God damn this movie was so fucking good

God damn this movie was so fucking good

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Other urls found in this thread:


It is.
But then.
You keep thinking about it.
The more you think about it.
The worse it gets.
Easily bottom 5 in the MCU's 22 movies.

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Why did Captain Marvel only have two scenes

The more I think about it the better it gets.

I sharted my pants during the screening

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It lowkey sucked and all of the character personality changes were IM3 level of cheap gag that got stretched out for hours.
I just kinda turned off my interest the second a smart hulk created a fucking time machine to turn ant-man into a baby, only for Tony to show up the next scene with a perfect time machine. Like I get using Time travel as a plot device but they way how they utilized it was Hobbit tier of cheese.

Who else /bigbladder/ here? Sitting thorugh this movie was EZ. Wish it was longer.

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That's not what your mom thought last night lmao


I went to piss the moment they did the walk to the time machine. Second I saw several superheros walking in slow motion with a Captain America monologue, I knew I had at least a minute.

How do you pee in at least a minute? For me it takes like 6 seconds to pee but the walk to and from the bathroom takes a while. Also take in the time washing hands and that's over a minute. You must be a piss-god.

reminder: nebula is best girl

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He came back right as soon as the rabbit said "He's really good at that"

So, yea, he's really good at peeing.

>For me it takes like 6 seconds to pee
kek how microscopic are we talking with respect to your bladder?

It was pretty shit. Like, 3/10. Only """"Joke""""" that made me exhale a bit more than usual was the "Hello mister regularsized-man"

Too powerful to be in it more.
Also can remind people that there are other planets in the universe so many times.

OP can I ask what ya liked about it?

Watch more movies.

It was surprisingly boring, remarkably predictable as soon as Ant Man appeared for the first time, and had the worst """jokes""" in any Marvel movie I've seen.

I don't need a reminder, i know it user


>Also can remind people that there are other planets in the universe so many times.
yes, but also there is that infinity gauntlet which can kill anyone on every planet so it should have priority I GUESS

same timing here

This. The hype was better than the pay off.

The plot, the characters, the visuals. Everything was fucking great. I didn't like when the ads started saying that this is 22 movies of buildup because that sounded bullshit but after seeing the movie its true. Almost every mcu movie has built up to this moment. That big battle at the end was peak kino. Although, I hated all the soibois sitting next to me. It was hilarious when all the dead heroes started showing up at the big battle and the soibois started clapping but it was only them clapping. They weren't even full clapping either, it was like awkward clapping because they realized they were the only ones clapping.


I completely disagree. Infinity War was good but Endgame is 10 times better. Endgame feels like a full movie while IW is just 2 hours of setup.

I actually clapped when pic related happened

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the spoilers in the brackets need to be lowercased. Pro tip: Write whatever you want then highlight it and press CTRL S. It adds the spoiler tags for you
Like this

Was I the only one thinking she talks like Poochi? "My planet needs me" then phases out of the hologram thing.

IW is the jerking.
EG is the climax.


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holy shit nigger i never knew about the ctrl+s thing that's incredibly helpful thanks!

I loved that she got so much screentime

I didn't know either until about 2 months ago

So how is it possible fortnite still exists in 2023? Pretty sure all the zoomers got snapped

What if Infinity war and Endgame were combined into one giant movie? Would it be better or worse?

All the good game devs got snapped. Thor plays Fortnite because it shows how much of a loser he has become.

Someone will obviously do a fan edit.

Worse I think. I like to look at it like MGS Ground Zeroes to MGSV.

Honestly I wouldn't be mad if this won all of the big oscars

Man that Widow scene was kino

I didnt see it coming because shes getting her own solo movie. Wonder if its a prequel

>mom jokes
>likes capeshit
At last I have become 15 years old

There was another cut that gave her more parts and they didn't use it because of the poor reception of captain marvel

Unironically this.
Seriously, if you discount all the fanservice, is there much left to like about this movie? It should have been called Infinity war par 2: loose ends.

What's wrong with fanservice?

Thor meeting his mom, pure kinomatography.

I knew about it for a while, but sometimes it doesnt work for ke and tries to save the page for some reason.

Adam made the same joke on their funhaus movie podcast.

Credit him next time.

