Friend comes over and watches a movie with you

>Friend comes over and watches a movie with you
>You both end up bonding over it and becoming better friends
Is there a feeling as epic as this?

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sounds like a reddit feeling

sounds like a reddit feeling

Fucking him in the ass afterwards

now that's unepic

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only thing this meme is missing is a

Why are normies so obsessed with reddit?

>sister comes over
>we watch kino and cuddle in my bed

that feels more epic than your homo relationship with some dude.

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unepic and downvoted
epic and upvoted

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Based redditors dabbing on 4channelers

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>Your mom comes over and watches a movie with me
>sex scene
>finally movie started to play


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isn't that manly tears' meme?

>Best friend get an apartment
>Get another room mate to cut cost
>Room mate just sits at his desk all day everyday playing halo 3
>skips 90% of classes barely talks with us, few times he does its pretty kurt
>One day pop in Evil Dead 2
>About 10 minutes in room mate walks out and pops in his hot pockets
>stands behind couch and watches movie
>feels a bit awkward
>before we know it were all laughing our asses off and room mate is hyperventilating asking us to rewind it when he says "Groovy"
>We all have a pretty great night, don't become great friends with room mate but its a much more comfortable living situation
>Room mate goes back in his room and eats cold hot pockets

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Post her feet

This thread is a nightmare

how do you mean

>Friend comes over and builds a house with you
>You both end up bonding over it and become better friends

>Friend comes over and starts a small business with you
>You both end up bonding over it, business grows, and you become better friends

>Friend comes over and starts a band with you
>You both end up bonding over it, your music sells, and you become better friends

I could go on, but I won't. Point is, there are better, and more fulfilling things you could do with your time on earth other than wasting it on fake and meaningless hollywood bullshit.

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This manic little black guy I know asked me to fuck his girlfriend in front of him a few months ago and basically cuck him. Never happend. but now him and his girlfriend are texting my wife and me wanting to hang out. I kinda want to get some coke and see where it goes, worst/best case me and him get naked and the girls make fun of both our cocks.
Any kinos fit this feel?

Black Panther