What would happen if Tom Cruise died doing his own stunts?

What would happen if Tom Cruise died doing his own stunts?

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>What would happen
Tom Cruise died

He would become Tom Lose

They have a backup.

He would become Tom Crashed

Xenu would never allow it to happen.

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There would probably make some regulations about how risky the stunts of A-list actors could be. Not that they do ever stunts to begin with, Cruise is basically the only one trying.

replace him with another clone

they would create another one
he is replaceable

Maybe they could do that thing where they take his face and put it on another person. Clive Warren could play him.

If that happened he would kick your ass for being an annoying faggot.

>What would happen if Tom Cruise died doing his own stunts?
He would get a post-humous oscar
Presented by Jackie Chan

He would die and then come back to repeat the shot.

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He'd ascend to his own planet with 42 virgin wives.

also rebecca de mornay would be good for the role

Kino would die with him

I really like the meme that Tom Cruise is a clone.

We can rebuild him, we have the technology.

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I think he'd welcome it, at this point. Really seems to me like he wants to die on the job.

He would be Tom Bruised

Tom Snooze

It doesn't really add value, for us as viewers to the movie. Looks like he's somewhat of a thrill seeker having a hard time coping with getting older. Or he wants to get everything out of the remainder of his 'youth' while he still can. Either way, I don't think he'd mind dying on set.

What about Domme Cruise and he puts his cigarettes out on your balls.

Hot af desu

>It doesn't really add value, for us as viewers to the movie.
It does because it shows that man is captible of doing this and it doesn't have to be rendered by bunch of computer graphic artists. Tom gives 100% authentic experience, sure enhanced here and there, but still.


I sincerely hope George Miller does something with him. Shit, give him the next Mission Impossible since the next Mad Max is in production Hell.

formerly alive

You can't bruise the Cruise

He'd be dead.

He risks his life for our enjoyment.

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i need a quick rundown on this

You can do perfectly fine stuff with stunt doubles. It's a nice bonus for people who follow movies a little, but Joe Blow doesn't give two shits about stuff like that. He even admits to enjoying it, which is fine. But to say it's better for the movie and makes it more authentic is just salesman talk. Not like he's playing in Ong Bak movies.

AFF Instructor here:

Tom Cruise sucks at skydiving and most people with 200 jumps can outfly him


I mean, a movie with good practical effects will always outlast a movie that’s using modern CG advances. Fury Road and Terminator 2 will always look good, while even the best CG will become dated over time.

He would be dead.

Would you do his stunts?

Sky diving isn't really about being good. It's more about diving out into the sky and surviving.

They digitally insert him like grand moff tarkin into the lastest guardians of the galaxy and have him make epic jokes.

you're judging his ability from a movie scene?

Nigga, just jump.

What if Tom Cruise left Scientology and they release all his overts, as well his info from his auditing sessions? Pretty sure that’s why Travolta is still affiliated

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>but Joe Blow doesn't give two shits about stuff like that
they do
it's been his gimmick ever since M:I 2, people go see the movies to watch Tom Cruise risking his life and breaking his bones

yeah, no arguement there. But the point I was trying to make is he does it for his own fun. And it's become part of the Cruise Brand: the dude does his own stuff. Goes on talk shows and talks about it. Don't think it'll make the movie perform better, but it can't hurt either right?

I mean, he's getting at that age. So I'll say it again: he's either aware of the fact that he can only do action in this way for so much longer and is trying to make the most of it, or he has a death wish.

I'm a casual Cruise fan, but I do enjoy stuff like though. And it does make it better if it's Tom himself. Probably easier to shoot too, in the way that you don't have to camouflage shit.

I'm just curious as to wether he's going to die trying, or bow out gracefully when it's time to leave the stunts to younger men.

I do miss his more serious roles despite enjoying stuntman Cruise in recent years.

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Huge insurance payout to david miscavige

Totally agree. I like to think that his contracts for Mission Impossible have a provision that, if he’s killed in the process of making the movie, it has to be finished and released. Not the best person in the world, and I don’t think he’s seeking it, but he would probably be happy to die on set, making a movie.

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I always wonder how professional stuntmen feel about actors that do their own stunts. I can’t imagine they get all “Dey took our jerbs,” but I’m sure they’d rather get the work than Tom Cruise.

Could be worse.


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Then he'd be Gone Cruise

I loved his younger years. Shwarzenegger and Stallone are pretty much gone now. But Cruise still has some mileage left. Things were shaky for a while, but he managed to bounce back. iirc first movie he did was Valkyrie after the whole Scientology debacle and the next MI was he financed himself partially? then he played Less Grossman and he was back on top. At least that's the chronology in my mind, can't be arsed to look it up.
Too bad what happened to Will Smith. Too many flukes. He was global for a while there too. I'm going to miss the age of superstars. Superstars who could span decades.

Why is Batman riding a plane?

He’s manually steering a plane with full engine failure into Gotham harbor. Seems like the sort of thing Tom Cruise would do.

Scientologists (low rank) would have to watch it 7 times.

>I like to think that his contracts for Mission Impossible have a provision that, if he’s killed in the process of making the movie, it has to be finished and released.
That's a nice thought. Or he could survive and revert back to character driven movies.

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He already made Magnolia. Let the man do what he enjoys.

Not really much to it, just that there’s an endless line of Tom Cruises and they’re programmed to perform in movies.