I stole that joke from another thread, not some podcast

But Captain Marvel made a billion dollars so I doubt disney cares what people think unless it affects their money

Kill yourself

>At last
Aren't you already 15?

nigga what

Felt some real kidney pain when I finally relieved myself after the show. It subsided on the car ride home, but I bailed as soon as the credits started to roll.

hack filmmaking to distract you from all the stupid shit

I thought the fanservice actually served a purpose. It ties every MCU movie together and makes it really feel like the conclusion of a saga.

"Team" movies are for girls

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Don't know what that is but I don't want to google it.

the only major plothole in the movie is capitan america at the end

If thanos can teleport a whole fucking ship in the time platform, why didnt they just teleport some sort of vehicle for each group so they had more chances

I'm a bit confused on that as well but maybe it's because they only had a set amount of pym particle vials. But then again they could just time travel to get more particles so that doesn't make sense either. I'm willing to overlook the dumb time travel logic because the movie is cool.

agreed. one of my favorite all time films now.

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As an individual movie it's a 6.5/10 as the end of a series it's a solid 8

>Need a hand?
>I like this one.
>There. I aimed for the head.
>Remember me? Ant-man! We fought at the airport!
>No, not like back to the future... okay, yes. Just like back to the future.
>I'm ant-man, do you want my autograph? Oh, I see. I'm not as great as the hulk is that it?
>Watch out for the idiot eating tacos in the landing zone.
>I think I pooped my pants, but I don't know if it was baby me or old me or meme.
>Tell noobmaster69, I'll come to his basement and shove his arms up his ass.
>Come on, Thor! We need you... ... we have beer on the ship.
>Easy there, Lebowski.
>I think you look great, Cap! As far as I'm aware, that's america's ass.
>Hail Hydra.
>That IS america's ass.
>Thank you for all you've done... for this country.
>Weird beard.
>So he's an idiot.
>Haven't you seen indian jones?! There are always traps!
>I can do this, I can do this... I can't do this!
>I can do this all day.
>No no no, I take the big one, you take the small one!
>The first time didn't hit! The second time hit them both!
>It was either him or a tree...
>Yeah? Well, I am... Iron man.
>You like cheeseburgers? I'm gonna give you all the cheeseburgers you want.
>Yeah, of course you're in charge! Hahahah! ... Of course.

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>one of my favorite all time films now.
Is that sarcasm?

scarjew looking pretty good there

She's been looking pretty bad recently but I guess Marvel finally told her to get her shit together

How many people stared at you while you wrote these in your hello kitty notebook in the theatre?

anyone have a link to the movie

He probably had to watch it more than once to get all of those lines too

kys, you fucking brainlets

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No, Disney don't give a shit about what a bunch of incels on twitter think. We live in a capitalist society and we vote with our wallets. It was a very successful movie.

>Paying extra attention to all the quips to the point they are ingrained in your brain

Kill yourself

no. I gave it a 10/10 and think it’s a masterpiece. can’t wait to buy it on 4K

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It's confirmed 1 billion dollar debut

>B-But much Yea Forums said it would floppity poo because of muh women

BWAHAHAHHA Yea Forums utterly and eternally BLOWN THE FUCK OUT yet AGAIN!!! How will Yea Forums ever recover?
Protip: They can't


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>just turn off your brain!
yikes back at ya

cap being worthy was kino

I watched a camrip and the guy recording kept laughing at all the jokes which, in turn ,made me laugh by proxy

also professor hulk was easily my favorite character in that whole movie

>this whore shows up
>loudly groan and boo at her
>hear several people join me and yell "shut up" at her
Pretty fucking based.

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Why didn't the xmen help?

I wanna fuck her blue pussy so much

This but (((they))) don't want you to say that.

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This never happened.

I liked the dab it was good

>they join in and yell shut up at her
>at her
oh user... I have some bad news for you


going to go see it tomorrow, will definitely try to replicate

this, but unironically

>>You like cheeseburgers? I'm gonna give you all the cheeseburgers you want.
What the fuck was up with this line?! Her father's fucking dead and this fat pedo fuck is touching her waist talking about fucking cheeseburgers!!

It was just as boring as Infinity War.
Thank god I mostly stopped watching these movies after Avengers 2 and only watched Civil War ever since.
Spending so much time for such mediocre payoff would have made me actually angry.
Oh wow, guess what, everyone got revived and the ones who's contracts ended died, what a fucking surprise.

