Movies women will never understand

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Fucking braindead americans

Do you think LiberAls hate african albinos for their whiteness? Do you think they're threatened by it?

>2001's opening 10 minutes

Just nuke twitter

She's unironically 100% right though

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Kill everyone on it that isn't using a burner to get free shit for complaining to companies.

Where do people get these Twitter screencaps? Are these your friends? Are you following them? How is it that you just stumble on Tweet bait every day like clockwork?

2010 was a far better movie than 2001.

Triggered /pol/

Who allowed Americans to have opinions?

The music is pretty pretentious I have to admit

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Its a documentary

My sister likes most of these movies.

I fucked my sister while watching most of these movies.

2001 is a very boring movie outside of the intro.

The duality of man.

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>Dead poets society
That's liteally a chick flick. This and that one with the creepy rabbit and time travel are women-core crap

Kubrick was American

Lol the last reply about the monkeys

MtFs don't count


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Kubrick's movies are boring as hell. The only one i tolerated was Dr Strangelove

can i marry your sister

these are probably british actually. they showed 2001 on BBC 2 tonight

Ima go out on a limb and say every movie in hollywood, they fail to understand.

But the beginning is the best part of the movie.

is she a monkey?

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No she didn't. Girls don't like things that aren't about soothing their constant petty need for attention.

A woman doesn't understand something so they shriek "muh representation" in confusion and frustration.

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call me a woman but paths of glory and barry lyndon are pure garbage

kubrick flicks are hit or miss

those are literally his best movies you retard

I don't know about pretentious but it's fucking long and sluggish. The effects were top notch but other than airlock scene. Every other docking scene is long as fuck.

Why dont white liberals commit suicide if being white is so horrible to the fabric of existence?

/ourguy/ Gareth

Women love to be dominated in every sense of the word. Them being the enemy of everyone at all times passively turns them on.

Bonjour Madame

>hit or miss
well yeah, what other options are there?

she's a film buff and likes all the great movies. reads movie books and such. also heterosexual btw. one in a million I suppose.

>Del Toro literally explained Pan's Labyrinth was all about the evils of patriarchy
>idiot user still adds it to the compilation

He wasn't braindead, though.

That last reply

Gareth carrying the torch there

>a clockwork orange

>No BR 2049
>No Paths of Glory

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I guess he never misses huh

That's revisionist woke shit he said recently. In the DVD commentary he said the pale man represented pedophiles who can "only see children with their hands" and it was all very symbolic. Sad to hear he's a SJW now, he was cool back in the day.



>Point Break
How retarded are you?

this but semi-ironically

based and bantpilled gareth

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Based and redpilled, Hitler digits confirm

The Godfather’s hot garbage. Replace it with cool hand luke

A male with a 130iq is smarter than 95% of men and 99% of women so yeah women are pretty fucking dumb when it comes to non pedestrian iqs.

>normalfags invade the internet
>literally people who should never have had the ability to voice their braindead opinions to the world
>society falls apart as the moronic populace descends into tribal identity politics over bullshit

Fuck this gay Earth

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>be trained to complain about "representation" in media
>could not articulate a coherent argument as to why

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sometimes i forgot Yea Forums is a teen board for frustrated little boys then threads like this appear on the wild

>on the wild
go back to your gamefaqs reddit facebook twitter imgur shit

well, I guess it's a shame you have sub75 then...
tough titties.

Voicing opposition to brain dead opinions doesn't mean they're /pol/tards you troglodyte.

>le tribalism of le internet
I miss the old days when there was real differences irl about being a rocker, a punk, a raver, a freak, a nerd, a metalhead, a goth, etc
must be pretty fucking sad growing up relating to a fucking .com/.net/.org over another com/.net/.org

>watch this
>go search on the internet
>america actually exists
wtf bros....

go the fuck back, newfag

Stop projecting kiddo


absolute shit taste.

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Every gf i had. Never understood the genius of this movie

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>Gareth's reply

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Kubrick was mediocre.

I hate that movie so much that it makes me angry.

I thought he said it was about Spanish Facism.

Cool projection, tranny.

I guess they never miss, huh?

Do you mind if I dance wif yo date?

She's crazy now.

Women will never understand or admit that Blue is the Warmest Color's non nude scenes were never meant to be watched.

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Kind of sad those are the criteria they use to judge movies.

So out of all those movies you pick the fucking Godfather to shit on and not the dumpster fire that is The Grey?!

>incel core

>chad Jon
>"The sex scenes were hot as fuck bro"
>virgin Karen
>"It was about love!" (it wasn't)

Wait until she sees the ending

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Was watching 2001 with my mom in the room and she said it looked boring

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>Movies women will never understand

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>those quotes
kek it fits

Bro it's the first 10 minutes, which literally only has monkeys. The kino space with classical music scene hasn't started, at which brainlets can begin to think it's pretentious.

Lea's hot but I've never wanted to suck on anybody's lips more than Adele's.

I watched 2001 for the first time recently and I feel like a pleb. I thought it went on for too long and meandered. Is there more to it or is it just overrated?

Based Gareth

Women have no concept of time. She didn't think the monkey scene was that long.

Watch it at 1.5x speed. Was a pretty kino experience for me desu.

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Women don't understand anything except Harry Potter

>watches 10 minutes
>judges it
>calls anybody else pretentious

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My mum loves this movie and the books.

yeah thats the joke, guy...

