Other urls found in this thread:
>my smelly bride
Tragic character. Christopher is easily the most detestable character in the entire series.
Hot trash
I told you I had the flu
I do, Chrissy, you're a fucking moron with a fat nose.
That sequence where she's shown going to her new life and then not, holy fucking feels.
you got some balls paulie you know that?
>easily the most detestable character in the entire series.
who is carmela soprano?
Janice is up there if she ain't at the top.
carm is a pretty good mother but other than that she's just as bad as tony, she married him after all knowing full well who he was
She musta crawled unda there for warmth!
Christafa you killed oura dawg
>Christopher is easily the most detestable character in the entire series
Who is...
*kills ur dog*
nothin personnel
whoa whoa whoa. you killed a dog?
carmela is completely aware of all of tony's wrong-doing, up to and including murder. That already sets her apart from every other mob wife and semi-civilian on the show. Then consider every mobster has either grown up completely in the mob and/or could be diagnosed with some kind of personality disorder (richie aprile, ralphie, very arguably tony), while carmela had a normal middle-class upbringing. Then consider she worries that being around tony will cause her children to fall into the same traps and become mobsters (which they actually do), and then consider she is told, to her face, that she is to blame for all of this and the only way to redeem herself is to walk away with the kids, and she still can't do it. And there's no threat of violence against her, as there would be against anyone who's actually made -- all she stands to lose is what she knows is blood money.
also edie falco is a fantastic actress who makes it extremely easy to hate the character
>door bell
>perspective shot
>door bell
>perspective shot
>door bell
>perspective shot
>door bell
>perspective shot
>door bell
Your hair was in the toilet water. Disgusting.
>I'd like to thank Janice for makin three diffeerent kinds of pasta...
he saw meadow and had the realization of what jamal ginsberg did to her, thus the black
what the FUCK was the point of this character?
So privileged upper class underachieving white males who have no real reason to put effort into anything since they already have everything they could possibly want out of life could feel represented like me
Chrissie isn't detestable. He wanted out, and every time he got sober he had Tony pushing a drink in his hand. Honestly Tony is the most detestable character if you really think about it.
people really just don't get AJ. all you need to do is try to figure out why he became obsessed with joining the army at the end of the show.
non-american here. can a yank explain to me please why they always handed cash over in envelopes? similar reason as to why people drink booze out of paper bags, are cops not allowed to open up envelopes or something?
it's just a trope, the money in envelope thing has been in movies for fucking ever.
>and then consider she is told, to her face, that she is to blame for all of this and the only way to redeem herself is to walk away with the kids
Probably one of my favorite scenes in the show. It was so cathartic having that therapist call her out on her bullshit.
what's a better way to hand over cash?
You don't want people knowing your business or seeing that you might have shorted someone.
the most detestable character is livia and anyone that disagrees is wrong
It's not a fucking trope, you halfwit. It's what Italians really do, it's tradition. You give cash at a wedding for good luck and as a nest egg for the couple, and cash at funerals for respect and to help pay for the funeral.
Jews do it, too, envelopes of cash at bar mitzvas and bat mitzvas.
Janice is up there
at least Livia was a tough old broad, Janice was just a cunt
janice was a selfish, annoying cunt, but livia was just plain evil
So why did he?
>mmm adrianna
>adriana la cerva
>they watch her practice her serve
what's the subtext, here?
what does the military offer? order, discipline, respect, and being a part of something. what else gives you those things?
I think it's cute that Adrianna named her dog Cosette. I can just picture Chrissy complaining about that "stupid fucking LEZ MIS musical" she keeps listening to.
But then how come Meadow didnt turn out to be a lazy moron, if the two shared the same father?
she turned into a different version of her mother, she just made excuses and turned a blind eye.
Meadow wasn't a moron, but she hardly sacrificed, she's a classic Italian American Princess, everything paid for and she's totally catered to.
AJ was just a legit weak fairy moron. He should have died in the pool.
Remember when Furio took Drinkwater's $1000? Wouldn't have happened if he didn't see them fumbling with the cash
He would have still called them faggots, insulted them, and left to go do what Tony wanted done next.
There's no deep meaning to that scene, it's just Furio being Furio.
OOO. Watch it, user.
Lets be real, who the fuck buys an animal so small it can be sat on by accident? Not even my cat is that small.
