Should I watch this communist kino?

Should I watch this communist kino?

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the one where he reviews movies was interesting

Wouldn't it be better to watch the films he mentions or watch some real Soviet kino?

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it's gud

Does zizek care about immigration or preserving western culture? I watched two hours of his rambling and all I can tell is that he's inconclusive in every opinion

He’s not a Nazi retard no

You can do both. It’s entertaining just to hear his ideas.

based, we should flood our countries with immigrants until no one speaks the native language anymore

yes. watch pervert's guide to cinema as well


do all slovenians have that speech impediment?

I gladly would if they were nonwhite and I could get away with it.

It's entertaining but I find that all of his analysis never get to any specific point other than
>look: ideology

I'm a Native American. I know the dangers of unchecked immigration. Learn Cherokee or leave my nation.

Yeah. It's good, but they let Zizek adlib so it's a little hard to follow.

Why are bootlickers such rabid animals?

That already happened

i feel he talks in a way so that no matter what your opinion are, you will feel that he has the same views as you. Putin does the same, its some KGB tactics

You sound like a retard

Looks like Mark Hamil after he just got up out of bed.

Care to explain further?

Yeah, you have no real criticism so you just handwave some vague shit about how you have no control over your own thoughts

>being a communist

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Thanks, my good brother!

To simplify. He thinks immigrants can come but they need to adhere to host country values and laws which are clearly defined because the legal gray area and ambiguity of today's multiculturalism is easy to exploit and is generally fucked. Also it's better to try and help them fix their shit in their countries so immigrants don't need to leave their homeland in the first place instead of just inviting them.

Why the fuck would a Maoist like Zizek? Or any of those red star hammer and sickle faggots for that matter? Are you retarded?

>I feel he talks in a way so that no matter what MY opinions are, I will feel that he has the same views as ME.
Fixed it so it's not you projecting onto others.

>insert image of poltard instead

what's the difference seriously?


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When the tanktards shit up boards they act like they don't also belong on /pol/.
Real feel autists find both similarly tiring though.

So you want to watch some crap made by the guy who was humiliated by Peterson's use of logic.

But zizek won

This but unironically

in yr dreams leftard

shouldn't you be paying your life coach his monis?

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Your kind is so predictable

i'm sure this doesn't buttfucks you in the ass with monopolies

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>commie is mad that he isn't getting money

He is against it because it causes instability as far as I can tell

This but unironically. Also,
>Thinking we are in anything resembling a free market when the orange man just threw tariffs and huge protectionist market manipulations

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Those 30% spics in America doesn't speak English?

Typing it in all caps doesnt make it untrue cuck

You think he's inconclusive eh? Did you really pay attention?

This. He is pretty explicitly against PC culture and clearly enjoys different cultures and their interactions, something multiculturalism aims to homogenise.

That's something I enjoy about Zizek, he never claims to be able to answer many questions, only give his opinions and try and provoke others to think about them in a meaningful way. His stance on Communism is essentially 'it completely failed in the 20th century but has some interesting critiques of Capitalism, we should think about what we want and how to actually fix problems instead of just shouting REVOLUTION and destroying things'

zizek is a social dem

>muh monopolies!
Nope, it doesn't. Monopolies are only a problem when they are sustained by government intervention. Hollywood companies are an example of said monopolies.

>he says it while he sharts in the walmart number 907236319159762#



You mock these people based on appearance, but trust me when I say that they are mentally unhinged to a degree that if there 'was' some kind of Communist revolution, they would come to your house and murder you, it happened in China with deformed and malnutritioned peasants getting an ounce of power.

>chinese communism
very cringe

Zizek has some fondness for Stalin and Mao.

mao is cringe
stalin is based

I used to hate communism until I realized I want all of you fucktards to die. I hate every single one of you and if I had power I would happily execute 99% of you useless subhumans. I finally understand the appeal

Based, I love being an edgy teenager.

absolutely cringe incel power fantasy

incels are just nazis. I am a post marxist nazbol now. I think I am ethically in the right. In order to save the planet some people are going to have to die and I am willing to bear that cross.

>Chomsky says Zizek is a fraud with no idea or content
Sounds about right. Also explains the popularity of Zizek in leftist circles recently. Takes no brain power to grasp because there's nothing there. It's all empty gestures and posturing like every leftist movement.

You can start with yourself. Do the planet a favor.

Why was leftypol on here spamming Zizek threads after the debate with Peterson? They seemed to agree on almost everything.

Even when Zizek brought up the question about 'Postmodern Neo-Marxists', Peterson described how they've twisted Marxism from being about economic classes to being about social issues, and Zizek says 'I agree completely'. So Zizek literally agrees Peterson's take on Cultural Marxism or Social Marxism even.

Zizek also hates political correctness, which the far left love.

Why exactly do the left even like Zizek, he seems to disagree with them on almost everything.

Have sex

No, I am enlightened and my death would be a net negative for the cause. I am not saying this to defend myself. If I killed myself and it would better the earth, I would do it without hesitation. I can greatly increase my value to the cause by shooting up a synagogue or a government building.

