How can manlets compete?

how can manlets compete?

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I can tell this fat douchebag isn't even strong.

how big do you think his pee pee is ?

4 inches or something huge like that ?

By being able to have a good looking dick print in basketball shorts. That just looks sad.

With guns.

With firearms.

What a cringe and autistic shirt. I don't give a fuck how strong you are, it's like the top dog in mensa or magnus carlssen wearing a shirt that says smart mother fucker.

Best strongman coming through at the ideal height of 6'1"
Swerve, lanklets

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It's Goliath

how old is he

Mensa. Hopefully you're joking. They're truck driver losers who site a fake test as proof of their superiority.

By having a longer lifespan.

Yeah, this one's better.

Attached: Robert+Oberst.jpg (800x1200, 479K)

he'll be dead of heart disease in a few years. how many old men his size have you ever seen?

Murder your family and then yourself.

Not that impressive when you realise his wife is literally like 4'11

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They are retarded fucks who got into strength training because they were only good at picking things up. I'm not saying lifting is for dumbasses, just that dumbasses are drawn to it because it's the easiest thing for them to do and put everything into.
They need to be told they are strong because they are insecure, they need people to know they are strong because they just look like a fatass,and it's the only thing they do.

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I wish they would swap heights. I want a near 7' amazon.

they cant LMFAO

>*gets in a fight*
>*gets stabbed a dozen times while he flails around*
ah yes, 'strength'

Same thing could be applied to swimming, running, fighting, etc though. Are you saying that these sports are dominated by retards?

hello yes is this compensating general?

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literally you

Attached: jQLkvKw.jpg (324x600, 31K)

>reddit spacing

By realizing that the fact that I don't look like him is beyond my control, and by not basing my entire identity and existence around the fact that I'm really tall.

Focused talents and skills are for simple-minded fools, unlike renaissance men like myself.

>A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyse a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

nevermind that is is a quote from a fictional immortal superhuman that fucks his own mom

>fake test
Shitskin detected

>Broken world records
>Not strong

Hey there little /pol/ dude

Spotted the beta cuck

How can people not realize this guy probaly has a 3 inch dick. Probably from all the steroids. That is why he wants this tiny girl. So his dick still feels normal.

>falls for the bait

i mean there's some truth in the meme

Yeah and in the 18th century that would've been great.

Imagine them fucking
Why isn't tehr more porn like this
i know of one but it is interracial

>walk into jail
>this is your cellmate
>crack a joke
>I know we're suppose to help our celly in fights but I don't think you need any
>sadistic snickering from him
>end up on the same yard in prison 8 months later
>get sworn into the Brand as a "member"

lmao manlet powerfantasies
99 times out of a 100 you get tossed to ditch like the pitiful dwarves you are

>this guy probaly has a 3 inch dick
as if that's a bad thing

Learning new things is easy, mastering a single craft takes decades. You will never be good at anything.

Glad he finally won.

Attached: World s Strongest Man.jpg (829x1114, 489K)

rofl this level of short dick dwarf projecting you will never be a real boy

fails for his counter bait.

Only CLEGANEBOWL can defeat this man.

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>nietzsche tattoo

Love me some World's Strongest Man.

Attached: Mikhail Shivlyakov.webm (1920x1080, 2.94M)

Inb4 that karate expert user pops up

Lol. I just Googled "the brand prison" XD

>spend time and effort to better your body
>ruin it with tattoos

>professional fighter beats someone trained in an entirely different profession
wow amazing


How much was that?

Attached: eddie-hall.jpg (400x600, 41K)

well just having a knife is going to give you an even bigger advantage than being an mma fighter

how big is his dick?

They really held it in Botswana 2 years in a row?

I'm 5'11.75''

based eddie hall. I love mikhail shivlyakov though he's always smiling.


>retards on this site spew their autistic and cringe opinions publicly, without any background in the subject at hand
>dude wears a cheeky shirt referencing his background as a world record holder and someone gets triggered

>proffesional MMA faggot hopped up on speed beats a drunk powerlifter
>kills him in his manlet rage by beating the now unconcious drunkard in the face repeatedly as his rests against cushy asphalt

wow much impressed.

Ask his son in a couple of years, men should spurn womanlets and their defective genes

Why are there so many Icelandic dudes?
Doesn't Iceland have a population of like 10 people?

>strongest men
>take a gun and shoot them
>they fall

I don't think so.
Being KO'd stops you cold.
Being stabbed doesn't, and adrenaline can keep you up and fighting even as you bleed to death.

It looks like he died from his head hitting the conrete pretty damn hard. It doesn't require much to kill a man.

>that belly fat
>them love handles

Dude is big no doubt but bing that big and borderline obese ain't good for the heart.

Too bad he admitted to juicing

They have a strong heritage of it and are exposed to it on television.

>Magnus Carlsen
Autistically memorizing lines since childhood doesn't make one smart, user

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If it was a world's deadliest man competition, Count Dante would win over any man with a gun.

Attached: 15540938873837221.jpg (1280x799, 286K)

kek eddie hall and brian shaw had to switch plane seats as they're combined mass was too great.

Attached: strongest-men-airplane.jpg (2700x2019, 456K)

It is funny seeing a big dude domesticated and serving a bland woman, he is her golem, like all men.

>not even once

the difference is he worked for it

Speedsters can just exhaust you because you wont ever hit them dumbass.

absolute units these lads

I would say most sports are, if you want to be elite at anything, it takes dedication from a young age. If you're focused on sport, then you're probably not too academic.

Real life brawls aren't like your animes, weeb.

Lift weights and make love, not war.

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So much coping going on in this thread. If chess was just memorizing lines why isn't some autistic savant with photographic memory world champion? If IQ is just a phony test why is it so well correlated with success in areas we'd think intelligence affects? If this guy just has a small dick why is he banging such a qt3.14?
The world's not fair. Some people are simply better than you and there's nothing you can do about it. Deal with it.

Steroids shrinks you're balls, not your dick. Being fat engulfs your dick, effectivly shrinking it.

If you can reflexively dodge any attack from a dude you win the fight as they cant never hit you and will tire out.

What the fuck are they supposed to do with no alcohol, 4 month long nights and one small town but to lift

>"Must remember to wear my super alpha top dawg shirt today as I walk around carrying shopping for a woman..."

I honestly hope you'll one day utilize your Tom and Jerry tier understanding of fighting.

But that never happens in real life. Even mayweather under very restricted rules of what you're allowed to do got hit a lot, just not relative to everyone else. Ali turned into a retard for it. You can't just dodge all day like in anime or chink movies.

9pl8 and a little 5 or 2.5

Just to rub it in that blacks are stengthlets.

You can if your reflexes are good enough but only a rare percentage of people have reflexes that good, Im saying this because you said speed cant win a fight. Maybe lets use a chimp who can literally dodge any non gun attack you use instead.

>Even mayweather under very restricted rules of what you're allowed to do got hit a lot
Yeah, but he was fighting world class boxers, not street peasants that telegraph what they're throwing years before they throw it.

By taking all the steroids

i want them to beat the shit out of me then impale my bleeding ass and mouth with their cocks

>If IQ is just a phony test why is it so well correlated with success in areas that were established by the same thought process that went into the creation of this test
Really makes you think. I definitely wouldn't discredit IQ for being a good marker for success in our society but there's an obvious reason for it's accuracy

How are you going to knock someone out that has a neck so strong, that you can't shake the skull hard enough to knock them out?

how big do you think his pee pee is ? like 4 inches or something huge like that?

based retard

I think it is very average but looks very small on his huge frame