*smells your tuna and sweetcorn fanny*
For me, it's D-Girl
Learn to edit, fucknut.
Get a Twitter account and practice being succinct.
Women can easily fuck for $ and social status. Dudes, not as easy without being a fag.
jimmy hollywood, HELLO!
Clean panties smell like any other fresh laundry. Years ago I made the mistake of sniffing my ex's g-string that was waiting to be cleaned. OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT (in a bad way). Normal used panties have a musky scent- the g-string is an asshole scraping tool and reeks like shitstink.
What was it, barkin?
She looks ugly here
No, Jamal G punched his lights out
She wasn't constantly praised and rewarded even when she fucked up. AJ was the first born son, they go over the sibling favoritism in the show
yeah when tony is in the coma she essentially says that she came for the tingles and stayed for the cash.
>upper class
income is not class.
paul fussell would probably place them at high blue.tony has blue collar habits. the upper-middles on the golf course/cookouts humiliate tony to the point where tony screams in rage. and no manners. tony and carm have zero appreciation for high culture and zero pedigree. zero education. tony works with his hands. their house is visible from the road. carmella cares about price tags. tony looks like a stereotypical prole.
in fact, aj suffers from "status panic" when faced with the real deal, his pillsbury girlfriend.
meadow could possibly move into a higher class with a marriage but she would also suffer "status panic" when faced with a real blue-blood in a socially demanding situation. her columbia degree and professional post-grad will solidify her in upper-middle but she's still an ethnic-white of no breeding.
it's called "new money." they have money but they don't fit in with upper class society.
She's such a bad actress. That rigidity in her line delivery was perfect for a fake D-girl buchiach.
quick, hit me with your favorite sopranos meme
much better in 88 Minutes and 2 1/2 Men
Nouveau riche is much different. and frankly by new jersey standards they're not even rich, jus comfortable.
new rich try too hard to ape the old money. that is the source of the classic "new money" insult: being a tryhard. tony doesn't try at all. he does not pretend to social graces or prestige memberships, foundations, community appointments. tony spends money like a (very minor) lottery winner. a shitty fishing boat, SUVs, gambling, tawdry mistresses. he's classic high blue.
I guess the only other movie I saw her in (other than Four Rooms) is Urban Legend. That's a bad movie, but she's particularly terrible in it.
phil calm down, you know the wine makes you emotional
going to any youtube video and seeing a shinebox comment. i'm not afraid to admit i laugh every time
by jersey standards he's high upper middle class... the area he lives in is very expensive and his neighbors are waspy rich types.
uh oh
i dont get it
Huh. Her face isn't as bad as I remember.
One of the most kino scenes in the whole series.
i don't think you understand how sociologists determine class. americans usually don't. middle class, including upper-middle, is all about profession and education. anyone with income and credit can move into tony's neighborhood. it's a McMansion. and the neighborhoods in north jersey can be the most exclusive in the northeast. chris rock did a funny bit about it. tony's neighborhood isn't really that special.
i recommend the book "Class" by Paul Fussell, it's funny as hell.
>tony's neighborhood isn't really that special
yea you just dont know what youre talking about. that is a wealthy area, not billionaire greenwich/darien ct levels, but wealthy enough.
dude i'm in paramus every few months visiting my italian-american family. it's nothing special.
yea you're right tony is lower working class, lmao
He was an addict, but otherwise most of his actions were him conflicted with leaving the mob life and being loyal to Tony.
>When the paramedics came, his cock was still in her mouth
he must be loyle to his capo
honest opinion is based and trusted
just because it's nothing special does not mean that it isn't upper middle class
Great analysis user.
Paulie murdered a helpless old woman in a nursing home for petty cash. Of all the shitty things that happened in the show that may be the most unforgivable.
that was based
It's a toss up between Paulie and Ralph who is the biggest piece of shit on the show. For as despicable as Ralph is, I feel like Paulie's the bigger loose cannon with his psychopathic bullshit, so probably him.
she seems pretty meh in pics but in motion she is just so much hotter, not very photogenic
Ralph was a fucked up narcissist with a weird kink, but Paulie had been a bodyguard and soldier for so long he had like zero qualms about murdering people. He was a little to stupid to reflect on that type of shit I thought, but also revealed he had visited a psychiatrist or therapist or something, so it seemed like he just gained good coping skills for the shit he does.