There are some /leftypol/yps that don't like PC culture, some are even pro-gun rights and anti-mass immigration. But the reality is they will fall in line with what commie twitter wants, and commie twitter is extremely PC.

you sound like a school shooter

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The left isn't monolithic dummy.

People who tell everyone they are enlightened aren't enlightened. You're a dummy with an average IQ who thinks he's smarter than he is. The world doesn't need you.

Some on the left see the evil that the left created with PC culture. Most do not. The ones who can see understand that PC culture is an angry golem destroying the left from within. But they are powerless to stop it because speaking against it means being attacked by the mindless hordes of leftist zombies.

That's this one. He uses movies to describe ideology

zizek is not far left retard
i'm a leftist and I agree political correctness has turned our eyes for the real struggle which is the wealth difference

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It's all them el chapo fags fighting with shapiro fags

both are cancerous faggots who put too much stock on political e celebs, just smoke sage and drink a glass of port

Do you think most people are capable of watching a film and understanding the message of the film in the context of our culture? That would require some knowledge in history and philosophy that most people do not have.

Yes, that's my point. He's not far left, yet the far left love him. Do they not even listen to what he has to say?

Zizek was just meeting Peterson halfway, he still finds the term retarded and doesn't agree with the associated origin story.
But he's a constructive debater and the degeneration of Marxism into something disgusting is what he agrees with.
>Why exactly do the left even like Zizek,
Have you considered that your definition of leftism is limited? It's the same line of thought as liberals thinking everyone on the right is a racist conservative

They ultimately agree with them regardless since they're still in lockstep in general attitude towards gays, jews, or any other pc sacred cow (at least before the "revolution"), they just don't like them for getting off message of muh class struggle and damaging their group optics.

there are dumb people on both sides of the spectrum, I don't even hate Peterson muself, I just think he is a coon man who is doing it mostly for the money, but some of the things he says have weight behind them
GoldsBen Shpiro on the other hand deserves a spike up his arse

Good luck

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How do you get further left than a serious Marxist like Zizek?

Oh no a couple billboards!

I don't need him to answer any questions, just be clear about what he's trying to say, what his conclusion is about the analysis that he's trying to make. I feel like sometimes he's fencesitting to try and stay above criticism for his own stance. Having a clear viewpoint isn't the same as having answers to everything.

He might be fencesitting because he's not confident in his answer. He's mentioned before that he mistrusts his political work far more than anything to do with philosophy. I think it's good that respected thinkers don't rush into having conclusions on shit they really don't know about, which is the vibe Peterson gives me.

But just out of curiosity, when do you think he isn't being conclusive enough? Because it seems like he always gets into shit for harsh controversial takes.

That one movie where he keeps talking about ideology in movies (dunno if it's the one in the OP or the other one). I felt that most of the time he was saying something like
>look X is pure ideology yadda yadda
but he doesn't even get to the point of what ideology that supposedly represents, other than describing in abstract that which happens in the movie, ie a normal film analysis.
I don't remember many specific examples since I watched some time ago, but I remember one where he talks about Coca Cola losing its appeal when it's warm, and the Kinder Egg, that chocolate egg with a little plastic toy inside. I never got what the hell his point was when he talked about those things, what he was trying to say. It's like he made an interesting abstract analysis of it, but that's just a description on steroids, it doesn't really tell me anything I didn't know already. I felt like he was building up to something but never got to it.

>implying that subhuman wouldn't be on the first train to kulak for crimes of subversion

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Fuck that kike, literally a frontman for the democrats

The whole class struggle message has been confused and abandoned. They divided themselves by class, and race, and gender, and religion, and sexual orientation. Now instead of being a unified lower class united against the elite upper class they're just a bunch of increasingly divided intersectionals who can't get along and can't agree on anything and spend all of their time policing each other's thoughts and words on social media. The left is eternally divided against itself.

i promise you if that fag in the pic you are referring to came to my house to murder me, i would tell my family to avert their eyes so as to not traumatize them while i disemboweled this commie creature.
oh btw didnt pic related get knocked out with one punch and die?

Peasants in China are used to hard labor and tough lives. They are well prepared for the stress of war. Commie larping college kids in America break down in emotional fits if someone misgenders them. They are not prepared for war. They have the brains of infants and the bodies of the disabled.

You have the mind of an infant if you think anyone "won" against or "humiliated" anyone else in that debate.

western culture is beeing eroded from within by the capitalist system. it comodifies evrything that was characteristic of western culture and then sells it on the one hand. on the other it creates the mechanisms which allow the brown hordes to storm the borders. but also the ersoion destroys teh right wing statu which hold the leftist emancipatory project that turns ahmed into your friendly neighbourghood cultural muslim who doesnt pump out kids like a rat.
just watch this video and imagine what the ancestors of western culture would think of it.

they would personally mass genocide all of the western civilasation that allowed this to happen.

holy fuck that video. what is wrong with normalfags

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