80% Reddit quips and exposition followed by 20% cheap garbage CGI fights and fanservice for onions rats, latinos, nugs and Indians to scream at like subhumans and forget that 80% of the movie was boring as fuck.
Every character gets snarky one liners so manbabies can guffaw and spray food particles all over the theater then clap and high five.
A succesful capeshit has to be:
>Some action with quipping
>Hero thinks that everything is lost
>Quipping showing that not everything is lost
>A final battle full of quippings, cgi and fanservice who will take 20% of the screentime
80% Reddit quips and exposition followed by 20% cheap garbage CGI fights and fanservice for onions rats, latinos...
Other urls found in this thread:
You must be fun at parties
is this supposed to be a bold or original perspective in any way
Have sex
Can’t wait for the delicious and exotic brown phase.
I'm never invited and the movie is still SHIT
I'm with you. I haven't watched the movie, though. Why the fuck would you waste money watching this garbage?
Please, just have sex
Please, stop using this meme.
>he actually paid to watch this
I liked the time travel concept, I’ve always been fixated on it. My fav avengers film.
I have tried nearly EVERY CONCEIVED FILTER OPTION AVAILABLE TO ME to avoid having to see threads on your capeshit faggotry, and yet there's always like 5 threads in the first two pages of the catalog that get through.
Can you insufferable faggots at least tag your shitheelery?
Thank you, cucks.
The boring vapid cunts who work in my office have been flapping their gums about this stupid shit all week.
Nobody who enjoys comic book movies has ever said an interesting thing in their lives.
That's why the new Joker film will be a game changer. It's not going to be this garbage.
Is anyone surprised they samey vapid movies are still samey and vapid?
social media is so annoying right now don’t worry everyone will forget until the next cgi normie monstrosity is out.
>didnt filter "capeshit"
>haven't filtered quip
Npc contrarian 'le I am so superior' thread número 344455, how you contrarian tards don't see the irony in this is staggering, complete lack of self awareness
Is this your first Marvel movie? Did it fail to live up to your expectations somehow? You come to this website with your dime a dozen, ground scraping fruit opinion and preach to a choir of idiots, each of whom has, along with you, further padded disney's pockets with revenue and saved advertising fees. You contribute less originality and meanigful content here than any marvel flick, so I don't see why you're bothered.
Keep sucking mouse cock, you loser.
get fucked
yo i have asuperior taste
Pretty much. I remember TFA was forgotten about two weeks after its release. Literally dropped from the face of the Earth.