>that was based
Only if you are a complete psycho
This one even made Carmella smirk.
>Hasidic homeboy
OUT OF RESPECT for Tony Soprano..I have never jacked off to Meadow
They didn't put this spinal is enough skimpy clothes.
>tony doesn't try at all
WRONG. He tried a couple times but realized he was just a buffon to them, a plaything mobster only there to entertain them with mafia stories.
Based replies. I love soprano threads
>] [
respect for the people that made this show, they knew Meadow from a kid and they saw her turn into a cum guzzling whore
lemme tell ya a couple a tree tings
Having been married and divorced, both the argument Med has with Finn when he's leaving out a suitcase and the Whitecaps meltdown gave me flashbacks. These people know how to write relationship arguments--and just about everything else, honestly.
>Sexy dance for her BF
>Is a "cum guzzling whore"
Jesus user, have sex
You had to be there
plus its not even slutty, just an awkward and pretty "innocent" attempt at sexyness.
you can see a bit of toe. very hot. med has it goin on.
people who hate AJ hate him because they see themselves in him in someway
sneed, my arch nemesis
whoth sponthering you motherfucker
a quote unquote huthky accomplith
I love how the ultimate arc of Agent Harris was helping Tony. There was no particular FBI NEMESIS vs. Tony. It was the agency, and Harris was mostly the face of it, but he was soft on him. All of Tony's nemeses were other goombas or their hair apparents.
>Morning, Sneedfag
They’re both tragic characters you fucking dumb mong, Christopher more so, literally the second most well developed character on the fucking show
Did you ever feel bad for all the abused children you see throughout the show or in real life? Well Christopher embodies those kids, he’s just grown up.
based speedreader
No, but i agree with the rest.
Muh nigga
move the fucking cigarette
what the FUCK was her problem?
Janice was fucking hot in season 2-3. You fucking fags don’t understand. I would let her ruin my life
Janice actually has really nice calves for a woman her size.
James always had the most perfect annoyed face
paramus is not anywhere close to the kind of neighborhood tony lives in
if you've ever been to alpine, that's more like it, but i forget the name of the actual town that tony's house is in. it's pretty similar to alpine/closter/tenafly though
she was extremely conflicted about treating tony, the stress trickled out of her professional life and into her personal life causing her to act out by becoming a moderate alcoholic/freaking out in public
janice always looked fucking disgusting
seriously i couldnt even eat while watching episode's she's in cause i'd get sick from just seeing her pig face
what kind of fag hates paulie? how is he detestable
how should I feel about him?
he's a snake in the grass. remember when he almost caused war with new york by telling johnny sac that joke ralphie made about his wife?
also he was working with new york in the final season and probably helped get tony killed
people who like paulie are the ultimate sopranos turboplebs
aida turturro was the best actress in the show. she played an incredibly believable cunt, for that I think she was amazing
he was the actual main character of the show
The first time I watched Janice, I didn't like her because she was such a cunt and made Tony's life hard. Now I can fully appreciate how great of a character she is. Aida really killed it.
Did the joke go too far?
He's a huge bitch wannabe tough guy who puts himself and his family in jeopardy because he wants to feel like one of the cool kids.
How did Vito get down there so low with that fat fucking gut on him? Wouldn't the 400 lb of GI tract and skin get in the way of bending over to blow the dude?
Only if you have no appreciation for the fine art of comedy. Vito was one of the greats.
idk about best actress, Edie Falco did a great job too, but she was definitely a great character, a real opportunistic vulture.
She’s the only fat woman I think is hot. I only noticed though after finishing the final season where she ballooned up. Then I went rewatched the show and now I fantasize about her giving me roadies for money and favors
He's the self insert of (you)
I oughtta suffocate YOU, ya little prick!
>security officer’s peenr was so big that Vito had to pull his head up or he’d suffocate
Vito had a good eye for picking men
Do gay guys really find dudes who are this huge to be attractive?
This scene is really incredible on the first watch. Really sets the tone for the series and starts desensitizing the viewer to what Tony is capable of. Feels like a turning point from the goofy scorcese-esque elements of the first ep (not to discredit the first ep)
they're just degenerates who don't care how they get a nut
Yeah, nobody likes chubby chicks.