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>Thor 2
>Captain Marvel
>Iron man 3
>Avengers 2
>Ant Man and the Wasp
It's certainly not bottom 5

Mutants don't give a single shit about humanity, they only deal with mutant problems

RDJ and Chris Evans were the perfect choices for their respective characters

>It was just as boring as Infinity War.
>Thank god I mostly stopped watching these movies after Avengers 2 and only watched Civil War ever since.

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I didn't watch any of the other movies.
I just watched IW and Endgame because my friends pretty much dragged me.
Not anymore though, just awful.
CGI seems to be getting worse with each movie, too.

This changes my world. I've been manually typing it in for years...years.

Professor Hulk is the best character in the movie.

Fuck off, reddit newfags.

So when Peter went back to high school, is like half the school's population new to him? Im sure any kid who was like 11 when the snap occurred was now 16 and in high school. Is there a club for snap victims?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way


I’m disappointed he like whispered it. He should’ve yelled it as loud as he could

I don't understand what happens after Hulk tries to use the gauntlet. So 2014 Nebula came forward in time with a ship ans crashes it into avengers hq?

Disney knows that they bought the tickets through charities that let schools take little girls to see females represented in comic book movies. They did the same with black panther

Did they reshoot the past scenes again or just splice it in from the GotG and Avengers

>they yell shut up at her

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Based population control

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eating a sloppy cheeseburger is what inspired RDJ to stop taking drugs

>arrives to planet in 2014
>"heeey i think thanos will be here now lol, sorry i didn't think of it before we went back in fucking time."

>The plot
are you fucking serious?

Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.

they did it
those crazy sunavabitches at disney did it
they finally made true cape kino

Does she even have a pussy or has it been replaced with a robot pussy like her other body parts?

Thor has ptsd from decapitating thanos, he's gone to shit the past 5 years but "beer that might be good" convinces him to go back?
"time travel is literally impossible" 1 night of creating 3d models of moebius strip later "omg i did it lol"
"hey guys, this is like the only chance we get to go back in time, we might die or ruin the universe if we fuck it up, let's try and tget hings right."
>literally ten seconds after arriving at Morag, "duude I just remember thanos and half the world will be here searching for the stone at this time"
>"also I forgot to tell the other guys that the soul stone requires a sacrifice to obtain, oopsie daisy, i guess one of them will die"
meanwhile in 2012
>"guys i have a plan, we'll have antman become small and literally kick the suitcase from within a crowd of people so that it slides to us, nobody will notice"
meanwhile in whenever the fuck mr beer and furrydude were
>"our plan consists of convincing a girl that this 120kg hobo-looking sack of shit is thor and then we can steal one of the most precious items in the universe from her when she turns around"
if antman can just turn giant, what's the fucking point of hulk? Why didn't he just step on thanos?
how did hawkeye not die when a huge concrete building collapsed on him?
why the fuck would you act surprised when your BROTHER asks for mayo on his hotdog? jesus christ, was this the first time they had hotdogs as a family?

I never saw black panther. Do these people ever stop chanting OO BO BAY?

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2014 Nebula pretends to be Future Nebula. As Hulk uses the gauntlet 2014 Nebula teleports 2014 Thanos to our time/reality

Who’s this guy?

23 movies in 10 years. wtf is wrong with them.

How did she do this? Wasn't time travel some complicated shit that they spent half the movie trying to figure out? what the fuck

I'm sure it's not the worst thing the janny had to clean
don't worry about it

I was able to endure it while still enjoying the movie but I doubt I could have last much longer

she's so unironically cool

She took Future Nebula’s time travel bracelet and pym particle vial.

I wish superheroes were more hammy with their dialogue in general really

Marvel? More like FUCKING BASED!!! amirite?


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which Adam?

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Me too. I also wish that the avengers theme blared a bit louder but the scene was still really kino

>wanda finally stops being useless
I came

Based /bigbladder/

legit had me getting misty-eyed in the theater ngl


I like how she's just a big dumb angry ICBM in this movie


I just didn't have anything to eat or drink an hour before the movie and used the bathroom right before it started. I got a big bucket of popcorn, a big come and a big bag of Malteasers so I was worried about having to go in the middle but shit was fine.

