Game of Thrones S8:E3 Spoilers

Leaked episode just dropped. Spoilers below.

Melisandre enters Winterfell before battle.
Edd, Grey Worm, Royce die in battle.
Tormund fights beside Brienne but is overcome.
Brienne slays many wights but is overcome, with Jaime looking on in the distance unable to help. Jaime falls back.
Beric and the Hound defend inside Winterfell as wights start pouring over the walls.
Sansa, Tyrion, Varys hide in crypts which are protected by old magic.
Gendry is killed unexpectedly by Faceless Men as the attack happens, Arya fails to save him and flees.
Lyanna Mormont and forces are overtaken.
Jorah sacrifices himself to protect Daenerys as she runs to the Godswood.
Daenerys takes Drogon and leaves while Jon and Theon stay to protect Bran in the Godswood.
Jon yells for her but she looks on in sadness and anger and flies away.
The dragon Rhaegal stays with Jon.
Beric picks up Heartsbane and sets it alight, continues fighting, being backed into the Godswood.
The Hound gets separated and disappears.
Jaime narrowly is killed but finds Beric and they team up, Beric lights Jaimes sword now.
Melisandre reveals Jon is the Prince Who Was Promised but shes unsure, but the lord of light says he must kill her.
Jon emotional refuses to, but Melisandre falls into his sword fulfilling the Nissa Nissa prophecy.
Jon becomes Azor Ahai.
Longclaw becomes Lightbringer.
Jon's sword glows a blue white color.
Jon, Beric, Jaime now in the Godswood with flaming swords.
Theon, Bran in the center.
Rhaegal behind them.
They have a final battle.
Rhaegal flies to attack Viserion.
They clash in the air, the Nightking falls inti the Godswood.
Viserion kills Rhaegal.
Beric is killed.
Theon is killed.
Jaime gives Bran a stare like "I owe you this."
Jaime and Jon fight the Nightking with blue and red flaming swords.
Viserion about to fuck them.
The Nightking parries Jons sword away and is about to kill Jon.
Jaime stabs the Nightking in the back.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Link fag

Then what?

>no link
Nice fanfiction

>Leaked episode just dropped
no it did not


Nothings leaked gayboi

lol, Melisandre won't shot up until episode 5, you heard it here first.

without a link this is worthless


Forgot to mention Podrick, he dies early on.
Anyway, Nightking dies just as Viserion is flying to kill them.
Viserion along with the entire undead army get disintegrated.
Survivors come out from the Crypts.
They see Daenerys flying away.
Jon reveals he is actually Aegon.
Sansa is Lady of Winterfell.
Tyrion and Jaime share a moment.
Bronn appears out of nowhere with a crossbow.
About to kill either or both of them.
The Hound reappears and calls him a cunt.
The Hound kills Bronn.
Arya escaping into the woods, looking back at a couple faceless assassins.
Cersei smiling from Kings Landing.
Euron marching south with golden company.
Ends with a song by Sigur Ros.

Thats it

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>leaked episode just dropped
>no link
also fake synopsis because the azor ahai prophecy hasn't been set up in the show

Nice fan fic

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drop the link fag

Honestly pretty kino. Just wish theon would live.

Fake off with your gay fanfic nerd

I love how these "leaker" fags always get so many details fucked up to where their leak is just nonsensical.

Just post the link

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Also the leaks on ThePirateBay and probably elsewhere, not hard to find.

not on the most popular open trackers so calling bs


I am just reporting the episode nigger feel free to watch it yourself

Bad enough to be real.

It was a busy episode but I said the bulk of it correctly

Jaime will go out like a bitch, they won’t do him justice.

faceless assassin .....hahahahah

OP once again fails

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pretty kino

I will be disappointed now if kino Jaime doesnt kill the Nightking with a flaming sword and dies some chump death

Lel thats what I thought but its in the episode. I guess they needed to give Arya some kind of payoff for her temple kf black and white arc.

Like I said just watch the leak before it gets taken down.

Aaaaaaay muh kingslayer

Jamie, the hound and tormund are the only characters that I dont want to die

>hound calls him a cunt

Checks out guys

>post leaks
>no source
no one believes you

Can’t find it anywhere. Why the fuck do i still believe posters like OP?