Tony killing Ralph was the most surprised I was at anything in the show. It comes out of fucking nowhere. I kept expecting him to stop choking him. He never stopped.
For sure, but a lot of it had to do with the writing as well. Pretty much every main character in the show was some kind of evil, but it's evil we don't see every day. They're in circumstances beyond what regular people are used to and that makes their shitty behavior distant.
Janice is the kind of evil we can all relate to. She takes advantage of her invalid mother for inheritance. She doesn't honor agreements with her Russian maid. She pops in and out of Tony's life as she pleases solely to enrich herself. She embarrasses the family, marries into the "business," is shitty to Bobby's kids, and doesn't even care when she gets called out on it. Even during the scenes where she appears to connect with Tony, it's left in doubt whether she's being genuine or just further politicking. Her character made me fume every time she was on screen.
Don’t women too? Are you a woman?
I thought it was great too even after being exposed to newer shows like BrBa and what not. HBO was really against it, now we have main characters offing people left and right on television
She wanted to save her son from the immediate cancer he would get from sitting next to a smoker for 10 minutes
nvm, I thought you were talking about huge peenrs, not Vito’s weight. I guess it’s hard to find other gay men, i don’t fucking know
Why would you not shave your head at that point? If you squint hard enough it looks like he already has a shaved head and his hair just looks like a shadow on the wall behind him
I'm not going to watch the show but can someone give me a very brief (bullet points) rundown?
It's about a a garbage man who has an allergy to cold cuts that chokes on an onion ring
not only all of this but you are led to hate her for her propensity to game the system as well. the carpal tunnel, taking her mom's old car, taking her mom's old house, she is a classic freeloader. she just takes whatever she wants, which also provides an interesting juxtaposition to tony- who also just takes whatever he wants. only difference is, because tony is male, he leads a mafia and becomes rich by doing it. janice is just a freeloading welfare queen collecting disability and social security despite having a family that supports her, albeit begrudgingly
>unironically defending back and forth one liners of twitter "conversations" and ebin rebuttals
Jesus Christ, user.
I've said my piece chrissy
>muh spec house
Janice and Tony really are cut from the same cloth. She's the girl who would rather play with the boys because the other girls can't keep up with her.
Not him, but it gives me second hand embarrassment when I see someone post an entire paragraph when he could've accomplished the same with a single meme sentence.
One of the funniest sequences in the show to me was when Janice's hippie councilor told her to break up with Ralphie with "the compassion you're famous for" or something similar. Next scene she pushes him down stairs and kicks him out
Nerevarine, my arch nemesis.
sjw crap full of fags and jews married to blacks and jewish black kids and columbus day protests, a show sympathetic to small business and side-wipe editing and makes you feel sad for a heroin addicted deadbeat filmmaker who sees a black bird outside the window. not worth watching
true fact. this is further evident in her domineering relationship with both ralphie and richie. she is a "power bottom" with richie and literally fucks ralphie in the ass
hahaha. for me it was when she cyber bullies bobby's kid into believing that his mother was communicating with him via ouiji board. then shows up at the house to rectify the situation, something about seeing her on AIM acting like a teenager was funny to me, because she has the maturity level of a teenager and it couldn't be expressed anymore clearly than in that scene
Madone, you whacked her dog?
The difference is that when Tony takes what he wants he does it at risk of retaliation. He's constantly evading the feds, constantly looking over his shoulder from both inside and outside his own crime family, and it takes a great deal of posturing just to keep himself alive.
Meanwhile Janice works within the bounds of the legal system as well as the mafia code of honor. She collects money from the government. Widows are protected, so regardless of what happens to Bobby she'll not only be safe but also taken care of.
The show has many moments which show Tony's introspection, including his dreams and therapy sessions with Dr. Melfi. He knows that what he's doing is wrong and it weighs heavily on his shoulders. Janice on the other hand is a drifter whose modus operandi is absolving herself of all possible guilt for her actions, including abandoning a fucking child. And she gets away with it.
Doesnt make sense for women to marry sociopaths in a biological sense
Janice is a snake in the grass because she has to be. She's not big and tough. She's not protected by a bunch of trigger-happy goombahs who will go to bat for her. She operates surreptitiously, so yeah, different MO, but same motivations.
