Someone explain this plot hole to me

When Natasha and Clint travel to Vormir to obtain the Soul Stone in End Game, why does Clint end up with the stone when Natasha kills herself?
It's established in Infinity War and repeated in End Game that you must destroy the thing you love most, so why would either of them dying matter? Does Natasha love Clint most and vice versa? I get that they are close friends and that neither have a family at this point, but they specifically are what the other loves most?
Also, Natasha kills herself, Clint doesn't sacrifice her. So why did it work at all?

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Whole scene didn't make sense. It's established that you must give up something you love. Both fight to stop each other from committing suicide. Nobody willingly gave up anything they love. Bad writing.

have sex

if you love yourself but then kill yourself wouldn't it check all the boxes?
capeshit people can't even understand basic things like sacrifice. read the bible buddy jesus was the original

captain america literally hands over the soul stone to red skull

I considered that Natasha's most loved thing might be herself, but it wasn't. It was her "family" (The Avengers, as stated previously in the film).
But, even if this were the case, and she sacrificed herself as the thing she loved most, why would Clint end up with the stone?

Yeah wtf. How did the movie completely ignore this fact?

Nah. No reason for Red Skull to guide him. He's putting the stone back. Red Skull probably didnt bother showing himself.

Clint ha literally no one who cares aside Natasha, she's family for him more than the rest of the avengers.

Natasha probably loves more Bruce Banner, this means if Clint will kill himself it probably wont work.


Nat was the one person left Clint really had a deeper connection with than just being an Avenger considering his family got dusted

putting the stone where?

To me, Clint wasn't rewarded with the soul stone, Natasha was. In IW Thanos sacrificed Gamora because she was the thing he loved most. Natasha, in my mind, either loved herself, or the life she had with her friends most, and sacrificed it. Thanos got the soul stone in IW because he was making the sacrifice. Natasha was the one sacrificing here, and the Stone went where she would have wanted it to go.

Just my thoughts.

But he didin't sacrifice her. She killed herself.
"A soul for a soul."
Why did Clint get the stone when he sacrificed nothing and was actively trying to stop her from killing herself?
Didn't Gamora try to kill herself so Thanos couldn't sacrifice her and get the stone?

She was the person he cared for most after his family. It should’ve been understood and he should’ve had to throw her off himself. Her killing herself makes no sense in terms of how gaining the stone works. It would’ve been even more heartbreaking to see since Clint is the only really sympathetic and relatable character in these damn movie. Dude already lost so much and now has to willingly kill the only person alive who means anything to him in order for a chance to save his family. Not only that but he’ll never see her again aven after the snap. Why the fuck did it not play out like that?

the whole sacrifice thing is stupid since you can just bring people back right?

Red Skull does not say "what you love most" -- it's "what you love"

Endgame is silly and contrived, but this follows Infinity War's logic.

or, it works differently because the writers don't give a shit.

Natasha made the sacrifice, but was dead. Stone can't go to a dead person, so the sacrifice was honored by going where she wanted it to.

>Why the fuck did it not play out like that?
Because he wouldn't have done it. He'd have sat there, denying it until their time limit was up.
Hmm. I suppose this makes it work, then. But I still find it to be terrible writing.

>Does Natasha love Clint most and vice versa?
Well there was something in the first Avengers movie that could've been explored in later films but Whedon killed it in AoU by having Clint get married with a literally who.

>having Clint get married with a literally who
This will never not bother me.

Just have her say like “Do it for your family” and eventually it pushes him over the edge to just let her go. It would be cheesy but it’s a fucking comic book movie. Honestly if I had to make that choice I would’ve done it. The stakes were so high for the greater good of the universe that he would’ve felt obligated to do it anyway.

“In order to take the stone you must lose that which you love. A soul for a soul”

Clint loved Natasha, he lost her when she killed herself. Done.

In a way, he let go of her, the stone doesn't deal with technicalities like that. They were both touching, then not, in the same physical sense of Thanos and Gamora. Pretty sure that's all that needs to be done. He felt pain just as Thanos did when Gamora died so, pretty sure it's good enough.

He could never have lived with himself after that. His joy for being reunited with his family would have been tainted with his guilt and loss over Natasha.

>Clint loves Natasha more than his own daughter

How does clint hold the soul stone in his had , as in guardians of the galaxy its stated that quill could do it because hes a demi god

I think that might have been only for the purple one.

I fully expected Clint to have to die since Nat loves him more than anyone and Clint doesn't feel the same way back.

I thought Clint was going to sacrifice his eyes...
Maybe I watched too many Drakengard vids kek

>>Didn't Gamora try to kill herself so Thanos couldn't sacrifice her and get the stone?

That would have been cool, but she actually fought Thanos instead.

>can't resurrect the dead
>but can create life from zero for some reason

The price for use of the stone is a Soul, no refunds

Ronin´s love wasn´t Natasha, it was seeing her family again, his sacrifice was never reuniting with his family.
It wasn´t love for each other what it was at place.

but why didnt they resurrect all the other people like Loki, Heimdall or Vision?

how did cap
> put back the stone inside Portman character ?
>how did he create a new staff ?
>how did he put back the power stone with no robot arm like nebula?
>did he give the soul stone to the redskull ?
>how did he go from new york to virmir , morag and asgard wihtout a space ship?

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Natasha sacrificed herself, because she loved herself the most.

The only way it makes sense is if they were secretly fucking.

he does let her go though, he gives in

Why the FUCK was Caps last conversation in the film not with Bucky?
Why the FUCK did he make the negro Captain America instead of Bucky?
Storywise that didnt make any god damn sense.
So many movies building Bucky and they just threw it away in the end. So fucking dumb

She's had more appearances than Betty Ross

Why is her face shooped?

They did that with Crossbones too. Fucking weird moves. Maybe they are trying to surprise people? I don't like it whatever it is.

>Stuckyfags got BTFOOO hard

Hehe. Go back to your fanfiction.

Bucky has been forced to be a assassin for decades upon decades, why would Cap give him a shield and tell him to keep fighting other people's wars

dude deserves some fucking peace on the farms of Wakanda

Because Bucky doesn't want to be a hero. He just wants to live a peaceful life in Wakanda. Falcon actually goes out and does hero shit, so at least he'll be more of an icon.

I Think they have a conversation about how bringing people back fucks with the timeline and that Black Widow couldn't come back because of it

hulk says he tried

The thing is thar they love each other as close friends, that is why it doesn't matter who is the sacrifice.

you can't bring back people that weren't snapped, it seems

They said that they can only take the stones from the timeline, use it to undust everyone then go back and put them back where they were so there won't be many different timelines.

I'm not sure how they give back the soul stone but I guess if they go back to before Widow killed herself, they wouldn't have the soul stone in the first place and that'd fuck everything up? I'm not sure.

they likely had plenty of pym particles at this point and he could just quantum travel from each point.

Next Ironman is a woman and next Cap is black.
Ironically the only scene with girl power ends up with the whole team up of super women failing the task that was given to them.

Fuck this shit, too.

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Only the power stone is fucked, Hulk holded the Time stone fine, Clint the soul one, and we can count the cube and Vision one too as fine