysium is good and I agree that it's a bit like a prequel, other people have said that Alita rips it off but the concept for Alita was made in the '90s
Alita never gets to have it easy
Yes, because then he can go to the sequel.
At the end of the day, what I bring down to is the marketing and audiences. Audiences just weren't buying it. It's only once you see it you realize how right it is, how fantastic it is. From day one of the trailer, people shrugged it off. It's weird how Alita ended up in a spot where it was successful enough, but not big enough to be really called a huge hit, and it can still even be considered niche.
I agree. From the moment Ido lifts her from the trash heap to the moment Nova looks at her from Zalem everything felt magical.
I got hate for the same reasons Brie got hate.
Their shitty politics being forced into everything.
I like parts of it but overall, it just doesn't stick with me.
Alright comfy time.
It has been comfy time. What we need is new bread!
I'll bake some bread give me just a sec
She will win, user. Have faith.
>Yay, glad you liked it!
i think elysium is a good companion piece and it works as a double feature with alita
not perfect but a good companion
Thank you Mr baker
>650 mile roadtrip with some random anons from all over florida
You know, I might actually be down for that if I didn't have a job.
Well, if it's on a weekend, it would be possible.
it might not be my favorite but it's definitely a great appetizer for Alita.
I work 7 days a week 3 weeks on one weekend off. Doesn't line up with my weekend off sadly.