>absolving herself of all possible guilt for her actions
I'd argue this has a lot to do with her gash
>she'll not only be safe but also taken care of.
Come on. It's evident that no one gave a shit about the widows of the family. Even with Tony in a coma they tried holding out on Carmela.
Bobby got zero respect and I'm sure with Tony dead she spent the rest of her days begging Carmela for a bit of ma's basement money.
Janice is my waifu!
I like the scene in The Ride where Janice is in the back of the car with a neck-brace, she didn’t need one earlier, and her baby girl as Bobby leaves to beat the redneck responsible for the faulty ride. Was like Phil Leotardo waiting for Billy and Joey to kill Lorraine and Jason.
>b-but they'll take care of her
The show features almost all characters backstabbing and shittalking behind each other's back all the time.
there are some introspective/psychological moments for janice, including pic related and the kino scene of her in anger management saying "i marched for them" then doing a full 180 and going completely racist. overall, the common thread that binds tony and janice are their sociopathic tendencies, inherited from their father and their overly controlling mother
She doesn't have to be though. She was brought up with money and without the expectations that Tony had to deal with. The situation between their parents was obviously shitty but Livia at least felt a sense of duty, loyalty, and a work ethic that Janice never showed. Janice got to the other coast, completely out of the mob life, but was too lazy to make anything of herself and she willingly came back to the cesspool in Jersey for a free ride, knowing that she would never be a target despite the danger.
Tony successfully negotiates a settlement for Janice after Bobby gets whacked.
janice is a fat pig. I feel repulsed just looking at her. Get some standards man
pic related is the patrician's waifu
Why didn't Phil just change his surname back to Leonardo?
Irina a cute. CUTE!
Russian whore.
Real woman attached.
How about you watch another rerun of The Office instead, zoomer?
You tell me to get good taste but you don’t post Svetlana? Go fuck yourself you fucking dumb motha fucka
>b-but it’s hard being a criminal! Look at all the stress he gets from being a criminal, he’s totally justified :(
Tony’s introspective scenes are definitely great, reason he’s such an an effective main lead despite being a criminal, but he does absolve himself of his crimes just like Janice. Idk how you didn’t catch on to that fact as well when they even literally spell it out to you
>Russian whore
>posts russian whore
svetlana is defective and plain as fuck
Because he's alive, and people know not to fuck with him. When Pussy dies, his wife almost gets killed by Tony for requesting more money. It's real greaseball shit. The show spells it out for you.
wait a second, how do they absolve themselves? don't they get the opposite of absolution by the death of bobby/death of tony himself?
>that cheeky, Russian face
My heart.
She’s making websites and shit like a true Russian with access to the internet. Irina is too fucking lazy to work, she mooches off Tony and doesn’t even want to go back to being a dancer. Then she runs off to fuck some old jewish congressman
>plain as fuck
user, you’re just scared of an independent woman with spunk you fucking weak nerd
She certainly had my favorite tits on the show.
Tony never absolves himself. He constantly tries to with therapy and with his kindness to animals, but the best he can do is distract himself. This becomes especially apparent in the last two seasons when his gambling and drug usage escalate. But he's reminded how far in the shit he is whenever things go wrong.
Janice has the luxury of stomping her foot and telling Tony to fuck off when her past mistakes are brought up. Tony pays for his transgressions by having to blow his own cousin's head off.
>Tony is literally a fat old dirty man straight out of a Netorare hentai doujin
>has the most vanilla love scene in the show
This show is nuanced
svetlana has to work because no man would have her
>implying soft hands blue bloods could ever have the Stugots to deal with Tony and family
I meant absolve in that they themselves justify their terrible actions by blaming their upbringing. Not literally absolve themselves, I thought thats what the fucking guy I’m responding to is saying
Traycee though. She was a thoroughbred.
Too bad the only thing she knew how to cook was a fucking pop-tart
Oh my god I forgot Tracee. Yeah, she had the best body. Slight, slight butter with those braces, but oh yeah, that body. Jesus.
I was really mad that melfi never told Tony who raped her. I really wanted to see the revenge. Their whole shit is so unfinished
That plot is the turning point of the Melfi character and one of the best points in the show.