>Bronn appears out of nowhere with a crossbow.
>About to kill either or both of them.
>The Hound reappears and calls him a cunt.
>The Hound kills Bronn
sounds dumb enough for GOT

Have any leaks posted on this board for tv shows and movies ever been true?(ones taken from reddit don’t count)

>Jaime and Jon fight the Nightking with blue and red flaming swords.

So this is basically Star Wars now.

The AIDS has made it to your central nervous system.

>Gendry is killed unexpectedly by Faceless Men as the attack happens, Arya fails to save him and flees.
Lmao user come one man, at least make it realistic

so Jon is azor but doesn't kill night King lol?

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I should have stopped sucking off reddit fags, tell my parents i'm sorry.

sure fag, sure


>NK dies
>cersei really will be the skyler of GoT
massive eye roll

>random Faceless Men out of nowhere


did you forget that Arya literslly betrsyed them?

well hey, if this is true and jamie kills the night king i win £200

here's a real leak for you all

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Arya betrays them and flees, going rogue. Jaqen said if she ever did it again they would kill her.

Why they decided to bring back this dead plotline in this episode? Who knows

if all the crap OP posted is true, is probably because the faceless men pray to the Night's king or something related to death and the wights

also any leaks that include gendry dying are fake since he survives

Sorry m8


Please be true I fooking hate Sansa

screencap it, gendry is not dying next episode, your expectations will be subverted and sansa will be the big death

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You can tell it'a fake because the plot is too good for these shitty writers.

show screenshots nigger


Piratebay ones are fake. 700mb one was some codec video for 1h40min.

op is fake, but there are real leaks in the thread

good the burlington bar reaction will be fun

>killing the NK this early, or at all, just to make some random batshit bitch with too much bullshit power the main villian for the next 4 hours

post the fucking episode

>unironically thinking about something so retarded as bar reaction

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>burlington bar
>same crowd that applauded the death of stannis

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>army of the undead surrounding the entire castle
>somehow a bunch of faceless men make it inside as a personal fuck you to Arya
>somehow Bronn makes it in as well
This'll be a laugh riot if true

NK goes to kings landing
Jaime goes as well as fast as he can after learning NK isnt at winterfell
finds kings landing in fire and smoke
>cersei now pregnant with eurons child (salt (ironborn))
jaime relieves cersei from her pain from the fire and smoke and kills her (and her salt bby) with his sword, becoming azor ahai

bothing on cotuuer

it's fake

That would be kino if true

There's only one kingslayer.

Stop spoiling things in the picture.

>Can't provide source or link to so called leak
>Can't even make his fanfic remotely believable

If anybody falls for this they should honestly hang themselves.

What's the purpose of killing the NK in E3? I don't want 270 minutes of political war room shenanigans post-NK.

stannis, olenna, sneed, tommen, olley, etc

Tfw have to resort to phoneposting bcuz net isp is banned

Link to stream plox

mediaval star wars kino.

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>no littlefinger

are you me breh?

The last two episodes are 60 minutes, so get used to the idea kek


>NK is actually a distant stark relative
>ep 4 title is "Stark Wars"

He burned his kid alive instead of stopping his retarded campaign.


the whole point of why he marched was because the winter would get worse for them and there would be no way to do it later. but of course they forgot that in season 6 and Jon and Salsa can go to winterfell and travel to rally houses easily.

>80 posts
>still no link
it's fake isn't it

Reported. Ban evasion is a bannable offense.

You can tell a leak is fake when they include Nissa Nissa. That prophecy is not in the show at all.

does banning even work on phonefags?

It's been mentioned here and there in scenes involving the Red Witch but not in any great detail or anything

There's been no true king since the mad king.

Why wouldn't it?

All of this is so overbearingly dumb that I am quite convinced that this is exactly what D&D have in store. I'm serious right now, there is literally zero irony in this post, this is so fucking dumb that I can hardly imagine anything else being in the actual E03.

No Ghost?

Don't you have anything better to do than this lame ass larping?