Thanos blew the walls out on that thing years ago. It's definitely been refurbished and reinforced at least a couple of times.

these niggas awakened something primal in me and I'm not even black

does goopy paltrow do anything in this movie. i already know of the spoiler so i'm gonna assume maybe

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I agree. It was excellent then good then what the fuck was i thinking. It's a 6/10 easy


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She finally dons her Rescue armor in the finale.

It would have been great if Ned and his friends won the coin flip and he had to deal with all his friends being 20 year olds. Would have made Far From Home truly interesting in some ways but I have a feeling that most movies conveniently wont deal with the ramifications of the time lapse

My theater did virtually the same. Except we booed when she appears and laughed our asses off when Thanos cold cocked her. Had the whole theater laughing with us

She gets an iron man suit and fights aliens at the final battle. It’s actually pretty cool. Other than that not much else

>There was a timeline where they lost, went back in time, and barely beat Thanos on a do-over
>This was the only timeline they won in after Doctor Strange checked out eleventy million other scenarios
>But if nebula had switched off 4g and automatic syncing everyone would have been just fine
>Nebula was right there with Strange on titan
Dumb writing. This movie only had tension because of Nebulas oversight (and even then it was only a problem because the earlier version of herself was surrounded by the other baddies when they synced). And the story wouldn't have started at all if a rat had stepped on a different button in that van.

>He doesn't know about Rescue in the movie
>He doesn't know about the A-force scene
Go watch the fucking movie dude. It's really good.

She is in the final battle. She has a couple of scenes and team-ups. It's GODAMM KINO

That outfit looks a concentration camp uniform, complete with star.

Professor just fuck my shit up senpai

I'll spoonfeed you some more you stupid nigger

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Things that never happened

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[Id wear that tracksuit/spoiler]


Best and worst parts of the movie?

>Who else /bigbladder/ here? Sitting thorugh this movie was EZ. Wish it was longer.

Me too. Never had a problem. Can down 4, 2 liter bottles of pop and not have to take a piss for hours!!!FACT!!!

the way she walks makes my dick hard

>sourceless cunt

Except that it did. Shill

Cope harder nigger.

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Her sexy stance is what impresses me. She has shit down hardcore. For example, the scene with Hawkeye.

>that one shot just before the army arrives where Cap faces down Thanos's entire army
Single most kino shot in the entirety of the MCU

Best Part: Time Heist and Final fight
Worst Part: The 10 second YAAASS QUEEN SLAY moment

>The 10 second YAAASS QUEEN SLAY moment
it made no sense, mostly because wasp was with antman trying to fix something and mantis wasn't even fighting.

I think that was kinda the point. So many pieces had to fall into place for them to even have a chance at such an impossible task.

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1)Where did Loki go after he stole the Tesseract from the Stark Tower lobby? 2)Who was that kid standing in front of Thunderbolt and Betty Ross? 3)Can Pelvic Sorcery bring back Gamorra?

>best part
Cap going to town on Thanos
captain marvel


Worst moment: The Girl Power photo op

>that many characters
>most characters get literally seconds of screentime

>was expecting a super serious movie after IW
>instead Tony and Caps final movie was a comdey time heist movie with the last 30mins being dedicated for an actual action scene.
Was pleasant surprised.

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Best: AVENGERS ᵃˢˢᵉᵐᵇˡᵉ
Worst: For me, it’s a tie between Fortnight and C. Marvel not flinching at Thanos’ headbutt and being smug about it

the first thing tony wanted after being rescued in Iron Man was "an American cheese burger"


Best part

When Thanos pimp smacks Captain marvel away

Worst part

When he dies. He was a great fucking villian, nobody ever tested the avengers like he did. He gave them work. Gonna miss the guy

Loki is probably fucking off somewhere and will be revealed later. The kid at the funeral was that kid from Iron Man 3 that helps Tony in Tennessee.

>spoiled myself with every plot detail
>thinking I ruined the movie for me
>watched movie today
>unironically one of the best movies of the year
how the fuck did they pull this off

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Thanos is a great villain but he’s run his course. It’s better to have him die a glorious death instead of later.

Pretty much all the spoiler were for the last 30mins.

did this shit happened in your theatre?

Thanos has some epic fueds with other characters in the comics, notably, galactus and Deadpool.

Why did you spoil yourself?

just in America

Corrected it for you newfag

I think it's an okay movie with a great closure. All the rest becomes irrelevant the more you think about it.