Braces are kino.
she doesn't tell him because she knows it will lead to tony killing him, then tony having more panic attacks because the panic attacks are caused by his innate subconscious guilt over killing so many people/destroying so many people's lives. it's the whole reason he's there in the first place
>i-it’s an unfinished plotline
It wasn’t unfinished, it was resolved in the fucking episode. Law enforcement was too fucking incompetent and let the case slip, she doesn’t want to stoop to Tony’s level, she powers through and moves on with her fucking life.
Knowing Tony, he’s going yo want something in return. He’ll hold that shit over her head every time he makes an advance towards her like he always does
die n'wah
I meant their relationship is unfinished not the rape thing.
It's a great contrast. Tony would absolutely destroy somebody for doing less to him, meanwhile Melfi, bound to her morals and the law, is unable to do anything when she is absolutely degraded. Her thoughts of revenge make her understand how somebody like Tony would want to live outside the law and the power the mob enables him. Her dilemma over whether or not to tell Tony and receive retribution makes her realise that it isn't right for her. To see the problems Tony has further down the line due to his life outside the law and his thirst for power probably reinforces her desire to stay within the confines of law and morality despite the restrictions and powerlessness these create.
That's a very astute analysis, user. Thank you.
You’re over analyzing it. By this point on the series she knows Tony is a murderer and she doesn’t want to sink to his level.
Paulie fucking sucks
I’m pretty surd Svetlana has a boyfriend/husband though. He’s the guy holding the box and telling Janice he is disgusted by her for stealing Svetlana’s leg.
Also, she could have easily been Tony’s girlfriend, she turned him down and made him feel emasculated
I knew straight away that he was too weak for suicide
Pretty much all the main actors are god tier in this show.
Even if Melfi hadn't taken all of this into account, who the fuck wants to carry a human's eventual torture and murder on their conscience?
Their relationship was finished. She’s been sharpening Tony’s skills as a mobster and he used her for his own sense of relief. It was about fucking time she broke it off with him.
The final season and ending was also about death and decay as well as Tony being cornered in all facets of his life. Melfi leaving him to himself to fend off the stress and panic attacks and inner turmoil is one such case of him pushing people away and making all the wrong moves as a leader
FUCK you
>try to show The Sopranos to wife
>"why are there so many tits in this"
>"you like this because of all the tits don't you"
>"everyone in this show is an asshole"
Ah Madone
good thread
now show her game of thrones and then talk about tits again
it shows you that nobody can help you but yourself. society doesn't work the way it promises it to you, so walking outside of the rules some of the time isn't that bad of a thing actually
How can she say that with GoT on, a show every fucking tumblrite goes crazy for?
>everyone in this show is an asshole
I hate people like this
She doesn't like GoT either
I got nothin to watch ovah here
rip you
i hope i find someone with taste, if i ever find anyone at all
you just revealed your own ignorance
oh poor you. its like you got a virginia ham under one arm, crying the blues because you got no bread.
Onions detected
What shows are she even into
The Office
Gordon Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares
>hair apperance
Damn.. didn't know hair cuts mattered that much to the mob.
Jesus Christ user. That better be the UK version of Kitchen Nightmares at the very least, the one that is actually about cooking and restaurant business and not US Gordon Ramsay Family Therapy Show
OOH! What's wrong witchu?!?
US Office
US Ramsey
Do you feel good having a pleb wife? Like owning a dog and knowing you are superior to it?
You know what your problem is? You go about pity for yourself. All the while a great wind carries you across the skies
Sometimes I wish we could watch more stuff together but she's almost completely apolitical as well so that's a plus. Had my appendix out this week so she's just been taking care of me the whole time.
She's a Svetlana too, Tony missed his chance
AJ and Christopher are the two most important characters in relation to understanding Tony. Tony, Chrisopher, and AJ can all be thought of as different facets of the same character, because at the end of the day the show is essentially about David Chase.
Sjw-cringe character even before it was a thing i have to say i am impressed to see that this show was accurate as fuck with what's happening right now.
>her children to fall into the same traps and become mobsters (which they actually do)
I remember Meadow was making moves towards becoming a lawyer to defend them but even that's a stretch. How was AJ in any way a mobster?
There was the whole trying to kill Junior because his dad likes the restaurant scene in Godfather
>he was just a buffon to them, a plaything mobster only there to entertain them with mafia stories.