Garbage opinion. Maybe I could have let you go with Barry Lyndon, but Paths of Glory is literally one of his best.

Based. Helped raise my youngest sister and she's a movie buff with good taste too.
Good to know I'm not the only one trying to salvage the zoomer generation.

The Wrath of Gareth

The Outsiders was based off of a book written by a teenage girl whoever made this is fully retarded.

Coincidentally I watched about half of 2001 again last night, still as amazing as the first time I saw it. Fuck these people.

I asked my dad about this movie when I was a kid because the cover looked interesting. His exact words were "I don't remember a lot about it, all I remember is that it was the most boring movie I ever saw. Nothing even happened."

Still haven't seen it to this day.

Mel Gibson movies

I was at Dragoncon a few years back. One of the actors or something from space odyssey was there doing a panel, massive room, packed.

They were doing a QA at the end and a girl asked the guy a question about how much she loves the movies and if he has any thoughts on how we can get more women into the genre.

He said don't bother, women don't care about it, it's not in them, etc..

She started crying



The fuck scenes were hot and the rest of the movie was intensely boring. It was your standard early-20s "I'm bored with life and don't know what to do with myself" crap.

So when a movie goes over your head you just cry about some social justice point in order to invalidate the movie so you don't feel like an absolute retard?

That's easy, Signs

>that last response

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Degenerates like you belong on a cross

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Sorry Britcucks this one is on you. As if the name Gareth didn't give it away though.

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>t. actual incel

I'd like to hear Helen explain why it was "ground-breaking in its day" but is now bad. Do you think she can explain it or do you think that acknowledging its cultural relevance is just a way to mask her baseless attack?

>turns out muslims were the ones clapping in theaters
>turns out pozz "writers" are british
Has all the antiamerican shit on this site always been pure projection?

Please delete this.

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Kill everyone on it that isn't a Japanese artist posting their art, but also force all those Japanese artists to move to a non-shit site for posting art.

>tweeting while watching a movie

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Almost universally, yes. Note that Kubrick was American.

Well, it's decided then. She didn't care for it.

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>Gareth's reply
Holy Based!

Luckily she won't be bearing children.

>*checks listings*
Why the fuck would she look at a list for an ETA?


kys pleb


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>British """""people"""""

At least she's active and not a couch potato like you, and who cares let her have her opinion what does it affect you? You'd be lucky to land a girl like her.

You're literally just a brainlet. That's okay though, you can fix it. Read up on the plot of the movie and watch it again. I promise you'll enjoy it more. You have to train your 2019 brain to appreciate it.

Chances are she's already barren.

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muh man Gareth

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Am woman, just finished the book today. It was shallow as fuck. One giant pseudophilosophical deepity with an LSD trip at the end. Fucking astronmers, fucking space fags, all smug and dreamy eyed with no substance and no sense of genuine conflict.

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The vast majority of women on this list should clue you in:

You are almost definitely male, and you've never read the book if you thought it ended with an LSD trip.


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At 24 weeks pregnant I'm the most female I've ever been, and yeah, the ending was so pointlessly LSD I checked the date of first publication in the front. 1968. LSD.

I'm a f-female as well haha

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Jesus Christ at least put some effort into it. Nobody's ever gonna buy even the first post of this bait.
Getting (You)s is worthless. That's not why you bait.

I can never make up my mind whether I'm lonlier here or in meatspace.


Doesnt belong there

And it's not even racist! That's what's so insane about this! It would've been in Africa.

My girlfriend wanted my dick after we watched Pumping Iron.

Gareth getting buck wild on these hoes

Gareth the absolute madlad

Dab of the year by gareth

she isn't wrong. 2001 could have been just kubrick jerking off for 2 hours and been the same movie

>excercise makes you barren
Are you American?

No, but your reading comprehension suggests you are. Don't reply to me again.

>this movie is boring old shit
>tennis fan

>that face
Quintessentially British.

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That monkey joke is perfect

rip harlan you little jew man

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>muh spaghetti

The first half wont understand, the other will get pissed at gf ditching scene
+ some cucks would hate it for "HE SHOULD HAVE CHOSE GIRL!!" mindset

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12 Angry Men

Obligatory post.

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5'11" v. 6'0"

I don't remember anything about this movie.

Anything about war, sacrifice for the greater good, competition, internal conflict, brotherhood/camaraderie, and business are movies that women can never truly understand.
They usually walk away with the wrong conclusion or miss the point all together.

I’d argue the average woman would understand Falling Down better than the average man.
That dude was a manipulative, entitled and abusive asshole, yet if you don’t know someone like that really well irl then he comes across as a misunderstood antihero. My dad is just like him and growing up in that house isn’t something you’d wish on your worst enemy.

Fuck that guy, he was a stereotypical snowflake.

Tits or gtfo

I don't like 2001 that much either, but she doesn't have to be such a retarded cunt about it.

My mom's favorite movie is 2001: A Space Odyssey, her second favorite is Stalker.

If I didn't know for a fact she gave birth to me I'd swear she was a MtF transsexual because she's got great taste in films


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How do you know for a fact that she gave birth to you?

Video footage......don't ask.

gonna be even lonelier when you realize the cavity you call a vagina is ruined by the birth of your offspring and your "partner" Tyrone bails on you.