>Strange: Nebula this sounds wierd but I need you to promise to never travel to the past yourself personally ok?
Boom. 10 seconds of dialogue and everything else goes fine.

The one shot out of millions line was cool because it implied Thanos had them so badly fucked they needed to be creative in beating him. Instead in Endgame the only reason they had to fight Thanos at all was due to a cockup.

dumb question incoming

At the end, does Tony just do basic techno sleight of hand to get the stones from Thanos? All we see is him pulling on the gauntlet and the next moment the stones are on him. are we to assume that just some magic iron man suit shenanigans took the stones during this exchange?

>5 years later
>Ned still in high school
what grade are they supposed to be in in homecoming

I was at a Chinese restaurant prior to seeing Endgame. One of their big screens was set to FX and they were playing IM3. One of the worst MCU movies, imho, but still not bad. Can't go wrong with Trevor! Good catch on who that kid was, though.

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Wait, is that Peter in the background? I didn't even notice he was there lul.

Cap in the elevator with the Hydra agents
Most of the scenes with Captain Marvel


Nanomachine bullshit.

>Hey Peter Parker. You got something for me?
Why did this line turn me on so much

>Mjolnir starts to move
>Think it's going to Thor
>It fucking goes straight to Cap's hand
>Thor with a smile on his face
I unironically went full James Youniverse face at that moment.

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that elevator bit puts "Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?" in a whole new light.

This movie was fuckin bad

the fortnight scene was hilarious you humorless faggot


>snap happens
>half of human population dies
>over the next 5 years food production adjusts to the smaller population
>second snap happens
>population roughly doubles overnight
>over the next months food shortage causes a massive famine killing hundreds of millions of people worldwide
Pure macroeconomics kino

Because as much as we dislike CM, 16 year old us would have gone at Thanos with a baseball bat for Carol.

>Cap picks up the Hammer and starts Pulling off all of these thunder combos with it

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how many times has thanos pounded that cyborg vag?

easily a 4/10 movie in the MCU

2/10 movie compared to anything else

Korg should’ve been playing PS4 Spider-Man. Imagine the mindfuck

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>Cap throwing the hammer into the shield to create a shockwave

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because shes hot

>avengers.... ASSEMBLE!
how are they ever going to top this bros?

too many jokes during seirous bits when they were traveling back in time and only had one shot and then they joke about caps ass?

I found it a little cringe how long he waited to say it but I'd been spoiled before I saw the movie

How was the plot so bad in this? Did they think normies wouldn't give a shit because of cool fights?

>Guys we only have one shot cause we have no more pym particles
Literally anyone who isn't brain damaged could see the issue with this
>We need to take the gauntlet to the van so we can return the stones
They had no reason to do this and practically ran it to Thanos' hands

>I found it a little cringe
opinion discarded

I just saw the movie and this kind of post is one of two I was hoping to see, the other being the clip of WOMYN POWER.
Simply put, as I saw that scene, I realized something. It was still cringey as fuck having all the women show up at once. But at the same time, in the moment, I realized...the way it was built up in previous scenes actually made "enough" sense to not feel completely shoehorned in. Still a little bit, but not that much.
It's you faggots. The normies are still fucking retarded, but you faggots have become just as bad as the SJW fucks have. You have become that which you hate. Or at least the faggots that scheme on discord all day and launch these shitpost fests. Captain Marvel barely did anything in the movie and still got her ass beat. Her inclusion was still shoehorning at its' finest. But overall, as a whole, the movie was well done and well concluded. Cherrypicking the scene by itself is cringey. Looked at as a whole, it wasn't that bad.
Just like Thanos was right and the big picture of wiping out half of civilization wasn't that bad. It's our sense of morality and attachment that makes us think it's not.
In closing, re: all the other arguments: It's a fucking movie. Suspend your disbelief. Forget logic and reality, because they disregarded yours and substituted their own. It's a story, just like Harry Potter or the Bible. Lose yourself in it and enjoy the ride, because there's enough shit to deal with in life without missing out on silly shit for fun like movies to escape cold, harsh reality.

I definitely went "Yess!" under my breath at that moment.

Ned got dusted too

shit turned me on too, dont worry bout it

I want to literally ejaculate on her bald head

That’s even worse

How did he even manage that? Mjolnir can't summon lightning, it just channeled Thor's powers because Thor was too retarded to do it alone.