Imagine being so wealthy and set up in your life that you can get away with mocking a high level mobster without any worry at all.
this dance seems very awkward like one of those early source engine porn renders
looking at this, how am I supposed to beckon someone when they can't here me but they can see me? This looks so fucking rude but I don't know what else to do.
Who is Ralph Ciffaretto?
you are why everything sucks now
based novice paul fussell interpreter
>singlehanded wipes out the Jersey crew and takes over New York
that's the only one that sucks
It's all in the face and the type of gesture you do.
That’s a great way to determine the quality of a show, their retarded power-level. Tony wins in an acting contest. There is no scene with Bryan Cranston that outmatches the ending of Long Term Parking or the fight with Carmela in Whitecaps
What the fuck does this shit even mean
That’s kind of the point though, Meadow is still just some guy’s college going daughter, not a fucking supermodel. Did you just start watching the show?
Being this pleb
To be fair, Breaking Bad never approached the level of writing that Sopranos had. Cranston killed it in Breaking Bad and it would be interesting to see what he could do with a better script
That little faggot AJ
Wave with your hand/arm and not the fingers.
Chrissy was the most punished
>Body and chest hair like John Kruk
Like I've previously stated. Shes hot, if you find out of shape designated hitters from the American league attractive.
FBI has her blood on their hands
This guy gets it, I liked him at first, but he was such a bitch and put up with everybody, instead of getting out.
Kys ADHD faggot
How’s that for a succinct reply
i don't think someone said it today, but feel it's important to note that ralphie did absolutely nothing wrong
I feel like a fucking idiot , I’ve seen the show in its entirety three times and I never once thought of that
I mean I didn’t really find her special at first, I had to watch the series in her entirety to get a feel for her character, and then rewatch the show to see she was actually not bad compared to her in the final season.
It’s mainly just admiration for how convincingly a piece of shit she is. Then I imagine her femdoming me and gobbling my dick like a trashy whore
i still like it all around after many repeats, very intense and it's pretty important even to tell you clearly what the show is about. the relationship between his family and his other family and where that came from. what makes a guy a "made" guy?
Melfi staying true To Her principles and ethic was one of the best moments in the show
>but she WAS a whore Tony
Voluntarily getting pegged by Janice is a degenerate crime against decency
>best character was probably molested by his own mother leading to his sadism, disrespect for him, and desperation for validation
Imagine being this much of a brainlet
tony was really ahead of the times
*disrespect for women
I've never heard this, are you joking? Because I can't think of a single thing that supports this
Come on. Ralph is into having dildos shoved up his ass and cheese graters taken to his dick. The dude's survived at least one toucher in his life.
The actor also says so; he plays the character like a molestation victim. Chase told him to.
Did they ever imply this in the show? I think I remember getting a hint of that at some point, maybe even explicitly stated. I really need to rewatch the show instead of watching clips on youtube
Joey Pants says Ralph was abused by his parents. Apparently he tells Fr. Schnorer this in the ep he dies (I'm at that ep on my rewatch). But his sexual kinks also imply this.
>tfw no traditional italian-american gf
do they still exist or are they all a bunch of jersey shore whores these days?
yes it does
>Janice was fucking hot
Only a piece of shit could unironically think this.
I thought you were saying Tony got molested, my bad
yea and it was still hilarious somehow
This is the only place I can ask this even though it probably won't get answered
In the D-Girl episode, when Chris is having his final argument with the pretentious red head, she says "this is getting very William Ingeer, isn't it?"
Who is that? I can't find him on google no matter how I spell his name
put on the subtitles. this wasn't hard to figure out
they exist, but she has to be from south italy
My smelly valentine*
Thanks, I'm retarded
All he had to do was follow the god damn train
How much time did he do?
now give me one thousand dollars
Women love sociopaths
too long
Fuck, it's that fuckin zip Furio
these two suck each other's cocks
Silvio was based as fuck
>bar mitzvas and bat mitzvas
Whats the difference?
Shit, imagine having a wife so fuckign dumb. Esmeralda is probably the way to go with people like that. Sad.
I'd suggest Mad Men because nudity and curse words are non-existant there, but she'll probably keep on going about too many assholes.
One's for boys one's for girls