It's not like they can't pay lip service to it, like the whole Aegon VI with the Golden Company has just been moved to Cersei because YASS KWEEN

so you telling we wuz KINGSLAYEr

If DnD even cared about the prophecy(they don't) why would Jon killing Melisandre work? he doesn't love her, he basically hates her.

Fake and gay

Its not out. I can't find it anywhere.

Ghost chases after one of the balls launched by one of the trebuchet right into the dead army. Ghost didnt last very long.

This. No episode leak anywhere to be found.

Dothraki Calvary in front lines. Facing directly at the enemy.

Are they retarded? they should be sent to either the right or left flanks and swoop in from a side angle..

>Euron marching south with golden company.
So they leave Kings Landing undefended to attack Dorne? Makes perfect sense 10/10

Does Bronn dual wield crossbows so he can shoot both Lannisters at the same time?

In episode 6 Daenerys escapes with Missandei. They go to Naarth and she spends the rest of her days getting BLACKED

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leak the damn episode before i piss myself

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>jamie stabs night king
this would be to based. So it wont happen.

I don't think they're going to have an open flank to "swoop"


>jamie being KINGSLAYER
too based for this show so its probably fake

Post the pic where Daenerys becomes a Night Queen

God imagine all the boars he could kill


>Jon's sword glows a blue white color.
This is how I know you're bullshit. They wouldn't use CGI budget to make Jon's sword glow.

I actually believed it for a sec

> playing dress up in Mommy's clothes.

Aren't you just precious!

>all this shit happens in one episode

For DnD, it's plausible.

>Lightbringer, Nissa Nissa
Fucking normies, too fucking stupid to understand that there won’t be any Nissa Nissa and magical flaming sword

All I can find is a 480p rip. Surely that's not it?

Oh you

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Take this (you)

its 2mm night guys just wait

they literally pointed out the "error" a few seasons ago so it's almost 100% certain that the prince who was promised will actually be a princess

Any of the females at Winterfell, except for Brienne would be absolutely useless as Azor Ahai since none of them have any capabilities combat wise.

>riders with flaming swords

Where's the link, faggot.

This is so fucking stupid I hope this is real It would be so funny.

um sweetie arya is more a better fighter than any guy at winterfell

nothin personal

my superior speed is sure to win

Azor Cersei

GoT season plot outline leak for the last season was mostly true if I remember right. It was supposedly done by someone that worked on the show. Don't know if it was from reddit or not.

The leaks were so incorrect and wrong. Go look them up again. They said Edd and Beric die in episode 1 at eastwatch, and that Dany, Jon and Tyrion travel to Riverrun in episode 3. Leaks are fake.

What is dynamic ip

Anyone that can find a better rip in 1080p? Would watch the 720p one but 720 hurts my eyes.

Hey you you use fast bow calvary against a mass of armorless soldiers that explode on contact with dragonglss? That would be boring

>Ends with a song by Sigur Ros.
lmao, good post.

Facing the wights head on is retarded under any circumstance. This should be a form of trench warfare with dragons and wildfire being the main weapons the humans can use to push the dead back towards the wall.

>Jaime stabs the Nightking in the back.
Literally the one thing that could redeem what they've done to the show.

Wrong leaks faggot. Leaks for 7 were completely accurate by episode.
The only thing that was wrong was Ceresi miscarriage, and apparently that was filmed and cut.

I saw a test screening for this episode and gave feedback in a questionaire afterwards. It's possible that it was a fake screening but none of what you posted happened.

Sounds retarded enough to be believable

guys its true i've seen it. I hope I get this code right.
[/spoiler] Lyanna mormont kills 5 walkers with a chopstick then becomes a knight ultra instinct sayjin [spoilerz]

>>somehow a bunch of faceless men make it inside as a personal fuck you to Arya
It was easy, they just held their arms up and groaned

Arya dying to the Faceless Men is the only thing I want this season, she went in, broke the pledges and couldn't do anything right, killed Waif, left with super powers with no fucking repercussions

same. if Arya just gets away i'm gonna be fucking mad. bitch got dicked, now it's over she better be ded

Jaime killing the Night King is too based for D&D to let it happen, sadly.

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