The pym particles thing was kino
The issue between Pym and Stark was that Pym thinks Stark stole his particles, when it was actually Tony taking that shit. Double kino because technically Stark did take them.

The power "of" Thor is/was infused in the Hammer itself

whoever is worthy shall have the power of thor. dont be a retard

This movie was fucking terrible.
Everything from "Five years later" until the gauntlet was fucking horribly paced and excruciating.

No I mean, before they time travel they stress a few times that they only have enough particles for one round trip each, but why couldn't they just time travel to get more of them like they literally do later on.

Apparently nebulas vial was enough to bring Thanos and his entire ship and army along. Time travel was a mistake.

The only reason Tony thought taking those particles was okay is because he realized they were stolen on that specific day anyway. Remember that he "didn't know how" he knew, but he knew. Taking the particles in any other context would result in a timeline split, which they were trying to avoid the entire movie.

If they were stolen on that day in the first place, the person who stole them didn't get them which changes the timeline too

It apparently doesn't matter about Loki escaping in New York then?

But what if it /was/ them that stole it in the first place?
Fucking time travel.

It wasn't because that's not how time travel in this movie worked

Well, that new gauntlet was basically an Iron Man gauntlet, so it would've made even more sense if Tony just whistled for the glove to fly over to him.[\spoiler]

Alright, here's a serious question that'll settle the debate once and for all
What is the name of the song playing when Cap goes back in time and dances with Peggy? Honestly liked that piece

Attached: elxu7.jpg (320x287, 13K)

What I'm saying is that Cap is always the one who stole them, my dude.

>name my son Captain Bucky
>Cap passes his shield to literally who

Attached: bates.jpg (225x225, 9K)

Who here has the spoiled gif with iron man

Time travel is a bad plot device

I don't know but that final scene unironicallly revived cinema for me, for just a brief moment. A fucking Capeshit film managed to channel cinema of old where many have tried and failed for the past few decades.

Everything after 2014 Thanos was introduced (with the exception of Avengers HQ dying and the suicide scene) I found boring and unengaging, shame, there were some scenes I genuinely liked in the first hour of the movie


Oh wow, I wonder why that is? Maybe because it's part 1 of a 2 part series?

>Dis nigga don't know about runpee

Found it to be a disappointing scene, none of the actors seemed particularly engaged and the scene needed a little bit more set up, should have gone full-musical

That's literally not how time travel in this movie works, my dude.
It's not possible to change the future in this movie, so taking them from the past wouldn't have made it so they were always stolen.

I don't understand how you niggas can't hold it 3 hours. Even old men can go about that long, fuck, futurama made jokes about how 3 hours seemed short for Farnsworth. Do you get up and piss every 45mins at home or work? Unless you're chugging too much water or diuretic drinks like Tea, you shouldn't be. Shit, even my bf who has a tiny bladder and has taken bathroom breaks on shorter movies didn't get up one fucking time during the 3hrs.

About a quarter of my theater started yelling when he walked through the portal chanting ooga booga

Movie theaters put gasses in the air to make you pee. It’s all a plot by Big Toilet



>People actually think Infinity war is a good movie

Am I being memed ?

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Yea Forums is a high school movie club at this point

Even though I disagree with you, your opinion is acceptable as long as you didn't think Endgame was good either.

I am not gonna watch Endgame

Literally the opposite of any Snyder DCEU film. First time you watch it you hate it, but the more you think about them, the better they get.

Because this movie wasn't about her, it was about Tony and Cap and Thor.
They had to nerf her and the best way was to not have her in the movie.

Infinity War is pretty good but if you rewatch it you see how many flaws it has.

Well they had to make the new Captain America a black man.

>trying to push a narrative this hard

I agree, he shouted Avengers and then mumbled Assemble. He should have shouted the entire thing.

What I loved it at first, and the more I think about it the more I love it?

Same reason why the scarlet witch is only shown few times in the film

Likewise scarlet witch is as strong as Thanos if not more

bread and circuses have won.

>watched the whole movie
>got some frozen yogurt afterwards
>went home
>didn't pee before the movie
>drank during the whole thing
>still haven't pissed

There was a white man left on the scriptwriting team who still understood that a lot of people had investment in the 10 year long protagonists and didn’t want a rando jogging the spotlight after being introduced 5 minutes ago

He’s gone now

Anyone else loved the credits when they show each OG Avenger in such special way?

