What did he mean by this?

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Allahu Akbar, brother Stark!

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1 outcome; it's a call back to 88mm which was his favorite movie.

That's how big his pee pee is

Shallom Goyim

idk its like a 1. like hes telling stark this is the one chance they have to beat him so go sacrifice your shit and stuff

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Im number one most bestest avengers

>one agua por favor

>use the veronica

U gay

Uno farto

Remember the 1 drop rule Tony

>pull the finger Tony
>b-but why
>you’ll see


>Remember Tony there is only 1 outcome where you actually get to survive , just grab the gauntlet and fly away to your army.
>You dumb fuck why did you use it.

>if i told you the outcome, it wouldn't happen
>holds the 1 up to tell him its his time

Oi !

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He meant; 1.

What happens then?

did Strange have any cool fight scenes in this movie?


[spoilers]he magics literally everyone from the mcu into the final fight and hold some water back with magic and makes a white power sulute to tony

What white power salute? All he does is hold up his finger

What stopped Bucky from quickscoping Thanos in the head?

someone else capable of using the infinity gauntlet without dying kills thanos

>Tony, look up, there's a giant monster coming after you!

But Captain Marvel already had it and she didn't use it

Dude turn your brain off

He was dabbing on Stark, master magician style.