All I wanted was one Logan berserker rage-esque scene to make up for the complete lack of ANYTHING in all the MCU films that shows off his supposed unstoppable rage. Why were they so fucking scared of showing off his power?
All I wanted was one Logan berserker rage-esque scene to make up for the complete lack of ANYTHING in all the MCU films...
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have sex
I suggest you seek coitus my incel friend.
Grow. Up. Manchild.
sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed. sneed. sneed sneed!
As far as I'm concerned, MCU's biggest downfall.
Why they refused to do what you mentioned is beyond me.
wanting to promote toxic masculinity also have sex
Eating pussy is for pussies.
The movie set place in a toxic-masculinity free zone
I think the better question is why are you still watching these kid movies?
he smashed the bald lady tho
> No scene showing Hulk and Banner finally making amends for their hatred for one another
> No Hulk vs Thanos rematch
> Hulk persona disappears and it's just Bruce Banner in a Hulk body with no rage
> Thor gets cucked and does nothing compared to Infinity War
> Captain Marvel nosells Thanos' headbutt and proves she's far stronger than any powerhouse character ever seen in a comic book movie aside from Dr Manhattan
> Oh god
say climate change isn't real and watch him fly into a rage
Is the joke that he would be less uptight? I feel like there's a better way to express such a joke.
I think hulk got...subverted.
Ok, /pol/ cope replies aside, I think they handled him well
Let's not forget Thanos denied Hulk in Infinity War under, what, 1 minute?
Hulk has gotten such a huge downgrade since AoU. Look at all the hype he got in the original Avengers. He’s the only one that beat RDJ in popularity at the time, to the point that RDJ references HIM “we have a Hulk!”
Wanna know how bad his treatment was? Now people are appreciating Ang Lee’s Hulk more and more.
The more a person has sex the more they can truly appreciate Disney's Marvel: The Avengers: EndGame
Hulk definitely got shafted the hardest.
>I want Hulk to wear pull overs and wear glasses
OH boy.
Ruffalo is a shit actor
They don't want people to get too attached to the Hulk. People like Hulk, especially after Ragnarok, but no one 'loves' Hulk and demands he has his own movie. Disney is devaluing his character because the solo Hulk film rights are at Universal and they would take all the profits. They make it so he's fine in team up movies but his arc and character is already done with so they don't care
Rewatching The Incredible Hulk, I just want timid Banner and raging Hulk. They did it good the first Avengers movie. Even Ruffalo was bearable and played it well.
Now it's just become the Jar Jar Binks of the universe. Both Banner and Hulk.
I'd watch a movie about gray hulk being a mob enforcer/private investigator working in Las vegas
> I vaguely remember this happening in the comics
have sex
What happened to him and Romanoff? Did that plotline just fizzle out post IW?
>glorifying male rage
That's not ok sweetie.
so go eat some ass then
Imagine being Taika Waititties and finally making both Thor and Hulk viable and beloved characters with direction in the MCU only for them flanderizing what he did and turning them into comedy relief.
Eh, Thor's new characterization owes more to Hemsworth:
No argument on Banner, though.
Hulk sad
Yes, over the entire series, the Hulk got progressively worse. Bonus points for missing the entire point of Banner-Hulk, you Disney hacks. His personality isn't just milquetoast Banner in the Hulk's body.
It would too terrifying for little kids, and Disney wouldn't want that. Shame we'll never get back to angry Hulk roots that were Norton and Bana.
>Say "Buttfuck"!
Yes, and it was fucking awesome.
Walkietalkie's the guy who cucked them both, Thor even worse than Banner.
Hulk was the only good character in endgame
have sex
>but his arc and character is already done with so they don't care
No Maestro, no shehulk, no the leader, no Mr. Fix it, no illuminati to outcast him, no planet hulk or world war hulk
Yea no. They haven't even scratched the surface.
the neutered all the major male characters into emotional crybaby insecure bitches
-ironman has flashbacks and cries like a bitch to his wife
-hulk doesnt get a chance to show his real strength
- thor crybaby and fat/weak/incompetent
-antman is stupid and dopey
-captain america is a beta cuck for his oneitis)
- shitty bow arrow guy is insecure and a crybaby
whereas the female characters are S T R O N K
captain feminist shows N.O weakness and is the most stoic character in the entire film, she basically has toxic masculinity traits + doesnt smile, tells everyone what to do and has to save everyone at the end,
- the black valkyrie lady becomes the queen of asgard? shes not even a god, a non-god becoming the leader of asgard? what the fuck
- black widow sacrifices herself (STRONK QWEEN) + shes stoic
- thors mother is stronk whilst thor cries at her lap
- basically every other female character is stronk/stoic
entire film is cuckery
why is she so cute bros