I don't understand how their time travel works. They seem to flop back and forth between time travel rules just to fit the story.
They should have picked one and stuck with it.

>Hawkeye gets to live

Based Clint why do I care about you so much

Was there shit worthwhile in the credits? There was no after-credits scene so we just left.

anyone else here ok with falcon becoming the next captain america? Bucky is better as the winter soldier. Sam may be black but he’s a pretty alright guy.

how was thanos so much stronger? Or was he just in his prime? My theory was in infinity war he relied too much on the stones I guess and for some reason they didnt work on storm breaker?

Dr. Strange unironically saved the day

teleported everyone
told iron man what to do

>In closing, re: all the other arguments: It's a fucking movie. Suspend your disbelief. Forget logic and reality, because they disregarded yours and substituted their own. It's a story, just like Harry Potter or the Bible. Lose yourself in it and enjoy the ride, because there's enough shit to deal with in life without missing out on silly shit for fun like movies to escape cold, harsh reality.


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Imagine not understanding a children’s comic book movie. How much of a brainlet are you?

Henry James, "It's Been A Long, Long Time"

Not really. No after credits scene or anything just the way they did the credits for the cast and the original Avengers get a special treatment as they were show with scenes of their movies, their silhoutte and the actor signature.

At the ends of the credits when the marvel logo appears you can also hear the sound of hitting metal. A callback to Tony forging the Iron Man MK1 in the cave from IM1

Worst meme.

you know the song they played right after clint's family gets dusted? it was good shit

Bless you, user

This. I thought it was an 8/10 but the more I thought about it I'd say it's a 6/10. Wasn't dog shit, but could've been a lot better. Also, fuck that Fortnite plug. On that note, was I the only one that felt like the Thanos snap didn't really fuck Earth as hard as it would've? I mean people are still taking selfies with the hulk, playing Fortnite, and going to restaurants. How would there not be absolute chaos even after only 5 years?! Who's running the power plants, who's running the fucking Fortnite servers, who's trucking food across the country, how is anyone economy not collapsing with that many now gone, how are there not wars everywhere? Etc etc. I feel like they missed an opportunity to be like "No Thanos, we're worse off now then before" or some shit. They kinda just gloss over it.

No joke, I left at the exact same part. Came back as they came up with the plan and suited up. Only took 40 secs.

This, for the simple reason that Endgame has a time travel plot and time travel plots always suck. Endgame was great as a sort of recap of all the places the movies and characters have gone to, and had more gratuitous and satisfying fanservice than any other movie, but those are also the reasons it's not as good a movie as IW.

Also, IW didn't have Captain Bitch, which is also a plus.

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>LITERALLY calling a cash-cow superhero franchise your "friend"
I want to laugh, but I'm honestly just disgusted.

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its just 50% of the population. not 90%


I haven’t read anything else in the topic, so I’m a little confused about the rules of time travel now. They make a big deal of how they need to put the stones back in their rightful places to ensure the timeline goes as planned, but Nebula can kill her past self, past Thanos can die, and past Loki can leave with the tesseract and nothing happens?

Worse than the first one

>first part dragged
>also killing and brutalizing Thanos was shockingly out of place
>middle part with time travel shit was fine
>last battle and everything dragged like fuck

It was okay. Still a stupid comicbook movie.

Infinity war is better than erectile dysfunction I agree

It's a weird one. As an end piece it was amazing. As a movie it was bad. Had some hype as fuck moments in it I'll give it that.

This post speaks truth.


So what? If half of the population suddenly just disappeared we'd be fucked for quite some time. The world's economies would completely collapse over night

They don’t affect their past, they create an alternate reality by time traveling. They have to return the stones so they don’t doom another reality.

IW had almost perfect pacing EG suffered a lot from poor pacing. IW let a lot of the earlier movies do the heavy lifting in terms of character development, EG has a lot more of two characters talking about their feelings. The plot of IW was a bit tighter. Fighting 2014 Thanos has no weight because he's not the one who actually snapped. They literally explain that the past versions are not the same as the present. You can't stop future Thanos by killing younger Thanos because it'll just create another reality where he's dead and the reality we see remains snapped. So the emotional weight and charictarizaiton we see of Thanos in IW dies in the first 30 mins. We're left with evil for evil's sake Thanos.

But the fan service and usage of abilities is far better in EG. Lots of great moments visiting the past.

Nebula carried the movie.

Halving the population is emotionally depressing but not economically devastating. The black death might have killed up to 60% of the European population, 5 years later petiole were sad but not especially materially worse off than they were 10 years before.

Bringing everyone back and doubling the population in 2023 on the other hand, is going to be a disaster. The market won't be expecting and overnight 100% increase in demand for food.

To be fair, the plague was a lot more gradual. Not "shit is suddenly gone and half the cars on the road crash simultaneously and pilots disappear and half the people that would clean up these new messes are gone too" - we'd recover, but probably not that fast, but not Fallout "We're still fucked 200 years later" slow either.

Cringe and retarded

Fucking roasties

>He should have shouted the entire thing.
that would have been gay and tryhard

Ignorance is bliss

the forced femenism killed the final battle for me.

10 seconds ruined an entire scene for you? Can’t imagine how you can watch any movies nowadays.

Yep. The rewatch value is terrible. Besides the fight at the end, it's not really that interesting. IW was so much better because it didn't make a joke of all the characters like Endgame did. Everyone on Yea Forums is starting to hate it too

I sat through Return of the King Extended without having to piss, fight me

So did captain America have to inject the reality stone back into janes body or what? That seems a pretty terrible thing to imagine cap doing. Assuming he had to put all the stones back where he got them from. Maybe he did it when she was sleeping

Obviously. I don't think anyone here would disagree with you. It was a much better film all around

can someone who religiously watches capeshit explain Cap being able to wield/call thor's hammer?

I did think it was a cool moment

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Are you retarded or just young? Halving the world's population would completely fuck everyone. We'd be back to medieval times almost overnight.

I sat through the same except I paused it near the end and made my own scouring of the shire scene with sock puppets. Also had a wank. Get on my level.

because he was worthy better question is how was thanos able to move mjonir and pick up and wield stormbringer

I made the entire movie and didn’t have to pee once

Thor and his pals should have been playing Fallout 76.

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he was worthy

It's part of the enchantment. Whoever the hammer deems worthy can use it.

No, we'd be back to precisely the 1950s which is why Cap felt so comfy.

based peter jackson

We would forget how to make electricity and medicine and public sanitation?

Have you ever worked a public holiday when less than half of the workforce is there? Thats how a fire dept, hospital or power station would still work after 50% of people turned to dust. I'm not pretending that it would be pretty or that the trash pickup would be happening the next morning, but things would stabilise and become normal within 5 years.

Best part:
Tilda Swinton.
Worst part:
Everything after Thanos dies

Yeah because the world never worked with only 3 billion people amirite?

>Thanos whooping ass with no stones
>Thanos breaking the shield
>Thanos whooping captain marvels ass
> the weird all female attack thing like it would have been fine if they wanted captain marvel to be the vanguard but it literally made no since that it was just the female heros like where tf was everyone else

Who is that guy?

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There's a difference between not working one day and having a fuck load of your workforce just disappear overnight. The world's economy would completely collapse, China would start shit with all it's neighbors because fuck it they'd still have a ton of people, infrastructure would begin to crumble, etc etc. In 5 years time people wouldn't be back to playing fucking Fortnite or posting selfies on Facebook. It'd be anarchy, if not all out war for quite some time.

Yeah it did, but because it slowly built up to 3 billion and to have half of the human race just disappear would be horrific you retard.

The kid from Iron Man 3

The kid from Iron Man 3 who Tony gave the new car.

The kid from the worst iron Man movie.

>since 1950

And why is he important?

I was okay with it, it was framed as if it not being the new Captain America was Bucky's idea.

He was a part of Tony’s character development about overcoming PTSD

Because Tony opened up to him and it shows that his impact can be on a smaller intimate scale than just being a detached idol for people to look up to


But that doesn't make sense because it branched of a new timeline according to the movies time travel rules. The timeline split still happens because it's Tony from the future taking them, not some other dude in young Pym's present time.

I see.... Or maybe a way to say "Hey, don't forget about Iron Man 3!"

Also, how is people going to know that guy is the kid from Iron Man 3, how could you know it's him?
